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Messages - Azumarill

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Serious / Re: And here we... go!
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:15:46 PM »
The question is who is this being funded by? Stein raised 3.5 million during her entire campaign. Now this already has over 4 million after a few days. And it has been getting consistent donations of $160,000 and hour.
~~~le conspiracy~~~

Gaming / Re: I have a Halo 3 question
« on: November 25, 2016, 02:47:05 AM »
I thought it was because kids were too lazy to go do the Vidmaster Challenges.
the vidmaster stuff came in 09 around the time ODST came out, cuz you needed to do ODST stuff to finish them all. from h3's release until then recon was super rare & only given out from promotional stuff/extreme circumstances

Gaming / Re: Halo OSTs
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:26:30 PM »
im still baffled at fucking breaking benjamin being in h2

Gaming / Re: Doing a survey about Halo 5 for a class project.
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:24:41 PM »
I know for a fact that last response I got was from either Jono, Azu, Fedorekt or maybe Deci.
I don't want to exclude sep7 from the server because you've honestly been helpful until now, especially in fixing my world renowned spelling. (except you Fedorekt. "SPARTAN BLACKED"...really?") but this ( as well as Fedorekt's original shenanigans is making me doubt if it's worth it.
wasn't me

The Flood / Re: Let me put this in Terms You Can Understand
« on: November 23, 2016, 03:15:55 PM »

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 22, 2016, 09:09:08 PM »
2nd worst game in the franchise*
nigga what's #1?
reach. it had a decent campaign and by far the best art style of all the games but the multiplayer was such a fucking dumpster fire

also, i dont consider halo wars to be a part of the main franchise and dont take it under consideration when it comes to rankings

Gaming / Re: Convince me to like bloodborne ITT
« on: November 22, 2016, 08:18:49 PM »
focus on offensive playstyle rather than defensive/reactionary

the whole lovecraftian theme is super cool

The Flood / Re: Throw some weebshit into the meat grinder
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:43:34 PM »
i think psy knows a bit of japanese

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:25:59 PM »
why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else?
Because they're not "your people." At all. They just share your skin color--that's it.

The rest of your questions are either too loaded or malformed for me to answer.
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else, and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.

How are they not my people? How are they less of my people than other ethnic groups?
Are you actually as stupid as you're making out to be, or is this just a big joke?

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:18:15 PM »
I'd beat anyone at H3 tbh
tru is probably much better than you
dont be sad, at least there's no way you could possibly be as bad as decimator omega is

The Flood / Re: *******ANIME MEGATHREAD********
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:17:18 PM »
looks like trash, but fans of the original thing are probably gonna hate it too

yeah i don't think I've seen a fan of the original who thinks it's going to be a good movie
i think it has more potential than any other live action anime adaptation so far (aside from the rouroni kenshin movies but those are jap productions so mostly irrelevant), even though that isnt saying much. the director and producer seem familiar with the source material, and not just the 1995 movie either; they definitely saw stand alone complex and as i recall they're familiar with the manga too.

they seem to have a pretty decent visual aesthetic going on and i think scarjo actually looks pretty good as the major, some of the section 9 folks seem pretty neat (i like borma as an african guy tbh, and beat takeshi is an interesting choice for the old monkey) but my big worry right now is that the movie will be too derivative, focus too much on recreating iconic scenes and retreading familiar ground for a mainstream audience rather than coming up with its own truly self-contained story the way every other entry in the GITS franchise did.

anyway, you can check my name on the list of "fans of GITS who are somewhat optimistic"

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:11:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 22, 2016, 01:50:37 PM »
I'm weeks behind on DiU and I have little to no desire to catch up.
then just dont bother catching up

The Flood / Re: KANYE
« on: November 22, 2016, 12:40:15 PM »
Do people get their money back when this shit happens?
ticketmaster gave full refunds but people who got their shit from things like stubhub were out of luck. thats to be expected when you get your shit from scalpers though.

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 22, 2016, 12:29:34 PM »
2nd worst game in the franchise*

I didn't say anything about Halo 3 though.

Also, this says the guy with worst girl and second worst girl of their franchise as one of their rotating avatars
you cant just say that and then not say which avatars it was i have like 40
how many waifus do you have
about tree fitty

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:51:58 PM »
2nd worst game in the franchise*

I didn't say anything about Halo 3 though.

