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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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One conflict right now is whether to put Howard Dean or Keith Ellison as DNC chair.

If Ellison doesn't become chair, it'll show that the Democrats have learned NOTHING from this election:


By comparison, putting Dean, an establishment guy and former lobbyist, in charge would be laughable and awful.

Depends where you want the party to go.

"Dean was the chairman from 2004-2009. During the 2006 and 2008 elections cycles, Democrats gained 52 House seats, 14 Senate seats, 7 governorships and the White House in 2008. During his DNC tenure, Dean focused on a fifty-state strategy and to build up the party even in more Republican strongholds."

I'm not sure I support him as Chairman, because he is still an aging guy who would be out of touch with the liberal wing, but the guy knows how to organize in the states, and can do it well. He should have some semblance of power
Dean must lose if Dems want to win, I say. See above.

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:42:17 AM »
Once again, this is alleged. The only reason we have to believe that it was the Russians and not whoever the fuck else it could have been is that Clinton said so, and the Russians didn't like Clinton. For all we know they could have been internal.
I know that it's alleged, and there's zero solid evidence available to the public about it.

What I find preposterous here is that even if the Russian's email meddling was true, you'd actually support Russia doing that, by your own admission.
Further, if you see that as interfering with or obstructing our democracy, you need a reality check. Exposing this kind of information is a boon to democracy. If you had information suggesting that a potential British PM was offering government offices to donors, making millions off of favors done for big businesses, and rigging their party's internal elections, wouldn't you try to inform the British people? I don't even believe in democracy as the ideal political system but come on, how on earth is it better to leave the demos uninformed about extremely important matters like this?
I agree. WikiLeaks did the right thing by revealing these emails, regardless of who provided them. I never meant to sound like I was downplaying WikiLeaks, if that's how I came across.
I know you're not downplaying Wikileaks, but I really don't see how you can jump from supporting Wikileaks, which is not an American organization (led by an Australian, based mostly in Sweden I believe), to condemning Russia for supplying Wikileaks with information. This isn't like Saudis paying our politicians for favorable treatment in policy, this is the publication of information relevant and important to voters.
WikiLeaks, playing the role of journalist, is obligated to publish their information regardless of the motives of their source. I see no conflict here.

Before I log off for the night, though,
sorry for being such a smug cunt

Furthermore, I made an assumption much earlier on and called you out on it for the wrong reasons, I felt.
It is not uncommon for the presidential nominees of major parties to have contact with foreign leaders, or to meet with foreign government officials.--NYT
My assumption about the hacking being correct after all is irrelevant. >.>

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:23:56 AM »
Once again, this is alleged. The only reason we have to believe that it was the Russians and not whoever the fuck else it could have been is that Clinton said so, and the Russians didn't like Clinton. For all we know they could have been internal.
I know that it's alleged, and there's zero solid evidence available to the public about it.

What I find preposterous here is that even if the Russian's email meddling was true, you'd actually support a foreign power doing such a thing, by your own admission.
Further, if you see that as interfering with or obstructing our democracy, you need a reality check. Exposing this kind of information is a boon to democracy. If you had information suggesting that a potential British PM was offering government offices to donors, making millions off of favors done for big businesses, and rigging their party's internal elections, wouldn't you try to inform the British people? I don't even believe in democracy as the ideal political system but come on, how on earth is it better to leave the demos uninformed about extremely important matters like this?
I agree. WikiLeaks did the right thing by revealing these emails, regardless of who provided them. I never meant to sound like I was downplaying WikiLeaks, if that's how I came across.

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:01:59 AM »
Going back on topic, you cheered for a foreign power meddling in our sovereign country's democratic election, regardless of whether or not they actually did. I don't see how any of this digression disputes that fact.
The fact that I never did what you're saying I did, and the post you linked as evidence did not say what you're saying I've said disputes that "fact". I've made myself clear already.
This is not """""nuance"""""
Unless you want to count them ALLEGEDLY aiding Wikileaks in exposing institutional corruption, which would have been a goddamn service to the people of this country.

I support Trump because I do not want foreign entities affecting our politics.
This is a contradiction.

