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Messages - Azumarill

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but you are an internet troll

The Flood / Re: Weird Shit
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:05:48 AM »
2 in the AM PM


this was the cartoon that got cartoon network interested in JG Quintel. i hope [as] hires him to do some work, because i really like his adult humor style

The Flood / Re: Weird Shit
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:05:05 AM »
Cirno's Perfect Math Class

DISCLAIMER: Contains minor frontal male nudity (mostly helicopter dicking, nothing really sexual.) If this is over the line, feel free to delete this post

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:03:54 AM »
it's very very very very good. a fantastic work of art. it still airs on cable!

The Flood / Re: Weird Shit
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:01:24 AM »
2 in the AM PM

The Flood / Re: First person perspective picture thread?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:41:18 AM »


Wtf is wrong with you

And this is not what I meant
its a first person perspective picture of what im currently doing. did i misunderstand the OP?

There your legs are

But still FSU is shit
i dont even like fsu, its just a cup

The Flood / Re: First person perspective picture thread?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:40:12 AM »


Wtf is wrong with you

And this is not what I meant
its a first person perspective picture of what im currently doing. did i misunderstand the OP?

The Flood / Re: First person perspective picture thread?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:38:40 AM »

The Flood / Re: How's your sleep cycle been?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:29:14 AM »
fixed it for a while, now im nocturnal again. im gonna do a hard reset on my sleep schedule sometime in the next week to prepare for school.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:26:52 AM »
i dont know why i dumped that here. i might delete it.

The Flood / Re: I Am Now a God
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:25:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: Confession thread?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:22:34 AM »
i have a very hard time getting over unrequited love, especially when i had feelings for a close friend. the friendship is never quite the same after i open up about my feelings. this is something that happens to me a lot, and while i dont blame the girls for rejecting me, its always been really hard for me to deal with. as a result, ive become jaded and anxious about approaching women, and its a lot easier for me to take solace in my solitude than work up the courage to pursue a relationship.

i finally got my first girl sometime after graduating high school, but two months after we got together i began to have second thoughts. i overanalyzed our friendship and thought we werent compatible and i figured the best thing to do would be to break it off before she got attached to me. she came to my house one night unannounced to surprise me, but i surprised her with a breakup... ive always felt like a real asshole for it. luckily, she found another guy a few months later, and now they seem to be happily engaged. i apologized to her for my uncouth behavior some time ago, i think she's better off now than she would be with me, so i take comfort in that. i havent been intimate in any way with a girl since i broke up with her.

i dont have anyone in real life with whom i really feel comfortable talking to about the way i feel. i barely have a relationship with my father and i deeply resent my stepfather. i have a hard time keeping friends. contact always breaks off after some time.. sometimes from my end, sometimes mutual, sometimes from their end, but it never fails. i dont have any friends left from childhood or even really from high school, and i havent met anyone in college. i have a hard time keeping work. i worked a custodial job for about a year and one day i was fired out of the blue by my direct supervisor.. a week after i had been told by the general manager (who hired me) at a meeting that i was doing a fine job. i had a temp job first semester of college that went kind of well, but of course it was only temporary... i was fired from my next job at a sandwich shop in less than two months, with no word other than "it just isnt working out." ive been unemployed since then, rejected or no reply'd from everywhere ive applied.

ive become complacent and irksome. my mood changes like the winds and i get angry very quickly when im displeased. im restless and disillusioned and im deeply, deeply resentful of the rat race ive been forced to run my entire life. i dont know what i would even do if i hadnt gone to college, and im in too deep to quit now. i dont remember the last time i felt truly happy. i dont know what it feels like to love and be loved by anyone that isnt close family. i dont feel like i belong where i am. i read so many books when i was younger, and now i can count the number of books ive read for pleasure in the last four years on one hand.

i dont believe in god. im not an atheist, i just dont think that whatever force governs our universe gives the slightest shit about the individual's experience. god only exists as cold, impartial order. im an indoctrinated methodist but i broke from the church years ago. by my estimation, life is suffering and then you die, so where's the intrinsic meaning or purpose to my existence? why was i brought from the void into this transient hell? i tell myself that i live for the pursuit of epicurean pleasure, but i think the reality is that i lack the constitution for suicide.

i just want to be happy. i want to be far away from where i am and i want to be truly, truly happy. i think im chasing a phantom. i dont think ill ever be happy.


Y'know, as funny as the joke is, Krillin only died one more time than Goku. Or Vegeta, for that matter. It took me a while to realize that.
vegeta is the best punching bag in the DB universe only because he's marginally better at staying alive than krillin

The Flood / Re: Users You'd Legit Date
« on: January 06, 2015, 12:17:48 AM »
fuck if i know. i only like girls and i dont know any of the girls here well enough to say whether i'd enter into a relationship with one.

that being said, i tried pursuing an online relationship with someone i met on bungie. didnt really work out for me

The Flood / Re: Confession thread?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:47:15 PM »
suicide has entered my thoughts a lot lately.

i dont want to die right now and i dont have any particular motivation for leaving the world anytime soon, so its not a pressing issue, but im worried that eventually ill become so jaded to the idea that ill take my fate into my own hands.

i think ill be better once im done with college and settled down on my own.

College and work can REALLY make life feel so........dull.
ive been unemployed for a year and a half at this point, so my routine is just.. wake up, go to class, come back home and brood/browse the internet/game until i fall asleep. ive become increasingly disenchanted with this lifestyle but there's not much i can do besides find another job and bide my time until im done with school. the silver lining is that i chose a field of study that im actually interested in, so when im actually at school im usually content

The Flood / Re: Confession thread?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:42:47 PM »
suicide has entered my thoughts a lot lately.

i dont want to die right now and i dont have any particular motivation for leaving the world anytime soon, so its not a pressing issue, but im worried that eventually ill become so jaded to the idea that ill take my fate into my own hands.

i think ill be better once im done with college and settled down on my own.

