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Topics - Republicunt

Pages: 1
The Flood / So what ever happened to Beirut from the Reach forum?
« on: January 25, 2016, 11:27:47 PM »
Did he create an alt after being laughed out of the forum or something? I thought his rageposts were quite amusing back on B.old.

Speaking of Reach forum, does anyone who used to frequent that forum still post either here or on Bnet? Like boomdeyadh, ThreeSixXero, Confessors, Hi GunKoMa, B Rye, etc. Just curious
LOL or MR E0S. Forgot about him.

The Flood / So Conservatives,
« on: October 16, 2015, 06:02:28 PM »
Tell me what your reactions will be when another Democrat inevitably gets elected to the Oval Office in 2016 and retains it for another 8 years.

Serious / So... why don't we ban outsourcing?
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:48:27 PM »
This is a question I've been pondering for a while now. Since a large component of the US economy was its strong manufacturing base, why doesn't the government ban outsourcing and force corporations like Apple, Microsoft, Walmart and others to leave China and return to America for production of their products? Some people say this would be a bad idea since it would greatly raise prices and possibly wipe out these companies' profits. Now I'm no expert on economics and I'm sure most everyone here will have a higher knowledge of this subject than I do but if the higher wages of American workers became too expensive to pay then couldn't the government just subsidize the labor wages for these corporations? So would this be good or bad in the long run?

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