>"I support Trump because I don't want foreign entities affecting our politics"
>"even though a foreign entity affecting our politics would have been doing us a service"

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 11, 2016, 12:33:13 AM »
In what way did Russia attempt to sway our politics short of Putin saying "I like this guy" and talking to a candidate who was already promoting a path of isolationism? There is no evidence to suggest that Trump's position on Russia came from anyone but himself, nor was there anything for him to reasonably gain from them for saying what he said. Trump and Putin are only friends as far as their interests align- and they do align quite a bit, which is good for us as well as for them.
I'd say Trump's stance comes more out of ignorance more than ideological agreement, but otherwise I agree.
I have made it very clear that I consider communicating with Russian officials to be different and distinct from taking advice, guidance, money, or orders from them. Trump's statements and proposed policies regarding foreign lobbies in our government are not in Russia's interest; they are in no interest but that of the American people. You may continue accusing me of intellectual contradiction all you want, but I will maintain in response that you are incapable of understanding nuance.
You seem to believe that I've claimed there's a direct relation between Trump and Russia. That is still false however many times you assert it. It also doesn't change the fact that you contradicted yourself under the guise of """""nuance"""""
Confirmed. Confirming these things is very important, yes.
Glad to see we agree on something here.
Allegedly supplied by Russia. They could have come from anywhere- supposedly at least 5 foreign intelligence services accessed her private server.
Five intelligence services? That's scary. Care to provide a link to that?

I'll give it to you that there's scant evidence linking Russia to the WikiLeaks email dumps. The USG hasn't released specifics and it's unlikely that they will.
And if you don't think the constant stream of leaks and the resulting FBI investigations hurt Clinton, you are deluding yourself. Clinton herself is rumored to have blamed her loss in part on the leaks, as well as Obama for not stopping the FBI investigations sooner. Her apparent and confirmed corruption was a huge factor in undermining public opinion of her and alienating the more liberal elements within her own party.
I do think the leaks and investigation hurt her, but after seeing the vote play out, I also think her defeat was inevitable. You seem to think these are mutually exclusive concepts when they're not. But we're in agreement here anyway, so whatever.

Going back on topic, you cheered for a foreign power meddling in our sovereign country's democratic election, regardless of whether or not they actually did. I don't see how any of this digression disputes that fact.

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:40:15 PM »

I promoted the concept of Donald Trump being in contact with the Russians.
Well yes. Their government can now admit they were in contact with the Trump campaign.
And thank God for that.
I support Trump because I do not want foreign entities affecting our politics.
I'm going to stop pretending you have any intellectual credibility, because you don't.
In what way do you think the Russian government has affected our politics aside from A) existing, and B) talking to a candidate? Communicating with a potential President's advisers is not interference. Stop deluding yourself, the reds haven't taken over.
You seem to be confused here.

Read my posts again, because I never made the assertion the Reds are taking over. Russia attempted to sway our politics, and you welcomed that.

WikiLeaks, bless its soul, confirmed mostly what we already knew or guessed about Hillary--that she's an opaque corporatist shill who probably didn't actually believe half the things she campaigned on. After seeing how the election ultimately played out, it's difficult to believe that the leaks, apparently supplied by Russia, swayed the election in any significant way. Hillary was destined to lose.

I don't believe the Trump campaign ever had any direct association with Russia. That was a flimsy theory peddled by Clinton supporters and the liberal MSM at large.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:11:07 PM »
You can tell your sisters friend to expect INS within a few days.
I'm sure she'll be concerned about a government agency that no longer exists.

The Flood / Re: Did someones profile get removed from the site?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:40:19 PM »
god fucking dammit cheat lied when he said he wasn't deleting accounts anymore

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:36:00 PM »
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens.

Because colleges certainly never accept students from other countries, ever.

Should we ban that too?

nope. thats perfectly fine. They obtain visas and its all legal and documented.

Yet that takes away an American students spot, which is what you're complaining about in this argument:

Taking a spot away from an American citizen. Thats how it effects me. Theres one kid out there that wasn't able to get into his/her dream school because of a fucking illegal.

Its legal though. Thats all that matters to me.

