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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: So.. has anyone here actually played D&D
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:14:28 PM »
I prefer Magic
magic is fun if you already have a huge store of cards to choose from, from a family member/friend/etc. its way too expensive to sustain unless you have a knack for winning at FNM or something

What do you wish for?
One wish or two?
one wish, but it may have multiple facets, such as wishing more than one person back from the dead
Oh.. so I can wish for infinite wishes then? Neat
no, i dont think shenron can do that.

What do you wish for?
One wish or two?
one wish, but it may have multiple facets, such as wishing more than one person back from the dead

Bring Krillin back to life.
To watch him die again.

What is the Krillin Owned count at yet?
its up to at least 30 i think

The Flood / Re: Choose nigga
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:01:10 PM »
pimpknight obviously

Gaming / Re: this guy is an absolute idiot.
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:52:07 PM »
he's right about the first 3 games being vastly different, but other than that it just looks like a run of the mill conversation between 3 people who have no idea how halo works

Gaming / Re: Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty leave IGN
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »
really though, who keeps consuming IGN's product? how are they still remotely successful?

Obviously, these wishes can only be done within Shenron's power. He has limits.

Shenrons power is inconsistent as fuck.
yeah, i mostly said that to try to get people to think of rather conservative wishes, instead of just.. infinite wishes

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:48:14 PM »
Toggle crouch is communism

Fucking NeoGaf I swear one of these days...

Toggle crouch is for non Gandhi hopping casuals

Are YOU a non Gandhi hopping casual?

I really hate how mlgfags take credit for shit that's been in the community for longer  than they've been playing at the"professional level".
I really hate that MLG fags got hired to do the MP but nobody got hired to write the story or do the characters for them to act more realistic like what RockStar did. God forbid the campaign gets the same treatment.
hiring the former pros didnt do jack diddly shit to improve multiplayer anyway. halo 4 was absolute dogshit out of the box and they magically managed to fuck up MCC. and now halo 5 is just a flat out AW/Titanfall/Destiny hybrid.

Pros were hired after Halo 4; they weren't involved with MCC; dank memes bro
they brought in bravo a little after launch to help fix the matchmaking, but it was too little too late. the game was beyond fucked. they hired a number of other pros to help develop the maps for H2A and the multiplayer for h5, including dersky, neighbor, and ghostayame.

Obviously, these wishes can only be done within Shenron's power. He has limits.

The Flood / You are now in possession of all 7 of Earth's Dragon Balls
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:41:23 PM »
What do you wish for?

Serious / Re: The fall of Lucifer.
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:20:37 PM »
hm, i didnt know that lucifer was a roman god. this is pretty interesting. thanks for the info

You can't blame tumblr for this one, because even they know that what Dustin posted isn't transhumanism. You're just bullshitting stuff up, man.

Anyways, transhumanism is pretty wicked. It'll be exciting to see where science goes with it.


Well he better be bullshitting on this, but I'm not sure my blood pressure could take finding out what the tag contains on tumblr.

the transhuman tag is pretty tame, too. i feel like anyone on tumblr who does use transhumanism/transhuman to describe their status as "otherkin" just doesn't understand the etymology or real meaning of transhumanism

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:08:04 PM »
Toggle crouch is communism

Fucking NeoGaf I swear one of these days...

Toggle crouch is for non Gandhi hopping casuals

Are YOU a non Gandhi hopping casual?

I really hate how mlgfags take credit for shit that's been in the community for longer  than they've been playing at the"professional level".
I really hate that MLG fags got hired to do the MP but nobody got hired to write the story or do the characters for them to act more realistic like what RockStar did. God forbid the campaign gets the same treatment.
hiring the former pros didnt do jack diddly shit to improve multiplayer anyway. halo 4 was absolute dogshit out of the box and they magically managed to fuck up MCC. and now halo 5 is just a flat out AW/Titanfall/Destiny hybrid.

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 03:01:40 PM »
Darker Than Black is pretty fucking great. Try GITS: Standalone Complex 2nd GIG after it gootsby
seasons 1 and 2 of GITS are fucking GOAT tier
I really wish they had kept the original look of Motoko >.>
im partial to her look from SAC tbh. her ultra-feminine form in the anime series reflects the nature of her existence and her motivations better than the look from the original movie or the OVAs imo. of course, all the different mediums GITS exists in are fantastic.. imo its the greatest accomplishment of anime/manga of all time

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:59:07 PM »
TFW Tokyo S2 is only 3 days away.

The wait is killing me.
What is it about?
Humans that can only live by eating other humans, also called Ghouls, they have a predatory organ that uses their blood and a special type of cells that they can use to kill people with. It focuses on a guy who is a human, then becomes a half ghoul and his story about who he struggles to come to terms with it.
oh tokyo ghoul

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:58:35 PM »
Darker Than Black is pretty fucking great. Try GITS: Standalone Complex 2nd GIG after it gootsby
seasons 1 and 2 of GITS are fucking GOAT tier

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:52:07 PM »
FMA was great. I really liked the direction they went with Scar and Wrath, and I've always thought Conquerer of Shamballa was a good movie. FMA:B really is an entirely different beast, since Pride/Wrath/Sloth are all different and obviously the story goes in vastly different directions. Brotherhood's Pride is one of my favorite anime villains ever
Which reminds me, I need to rewatch CoS. I watched it on Toonami a while ago before watching the series and a lot of it went over my head >.>

Speaking of Pride, I did get chills in the first series when

Pride's talking with the other homonculi and just flat out says "Masters orders are absolute." Like holy shiiiiiiit this just got real and who's their master?

