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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 666768 6970 ... 212
Serious / Re: CA Gov Jerry Brown is on a roll
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:16:18 PM »
[vaccinating is] a fucking joke. Stupid libtards.

Wrong, not what I said.

OVER-vaccinating is a fucking joke. The government telling you what you have to do with your child is a fucking joke.
There is no such thing as over-vaccination. It's a term invented by anti-vaxxers to sound legitimate.

I've personally had my son's pediatricians tell me not to get all the vaccinations that are "recommended" cause they're are far too many before the age of 3. I've also had friends who are doctors confirm this.

But you're right, let me listen to some kid on the internet. LAWL.

I'm willing to bet your "son's pediatricians" and "friends who are doctors" are as real as your trip to England.

More importantly however, all doctors will not have infinitely valid opinions, nor opinions held by the vast majority of doctors. Some of them profit from telling people what they want to hear, when their job is really to tell them what they should hear.

You're still hung up on that dumb shit? Typical.

I agree, doctors opinions vary. Which is why I believe my personal doctors and friends over some quacks online.
I'd rather believe empirical evidence over a doctor's subjective opinion.

Serious / Re: CA Gov Jerry Brown is on a roll
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:07:57 PM »
[vaccinating is] a fucking joke. Stupid libtards.

Wrong, not what I said.

OVER-vaccinating is a fucking joke. The government telling you what you have to do with your child is a fucking joke.
There is no such thing as over-vaccination. It's a term invented by anti-vaxxers to sound legitimate.

I've personally had my son's pediatricians tell me not to get all the vaccinations that are "recommended" cause they're are far too many before the age of 3. I've also had friends who are doctors confirm this.

But you're right, let me listen to some kid on the internet. LAWL.

I'm willing to bet your "son's pediatricians" and "friends who are doctors" are as real as your trip to England.

More importantly however, all doctors will not have infinitely valid opinions, nor opinions held by the vast majority of doctors. Some of them profit from telling people what they want to hear, when their job is really to tell them what they should hear.

Serious / Re: CA Gov Jerry Brown is on a roll
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:32:57 PM »
[vaccinating is] a fucking joke. Stupid libtards.

Wrong, not what I said.

OVER-vaccinating is a fucking joke. The government telling you what you have to do with your child is a fucking joke.
There is no such thing as over-vaccination. It's a term invented by anti-vaxxers to sound legitimate.

Serious / Re: CA Gov Jerry Brown is on a roll
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:24:38 PM »
[vaccinating is] a fucking joke. Stupid libtards.

They can't possibly be this mind-numbingly, bafflingly moronic, right?


The Flood / Re: fuck the dentist
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:18:20 PM »
would you still hate the dentist if it was this guy?

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:14:47 PM »
>tfw PC version doesn't get it until January

so far away ;_;

The Flood / Re: petition to ban anime images on the forum
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:13:11 PM »
sign me up for banime too

The Flood / Re: The most embarrassing thing about yourself
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:11:37 PM »

I wear socks all the time partly because I'm self-conscious about literally everything.

The Flood / Re: Normies getting rekt
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:54:37 PM »
what is even happening

The Flood / Re: The most embarrassing thing about yourself
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:41:26 PM »
I want to live the rest of my life as Chloe Moretz's foot slave.
damned degenerate

kys normie scum
i ain't even a normie tho

The Flood / Re: Top Gun pilots were flying out of my base today
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:26:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: The most embarrassing thing about yourself
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:22:16 PM »
I want to live the rest of my life as Chloe Moretz's foot slave.
damned degenerate

The Flood / Re: RIP Transformer
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:47:18 PM »
Just one Transformer?

OT: On the bright side, successful big budget movies raise the bar for special effects, and more importantly, help studios fund other films that may not be as successful.

Serious / Re: America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:10:22 PM »
Smoking should be banned.
please continue mr shekelberg
"Let me pretend I know how you plan on having these things done so I can look smart with wikipeda."
Please elaborate on how you would implement a successful smoking ban when virtually all other kinds of state sponsored prohibition has demonstrably failed, both legislatively and economically.

I'm sure your magical insight will enlighten us all.
Did I say I had a plan? No, I didn't. I said it should be banned.

Not in a swift, quick, "It's gone," but smoking should be gradually phased out.
It's already being phased out. More and more people are voluntarily opting out of smoking, largely due to emphasis on education and health. Regulation also helped, but there's obviously a stark difference between regulation and prohibition.

We don't need anymore state interference, thanks.
That's the point. Ban it when nobody gives a shit anymore.

Like public beheadings.
There will always be someone who gives a shit about doing whatever they want.

Point is, state intervention isn't going to solve that. It doesn't matter if 99% of the population hate smoking. If someone wants to participate in such an activity that doesn't infringe on anyone else, it's nobody's business (and certainly not the state's) to dictate what they want to do with their own body.
Now, I'm all for stronger gun control laws, but I feel that banning drugs is an ineffective way to spend time legislating, and isn't going to make that much of a difference either way. Yes, people will probably just do it anyway, as history has shown.