Then that's what you should be arguing and saying, not "A kid didn't get into a dream school cause of an illegal!" Because  you'd have no excuse to defend any foreign students on campuses with that logic.

But thats my logic. The student is an illegal. Shouldn't even be able to attend the school. A kid (legal) had their spot stolen.

The legal student should have tried harder in that case.
Conservatives love survival of the fittest up until they're no longer the fittest.

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:34:26 PM »

I promoted the concept of Donald Trump being in contact with the Russians.
Well yes. Their government can now admit they were in contact with the Trump campaign.
And thank God for that.
Unless you want to count them ALLEGEDLY aiding Wikileaks in exposing institutional corruption, which would have been a goddamn service to the people of this country.
I support Trump because I do not want foreign entities affecting our politics.
I'm going to stop pretending you have any intellectual credibility, because you don't.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:26:35 PM »
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.


The fact that you think its okay for us to send illegals to college on our dime proves you're much less intelligent than I am.
Harvard is a private school. You don't go to Harvard. Please elaborate on how this affects you.

Taking a spot away from an American citizen. Thats how it effects me. Theres one kid out there that wasn't able to get into his/her dream school because of a fucking illegal.

The wall can't come soon enough.
God forbid if one of the best and brightest gets a world-class education putting their own money into our economy. A brain damaged anti-intellectual like yourself wouldn't understand.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:22:06 PM »
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.


The fact that you think its okay for us to send illegals to college on our dime proves you're much less intelligent than I am.
Harvard is a private school. You don't go to Harvard. Please elaborate on how this affects you.

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:20:47 PM »
Well yes. Their government can now admit they were in contact with the Trump campaign.
And thank God for that.
Your reaction to this sounds nearly treasonous. A foreign power attempting to violate the sovereignty of this country is unacceptable. Shame on you for cheering it on.
Trump did not receive funding from the Russians (as opposed to Clinton, who took money from all sorts of foreign entities), and as far as we know did not cooperate with them in any way. Some of his campaign managers had some kind of contact with them. If he or the Russians had anything illicit going on, Russia would not have admitted to being in contact with him at all. Trump and the Russians had a common interest- keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House, and discrediting the mass media entities demonizing both of them. Trump is also promoting a more isolationist, inwardly focused national direction, which the Russians are happy to see given how demonized they were by Obama, Clinton, and the American political mainstream. Their interests do not necessarily still converge, but this common interest has been the basis for a friendly relationship. The enemy of my enemy could well become my friend.

My reaction is no more treasonous than a Jew wanting the US to have good relations with Israel. Tens of millions of Russians are my coreligionists, and I do not want my country to be engaged in hostilities with them. Nothing good can come of the world's two biggest nuclear arsenals being pointed at each other with ill intent.

Since when have the left been the fear mongers and xenophobes? Liberal McCarthyism is a strange thing.
Nice backtracking. You literally just promoted the concept of a foreign entity affecting the outcome of a democratic election. Trump having an explicit connection to Russia is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:09:11 PM »
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.

The Flood / Re: sep7agon backwards
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:54:41 PM »

Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:41:32 PM »
Well yes. Their government can now admit they were in contact with the Trump campaign.
And thank God for that.
Your reaction to this sounds nearly traitorous. A foreign power attempting to violate the sovereignty of this country is unacceptable. Shame on you for cheering it on.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:37:29 PM »
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:29:54 PM »
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates in the dorm turned on her.

The Flood / Re: 4chan is all right
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:43:05 PM »

this thread was just a trick to see who said this

gatsby we're DONE </3
Does this mean you're not sending twink nudes anymore?
wow um

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:32:10 PM »
In my opinion she is the fem-hilter of our generation lol
The worst thing she would've done would be to attempt to establish a no-fly zone in Syria.

Something that would (more than likely) never come to pass anyway.

aaaand this is what would have started WWIII... Russia would have not stood for that and you know it.

Serious / Re: Michael Moore: the one lefty who actually got it
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:57:55 PM »
They just had to use that song from Inception.  :'(

Fuck, that was great though.