Also, this says the guy with worst girl and second worst girl of their franchise as one of their rotating avatars
you cant just say that and then not say which avatars it was i have like 40

You have a problem
if signavatar didnt want me to use 40 avatars then they shouldnt have let me use 40 avatars

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:40:24 PM »
2nd worst game in the franchise*

I didn't say anything about Halo 3 though.

Also, this says the guy with worst girl and second worst girl of their franchise as one of their rotating avatars
you cant just say that and then not say which avatars it was i have like 40

Gaming / Re: I love shilling for Halo 4
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:05:51 PM »
2nd worst game in the franchise*

Serious / Re: UK lawmakers approve 'most sweeping' surveillance powers
« on: November 21, 2016, 04:21:43 PM »
Ironic you say that considering it's the hard labor factory workers that allowed Trump to win Michigan.

the more we let them ruin the world the closer we'll get to the glorious workers' revolution
those idiots will be thrown in the gulag for supporting fascism

Gaming / Re: I feel like I've hit a levelling wall in Skyrim
« on: November 21, 2016, 03:33:05 PM »
It's kinda why i've been juggling weapons a lot through the game.

It slows your levelling but makes you more well rounded for lategame.

You could always spam alchemy, then buy up all the ingredients everywhere and make them into more valuable potions for infinite wonga. Then you can spend freely on trainers.

I've had Skyrim since 2011 and I've never once got into Alchemy. Is it that good?
its part of what makes the game so unbelievably easy. alchemy in skyrim is seriously broken af
Hm, maybe I should actually look into these skills. I have completely ignored smithing, enchanting and alchemy throughout my plays.

Smithing and enchanting are pretty easy to level up
Nothing really happens.
until you're wearing fully upgraded & enchanted armor perfectly suited to your playstyle. its good for RP and good for gameplay dynamic, enchantments especially encourage a bit of diversity (something sorely needed in this game)
Can you elaborate on that last part?

My issue, if you even want to call it that, with those skills is that there's nothing going on when leveling them. All of my other skills, whether it's armor, archery, block, one/two handed, sneak, pickpocket, speech, lockpicking and so forth, level up when I play the game and engage with the rest of the world. You get better at them while exploring, questing and completing objectives. But the skills we've talked about? It just feels like a grind while nothing happens. The world stands still while you spend a few hours doing the same things over and over to gain some levels. To me, it just feels like you're doing something you'd do in an MMO, only now just by yourself for no real purpose.

I dunno. Probably just me, but even the thought of it makes me not want to play the game.
diversity in skyrim's gameplay mechanics contradicts itself at times

firstly id like to note that the biggest problem (imo) is racial balancing-  racial choices dont matter at all for the most part; the only racial abilities that truly matter are Nord and Dunmer frost/fire resistance (respectively)

it seems to me that the openness of the skill tree/talent system as well as every race being mostly the same (except for subtle advantages in the early game, which dont matter) allows every character to be a jack of all trades if you play enough/the right way. the ideal character for beating the game is well-versed in most every skill, but the contradiction here is that, in a way, excluding certain skills from your build as a roleplay choice gimps the character, punishing you for choosing a niche in many situations. some would say this adds an extra dimension of challenge to the game but i think its a very poor design philosophy and there are better ways to make a game harder/to encourage diversity in builds. enchanting lets players to circumvent this to some degree because it allows for your various armor pieces/weapons to have a nicely varied set of mostly equally useful extra abilities. so, say, a stealthy one hander in light armor could have a lot more survivability or dish out more damage (or have more utility) with enchanted armor and a lot of potions than without those things. enchanting is OP as fuck just like alchemy, and the strength of both of those things is amplified by the problems with racial choices and the sheer openness of the talent tree.

my opinion on these matters is informed by my approach to the game; after 1000 hours in skyrim i make most of my choices based on the best way to "win" encounters and progress through the game, rather than how i should roleplay. i suppose most people wouldnt be bothered by these things the way i am because they have a different approach.

anyway, if your problem with using skills like echanting and alchemy is the grind aspect of it, thats reasonable. theyre certainly not necessary, it just kind of gimps your character to not make use of them, but the game is easy as tits anyway so it doesnt really matter.

