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Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved - Impressions thread
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:33:44 PM »
Yup, I'm gonna do it. It's time. I'm gonna play this game through for the first time ever. Oh boy.

As most of you (should) know, I... don't like Halo. I think it's one of (if not the) most overrated game series of all time, and I've been very vocal about my feelings towards the franchise--and other franchises like it--in my six-year excursion of being a part of this beauteous community.
You're not the first person I know who's inexplicably attached to a forum of something he's not even interested it >.>
Wait. Why do we still care about Earth? Like, I get it--colonies are being "obliterated", but why are we taking measures to protect Earth specifically? Who gives a shit at that point? Apparently, there's something of precious value on Earth that must be protected, but it never goes into what that is. Civilization? Yeah, but so do the other colonies at this point. Higher-developed civilization? That seems improbable. It's been centuries--we have the planet Reach that is specifically designated to build warships. I would think, then, that the civilizations on the other planets are pretty well-developed. It's not like building warships is a huge priority if all humanity is united under the same cause, right?

And the order to self-destruct upon being "in danger" of capture seems kinda silly too, but whatever. I'm not a military strategist, but personally, I'd only cut the cord when capture is inevitable. I just don't see the necessity to give Earth, the planet we left for greener pastures, any special protection. Anything of major importance should... probably not be there in the first place, and it doesn't seem likely to me that we'd fuck up like that. Admiral Preston Cole seems like a dumbass.

All right. I still have no idea why we still give a fuck about Earth--maybe it's the last shred of human civilization left at this point, but that's never specified in this text--but this is where things finally start getting real.
But don't you get it??? The close-up on Captain Exposition's squinty eyes when he says "...Earth." in a deeper tone of voice? Earth is implied to be important because it's, well, Earth! You're obviously missing the bigger picture here.

...Just kidding! Who are we trying to fool here? All you really need to know is that aliens want to kill you, so you need to kill them first, and making a big explosion for an exciting ending is totally not derivative at all.

Gaming / Re: EA defending day one DLC and no single-player in SWBF
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:18:12 PM »
But yeah, Battlefront Single Player was never amazing anyway
Yeah, apparently Pandemic was left kicking and screaming when LucasArts insisted that Battlefront 2 have a campaign mode. It made for a mildly entertaining co-op mode, but Instant Action was always better, anyway.

Gaming / Re: Uncharted Collection trailer (that Bluepoint goodness)
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:51:14 PM »
>the only way to get people to buy your system is by prettying up games they already own

Gaming / Re: "I'm already a demon." | 13 Days | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:44:57 PM »
On Vita you can map the controls to the joystick, if you want. Dunno about PS3 though.

You can do it on PS3 also but it's better with the DPAD.
I'll try both, but I might stick with the d-pad anyway.
Make sure you use the thumbsticks when you fight Sniper Wolf. Using the d-pad is awful with the sniper.
Sniper Wolf? I'm stuck on Revolver Ocelot right now -___-

Gaming / Re: "I'm already a demon." | 13 Days | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 19, 2015, 02:40:58 PM »
On Vita you can map the controls to the joystick, if you want. Dunno about PS3 though.

You can do it on PS3 also but it's better with the DPAD.
I'll try both, but I might stick with the d-pad anyway.

so i bought some tea off amazon because sainsburys don't sell it
Sir, do you know how British you were going?

Gaming / Re: Do You Give A Shit About Battlefront 3
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:43:57 PM »
It's not what I wanted, but I'd probably give it a try anyway.

Gaming / Re: "V has Come To." | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:40:04 PM »
I bought MGS1 on my PS3 last night, going to try it tonight. Any idea how long it might take a first-timer?

It's not a particularly difficult game, per se. It's more about learning how the game works and how to play against it's weaknesses.

You're mainly going to want to sneak behind people and learn to strangle them. Hold down square to auto-aim and stuff.

I'd say anywhere between 8-18 hours to beat. It's a really, really good game once you learn the mechanics. I had a hard time getting over them but when you do, they pay off is extraordinary.

And yes, TPP looks fucking unreal.
Okay, played MGS last night and here's my first impressions:

Neat intro sequence before the menu. Glad that I played training first to get some idea of what I was doing. Controls are a little clunky but not the Resident Evil tank-like stuff I was expecting. Moving around with buttons instead of an analog stick isn't exactly intuitive, but I'll get over it. The briefing videos were done interestingly enough.

I'm totally garbage at this. Got spotted in the opening credits sequence! Died a bunch of times in the next area past the elevator, too. Are those chaff grenades really necessary?

