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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 101102103 104105 ... 212
Gaming / Re: Half Life 2 Gets Graphical Update.
« on: March 31, 2015, 04:19:34 PM »
I don't see much of a difference.
Yeah, some areas seemed to be lacking in any major changes. But mainly, certain indoor areas and foggy areas looked the most improved. I might give Half-Life 2 another try if this mod finally stops this game from giving me motion sickness >.>



The Flood / Re: Why did you pick your avatar(s)?
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:51:55 AM »
Blame Verbatim for the snake coming to be.
wut  ???

Serious / Re: The Iraq War
« on: March 31, 2015, 02:21:54 AM »

What the fuck are you talking about?

You do realise people can support wars and not be braindead, partisan neocons. . . Right? I don't think we can spread democracy throughout the Middle East with bombs and bullets for the same reason we aren't primarily to blame for ISIS's current "achievements".
'Greeted as liberators' sure contradicts that notion. You say you don't believe it and yet, you're forced to push the argument that we did give them democracy with bombs and bullets and that those reasons make Iraq 'one of the most justified wars in the history of Western warfare.'

Make up your goddamned mind already.

Believe it or not, events in countries with brown people aren't totally determined by the actions of us whiteys.
Exactly. Mind our own business instead of fucking them up the ass with "freedom." Or better yet, find somewhere that's more deserving of our attention first. It doesn't need to be in the Middle East to be important.

Except I'm not. You should know Iraq is one thing I support Bush on, and even then only marginally.
"One of the most justified wars in the history of Western warfare."
Stop contradicting yourself.

Around a declaration made in 1998. Sucks, but hey, at least we know it wasn't an underlying cause of the prosecution of the war.
Fearmongering that was made possible due to 9/11

Which I condemn.

Which I also condemn. I don't why you think people lack enough nuance to actually differentiate between certain events. Although, mass surveillance

(Either I fucked up trying to reply to this, or you forgot to finish your sentence. I'll wait to see which one it was >.>)

Right, a few tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib begins to compare to the suffering, destitution and murder in the hundreds of thousands committed by Saddam. I mean, come on, have some fucking proportion. What do you think Saddam did in those prisons?
Either way, it hurt our standing in a huge way.

Pretty sure Turkey dealt with that.
What? I'm talking about this, what are you talking about?

Pretty sure I dealt with that.
12 years and 2 trillion dollars is a long fucking time and a lot of fucking money.

And you want to compare this with Abu Ghraib and say it wasn't worth it? What the fuck are you smoking? You really want to try and balance something like 3,800 unfortunately and wrongly tortured prisoners with hundreds of thousands of murders, a lot of which with chemical weaponry?
Abu Ghraib was one of the situations that contributed to the anti-West sentiment and damaged the US's image for the long term. The impact the abuses had was certainly not worth it.

Let's not underplay these issues here. A much wanted war criminal was put on trial, the Kurdish and Shiite majority were rescued from the threat of renewed genocide from a State apparatus with a proven record of such intentions, people weren't fucking murdered for owning a satellite dish, the Mesopotamian Marshes have recovered, fresh oilfields were found and investments made, a federal state was established until Nouri al-Maliki fucked it up with his sectarianism,  the Kurds were provided their own semblance of self-government and Qaddafi likely wouldn't have handed over his stockpile which allowed us to trace the network and accomplish what is probably the biggest anti-proliferation victory to date.

Why are we to blame for the instability clearly exacerbated by fundamentalist militants and their delusionally theocratic and pornographic views of what the world should be like? You need to ask yourself what a post-Saddam Iraq would look like without a coalition present. The Sunni-Shia sectarianism that exploded because of al-Maliki's idiocy? Nothing to temper it. The Jihadists already there would've been active and without proper opposition, even if they weren't funded by Iran. And Iran, by the way, probably would've pushed its own interests harder for the Shi'a majority, maybe even with some involvement from Hezbollah. The Saudis, of course, would have their own vested interests in the Sunni minority--and of course Iraq being a keystone oil state. And then the Turks would be stroking their wet fundamentalist cunts over the prospects Kurdistan afforded them.
Why Iraq as opposed to any other place, like Darfur? Darfur saw barely an acknowledgement from the US and the situation was unarguably worse than anything that would have happened under Saddam. The US didn't even give a damn about most of what you said--it was acting in its own paranoid interests of self-preservation and democracy at gunpoint. The US never had any interest in the bigger picture--those were simply convenient side-effects--and today we're still dealing with problems caused by that the half-assed invasion.