But I don't think 'people will violate the law anyway' is necessarily a valid objection. Murder still happens, too, but we don't legalize that.
I've never been a proponent of the "criminals will always be criminals" meme. As Flee pointed out, it's a null term. No more than a facile whine, and it needs to stop being parroted in debates like these.

But likewise, I don't see what's so contemptible about participating in an activity that doesn't infringe or affect anyone else's life. If someone wants to shoot up heroine or fire a couple rounds in the woods that's nobody business but theirs, and theirs alone.
I agree. >.>

The only real reason I could think of for banning drugs is that it'll at least stop a lot of people from ruining their lives with them, but in practice, drug laws have always turned out more draconian than they should be.

But more importantly, it's a victimless crime, so to speak, and government doesn't need to play nanny.

Serious / Re: America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:54:38 PM »
Smoking should be banned.
please continue mr shekelberg
"Let me pretend I know how you plan on having these things done so I can look smart with wikipeda."
Please elaborate on how you would implement a successful smoking ban when virtually all other kinds of state sponsored prohibition has demonstrably failed, both legislatively and economically.

I'm sure your magical insight will enlighten us all.
Did I say I had a plan? No, I didn't. I said it should be banned.

Not in a swift, quick, "It's gone," but smoking should be gradually phased out.
It's already being phased out. More and more people are voluntarily opting out of smoking, largely due to emphasis on education and health. Regulation also helped, but there's obviously a stark difference between regulation and prohibition.

We don't need anymore state interference, thanks.
That's the point. Ban it when nobody gives a shit anymore.

Like public beheadings.
There will always be someone who gives a shit about doing whatever they want.

Point is, state intervention isn't going to solve that. It doesn't matter if 99% of the population hate smoking. If someone wants to participate in such an activity that doesn't infringe on anyone else, it's nobody's business (and certainly not the state's) to dictate what they want to do with their own body.
Now, I'm all for stronger gun control laws, but I feel that banning drugs is an ineffective way to spend time legislating, and isn't going to make that much of a difference either way. Yes, people will probably just do it anyway, as history has shown.

But I don't think 'people will violate the law anyway' is necessarily a valid objection. Murder still happens, too, but we don't legalize that.

Gaming / Re: The Sep7agon Game Night Megathread! (Updated 9.8.2015)
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:57:48 AM »
I have a crappy laptop with only TF2, Brawlhalla, and Path of Exile :/
;_; I remember trying a TF2 game night ages ago, but I can't remember if it was on Sep7 or back on Bungie. We couldn't play through all the lag we had, because IIRC it was an ill-fated lobby of Americans, a Euro, and an Aussie all trying to connect at once.

Serious / Re: America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:33:42 AM »

No need to scream your bloody head off.

Mexico's problems are drastically, objectively worse than the worst problems in America. Literal war in the streets against the cartels with governmental corruption far beyond that which exists in most other countries. Gun control not working because Mexico is FUBAR is not evidence of gun control failing.

Just because America has some problems doesn't mean we should simply ignore others.

There is no western country comparable to the US.
United Kingdom, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Demark, Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, and Italy, just to name a few.

Seriously, Canada, ya dingus.

Not really. Violent areas are still violent. Wealthy, homogenous regions still don't see much violence.
US has a drastically higher rate of mass shootings and gun violence in general compared with comparable countries that have stronger gun control. It's been utterly effective at doing exactly what it was intended to do.

Yeah, you can't exactly ban mental illness, poverty, or shitty publicly-funded education systems. Well, I mean, you could do away with the latter, but nobody is willing to.
It's an easy exit to blame vague problems that every place has in some capacity. Folks need to actually offer tangible solutions than simply stating 'something is wrong, fix it,' which is literally as far as that line of reasoning goes, because we're never any further to a solution each time this happens. And I really can't think of any mass shooter who was exceptionally poor or uneducated, so I have serious doubts about whether such measures would even be effective.

I hate the "Swiss example" because it doesn't represent what firearm ownership should be. Rather than empowering the individual and protecting their place in society, Swiss armament is only a measure taken to ensure the survival of the nation-state in the event of war.
In case you weren't aware, in its early days, the US was under constant risk of being taken over by a larger country. Gun ownership was literally about defending the country, and the Second Amendment states as much: "...a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." It was for the same reasons as the Swiss have today.

However, the structure of the sentence makes what was probably intended as a requirement to simply be a suggestion, but I digress.
Literally why not, other than your cultural bias? Cigarettes and alcohol have done quantifiably more damage than guns have in the United States. Faggots keep telling me they're not comparable but refuse to explain why beyond "hurr guns were made to kill!!".
I didn't realize alcohol could shoot up an elementary school.

My point is none of these shootings would even happen if gun stores were smart enough to discriminate and pay attention to who they're selling to.
You don't seem to understand human nature. If people aren't explicitly forbidden from doing something, they'll take it to the most extreme point possible. As an example, the government's overly broad interpretations of the Patriot Act should be strong enough evidence of that.

You know what's funny? You'll ban guns, and still get those nasty shootings. And what isn't a shooting turns into stabbings and possibly sword violence. What you gonna do then? Ban blades?