Only got so far as the second-level vent when that Master guy called me. I also thought it was neat how Snake and the save-game girl have a different conversation each time. (Speaking of the chaff grenades, one of the tips she gave was that I don't need to take every item I see >.>)

All in all, about an hour doing everything I just mentioned. Started feeling a bit more comfortable with the controls by the end of it. Couldn't play any longer because I got sidetracked, but I think I'll just restart and not-suck this time.

Gaming / Re: "V has Come To." | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:21:35 PM »
I bought MGS1 on my PS3 last night, going to try it tonight. Any idea how long it might take a first-timer?

It's not a particularly difficult game, per say. It's more about learning how the game works and how to play against it's weaknesses.

You're mainly going to want to sneak behind people and learn to strangle them. Hold down square to auto-aim and stuff.

I'd say anywhere between 8-18 hours to beat. It's a really, really good game once you learn the mechanics. I had a hard time getting over them but when you do, they pay off is extraordinary.

And yes, TPP looks fucking unreal.
Neat, thanks. He also mentioned calling in friends for backup...? I hope my Steam friends are getting it too >.>

Also: rest in rip

The Flood / Re: This guy was ready to fight a dinosaur lol
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:03:36 PM »
nice clickb8, Buzzfeed

The Flood / Re: should i go pick up an item from the store?
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:58:18 PM »
just get it already you lazy ass motherfucker

I always thought it looked like they were giving a thumbs-up somehow.

Gaming / Re: "V has Come To." | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:56:25 PM »
I bought MGS1 on my PS3 last night, going to try it tonight. Any idea how long it might take a first-timer?




This is right up my alley. Reminds me of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Revelations (back when everyone thought AC3 would be good) and how I'm such a sucker for base management activities in my action games. And with Dark Souls-like 'invasions' of sorts, this could keep me busy for a while. I don't have much interest in getting an Xbone or PS4, so I'll settle for the Steam version. Maybe it's missing some easter eggs and special editions, but it's bundled with Ground Zeroes and I'm strapped for cash.

I don't know how I can be so hyped for a game in a series I've barely even played yet.

Gaming / Re: Your current go to games?
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:38:53 AM »

Gaming / Re: Introducing the OUYE
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:23:44 AM »

Gaming / Re: Got Pokemon Y / Living Dex
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:11:18 AM »
Between ORAS and XY you can catch almost every pokemon, event ones aside but that involves either buying four copies yourself or trading with people <.<

You can do an awful lot of it solo but you'll hit a point where you'd need to be trading with folks online <.<
I've got 98-99% of all of them, because I've traded a couple away at some point usually (100%d the pokedex) so if you are trying to get an elusive one then just ask and I'll fire up the 3DS >_>
Thanks Psy. Which pokemon are considered event pokemon / elusive ones?
Event pokemon are on this list sort of

Basically any that aren't standard legendaries available in other games = events

So genesect, victini, arceus, shaymin etc

Elusive ones are just ones that are a bitch to get, but they are available normally.
Makes sense. Which ones are more elusive than others? Version exclusive pokemon and such? Or are there just some with like a 0.1% appear or catch rate?
Yeah version exclusives, rare ones or just one that for some reason you can't find <.<
It's tough because the West doesn't get half as many events as Japan.  :'(

Some pokes are event-exclusive, casually referred to as mythical Pokemon. These will be the toughest to obtain, because they're historically unable to be caught in-game without some sort of giveaway or exclusive Key Item, with rare exceptions (like Deoxys in ORAS). I believe a lot of these are not tradable over Wi-Fi, so you'll have to get them from someone in person, or cross your fingers that they'll get another event. Check Serebii or other sites every so often to keep up with this stuff, because they're barely advertised.

As for version exclusives, they're easier to obtain because they're usually common Pokemon, and they get switched out among each game or generation--keep up with the games and you'll get them eventually. Trading may be more productive, however.

Also, keep an eye out in 2016 for any 20th Anniversary events, and don't drive yourself nuts trying to get some absurd shiny living dex.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament #3 GAME ON!!
« on: August 18, 2015, 10:49:54 AM »
Fthrow to Bouncing Fish (do it from the ground, don't jump) is a true combo at low percents, in case you were both unaware.
That's good to know, thanks.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament #3 GAME ON!!
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:54:02 AM »
EDIT: wow i took way too long to type that up, sorry
no big deal

Yeah, it may have seemed like I threw that last game, but nah, your dash attack must have done just enough knockback to hit the blastline. I was really surprised that happened. I wish I saved the replay of that game.

My issues right now with Sheik are mainly that I've been having trouble making the 3DS --> Wii U transition as well. It shouldn't honestly be that big of a deal, but for some reason, I can just do f-air juggles with Sheik a lot easier on 3DS, whereas my throw game is a lot stronger on Wii U.