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:32:54 PM »
How much does it pay, do you think?
on myfreecams, one token is 10 cents, and the models split the profits with the website, i think.
Alright, how many tokens is average per session you perform? Also, what is the standard length of a show?
depends on how big a given model's viewerbase is, and if they're doing special event streams like group camming
Alright, let's assume the model's viewerbase is average and there's no group camming.
im really not quite sure. i dont frequent camsites, and the only models i do watch tend to do group camming a lot
Okay, then if I were to (in theory) put on a show for your best known model with group camming, how much would I make? This is also assuming I'd do anything and everything for poondollar.
i really dont know, ive never watched a stream for more than like an hour, because i dont like to waste time fapping. its not outlandish to say you could easily make over $1k though, i think
Mother of god. That's a lot of poondollar.
sex is the greatest and most profitable consumer product of all time. except for maybe food.

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:28:23 PM »
How much does it pay, do you think?
on myfreecams, one token is 10 cents, and the models split the profits with the website, i think.
Alright, how many tokens is average per session you perform? Also, what is the standard length of a show?
depends on how big a given model's viewerbase is, and if they're doing special event streams like group camming
Alright, let's assume the model's viewerbase is average and there's no group camming.
im really not quite sure. i dont frequent camsites, and the only models i do watch tend to do group camming a lot
Okay, then if I were to (in theory) put on a show for your best known model with group camming, how much would I make? This is also assuming I'd do anything and everything for poondollar.
i really dont know, ive never watched a stream for more than like an hour, because i dont like to waste time fapping. its not outlandish to say you could easily make over $1k though, i think

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:23:12 PM »
How much does it pay, do you think?
on myfreecams, one token is 10 cents, and the models split the profits with the website, i think.
Alright, how many tokens is average per session you perform? Also, what is the standard length of a show?
depends on how big a given model's viewerbase is, and if they're doing special event streams like group camming
Alright, let's assume the model's viewerbase is average and there's no group camming.
im really not quite sure. i dont frequent camsites, and the only models i do watch tend to do group camming a lot

The Flood / Re: Can We All Agree on Something?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:17:52 PM »
"dad, if we have cake, we should eat it"

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:17:00 PM »
How much does it pay, do you think?
on myfreecams, one token is 10 cents, and the models split the profits with the website, i think.
Alright, how many tokens is average per session you perform? Also, what is the standard length of a show?
depends on how big a given model's viewerbase is, and if they're doing special event streams like group camming

if a model has a sizeable viewerbase, they can get away with requiring certain donation amounts for various services. 100 tokens for spanking, 500 tokens for make out session (not with the donor, with another streamer,) etc

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:08:35 PM »
How much does it pay, do you think?
on myfreecams, one token is 10 cents, and the models split the profits with the website, i think.

The Flood / Re: Korra, who is in the "Golden tier of users"?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:07:41 PM »
Platinum Tier:

Gold Tier:
Mr. P

Silver Tier:

Bronze Tier:
Mr. Admirals

Iron Tier:
Numb Digger

Dirt Tier:
i see how it is
Sorry, just listed those he came to mind. You are definitely in the Bronze Tier.
ice cold

The Flood / Re: Korra, who is in the "Golden tier of users"?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:03:15 PM »
Platinum Tier:

Gold Tier:
Mr. P

Silver Tier:

Bronze Tier:
Mr. Admirals

Iron Tier:
Numb Digger

Dirt Tier:
i see how it is

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:53:34 PM »
ive got the dick for it but im a little too flabby. its an interesting thought, though. i might try it out someday.

also, never ever ever pay those girls or guys on those sites. tokens are expensive as dicks and porn is free literally everywhere else on the internet. not worth

The Flood / Re: Korra, who is in the "Golden tier of users"?
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:52:03 PM »
me and love machine

The Flood / Re: It's Like Climbing Night-Stairs
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:38:37 PM »
Unless you're a solipsist, in which case, nothing is at the top of the stairs until you see it. But that would be dumb.
.. schrodingers landing?

Mind Control, which is literally the strongest power to exist in reality or fiction

i'd wish for a nice cabin by a quiet lake somewhere, maybe in nova scotia, with full furnishings/tools so i can live a peaceful, fulfilling life.

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:19:27 PM »
Toggle crouch is communism

Fucking NeoGaf I swear one of these days...

Toggle crouch is for non Gandhi hopping casuals

Are YOU a non Gandhi hopping casual?

I really hate how mlgfags take credit for shit that's been in the community for longer  than they've been playing at the"professional level".
I really hate that MLG fags got hired to do the MP but nobody got hired to write the story or do the characters for them to act more realistic like what RockStar did. God forbid the campaign gets the same treatment.
hiring the former pros didnt do jack diddly shit to improve multiplayer anyway. halo 4 was absolute dogshit out of the box and they magically managed to fuck up MCC. and now halo 5 is just a flat out AW/Titanfall/Destiny hybrid.

Pros were hired after Halo 4; they weren't involved with MCC; dank memes bro
they brought in bravo a little after launch to help fix the matchmaking, but it was too little too late. the game was beyond fucked. they hired a number of other pros to help develop the maps for H2A and the multiplayer for h5, including dersky, neighbor, and ghostayame.

Bravo is 1 guy; source on CA bringing in pros for H2A pls; H5 multiplayer had the pro team behind it and looks decent

quite a few had been hired by january 2014, so its not outlandish to presume they had some sort of influence when it came to developing the revamped maps for H2A.

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