This disgusting idea that we somehow have no moral obligation to the people of Iraq and their suffering under one of the most brutal dictators in history is abhorrent. Much of our choice had already been forfeited in this matter, we were deeply involved in the death throes of Iraq way before 2003, and you think it would've been appropriate to let it play out?
"...and the world just fuckin' watched."

We've seen the results of the sort of things you're advocating, even if you say you would've supported intervention in places like Bosnia or East Timor. We've seen them in Rwanda, Burma and Darfur. And we're seeing them in places we unfortunately don't really have a good enough impetus to involve ourselves in like the Central African Republic and even North Korea.

But I'll be fucked if I sit by and watch countries like Iraq turn into Sudan.
We're still cleaning up the mess caused in Iraq. Just because the old problems were prevented doesn't mean there isn't a shitload of new ones in their wake.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:44:52 AM »
Am I not allowed to defend myself from being called cunt on a regular basis for daring to disagree with you?
>regular basis

name the last time i called you a cunt
Or anything to that effect.

Way to not take into account all of the insults doled out towards ME, you lying fucking cocksucker.

Get cancer.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:35:36 AM »
And then you'll go to the ends of the Earth to derail those threads should anyone dare to challenge you.
"Don't respond to people who disagree with you and want to engage you"

shitty definition of "derail" right there
I think it's safe to say that nobody wants to engage with you.
Then stop, genius.

DON'T engage with me. Otherwise, it's YOUR fault for "derailing" the thread.
Am I not allowed to defend myself from being called cunt on a regular basis for daring to disagree with you?

You're obsessed with having the last word. You simply can't live without it.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:31:48 AM »
And then you'll go to the ends of the Earth to derail those threads should anyone dare to challenge you.
"Don't respond to people who disagree with you and want to engage you"

shitty definition of "derail" right there
I think it's safe to say that nobody wants to engage with you, unless we decide to defend ourselves.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:29:48 AM »
As you stated a few months ago, you refuse to ignore threads you don't like. You've literally acknowledged that to be the case.

If I were to stop posting in threads about subjects that I don't like, I would barely ever post.
I like arguments. I like discussion. I HATE circlejerks.
And then you'll go to the ends of the Earth to derail those threads should anyone dare to challenge you.

Case in point.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:25:57 AM »
I think everyone on this forum would agree that you're liar and yes, that is exactly who you are.
Well, not much else I can say to that but, fuck you. That's not true.

If I thought I was right about everything, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with people on the Internet, would I?
Of course you would. Simply ignoring us would make too much sense.
"don't use forums for discussion

that makes too much sense"
As you stated a few months ago, you refuse to ignore threads you don't like. You've literally acknowledged that to be the case.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:22:56 AM »
I think everyone on this forum would agree that you're liar and yes, that is exactly who you are.
Well, not much else I can say to that but, fuck you. That's not true.

If I thought I was right about everything, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with people on the Internet, would I?
Of course you would. Simply ignoring us would make too much sense.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:20:14 AM »
I don't need to link all of the posts in which you completely rejected opposing opinions.
that's just how i am
do i honestly think everything i say is right


that's your shitty perception of who i am
I think everyone on this forum would agree that you're liar and yes, that is exactly who you are.

Here you are, backed into a corner once again. What's it going to be, playing the victim card? Threatening to report us to Cheat based on fabrications such as 'spamming your inbox'? That we're somehow the aggressors to some bratty little shit who can't take 'no' for an answer?

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:14:52 AM »
>damage control
>doesn't even know what damage control is

You glossed over a clear statement that I made.

"I'm not saying I'm correct, but..."
I don't need to link all of the posts in which you completely rejected opposing opinions.

Grow some balls. Don't just say it, act like it.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Ben and Jerrys flavor
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:13:21 AM »

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:12:26 AM »
You're so goddamned close-minded that you don't see any flaws in having arguments that are impossible to refute. Or at least, you've made up your mind and shut out any contradictory beliefs, and thus reasoning with you is an exercise in futility.
I guess we're just all closed-minded for accepting mass-energy equivalence, right? We should just assume everyone is wrong, always. Nothing is ever air-tight.

