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Topics - Elai

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The Flood / My collection is coming along nicely
« on: February 10, 2016, 03:07:45 PM »

"With Teeth" literally just came in the mail. All I need is "The Slip", Ghosts I-IV, and "Hesitation Marks" and I'll have all the mainline albums as far as I know.

Then it's off to collecting all the individual Halos... yay.

The Flood / when you find the overalls you've been looking for
« on: February 09, 2016, 09:37:52 PM »
but they don't ship to your address

fuck me

The Flood / I just realised
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:54:04 PM »
today marks the 3 year anniversary of my [severe] depression

yay me

The Flood / Need a name for my main character.
« on: February 06, 2016, 06:53:23 PM »
I have to write a script for my comtech class, and I need the main character's name. Setting is an old Italian restaurant in the lower-east side of Manhattan. Original, I know.

Any ideas?

The Flood / >tfw she likes it when you sing Nine Inch Nails lyrics
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:33:34 PM »
pretty awesome tbh

so since this thread pretty much has no discussion value, post the stuff you've been listening to


The Flood / Lemon's been gone too long.
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:38:10 AM »
Where he at

The Flood / Is it okay to ask a girl to prom if she has a boyfriend?
« on: January 31, 2016, 10:58:03 PM »

The Flood / What do you think of abstract art?
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:40:37 PM »
Stuff like this

all of my photoshop stuff from the last 2 months is gone. Lots of schoolwork. Thankfully none of my music except a few ringtones.

has anybody else encountered this

I've forgotten what it feels like to be loved.

Serious / Materialist versus Idealist
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:47:50 PM »
Which are you and why.

The Flood / Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 10:33:11 PM »
...or fantasise about people you know in real life?

On the one hand, you're jerking off to the actual act of two people having sex. On the other hand, you're jerking off to someone you regularly meet/see/talk to without them even knowing.

The Flood / Does anyone have a short plot summary of Lord of the Flies?
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:34:51 PM »
Preferably something that you wrote yourself so my teacher can't reverse search it into google.

Thanks in advance.

The Flood / AMA Just killed my presentation on the Pork Industry
« on: January 19, 2016, 02:03:12 PM »

Gaming / PC Help
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:58:11 AM »

Are there any gaping flaws in my specs? Overkill.

The Flood / This is the longest day of my life...
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:35:40 PM »
I've been trying to force myself to stay awake late enough that I don't wake up at 2 AM every night unable to continue sleeping, so... keep me awake, please.


Gaming / Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:03:06 PM »
1. The Legend of Zelda: Wii U
Recently I've come to love the Zelda series, so naturally, I'm excited for what appears to be the Phantom Pain of the series, hype and ambitions wise.

2. Final Fantasy XV
I saw some gameplay, and thought it looked pretty cool. I've never played a FF game so I'm not sure what I'm in for.

3. Horizon: Zero Dawn
Looks great. I love the art style, the gameplay, and the main protagonist.

4. Star Fox: Zero
Never played a Star Fox game, so I'm looking forward to hearing some sick banter between Falco and Fox,

5. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
From what I've seen, it looks to be the most artistically interesting game being released this year.

The Flood / A Challenger approaches...
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:07:53 AM »

Gaming / You know what game series has super underrated music?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:01:50 PM »

Mute City

Big Blue

Thank you Smash for introducing me to Captain Falcon and his great series' music.

Post other older stuff like this for me to enjoy.

Gaming / Someone recommend a good Star Wars game.
« on: December 29, 2015, 06:40:31 PM »
I'm in a Star Wars mood.

Preferably something single-player focused.

I don't own an Xbox so I can't play Xbox-exclusives.

Gaming / Super Smash Brothers
« on: December 23, 2015, 09:56:24 PM »
Super Smash Brothers

Gaming / Has anyone played any Virtual Console games on the Wii-U?
« on: December 22, 2015, 08:14:22 PM »
Specifically Ocarina of Time. I can't stand the N64 controller and want to continue my play session on my Wii-U, but I'm not sure if the controls are any better or if there are missing features.

Gaming / The most entertaining playthrough I've ever seen.
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:59:04 PM »
Dunkey's Super Mario 64 Playthrough

I've watched it beginning to end at least 3 times. He uploads a new video like once a year, it's hilarious. And it gives you some backstory to Dunkey, as this epic session spans half a decade.

I highly recommend watching it.

Septagon / What is the point of "personal text"?
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:52:29 AM »


Kotaku: Kojima Finally Leaves Konami To Start His Own Studio

Article so you don't have to load new page
After a year full of rumors, the Kojima/Konami saga appears to be coming to a close, with the Japanese newspaper Nikkei reporting that Hideo Kojima’s time with the company has finally ended.

