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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: How are all of you?
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:49:42 PM »
ive been better.

Serious / Re: What are your thoughts on schools like this?
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:09:08 PM »
there's something similar called montessori education, which emphasizes the individual's development and offers limited independence and flexibility of curriculum

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:47:07 PM »

It's not inaccurate, but "We Put the 'Fun' in Fundamentalist Extremism" is much more true.
whereabouts are you in GA?
Just north of the ATL, right on the border between hick-haven and the ghetto-gala.
ah. i live a little south of macon, but i commute to a college in macon
I've never really gone that way, Atlanta is about as far south as I go unless I'm heading to a different state. I wouldn't really call it a great place, but there are much worse cities in Georgia. For example, fuck Houston and the stupid way they pronounce it.
i live in houston county

Now I understand that Gwinnett can be confusing for some to say and La Fayette has a stupidly-unfrench pronunciation, but Houston is where I draw the line.
it was named after john houstoun (pronounced the way we pronounce houston,) a Son of Liberty and our 6th governor. so, that would be why we pronounce it differently from Houston, Texas
It would have been a much better to call it Houstoun or Houseton then, because our stupid city/county names are the first thing I hear from outsiders.
yeah. i read somewhere that the reason we have so many counties is because the county seat had to be, at most, a day away on horseback from the edge of the county, to make it easier for farmers to vote

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:43:34 PM »
I was in Georgia for four days, and I can honestly say that I never want to go back to the humid hell hole full of improperly donked cars and wretched accents.
Nigga have you even been to Savannah?

It's like Sherman's March never happened
Do all the african people still talk like Paula Deen though?
many georgians have thick southern accents, yes. however, there is a nice mix of accents in a lot of places, especially the metropolitan areas and cities built around military bases.
Nah, everyone in Columbus sounded like Charlie Daniels.
i wont defend columbus. it's basically alabama.

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:41:15 PM »
I was in Georgia for four days, and I can honestly say that I never want to go back to the humid hell hole full of improperly donked cars and wretched accents.
Nigga have you even been to Savannah?

It's like Sherman's March never happened
Do all the african people still talk like Paula Deen though?
many georgians have thick southern accents, yes. however, there is a nice mix of accents in a lot of places, especially the metropolitan areas and cities built around military bases.

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:39:43 PM »
I was in Georgia for four days, and I can honestly say that I never want to go back to the humid hell hole full of improperly donked cars and wretched accents.
Nigga have you even been to Savannah?

It's like Sherman's March never happened
Sherman wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln on Dec. 22, 1864, presenting President Lincoln with a "christmas gift"- the beautiful city of Savannah, and all of its guns and cotton stores.

Anyone interested in Savannah, Georgia, or Southern culture should read a book called Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:37:39 PM »

It's not inaccurate, but "We Put the 'Fun' in Fundamentalist Extremism" is much more true.
whereabouts are you in GA?
Just north of the ATL, right on the border between hick-haven and the ghetto-gala.
ah. i live a little south of macon, but i commute to a college in macon
I've never really gone that way, Atlanta is about as far south as I go unless I'm heading to a different state. I wouldn't really call it a great place, but there are much worse cities in Georgia. For example, fuck Houston and the stupid way they pronounce it.
i live in houston county

Now I understand that Gwinnett can be confusing for some to say and La Fayette has a stupidly-unfrench pronunciation, but Houston is where I draw the line.
it was named after john houstoun (pronounced the way we pronounce houston,) a Son of Liberty and our 6th governor. so, that would be why we pronounce it differently from Houston, Texas

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:34:07 PM »

It's not inaccurate, but "We Put the 'Fun' in Fundamentalist Extremism" is much more true.
whereabouts are you in GA?
Just north of the ATL, right on the border between hick-haven and the ghetto-gala.
ah. i live a little south of macon, but i commute to a college in macon
I've never really gone that way, Atlanta is about as far south as I go unless I'm heading to a different state. I wouldn't really call it a great place, but there are much worse cities in Georgia. For example, fuck Houston and the stupid way they pronounce it.
i live in houston county


The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:30:29 PM »

It's not inaccurate, but "We Put the 'Fun' in Fundamentalist Extremism" is much more true.
whereabouts are you in GA?
Just north of the ATL, right on the border between hick-haven and the ghetto-gala.
ah. i live a little south of macon, but i commute to a college in macon

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:26:10 PM »

It's not inaccurate, but "We Put the 'Fun' in Fundamentalist Extremism" is much more true.
whereabouts are you in GA?

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:25:32 PM »

we have Savannah, too...

Savannah is really nice, probably one of my favorite cities in the US. Athens is also nice
Savannah truly is beautiful. I'd love to live there one day.

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:21:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: Go to This Site
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:20:30 PM »

we have Savannah, too...

The Flood / Re: Rules
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:13:05 PM »
bump 4 plug jesus this thing is dead
You could always make a thread inviting people to join you know.