The Flood / Re: How do you pronounce Gif?
« on: November 21, 2016, 02:44:06 PM »
hard g

The Flood / Re: Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:02:06 PM »
I am starting to believe some weeb molested Verb and traumatized him in regards to anime and mange.
its just part of the "being a massive edgelord" thing. he lets prejudice guide his experience and will never be truly open to some forms of creative expression. should we be surprised that someone as mentally ill as verb has this problem

Serious / Re: UK lawmakers approve 'most sweeping' surveillance powers
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:46:36 PM »
This is good.
Yeah, let's further legalize Trump's capacity to be an autocrat. Nothing can go wrong.
the more we let them ruin the world the closer we'll get to the glorious workers' revolution

Gaming / Re: I feel like I've hit a levelling wall in Skyrim
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:44:24 PM »
It's kinda why i've been juggling weapons a lot through the game.

It slows your levelling but makes you more well rounded for lategame.

You could always spam alchemy, then buy up all the ingredients everywhere and make them into more valuable potions for infinite wonga. Then you can spend freely on trainers.

I've had Skyrim since 2011 and I've never once got into Alchemy. Is it that good?
its part of what makes the game so unbelievably easy. alchemy in skyrim is seriously broken af
Hm, maybe I should actually look into these skills. I have completely ignored smithing, enchanting and alchemy throughout my plays.

Smithing and enchanting are pretty easy to level up
Nothing really happens.
until you're wearing fully upgraded & enchanted armor perfectly suited to your playstyle. its good for RP and good for gameplay dynamic, enchantments especially encourage a bit of diversity (something sorely needed in this game)

Gaming / Re: I feel like I've hit a levelling wall in Skyrim
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:41:12 PM »
It's kinda why i've been juggling weapons a lot through the game.

It slows your levelling but makes you more well rounded for lategame.

You could always spam alchemy, then buy up all the ingredients everywhere and make them into more valuable potions for infinite wonga. Then you can spend freely on trainers.

I've had Skyrim since 2011 and I've never once got into Alchemy. Is it that good?
its part of what makes the game so unbelievably easy. alchemy in skyrim is seriously broken af
Hm, maybe I should actually look into these skills. I have completely ignored smithing, enchanting and alchemy throughout my plays.
wtf thats like intentionally gimping yourself. you should definitely be using these skills, especially if you're still playing on the higher difficulties... not using them would cause a looooot of wasted time

The Flood / Re: KANYE
« on: November 20, 2016, 01:56:40 PM »
he's having a mental breakdown or some shit. he's always been a loose cannon and there's been a lot of pretty weird shit happening in his life recently but taking shit out on people who paid good money to see him perform just isnt cool.

he brought cudi out at that show, too. hopefully cudi's in a better place. hanging out with kanye right now might not be the best way to get to that place though..

Gaming / Re: I feel like I've hit a levelling wall in Skyrim
« on: November 20, 2016, 12:36:45 PM »
It's kinda why i've been juggling weapons a lot through the game.

It slows your levelling but makes you more well rounded for lategame.

You could always spam alchemy, then buy up all the ingredients everywhere and make them into more valuable potions for infinite wonga. Then you can spend freely on trainers.

I've had Skyrim since 2011 and I've never once got into Alchemy. Is it that good?
its part of what makes the game so unbelievably easy. alchemy in skyrim is seriously broken af

Steven Mnuchin? Rudy Giuliani?

Trump tried pushing himself as anti-establishment and then hires some of the most establishment politicians out there.
I'll reserve judgement for the time when we know exactly who's going to be in what office. It seems to me like he's trying to surround himself with loyalists, wherever they came from.
And dont even get me started on Steve Bannon. Ignorant jew hating white nationalists have no place in the executive branch or any branch for that matter.
Fun fact- most of the really edgy shit on Breitbart comes from Milo, who is a gay jew.

I thought Milo was Catholic?
his mom is jewish but he practices catholicism

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: November 19, 2016, 10:28:42 PM »
I've helped around 30 people so far get the Genji skin. Going to help more tonight.
how do you get it

i have a hots account but it isnt max level

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