I also have a hard time landing Bouncing Fish. I'm not sure if it's just because you air dodge it every time, or if I'm not doing it early enough, but I can't ever hit-confirm it for some reason. Just a Wii U issue, mainly. I also tend to get flustered a lot if I get smacked around too often <_< All things I need to work on.

my ganon is on point, tho
Ah yeah, Ike's dash can KO at higher percentages. It usually doesn't look like a KO until it actually happens, at least from what I can tell.

Speaking of Sheik, that down-throw (or some sort of throw, I forget) into up-air was unplanned >.> I didn't think that would actually work.

What I'm going to try when I play again is slow-mo training mode to practice juggles and my off-stage game. I managed it with Sheik on 3DS, now I just need to replicate it on Wii U.

Bouncing Fish is a tough one, but most of the times I've landed it, it was as a follow-up to a successful grenade... thing. Still trying to figure it out.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament #3 GAME ON!!
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:18:13 PM »
GGs. Learned a lot of Ike tech there. I didn't know his B had armor on it--that's good to know. I'm assuming he's your main.
>.> Good games. I'm calling it a day, I'm tired.

Yes, Ike is my main. mah boy Link keeps letting me down  :'(

But yes, Ike's Eruption has super armor when he's swinging. The range is deceptive, reaching off ledges and even behind him, as you noticed >.> But it should be used more sparingly than I used it, at least at higher-level play.

I tried to pick up on my bad habits (attempting smashes too often, being predictable, running up to shielded opponents and not grab punishing enough, among others) and hopefully got a little better as we kept playing. (It's a bit jarring going from 3DS to Wii U, probably because I've played the 3DS version so much recently.) Even with my best characters, I still have a ways to go.

Thanks for playing, Verby, I'll try to get online later this week.

EDIT: wow i took way too long to type that up, sorry

Gaming / Re: My Metal Gear/Solid Marathon (MGS1 complete)
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:34:59 PM »
huh, I was considering something similar... as an MGS newbie. Start with MGS1 on PSN, get the HD Collection, then play my neglected MGS4. Should I do it?

Alternatively, I could hunt down the PS2 versions, but then I'd miss out on Peace Walker because I ain't gettin a PSP
Honestly, I don't think you're missing much with Peacewalker. It's a PSP game so going to it right after 4 would be jarring. Lack on controls and all, and it's SO easy.

You might be better off sticking to cutscenes on youtube.
Oi how dare you. Peace Walker is gr8 m8. Doing the missions and building up your staff with Mother Base is cool.
Building up your staff is cool but it's so damn easy and boring each mission. The enemy is so freaking blind.
Well either way, the HD Collection would be the best bang for my buck. Peace Walker looks neat and I'm a sucker for co-op. It can't hurt.

I may or may not get MGS1 tonight, I'll see if I'm in the mood to try it, if not tomorrow.

Gaming / Re: Shiny Rayquaza event soft-resetting
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:30:04 PM »
>battling with legendaries

fuckin pussy
But I do it
legendaries vs regular pokes is 2easy and possibly what you're thinking of

but legendaries vs legendaries is more akin to regulars vs regulars because it evens out
There are some Legendaries that are just as good or even not as good as regular Pokemon, hence why Pokemon like Azelf is UU and Landorus-T is OU.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament #3 GAME ON!!
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:27:28 PM »
Too bad I couldn't make it last week. I'd be up for some casual matches though.

Gaming / Re: Shiny Rayquaza event soft-resetting
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:23:23 PM »
>battling with legendaries

fuckin pussy
But I do it
legendaries vs regular pokes is 2easy and possibly what you're thinking of

but legendaries vs legendaries is more akin to regulars vs regulars because it evens out

The Flood / Re: holy tits fantastic 4 was horrible
« on: August 17, 2015, 06:22:45 PM »
ha ha get fukt

Gaming / Re: Shiny Rayquaza event soft-resetting
« on: August 17, 2015, 06:10:43 PM »
I don't think there's such thing as a competitive quality mega-quaza

Isn't it banned from literally everything
yes but muh trophy tho

ended up with 28/30-31/20/31/31/31, Adamant nature

The Flood / Re: Judge Judy is the biggest whore on television.
« on: August 17, 2015, 06:07:58 PM »
that's a funny way of spelling Kim Kardashian


The Flood / Re: The best gaming PC ever
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:51:37 PM »
i remember when no one could call my house when i used the internet


The Flood / Re: should I stay or should I go?
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:49:17 PM »
dammit ya'll were supposed to vote no

Gaming / Re: Shiny Rayquaza event soft-resetting
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:48:34 PM »
it's up to you, but i'd keep it
Thanks  :)

>battling with legendaries

fuckin pussy
well I'm not going to skip an event ffs

muh vanity tho

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