I've been saying for months that this was always Trump's election to lose. Heck, Dems deserved to lose just for their behavior this cycle.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:38:20 PM »
The electoral college obviously failed in preventing an unfit person from becoming president.
By whose judgement? There's certainly nothing in the constitution defining Trump as unfit. But, of course, you don't mean he's technically ineligible, you just mean you consider him to be unfit.
In the age of the Internet, we don't need to leave it to a handful of folks to determine a candidate's constitutional eligibility (in other words, the electoral system is also antiquated.)

The institutions of your republic were not built with your preferences in mind.
The freedom of the electorate to go against the voters contradicts that notion.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:59:00 PM »
...That's exactly what you're saying. I completely disagree that just because one doesn't vote with the winning side, that their vote is unheard or meaningless.
Under the electoral system, conservatives needn't vote in New York since the outcome may as well be a foregone conclusion. (Establishment types love pushing the narrative that there's a wasted vote, because that kind of diminishment keeps people home.) Eliminate the electoral college, and everyone in the state has a reason to go to the polls.

You are literally saying that under our system, votes not in line with the majority (which is how electoral votes are allotted except in Maine and Nebraska) are unheard, or cancelled.
As it stands, yes.

The electoral college obviously failed in preventing an unfit person from becoming president. That's not even the first time that's happened. This safeguard simply doesn't occur in practice.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:27:11 PM »
Kind of a poor argument, since the same could be made about voting against the winning side in a pure democracy (which, it's important to point out, doesn't exist in any Western country).
Sure, if you're going to boil down democracy to 'canceled out votes' (a cancerous attitude promoted by establishment types to discourage turnout).

This is a particularly inane remark since the country has millions of citizens and voting on everything that happens is impractical, so of course we don't have a direct democracy.

However, we do vote on other governmental posts, and certain propositions, directly. The presidency is different, and I've yet to see a valid argument in favor of that.

Serious / Re: So I was wrong
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:17:40 PM »
this is the future you chose

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:15:56 PM »
She got a fifth of a percentage more last I checked, and she was far below Trump in the popular vote before California came in.

The point of the electoral college is to ensure that densely populated urban centers (read: California) cannot run the country by themselves. It did its job.
The electoral college worked as intended. It evened out the representation to the states. The alternative would have NY, CA, and TX ultimately calling the shots for the rest of the nation. Popular vote only works if everyone is spread evenly throughout the nation.
How on earth is this a valid argument for the electoral college? Popular vote doesn't give a shit about borders, unlike the electoral system, and major urban areas (such as New York, California, and Texas) are only ~15% of the US population.

Politicians would only pay attention to NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Diego. These cities make up the majority of the US population. If you live outside them, your voice isn't heard.
Firstly, since those are largely in 'established territory,' which is to say most of them are not in swing states, they don't get much attention relative to their populations. Swing states get a disproportionate amount of attention because of this.

Secondly, under the electoral system, the folks who don't vote with the flow of their state are essentially going unheard. Anyone who voted for Trump in a state like New York effectively wasted their vote.

I consider a vote an extension of free speech, so on principle I don't believe a vote can be wasted. However, that doesn't matter as far as the electoral system is concerned.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:02:50 PM »
She got a fifth of a percentage more last I checked, and she was far below Trump in the popular vote before California came in.

The point of the electoral college is to ensure that densely populated urban centers (read: California) cannot run the country by themselves. It did its job.
The electoral college worked as intended. It evened out the representation to the states. The alternative would have NY, CA, and TX ultimately calling the shots for the rest of the nation. Popular vote only works if everyone is spread evenly throughout the nation.
How on earth is this a valid argument for the electoral college? Popular vote doesn't give a shit about borders, unlike the electoral system, and major urban areas (such as New York, California, and Texas) are only ~15% of the US population.

Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:31:49 PM »
Yeah, blaming third parties is pretty asinine.

That said, fuck Gary Johnson and all of his supporters. Or at least the ones who actually voted for him beyond protest.
Why do you hate libertarians again? Something about being selfish?
But you also like Martin Shkreli, so...
I think he's funny and he makes a good defense for the things he's done. He has this enviable charisma.

I still don't necessarily support him or what he stands for, though. I like him the same way people like Rommel.
Ohhh, alright. Fair enough.

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