The legendary designer, best known for developing the Metal Gear Solid series, will reportedly start his own studio with other former Konami staff. Nikkei reports that Kojima and crew are in negotiations with Sony to debut their first game on PlayStation platforms, according to a translation by NeoGAF user Zefah (and corroborated by Japanese-speaking Wired editor Chris Kohler.)

This news comes after a seemingly endless saga of reports about Konami mistreating Kojima. Earlier this month, Game Awards host Geoff Keighley fired shots at Konami for not letting the celebrated game designer come to Los Angeles and accept an award for his most recent game, Metal Gear Solid V. We’ve reached out to Konami many, many times for comment on all this, and we pinged them again today about this news.

You may have seen a GameSpot tweet and report suggesting that Kojima is forming a studio with Sony; that report is based on a mistranslation and is not what Nikkei reported.

VG24/7 Reiterates

Don't give these guys revenue
Hideo Kojima’s contract with Konami expires today it’s said, and a report out of Japan states he has formed a new studio.

According to Nikkei, Kojima’s new studio is made of former Kojima Productions staff and is currently in negotiations with Sony Computer Entertainment.

The report states the debut title from the studio will launch first on PlayStation platforms.

Today being the day Kojima’s contract ends with Konami backs up an October report which stated his contractual obligations would end during the month of December.

Hopefully this means we may find out what went on between the Metal Gear Solid creator and the publisher.

Earlier this month during The Game Awards 2015, host Geoff Keighley said Kojima was barred from attending the show, which is why Keifer Sutherland took to the stage to accept an award for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain on his behalf .

Fans were rather upset over this news, along with former Square Enix president Yoichi Wada who took to his Facebook page to voice his opinion on how Konami had been treating Kojima, which he felt was both “cruel” and bad for business.

We’ll update you should more information come to light.


It warms my heart to hear he's still going to make games. And partnering with Sony is a fantastic idea, especially he he chooses to become exclusive. Sony treats their in-house devs better than... pretty much any other publisher I can think of.

I would love to see something action-adventure-y from him (kind of hoping he doesn't make something similar to Silent Hills).

The Flood / AMA Just met the prettiest punk rock chick ever.
« on: December 12, 2015, 07:52:35 PM »

Gaming / Snake's "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" Playthrough Thread
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:44:29 PM »
A record for my first playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.

Regarding Spoiler/Advice Protocol:

I simply do NOT want any help when it comes to the mechanics/puzzles. I want to figure those out for myself. If I ever say something like,

"Man, I wonder how you beat Gohma. I know it has something to do with her eye."

I don't want someone popping in to tell me how to do it.

A good rule of thumb regarding plot spoilers is that, if I'm going to find out the answer to my question by finishing the game, just don't say anything. And if the answer to my question spoils something that will happen in the game, just spoiler tag it, like so:

Plot Spoilers for Ocarina of Time
You defeat Ganondorf at the end.



I beat King Dodongo. Well, "beat" is a bit of an understatement. I slaughtered Dodongo. I didn't even get him once. I figured out that you have to throw the bombs right into his mouth. After that, I was aces.

Big Brother gave me the second spiritual stone, and I was tasked with making my way up to Death Mountain to talk to the Great Fairy. Once up there, I was granted a new sword ability (the spin-thingy from Smash Bros.) The Owl guy took be back down the mountain.

I had a hunch that I would have to get a water-themed stone next, so I went back to that river I discovered before. I ran out of bombs and I'm pretty tired, so I saved there and called it a day.


Played a lot today, but progressed very little. As always, I spawned at Kokiri Village and had to make my way back to Kakariko, where I started my way up the mountain for the first time. Talked to a few Gorons, found out that the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern was blocked presumably by my main-man, Ganondorf. Made my way further up the mountain to Big Brother's lair, where I made the guy dance hilariously by playing Saria's song. He offered me the deal to get rid of the creatures in the Cavern for the Spiritual Stone or whatever. I blew up the rock Ganon had placed in front of the cavern with the bracelet Big Brother gave me, made my way inside.

Right away, I knew I was going to fucking hate this place. The song that plays is just bland, and instantly reminds me of all the shitty levels in other games I've played, like Spider Cave from The Precursor Legacy, or Wet-Dry World from Super Mario 64. Those stupid eyeball things that shoot lasers out of their face were pissing me off, too. Even when I get rid of them using the bombs, nothing happens to open up any doorways. I can't figure out where to go. I have both the compass and the map, I'm just stuck right now. That's why I progressed very little today.

My fairy says I have to kill the eye things with some sort of smoke or something, but what's that going to do? If I can just kill them, why do I need smoke bombs (and I don't even know if those are a thing in this game.)

Wouldn't be terribly against some help at this part, as I got really frustrated. But maybe nothing too definitive. Be vague.


