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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 212
Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:28:04 PM »
Yeah, blaming third parties is pretty asinine.

That said, fuck Gary Johnson and all of his supporters. Or at least the ones who actually voted for him beyond protest.
Why do you hate libertarians again? Something about being selfish?
But you also like Martin Shkreli, so...

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:29:54 PM »
voting should be mandatory in a democracy.

Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:25:22 AM »
I've also seen folks try to blame Jill for Florida. That's horseshit.

Ever since Bernie, I've been saying an anti-establishment candidate would be the best counter to another anti-establishment candidate. Hillary was the embodiment of everything that's wrong with establishment politics. Thus, she was a perfect ideological target for a movement such as Trump's.

It seems so obvious now, but even I had difficulty believing this at one time: if Trump could demolish his own party's establishment, of course he could do it to another party's.

I imagine this was Bernie's one and only chance to win the presidency. He's an old guy already, and the mere thought of him dying in office might be enough to dissuade most voters. Unless Trump really fugs it up or the Democrats find a replacement for Bernie, there's a solid chance that Trump becomes a two-term president.

Dems have 4 years, starting today.

Not that it matters to me anymore. I'm leaving this awful party to its fate and going independent, or maybe third-party. I have zero faith in the Democratic party to put the wants of the people above their own desires.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:47:02 AM »
NBC reports Clinton called Trump to concede the race. Pence is speaking right now, with Trump to come shortly.


The Flood / Re: If you're over 18, who did you vote for?
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:39:57 AM »
My fucking state voted for a minimum wage increase over 4 years
That's great. Congratulations.

I know you think that's a bad thing--because you're kinda retarded--but regardless, congrats.
Actually, it is a bad thing--by the Democratic Party's own admission. They pushed it anyway because they knew folks like you might take the bait.
Anything is bad when done badly, yes. I didn't take the "bait." I've always agreed to the general principle that everyone who works should receive a living wage, period the end.
I agree with it on principle, but what would be a 'good' way of raising it, though? Because it's never happened yet, to my knowledge.

The Flood / Re: If you're over 18, who did you vote for?
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:35:58 AM »
My fucking state voted for a minimum wage increase over 4 years
That's great. Congratulations.

I know you think that's a bad thing--because you're kinda retarded--but regardless, congrats.
Actually, it is a bad thing--by the Democratic Party's own admission. They pushed it anyway because they knew folks like you (and me!) might take the bait.

see my edit, this came across a bit more pointed than I intended

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:51:05 PM »
- VP promotes conversion therapy

This... That's not real, is it?
He also tried to establish a state-run media in Indiana.

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:47:14 PM »
People who are concerned about Trump. I bet you'll vote for him in 4 years.
I'd sooner skin my pets alive.

Just wait.

People said the same shit about Obama and ended up voting for him in 2012.
[citation needed]

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:00:10 PM »
Live footage from Trump election watch party:


Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:49:23 PM »
538 flipped again.

Right now, Trump leads in both Michigan and Wisconsin. If those hold, I don’t really see a path for Clinton to win. If, however, Clinton wins those two states, she’ll be on track to win. If she loses one of them, she still has a path that includes Arizona, where the race is tight. Even if she does win either Michigan or Wisconsin, though, Trump is the favorite.
55% chance for Trump, 44% for Clinton upon posting this

52% Clinton, 47% Trump when I just checked now

oh shit I might have read it wrong for my other post, sorry

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:46:02 PM »
oh my kek I can't wait for the libbie tears

Ha. I accept being wrong. The polls were off in a lot of places, and third party didn't relent.

And props to Donald Trump if he does win.
This sounds dishonest, somehow.

Not really. Assuming he wins, good for him. He really has surprised me by running the rural vote up high enough to counter urban areas like Miami.
You were SO certain though.

...Meanwhile Bernie probably would have had this, easily.

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:42:38 PM »
538 flipped again.

Right now, Trump leads in both Michigan and Wisconsin. If those hold, I don’t really see a path for Clinton to win. If, however, Clinton wins those two states, she’ll be on track to win. If she loses one of them, she still has a path that includes Arizona, where the race is tight. Even if she does win either Michigan or Wisconsin, though, Trump is the favorite.
55% chance for Trump, 44% for Clinton upon posting this

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:39:30 PM »
oh my kek I can't wait for the libbie tears

Ha. I accept being wrong. The polls were off in a lot of places, and third party didn't relent.

And props to Donald Trump if he does win.
This sounds dishonest, somehow.

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 150-109)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:26:05 PM »

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 150-109)
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:09:13 PM »

off-topic but relevant

Serious / Re: So I went to the Anonymous march in London
« on: November 06, 2016, 08:36:17 PM »
come on meta you'll post like 20 volumes about shit no one cares about and 1 sentence about stuff we're interested in

tell us how your day went
There were a lot of people in Trafalgar Square. We all marched down the street--apparently with coppers at the front guiding us--and headed to some area I can't even remember the name of (first time in Central London (maybe near Westminster Cathedral)). They had "Failure to comply may result in arrest" beamed in green lettering on one of the buildings. Then we went to Buckingham Palace; couldn't even get close to it, they had metal fencing set up and riot police with dogs. I think they sort of freaked because the Palace was outside the 'designated route' for the protest; loads of police vans turn up, I see a couple people get arrested, there's chanting etc.