Loved the series despite whatever flaws it may have had.
My favorite Pride moment was
the first time Hohenheim meets him. Pride and Hohenheim recognize one another, but Hohenheim doesn't realize that Pride isn't the Dwarf in the Flask- Pride says "I am never angry. Anger does not exist within me. I have no need of such things. I left all unnecessary emotions within Father.. all but one. My name is Pride."

also, the only AMV ive ever enjoyed was a Pride AMV

Gaming / Re: Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty leave IGN
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:43:46 PM »

Gaming / Re: Sep7agons Halo players
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:42:10 PM »
Any multiplayer. I'd trash anyone

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:38:11 PM »
yeah its basically the same as the first series up until greed kidnaps al, and then brotherhood keeps following the manga. the 2003 series was made before the manga finished so they made up their own story after greed kidnapped al instead of waiting for the manga to be done
Yeah, so I've heard. I don't think FMA was terrible for what it was (I liked it), but then again I've barely scratched the surface of Brotherhood >.>
FMA was great. I really liked the direction they went with Scar and Wrath, and I've always thought Conquerer of Shamballa was a good movie. FMA:B really is an entirely different beast, since Pride/Wrath/Sloth are all different and obviously the story goes in vastly different directions. Brotherhood's Pride is one of my favorite anime villains ever

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:34:16 PM »
I never finished Soul Eater. I have like, 4 episodes left from like...a year ago.
the end is ok. seems a bit sudden though

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:32:23 PM »
About to restart Gurren Lagann because I got sidetracked and never got past the first few episodes >.>

Also planning to watch Psycho Pass 2 and Cowboy Bebop in HD. And Pokemon Origins eventually <.<

Mainly watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood right now. Although the first few episodes are a bit dull in that they follow a lot of stuff that happened in the first series, but whatever. If this was the first FMA I watched, I wouldn't be complaining >.>
yeah its basically the same as the first series up until greed kidnaps al, and then brotherhood keeps following the manga. the 2003 series was made before the manga finished so they made up their own story after greed kidnapped al instead of waiting for the manga to be done

The Flood / Re: Anime's you're currently watching??
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:26:26 PM »
still need to finish bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040. i think im about to start kill la kill. im about halfway through naruto: shippuden, but its so unbelievably shitty i cant bring myself to finish the rest of whats been released so far. i might force myself through it after they animate the end of the manga.

and i think im gonna do a GITS rewatch soon, too

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite brand of soda?
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:22:47 PM »
> voting anything other than coke

enjoy your horrible acne and tooth decay
i drink soda maybe once a month, but if you drink anything other than coke you're doing it wrong

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite brand of soda?
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:19:06 PM »
> voting anything other than coke


The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:59:44 PM »
Possible changes to the boards are currently being discussed. One of the main ideas is to only allow things like politics and religion in Serious so that a lot more threads with discussion value would be made in Flood instead.
Well, I'm glad it's a discussion that's taking place, but in my opinion, the sheer amount of shitposting in this forum alone is enough to shy away users who want to discuss substantive things for fear of having their thread drowned out entirely by all the crap. It's certainly happened before. So, I mean, I don't think that would really change anything.

In my opinion, I think Serious should be more open to topics other than politics and religion. Anyone who wants to have a serious discussion about anything can put it in that board, and the Flood can be Shitpost Central. That's honestly how I'd do it.
thats essentially how it is now

The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja to Monitor
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:44:31 PM »
From my perspective, you did a good job while there.
But if you don't want to stay in the position, it's better that you drop it.

The staff thread needs another update now...

Thanks. One day, maybe I'll return. But with Disney coming up extremely quickly (Not that it played a huge role in the decision), it'll be nice to take a step back.
nigga u workin at disney world?

Start in 26 days.
I vote we start the first inaugural 'Icy takes Sep7 to Disney World for free day'


I ain't dealing with this shit in real life.
what sort of work are you gonna be doing there? are you a costume guy or are you working at a restaurant or are you a ride worker or what

The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja to Monitor
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:35:17 PM »
From my perspective, you did a good job while there.
But if you don't want to stay in the position, it's better that you drop it.

The staff thread needs another update now...

Thanks. One day, maybe I'll return. But with Disney coming up extremely quickly (Not that it played a huge role in the decision), it'll be nice to take a step back.
nigga u workin at disney world?

The Flood / Re: How do you take your coffee?
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:34:37 PM »
i like it with plenty of milk and sugar, but im not at all adverse to taking it black. its manlier that way

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