No. If an argument is impossible to refute, then that means you fail. Granted--it doesn't mean that I win.
But come the fuck on. It's really pathetic just how many people can't accept the fact that I just HATE PC gaming.
Your petty little mind can't comprehend the idea that you're not infinitely correct about everything, ever.
Granted--it doesn't mean that I win.
>damage control

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:10:37 AM »
You're so goddamned close-minded that you don't see any flaws in having arguments that are impossible to refute. Or at least, you've made up your mind and shut out any contradictory beliefs, and thus reasoning with you is an exercise in futility.
I guess we're just all closed-minded for accepting mass-energy equivalence, right? We should just assume everyone is wrong, always. Nothing is ever air-tight.

No. If an argument is impossible to refute, then that means you fail. Granted--it doesn't mean that I win.
But come the fuck on. It's really pathetic just how many people can't accept the fact that I just HATE PC gaming.
Your petty little mind can't comprehend the idea that you're not infinitely correct about everything, ever.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:06:30 AM »
Refute "hurr pc is bad because pc" and "hurr all pc games are bad because pc"?

Okay Verb.
So you're saying you can't refute it, then.

Do you know what that means?
You're so goddamned close-minded that you don't see any flaws in having arguments that are impossible to refute. Or at least, you've made up your mind and shut out any contradictory beliefs, and thus trying to reason with you is an exercise in futility.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:54:04 AM »
Yeah, you totally win by making the other person give up because you keep regurgitating the same stupid shit over and over and being dense as fuck.

You sure are great at debates.
Better than you. I actually have arguments. All you can do is call me a retard.


Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:49:13 AM »
holy fuck you're a total moron

no argument? i win
Said the rest of us on page 1.

i don't even agree with the underlying statement being made that mods are good, though




That just means the developers are idiots.
What a complex and nuanced argument, sir.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:03:05 AM »
You said that you saying something is bad means it's not objectively good. That is not the same as saying " I dislike this".
Yes, it is.

Mods are stupid, though.
Play the game as it was meant to be played, how about?

>mod support actively encouraged by the developer
>mods are how the game is meant to be played

Where is your god now?

Gaming / Re: Mario Kart 8 Tournament
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:59:23 PM »
Did this ever happen?

Because I wasn't there, sorry
Catzilla said next week (or this week by now?) because he's on spring break.
This week Niggėr 8)
I need a date! I have work from Thursday through Saturday so I need to know if I can even make it or not.
What's your work schedule
>stalking me this hard

I'll be out of work by 5pm EST each day, but I'll need at least an hour to freshen up and settle down.
>Thinking I want a gay man's booty lmfao
Alright 6-7pm PST  well start
>.> that's late but okay, sounds good
Nevermind 3pm?
what no 3pm is too early

start it like 1 hour earlier maybe?
> says it's too early
>wants it to be earlier
Noooo more like 5pm PST but whatever nevermind >.>

Gaming / Re: Mario Kart 8 Tournament
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:42:14 PM »
Did this ever happen?

Because I wasn't there, sorry
Catzilla said next week (or this week by now?) because he's on spring break.
This week Niggėr 8)
I need a date! I have work from Thursday through Saturday so I need to know if I can even make it or not.
What's your work schedule
>stalking me this hard

I'll be out of work by 5pm EST each day, but I'll need at least an hour to freshen up and settle down.
>Thinking I want a gay man's booty lmfao
Alright 6-7pm PST  well start
>.> that's late but okay, sounds good
Nevermind 3pm?
what no 3pm is too early

start it like 1 hour earlier maybe?

Gaming / Re: Mario Kart 8 Tournament
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:38:21 PM »
Did this ever happen?

Because I wasn't there, sorry
Catzilla said next week (or this week by now?) because he's on spring break.
This week Niggėr 8)
I need a date! I have work from Thursday through Saturday so I need to know if I can even make it or not.
What's your work schedule
>stalking me this hard

I'll be out of work by 5pm EST each day, but I'll need at least an hour to freshen up and settle down.
>Thinking I want a gay man's booty lmfao
Alright 6-7pm PST  well start
>.> that's late but okay, sounds good

Gaming / Re: Mario Kart 8 Tournament
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:35:26 PM »
Did this ever happen?

Because I wasn't there, sorry
Catzilla said next week (or this week by now?) because he's on spring break.
This week Niggėr 8)
I need a date! I have work from Thursday through Saturday so I need to know if I can even make it or not.
What's your work schedule
>stalking me this hard

I'll be out of work by 5pm EST each day, but I'll need at least an hour to freshen up and settle down.

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