Didn't get as much done today, but that's alright. Christmas break starts tomorrow so I'll have lots of time to finish this and Wind Waker.

Anyways, I remember saving my game at Hyrule Field, but when I loaded up the game, I was back at Kokiri Village. I ran all the way back to Hyrule Field and tried to get past the Zora's River area, but there were boulders blocking the way and that Owl guy told me to go find Saria. So, I ran all the way back to Kokiri to find her. Spent about 5 minutes looking around, then I realised she's probably in the Lost Forest. Having previously explored that area (in my initial play session), I already knew where I had to go. I learnt her song, and made my way back to Hyrule Field to approach Kakariko Village. The guard laughed at me to get to Death Mountain until I showed him the letter from Zelda, at which point, he opened up the gate. Heeding his advice on buying a Hylian Shield from the Market, I returned to Hyrule Castle. I tried to get his son a popular mask, but it seemed like I couldn't at this point in my playthrough. I saved after returning to Kakiriko.


Progressed a bit more today. After many attempts, I figured out that you have to hit Gohma in the eye while it's red with some sort of projectile, and while she's stunned, hit her with a powerful "A" lunge. Repeat a few times.

It felt rewarding having to figure that out on my own. It's a philosophy I'm going to carry throughout my playthrough.

After that, I heard the legends or whatever. Got the green stone from the Deku Tree, and made my way to Hyrule Castle. Trying to get into that place was pretty fun -- I messed up a few times, but it's all, again, trial and error. The part where you have to enter the castle at a specific time of day to avoid the patrols was interesting, and felt reminiscent of Shadow Moses Island-levels of sneaking. Nice throwback, there.

After that, we met "Zelda" (I don't think it's her, for some reason. Maybe she's just young, and the "adult" Zelda I'm thinking of will appear later.) Ganondorf was introduced (the man looks so cool), but I was confused. I thought his name was simply Ganon? Or was that he predecessor in the continuity?

I left the game off where Zelda's bodyguard told me to head to Death Mountain or whatever it's called. Seemed like a good place to end. I don't know when or where I'll get Epona, but I hope it's soon.

In conclusion, I know I've already said this, but I enjoy myself more and more with each play session. I'm trying not to rush it (only an hour or so a day), and it's only enticing me more and more. I highly recommend doing this sort of thing from now on.


I'm trying to play an hour or so a day, but I spent yesterday rearranging my room so I can play Smash Bros. with my friends better, so it was worth it. I'll probably make a "Gaming Setup" thread with the deets.


After a few ill-fated tries at figuring out the puzzles, I made it past the opening in the floor area. Everytime I play the game, I garner more and more enjoyment out of my time. Link's controls are just brilliant. And the subtle difference between holding UP on the joystick while pressing A or just pressing A behind a cube is amazing. Little details like that just make my day.

I got "stuck" (used lightly because it only took my 5~ minutes to figure out) at two parts: the beginning, where you had to use a stick, light it on fire, then burn away the spider webs, and the area just above that, where you need to do the same thing, only you have to swing the stick to hit the webs below you. Couldn't figure out how to swing, lol.

Any who, fell down the whole, defeated those enemies that hide in the ground (don't remember what they're called, but they had the "2-3-1" combination), and made my way through the corridor. Met up with Gohma(?). I tried to defeat her (twice), but I got stuck and figured that would be a good place to finish today. I know I have to do something with her eye, but sword slashes do nothing and I ran out of those walnut things. I'll have to figure it out when I play again.

In conclusion, I'm really enjoying myself. I wish I could play more this week, but I don't think I'll be able to continue until at least Saturday. Depends.


So, yeah. I explored Kokiri(?) Village, got like 70 rupees, bought a shield. Went into the Lost Woods or whatever, but I couldn't find my way around, and I didn't have a shield at the time so it was pretty challenging.

I entered the Deku Tree area and just obtained the Slingshot. I saved the game right after I jumped through the spiderweb hole in the first room.

First impressions: Link controls beautifully. There are games today that don't put this much effort into their character's motion. Everything feels really fluid. I think it was an... interesting design choice to not have a dedicated jump button (given that it's a platformer-esque game), but it works really well here. It doesn't feel limiting at all.

The combat seems really "tic-tac-toe", which is cool. It seems like it's going to be one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" mechanics.

The music is pretty good, specifically the Deku Tree song. As soon as you step in there, you feel like you're in a Holy place or something...

Graphics are, well... not all that great. I appreciate that the characters have a little more facial animation to them in comparison to some other games, including my favourite released that year (Metal Gear Solid).

The Flood / Damn, I can't come up with a good colour combo...
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:41:46 AM »
...that goes well with my avatar.

Any suggestions?

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