Anyway there's this wall just across from the Palace with a gap leading into some grassy area, and we were both in front and behind the wall. So the coppers push their way through and set themselves up in a line in the gap in the wall, splitting us up. Some of us tried to break the police line, but more of them rushed over and pushed us away--I managed to fuck up my ankle when I was being shoved. Then I had a copper tell me I could be arrested if I didn't remove my mask.

It kind of died off. They pushed us down the road, away from Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Sqaure. We heard we were supposed to regroup at Big Ben, but we checked it out and it was dead.

Yeah, that was my day.

EDIT: The police were expecting it to get ugly. They cracked down hard.
That sounds tense. Thanks for the story.

« on: November 06, 2016, 06:18:06 PM »
I thought it was one of the better MCU films. FavoUrite moment was when

Strange reads a book in his astral form while physically sleeping.

why can't fiction be real  :'(

Serious / Re: So I went to the Anonymous march in London
« on: November 06, 2016, 05:56:50 PM »
come on meta you'll post like 20 volumes about shit no one cares about and 1 sentence about stuff we're interested in

tell us how your day went

Gaming / Re: Battlefield 1
« on: November 03, 2016, 04:04:06 PM »
On the fence if I should get it for PC or Xbone.

...Actually bought it for PC but I have like 24 hours to get a refund if I change my mind.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 02:29:13 PM »
Does Hillary not have anything to fire Comey for? He called her extremely careless and basically said everything she did was illegal and that if anyone else did this they'd be in jail. That has stuck with her campaign all the way through, she is just as much likely to fire Comey as Trump is, if not more inclined to.

EDIT: After re-reading my post (I usually don't proofread) I suppose I used vague/loaded wording in my other post, but that doesn't mean that you should jump to conclusions. Third paragraph, last sentence: I said Comey would be fired. It'd be pretty ridiculous if I held the candidates to such an inane double standard.
That's a good point. Seems like Comey's job security may be in question either way.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:49:11 PM »
>It's ridiculous to claim Clinton was responsible for the deaths of people when there was numerous investigations and hearings on the possibility of such a thing being true
>It's not ridiculous to claim Trump would kill somebody when he has no prior record of shady activity that resulted in the deaths of people

Oh I am laffin

I'm not going to entertain the ridiculous Vince Foster or Benghazi memes, if those are what you're alluding to.
But it *isn't* true

Also, please point out where I said Trump would kill Comey.

EDIT: After re-reading my post (I usually don't proofread) I suppose I used vague/loaded wording in my other post, but that doesn't mean that you should jump to conclusions. Third paragraph, last sentence: I said Comey would be fired. It'd be pretty ridiculous if I held the candidates to such an inane double standard.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:26:22 PM »
The comment about the assassination was mostly a joke, but your idea falls flat with the simple fact that unlike Clinton, Trump doesn't have a kill count.

Hoo boy, two can play at this conspiracy theory game:
I'm not going to entertain the ridiculous Vince Foster or Benghazi memes, if those are what you're alluding to.

Something I forgot in my previous post: AFAIK Comey had no choice regarding the re-opening of the case--it was the public announcement that was improper.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:13:56 PM »
The state department was the one that made the FBI reopen the probe. I made a thread on this a few months ago when Comey's meeting with the House Committee ended. It wasn't his decision, and he's just trying to to damage control so Clinton doesn't have him assassinated.
Hoo boy, two can play at this conspiracy theory game:

FBI was in the clear with Clinton because the government didn't indict her after all.

If anything, Comey's doing it because he knew his head was first in line on a President Trump's chopping block. Depose Comey to make an example of him to keep the rest of the intelligence community in line, or face the consequences. As president, Trump would have zero legal resistance firing Comey at Trump's leisure; he'd get away with it politically under the premise of clearing out a corrupt government.

The other, overlapping theory is that since Trump apparently loves surveillance and hates encryption, just like Comey, Comey's interests would be best served by electing a President Trump who would give the FBI free reign. See also: inactive FBI twitter account suddenly becomes active to release documents a week before the election, allegedly because of (conveniently-timed) FOIA requests.

Gaming / Re: Rank the Pokemon generations in terms of their starters...
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:35:08 PM »
Genwunner inbound: hate to say it, but release order

Gen IV was the last to have uniformly good starters; I've liked about one starter from each gen since Gen V

Gen VII easily has my least favorite starters, but at least there's nothing as bad as Chesnaught this time.
find a flaw in decidueye's whole line
I'm going to pick Rowlet, actually.

I think Decidueye looks better in the art than in-game, but that's a nitpick and doesn't count.

Gaming / Re: Rank the Pokemon generations in terms of their starters...
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:10:54 PM »
Genwunner inbound: hate to say it, but release order

Gen IV was the last to have uniformly good starters; I've liked about one starter from each gen since Gen V

Gen VII easily has my least favorite starters, but at least there's nothing as bad as Chesnaught this time.

Serious / Re: Trump one point ahead in the polls with a week to go
« on: November 02, 2016, 03:47:49 PM »
Hes going to Virgina

Honestly if it wasn't rigged he would win every single state except cali.
>this is what conservatives legitimately believed in 2012:

The Flood / Re: Scale of 1 to 10: how do you feel about your penis?
« on: November 02, 2016, 01:56:26 PM »
inb4 title change

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