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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 272829 3031 ... 255
Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:35:42 PM »
hamilton is overrated and dumb liberals are fetishizing the man like he wasnt a slaveowning piece of shit

that being said fuck mike pence
You've obviously never fucking heard Hamilton, the play is super critical of him.

Fuck off, Diet Verbatim
i said the dumb liberals fetishize him, not the play. learn to read, please.

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:32:54 PM »
hamilton is overrated and dumb liberals are fetishizing the man like he wasnt a slaveowning piece of shit

that being said fuck mike pence

I'm still impressed with Skyrim.

no you're not allowed to like bethesda games made after 2006
youre allowed to like them its just that people will laugh at you for having such low standards

Serious / Re: The benefits of voting for each candidate
« on: November 19, 2016, 05:52:17 PM »
trumps election will accelerate the fall of capitalism

Gaming / Re: Skyrim playthrough
« on: November 19, 2016, 01:37:04 PM »
Trolls are a lot stronger than I remember. Stumbled upon 2 in a cave close to Whiterun and had to run because they healed faster than I could damage them.
fire dmg op against trolls

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:16:23 PM »
i too am mythic

and FNV which wasn't technically Bethesda published and was rushed.
minor correction, Bethesda did publish NV; they outsourced the development of the game to Obsidian

Gaming / Re: Skyrim playthrough
« on: November 18, 2016, 06:10:02 PM »
difficulty scaling in skyrim essentially just beefs enemy damage/weakens your damage. doesnt make the AI smarter, just makes things take longer and tries to force scarcity in your inventory consumables (a laughable concept in a game like skyrim; if you're running out of anything important at any point you're playing very poorly). play at adept for the base values for player damage done/taken. anything lower just makes it easier (it's already a very easy game) and like i already said anything higher is just unnecessary time wasted.

They're running on the same engine since Morrowind. Eventually it's going to reach a limit in terms of what you can do with it. You can only pile so much on a foundation before it can't take anymore. CoD had the same effect, using the same engine since CoD 2.

Creation was made for Skyrim. It wasn't used for Morrowind or Oblivion.
they based it on gamebryo tho its not like they came out with a totally brand spanking new engine

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:42:49 PM »
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?
Half the people on welfare sit at home doing drugs with their 8 kids and go bring their stamps to Walmart to get steak. Or sell them for more drugs.
[citation needed]

The Flood / Re: What is the perfect breakfast?
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:59:51 PM »
first you smoke some pot. maybe take a shot or whatever your favorite poison is. get a glass of water (or tea if you so wish).

then you make some hashbrowns, grits, eggs however you like em, bacon or sausage. (the grits eggs and bacon/sausage go great together btw) if you're feelin reeeaaaalllll saucy or if your portions for the first few foods were small you can whip up some french toast with powdered sugar on the side.

The Flood / Re: Les Deplorables
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:34:10 PM »
when decimator omega is on your side you know you've chosen the path of reason and intelligence

downloaded uplay just to get this game. excellent ost and visual aesthetic

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:03:11 PM »
> acting like the "regressive left" is a real, influential thing and not a red herring propped up by internet conservatives in order to demonize liberals

hang on i think i dropped some of my lolz back that way ill brb

american liberals will use scapegoats like third party voters and abstaining voters to deny the fact that their candidate was awful, they wont move any further left because that would endanger their bottom line. will probably try to pander to some of the more "reasonable" republican voters. we'll know more about how the party changes its platform/overall approach as we edge closer to the next midterms.

Probably not
excellent rebuttal your argument has won me over

« on: November 10, 2016, 07:33:11 PM »
you're a little behind but yes togashi is a genius

american liberals will use scapegoats like third party voters and abstaining voters to deny the fact that their candidate was awful, they wont move any further left because that would endanger their bottom line. will probably try to pander to some of the more "reasonable" republican voters. we'll know more about how the party changes its platform/overall approach as we edge closer to the next midterms.

You realize this is the serious board

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:23:06 PM »
america has its first WWE hall of famer president

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:00:04 PM »
Oh my god, tomorrow's South Park episode is going to be incredible.
unless they shit out an entirely new episode in less than 24 hours or somehow change the existing version of it ooorrr have a different one already lined up its about hillary winning. theyve been running spots on comedy central showing bill as the first gentleman

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (First Polls Close at 6 est)
« on: November 08, 2016, 03:22:15 PM »
Hit the poll at 9am. Voted Johnson, and then against any option that supported Georgia Amendment 1. I realized that they'll still likely win, but just voting opposite at least decreased the victory by a fraction of a percent.
yeah fuck amendment 1. i voted no on 2 and 3 too.

Serious / Re: I want to learn more about early American history
« on: November 07, 2016, 03:39:58 PM »
might want to narrow down "early" to a specific time period/events. without specifics i can only recommend a few generalized works.

"america: a narrative history volume 1" by george brown tindall and david emory shi covers american history from the pre colombian era up through reconstruction. its a solid entry level book.

there is also "what hath god wrought: the transformation of america, 1815-1848" by daniel walker howe. this book describes the evolution of commerce in america during the jacksonian era.

my third recommendation would be alexis de tocqueville's work "democracy in america." this is a frenchman's perspective on early american history and democracy.

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:28:04 PM »
watch out guys these high capacity signs are p dangerous

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:15:20 PM »
everyone itt forgot the zoo forbids guests from feeding the trolls. smh

Serious / Re: Second Trail of Tears fucking when?
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:42:38 PM »
y'all are truly something else. lmfao.

Serious / Re: Second Trail of Tears fucking when?
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:37:24 PM »
its actually seven but you shouldnt feel bad some people are born with brain damage and are unable to do simple math you can still live a full happy life

i believe I've already warned you before not to respond to people like this in serious
fine, ill stop but its fucking unbelievable that you choose to enforce this rule and then turn right back around to let people post incredibly racist shit in here all the time. i see you.

racism isn't against the rules in serious or anywhere else in this forum
the implication of my post being that the rules are completely fucked.

Serious / Re: Second Trail of Tears fucking when?
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:24:55 PM »
its actually seven but you shouldnt feel bad some people are born with brain damage and are unable to do simple math you can still live a full happy life

i believe I've already warned you before not to respond to people like this in serious
fine, ill stop but its fucking unbelievable that you choose to enforce this rule and then turn right back around to let people post incredibly racist shit in here all the time. i see you.

You sure were quick to criticize the use of even the first atomic bomb though with a link that even proved my own point.

1) i do not condone the imperialists' actions
2) you're also retarded
its not my fault your terrible reading comprehension led you to the wrong conclusion

Serious / Re: Second Trail of Tears fucking when?
« on: November 02, 2016, 09:46:57 PM »
unabashed racism itt
No there isn't
not on the 2nd page cuz it got derailed but theres definitely a lot of racist shit on the first page
I counted two posts
its actually seven but you shouldnt feel bad some people are born with brain damage and are unable to do simple math you can still live a full happy life

An Imperial Japanese apologist shouldn't be saying anything on other people's intelligence.

1) i do not condone the imperialists' actions
2) you're also retarded

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