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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 383940 4142 ... 212
Gaming / Re: Finally 3-starred everything in Mario Kart 8.
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:21:21 PM »
I don't know why I stopped playing this game.

The Flood / Re: eyy Verb
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:20:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should I cop this shirt?
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:03:07 PM »

seems a bit overpriced though

The Flood / Re: Do you think people like you IRL?
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:44:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:41:53 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
nah sorry halo is boring
then why post in this thread

OT: maybe, PM me for gamertag

The Flood / Re: Active shooters in San Bernardino - Stay safe Alphy
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:39:35 PM »
At least 12 dead.

Those strict gun laws are really helping Cali!
gr8 b8

Could have been brought in from a state with lax gun laws, or across the border.

super fucked up fam

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:31:37 PM »
Good. Quite  a few to go
And here we have Batch. The local simpleton.
Oh you took me seriously.
nice damage control

The Flood / Re: What sports have you played, and what positions?
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:30:11 PM »
and what positions?
which reminds me, football is really gay

there's tight ends and wide receivers

Gaming / Re: Biggest shark jumps in gaming
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:22:46 PM »
Call of Duty had a few.

The game that foreshadowed today's bombardment of annual, endless sequels was Call of Duty 3. Arguably jumps the shark by not being made by Infinity Ward.

Modern Warfare 2's over-the-top ridiculousness jumped a shark or two. The nuke scene above works better as 'jumping the shark' if it's taken in the context of the series before that point, and how the whole game contrasts with Call of Duty 4's grounded-in-reality tone.

Modern Warfare 3 had two big ones, not including the lousy multiplayer:




Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:07:08 PM »
The armor looks much better than Halo lol4, Reach is still the best though
I thought the armor was exactly the same, just higher-res and with new paint jobs.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:17:18 AM »
Finally got Halo 5 today. Might get to play it later tonight, so that should be interesting.

Tips for someone who was on the fence and has done nothing but look at the changes made to the movement with horror and disgust? Only reason I got it is because it was like 25$ and you guys seem to enjoy it.
For Arena:

Clamber and boosting in tandem kind of replace grenade jumping. Using both are good for making a getaway or getting the jump on someone. Boosting in the air will also increase your jump distance. Some areas and weapons on maps are only accessible this way. Verticality is your new friend.

Also, you want to ditch your loadout weapons as soon as possible. For example, weapons like the Suppressor, SMG, and Storm Rifle will usually outshoot an Assault Rifle. The Battle Rifle, DMR, Lightrifle, and Carbine will usually outshoot a pistol.

For specific weapons:

Sniper Rifles and Beam Rifles now give off a glow, similarly to the Battlefield games. More noticeable in Warzone than Arena, though.

Scattershot kinda sucks unless you can see the whites of their eyes.

Plasma Caster is best used similarly to how you would use regular grenades. Don't use it head-on, obviously.

Spartan abilities in particular:

Melee while sprinting at full speed (you'll know it when the reticule changes) will make you charge into someone instead. It's very situational, though, and a bit disorienting if you're not expecting it to happen. But it can be good for finishing off a weakened, fleeing enemy who's not expecting it.

Holding melee in the air will allow you to charge up a 'ground pound' move. Like the charge, it's very situational. It's best used when you have the jump on someone.

Jumping and using Smart Link will allow you to briefly hover in the air. It's on by default, but you can set it to manual if you're so inclined. It helps for getting enemies who may be behind cover.

Boosting is important, if not mandatory, for dodging threats. You'll usually have to use it to avoid grenades. If you're near cover, you may want to get in the habit of boosting to cover immediately after getting a kill, because your shields may be gone from the fight.

The Flood / Re: What am I known for?
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:02:44 PM »
looking like a senior citizen

Gaming / Re: Halo 5s RNG makes me want to kill myself and my pineaple
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:01:35 PM »
I'm still getting solely Silver REQ packs so far. More fucking Mongooses and Speed Boosts than I can give a damn about, but at least I finally got the certs for their rocket variants. It helps to get useless certs like OH BOY ONI WINTER CIVILIAN WARTHOG out of the way, too. Starting to get more loadout weapons too, and especially more armors and helmets that I'll never use.

By the time I'm buying Golds, I'll be preposterously decked out in Ultra Rares and Legendaries, because those will essentially be the only things I'll have left to unlock, pretty much >.>

Gaming / Re: How many shiny Pokemon have you encountered?
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:57:39 PM »
Never  :'(

The Flood / Re: Worst endings of all time
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:52:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: Could Jared be a Catholic Priest?
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:28:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: torrenting the Newsroom right now
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:27:32 PM »
meh, i've heard mixed things about it. does great in awards season because the liberals who decide this stuff like what the show tells them

aaron sorkin basically uses jeff daniels' character as an excuse to be preachy

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:15:22 AM »
> believing people will behave responsibly without set institutions with the power of enforcement

shiggy diggy
are you me
Pretty sure he isn't a faggot.
kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Confucius Possessed OP. Confucius Need Selfie Help!
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:52:27 PM »
You're easily our best new poster.