Because people can't just create their own blades/shivs and go on a killing spree.

Worst part is that if it happens, how're people gonna defend themselves? Hide and hope the killer doesn't find them? That's one horrifying game of hide n seek.
[citations needed]

Serious / Re: America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:12:43 PM »
I'd also hardly say we have a *unique* problem with gun violence.

A pretty decent number of countries have a much bigger problem with gun violence than we do.

It's just that most of those countries have already put forward arms control laws that don't fucking work.

Or they're war zones.
[citations needed]

Cases such as Mexico obviously have bigger problems than simply the wrong people owning guns, so that comparison doesn't really work.

In every Western country comparable to the US, gun control has been overwhelmingly successful. Doesn't take an idiot to figure that banning the cause of the problem will prevent said problem.

Switzerland is a unique case at least partly because 'well-regulated militia' is a requirement, as opposed to a friendly, optional suggestion. And it's not some anti-government, black helicopter paranoia about averting a New World Order, but really is about defending one's country.

I vehemently disagree with the idea that I'm depriving any person of their "Rights" by preventing them from attaining something created for the purpose of killing.
You're denying a person of their RIGHTS by preventing them from doing something that has no direct or inherent impact on you or anybody else. It's essentially the same thing as a smoking or liquor ban.
>comparing smoking and drinking to owning a weapon

not even relevant

you can still have the right to personal ownership of a firearm without it being as easy to buy as toothpaste
But private business owners have no right to discriminate!

They should have to do business with any customer no matter how sketchy they look!

#intervene #Bernie #equality #fuckyourfreemarket

You didn't even attempt to address his (valid) point.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Users that your parents would hate
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:59:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: >tfw my post must be edited to perfection
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:48:32 PM »
That's why I always make sure to collapse quote pyramids if they get longer than just one person. I also only try to edit posts once or twice after I send it.

Proofreading, brah.
Yeahhh my bad. >.>

The Flood / Re: >tfw my post must be edited to perfection
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:45:29 PM »
You should edit your life to ended.
you should get hit by a bus

The Flood / Re: >tfw my post must be edited to perfection
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:40:52 PM »
derp I did it again /britney

Yes. Holy fuck how did you not know that?
I suspected it but I never thought to just ask to confirm it.


The Flood / >tfw my post must be edited to perfection
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:38:25 PM »
>tfw situational OCD

sorry for all the notifications verby >.>

but on the bright side, I confirmed my suspicions that editing sets off notifications. Was I the only person who didn't know about this by now?

The Flood / Re: Do not go gentle into that good night
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:31:09 PM »

Gaming / Re: Which game has your favorite art style?
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:29:10 PM »

what do you keep editing your post for

i get notified every time you do that, you know
>.> sorry, don't mind me, I'm done now.

Gaming / Re: Which game has your favorite art style?
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:10:00 PM »
wind waker is beautiful
Came here just to say this. But the question is: Gamecube or HD? I'm inclined to say HD.

Background: I binged on WW HD for a week last fall, after I got it for free with MK8, and it was just... bliss. The game itself holds up phenomenally well, like something that could have been made today. I couldn't put it down until the end, and filling up the Nintendo Gallery was supremely satisfying. Selfies are a nice touch and a silly diversion, and Tingle bottles were useful and fairly entertaining (and you can turn them off entirely). Real-time touchscreen item management a la Monster Hunter was a great addition, although the pause-menu method is still an option, of course. And being able to play the game on the touch screen itself means you don't even need a TV to play it. (Playing in bed instead of sleeping? Check!)

At least from when I played it, it looked a lot more faithful to the original than I expected from the screenshots I had seen, and screenshots and videos really don't do it justice. I can't explain it; it's just one of those games that looks better playing it IRL.

There was a bunch of improvements with better clouds, higher-res textures, more vibrant colors and better color balance, tons of environmental shadows, better draw distance, and some noticeable illumination effects, too. Sunsets and night time were a treat.

But I really stopped noticing/caring about the differences after a while, because it's still the same graphics style with a new coat of paint. Basically, it's how I visualize Wind Waker looking on the Gamecube, thinking back to when I'd last played it like 8 years ago. Looking at the GC version now, it seems a bit drab and flat in comparison, but still not necessarily ugly. Show me WW in Dolphin in 1080p and I might forget that I'm looking at the GC version as opposed to the remake. It's a treat for the eyes either way, but just more of a treat on Wii U, if you ask me >.>

>.> Reason for rambling here was that I was actually thinking of it again recently, to go back and finish up a bunch of side quests I hadn't completed yet, and beating hard mode in Link's Pajamas.

The Flood / Re: October 3rd
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:49:58 PM »
Clueless is a classic. Mean Girls is a passable comedy. It's not a bad movie in the least, but it's way too acclaimed.
you're not a mod
something something get hit by a bus


The Flood / Re: October 3rd
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:44:41 PM »
Overrated movie. Clueless is far better.

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:42:31 PM »
My thoughts are you should have screencapped or used pastebin instead of posting a link, all you've done is given Salon ad revenue.
or donotlink:

even I can't stand Salon

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