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:19:16 PM »
> believing people will behave responsibly without set institutions with the power of enforcement

shiggy diggy
are you me

Gaming / Re: GwG December
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:17:05 PM »
Thief and Flashpoint are two games I've been interested in but not enough to actually go out and buy them.

I have no interest in the other games, but hey, at least they're free.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:13:14 PM »
Such a thing has never happened in the history of console gaming.
You need to keep in mind that no other consoles have used a couple years old PC parts with a few tweaks here and there to better optimize it (I don't think... Not 100% on this).
Yeah, I think you're right about that. Like, consoles used to have more... competent graphical capabilities. They were at least average in terms of hardware. The Xbone and PS4 seem relatively underpowered compared to their predecessors in their respective eras.

We'll have to wait and see what the future holds, I guess. Sony and MS didn't give themselves much breathing room with their hardware this gen. I won't put it past game developers to impress, though.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:50:53 PM »
stop editing your post >.>
All the other arguing aside, the beginning point was the current gen consoles use old and outdated hardware (see post below for age), and thus, we will never see the games evolve like they did from 2005 to 2014 on 360/PS3.
Such a thing has never happened in the history of console gaming. There's no reason to believe that'll change aside from sensationalistic, wild speculation.
You two can also try to argue without it devolving into a stupid shitfes with petty insults, as that would make both your stances seem like a bunch of babble. Keep it civil.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:44:44 PM »
8th gen uses off the shelf hardware. Fact
This is irrelevant.
That's actually the entire point he is arguing to you, sooo...
No, he's saying the exact opposite of that.

This gen isn't anything like last gen.
This gen uses off the shelf hardware and uses the same architecture that PCs have been using for a long time. Developers already knew how to utilise the hardware to its max (or extremely close to it) since day 1.

Last gen used non-standard hardware and non-standard architectures. Developers had to learn how to utilise the hardware for each console because they were also drastically different from each other instead of just PCs.
They were still figuring things out long into the 7th gen's lifespan.
What I'm saying is that there's no tangible difference between development for non-standard last-gen console hardware and OTS current-gen hardware. Where it came from is irrelevant, and there's zero precedence to believe otherwise. Even if he was right, most devs such as 343i haven't even used OTS hardware before, so their lack of experience with OTS hardware has fuck-all to do with a consoles' limitations.

You have zero evidence to support your laughable beliefs that we've somehow reached the apex of console hardware before most devs have even had a go at it yet.
Any PC game from about 2 to 3 years ago if I can guesstimate.
How? Even when the last-gen consoles released, we had PC games going beyond those consoles' presumed boundaries. That didn't mean 360 or PS3 game performance had reached their apex before they even left the gate. It wasn't the first time that that happened, and it won't be the last.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:32:46 PM »
>zero evidence
I've provided more than you have, though.

8th gen in general
8th gen hardware
8th gen are gimped PCs
8th gen uses off the shelf hardware and uses the same architecture as PCs use
8th gen is already struggling to run games
The fucking GTX 750Ti (without even being overclocked) w/ i3 processor outdoes the PS4 and Xbone in performance. The 750Ti is a super cheap low end GPU. The PS4 and Xbone are using netbook CPUs ffs. That's how pathetically weak 8th gen consoles are.

You'd need to be an idiot to not understand this.
Off-the-shelf hardware or not, it's irrelevant. This is most devs' first time developing for this generation of hardware. It's a blank slate.

As I've already proven, optimizations can go a long way.
No they don't. Optimizations only go so far, which isn't very far, in terms of graphical improvement.
This is the most idiotic, pseudo-intellectual statement ever posted in the history of this board. I thought nobody could outdo Verbatim shilling for the Virtual Boy.

GTA IV on PC runs like crap. GTA V on PC doesn't.

This flies in the face of your entire argument because GTA V is the graphically superior game in every possible way, and yet it performs better than GTA IV on PC, on the same hardware. The fact is that GTA V was optimized and GTA IV was not.

All you've done is irrelevantly talk about 7th gen, and how the graphics improved over time. Not because of optimizations, but because they were learning new things about the hardware and architecture.
That is how it has happened throughout the history of computer hardware. There is zero basis to believe that will change.

The limitations you're claiming is completely unfounded, without any basis in computer science or historical and technological precedence.
lol okay.
None of what I've said is unfounded. In any way.
You're taking some basic points about current-gen consoles having old hardware and claiming that 1) because it's old, it's reached its limits, and 2) because developers are using off-the-shelf hardware, and because they use OTS hardware all the time, they know the exact limitations of it, because all OTS hardware is exactly the same, and if you can do one you've done all of them. None of that is even remotely true.

Most console developers haven't even developed for off-the-shelf hardware, because they've only developed for non-standard console hardware. They have zero experience with OTS hardware, so they're starting from scratch.

An example of such a company would be 343i.

OTS vs. nonstandard hardware is thus irrelevant at this point. And they're unlikely to hit the ball out of the park, because getting it perfect the first time is difficult.

Even comparing games like Battlefield 3 to BF4, the graphics are improved on both console and PC with the same hardware in mind (for consoles and PC), with the same engine used, with the same staff behind it. Or even just take a look at Naughty Dog's games and how those graphics have improved with each title, too. Both devs are getting more out of the hardware each time, because it's a cumulative process, and triple-A development takes years.

It's a slow, gradual process, which is why two years is hardly enough time to close the book and make assertive statements that we've reached the human and technological limits for what's possible. Most devs are just releasing their first titles on this hardware, with many optimizations that were outdated by the time the product reached the market.

8th gen is weak as fuck. Fact
Old is not the same as useless.
8th gen uses off the shelf hardware. Fact
This is irrelevant.
Developers have been developing games for x86 architecture and off the shelf hardware for a long as time. Fact
See above. New hardware is essentially a blank slate, regardless of architecture.
Optimizations aren't some magical thing that you seem to think they are. Fact
Optimizations have been standard for video game development since kingdom come. It's the most basic requirement to making a game look and run reasonably well on the hardware it's given. You're so hilariously uninformed about the most basic facts about real-time 3D graphics, or computer science in general.

Optimization is the difference between this:

And the sad sack of shit you see on the left:


Software literally CAN NOT compensate for hardware. Fact
But not to the outrageous degree you're claiming.

lol fuck off
Coming from the guy linking to pictures of bullshots.
Again, the point was obvious, and you can't prove it wrong.

You yourself haven't actually provided any proof. And the few links you used about Crysis and GTAV don't support you either. In fact, they do the exact opposite.
You're literally more retarded than Peter Griffin. Nice job not going into detail, either. You have no evidence.

So either wisen up, or shut the fuck up.

You're just reiterating the same old tired, debunked bullshit over and over again. You have zero evidence to support your laughable beliefs that we've somehow reached the apex of console hardware before most devs have even had a go at it yet. This whiny bullshit happens every generation and is proven wrong every single goddamn time. I dropped CS but I'll be damned if I don't know my shit.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 05:32:23 PM »
>ignoring the perfectly valid argument that 360 graphics have objectively improved over the console's lifespan
Yes. The graphics of games on the 360 did drastically improve over its lifespan. I never once denied that.
However, using it at all when discussing the 8th gen consoles, isn't valid. At all.

How many times will it take for it to get through to you? 7th gen is nothing like 8th gen.
Developers didn't know how to fully and effectively take advantage of the 360 and PS3. It took them years to figure things out.
That's why games like TLoU came at the end of their lifespan. They were able to utilise the hardware and software super effectively and efficiently.

The Nvidia 8800/9800 GT released in 2006/2008. Recommended specs for this. Also the recommended specs for this. Meets the minimum requirements for games as recent as this and this.
This doesn't prove anything.
The recommended specs to effectively run those two games meet the minimum specs to barely run two newer games.

Do you know what minimum means? Have you ever seen GTAV running at the very minimum? It looks fucking awful.

I think the reason you have to cherrypick apart my own argument, instead of actually producing your own evidence, is that you have none. There is zero precedence for any of the bullshit you're spewing about hardware limitations.
I haven't cherrypicked anything. I broke up your posts to directly address each point. Just like I'm doing now.

I don't need to provide evidence regarding obvious and widely known facts. The PS4 and Xbone were outdated and underpowered before they were even released in comparison to the current hardware in 2013. There's no changing this fact whether you like it or not. No amount of driver optimizations will ever change this. Software can't compensate for hardware.

Shall I make a list of games that struggle to run on the 8th gen consoles, or had to cut back on things so they can run? Because it'll be a long list.

None of what I'm saying is bullshit. If you actually knew anything about hardware, you'd know that the next few years are going to be tough on the 8th gen.
That, and hardware improving faster than ever, they've become outdated significantly faster than 7th gen.

And before I finish here, I'll repeat it one last time, for good measure.
The PS4 and Xbone use off the shelf hardware. They use the exact same architecture as PCs use.
There is near nothing that they need to relearn, because they already know how to develop for what the PS4 and Xbone are running on.
7th gen used different hardware and architectures that were very foreign to developers. They had to learn a lot. It took them near enough the entire 7th gen lifespan to properly understand and to effectively and efficiently utilise what the 360 and PS3 were using. 8th gen is NOYHING like that.

But whatever. Stay ignorant and keep buying into MS' and Sony's PR.
>zero evidence

As I've already proven, optimizations can go a long way. The limitations you're claiming is completely unfounded, without any basis in computer science or historical and technological precedence.

Give me evidence, or stop being such a little bitch.

Keep in mind that the PS3's graphics card is a generation older than the 8800/9800 GT, and yet GTA V looks great for that system.

The Flood / Re: What ever happened to Sapphire?
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:10:39 PM »
Ruby was the better game.

The Flood / Re: Das bones children.
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:58:38 PM »

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