Discussion, promotion, and suggestions regarding Sep7agon's channel should go in here.


ok im getting mixed signals


The Federal Government DOES NOT have the resources to arrest, put on trial, and deport (at a minimum) the 11 million estimated illegal immigrants in our country.

That's why you take away all the incentives to come across illegally in the first place.
like magically making the cartels and corrupt mexican government disappear and be replaced by a utopian society where everyone is happy?
Because of Mexico's impact on America and inability of the government to solve the problem, I'd be in favor of a controlled engagement of ground troops against the cartels with the approval of the Mexican government
that wouldnt fix anything and would only cause more problems. the fundamental issue lies within the mexican government's corruption and incompetence

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:09:36 PM »
the people on welfare?
Well I was just going to suggest we kill them all and then abolish welfare spending. . .
"The upper class: keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes.  The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work.  The poor are there...just to scare the shit out of the middle class."

Off topic, but I just adore Carlin. Hope he got his wish to watch people jack off and watch his descendants make asses out of themselves for all of eternity.
our system taxes income in a really weird way. i dont know the specifics, but think about it this way: x% of your first $10k, x% of your first 30k, x% of your first 60k, x% of your first 100k, etc, cumulatively. it's actually fairly lenient to the lower class and painful for those with high incomes.
Humor, especially standup, usually entails a certain degree of exaggeration. Essentially, the upper-class gets to enjoy the products of a capitalist society, the middle-class gets a taste of it but gets stuck with the lot menial labor, and the lower-class is there to remind the middle-class that tedious but comfortable is preferable to the alternative.
i got the joke. just figured i'd drop that information off is all, since it seemed relevant.


The Federal Government DOES NOT have the resources to arrest, put on trial, and deport (at a minimum) the 11 million estimated illegal immigrants in our country.

That's why you take away all the incentives to come across illegally in the first place.
like magically making the cartels and corrupt mexican government disappear and be replaced by a utopian society where everyone is happy?

The Flood / Re: Rules
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:02:12 PM »
bump 4 plug jesus this thing is dead

I don't know why you'd want to deport so many illegal immigrants regardless of whether or not you had the resources.

Just give them a simple fucking path to citizenship and let them help with the economic woes.

xenophobia and "MUH JOBS"

americans are really, really, really fucking xenophobic, which makes absolutely no sense considering the nature of our existence.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:43:14 PM »
the people on welfare?
Well I was just going to suggest we kill them all and then abolish welfare spending. . .
"The upper class: keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes.  The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work.  The poor are there...just to scare the shit out of the middle class."

Off topic, but I just adore Carlin. Hope he got his wish to watch people jack off and watch his descendants make asses out of themselves for all of eternity.
our system taxes income in a really weird way. i dont know the specifics, but think about it this way: x% of your first $10k, x% of your first 30k, x% of your first 60k, x% of your first 100k, etc, cumulatively. it's actually fairly lenient to the lower class and painful for those with high incomes.

Gaming / Re: Post on why Halo 5 multiplayer is bad
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:39:06 PM »
This may be an extremely unfeasible, stupid idea, but what if sprint was a game option? not an "innate ability" or requirement, but something like insta-kill headshots for gametypes like SWAT. That way you could have one gametype to be the standard with all the bells and whistles that's played on medium to large sized maps, and another without sprint and its pack of merry restrictions that come with it for smaller maps. That way sprint doesn't harm the gameflow on small maps and 343 still gets to pretend that sprint is a good idea.

The thing is 343 has to make the maps with sprint in mind so they get stretched.  Removing it would just make it awkward.  Midship plays dramatically different in Halo 5 than Halo 2 or Heretic in Halo 3.  Instead of the "remixes" we got now I'd rather see maps made without sprint in mind.  And instead of gimmicky sprint I'd prefer 343 add a speed boost ability where you can just move 15-25% faster in all directions.  It would mean not lowering your gun to chase people and would over all be more competitive for strafing.
with good forge functionality, stretched maps arent really that big of a problem (though it would suck not to be able to use the default maps for competitive play.) i like the idea about the boost ability though.

The Flood / Re: Things that make you jealous
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:37:20 PM »
happy couples make me jealous

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:28:14 PM »
so, it looks like Title I schools and special institutions benefited the most from that extra funding from NCLB

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:27:09 PM »
Department of Education
Last time anything happened there was under Bush. . .

I think we all want to avoid anything like that happening again >.>

You mean NCLB?
Well, that and the fact that the Dept. of Education's funding increased by 165pc.

Whether it fucking even did anything to the education system, I don't even know.
"As part of their support for NCLB, the administration and Congress backed massive increases in funding for elementary and secondary education. Total federal education funding increased from $42.2 billion to $55.7 billion from 2001, the fiscal year before the law's passage, to fiscal year 2004.[72] A new $1 billion Reading First program was created, distributing funds to local schools to improve the teaching of reading, and over $100 million for its companion, Early Reading First.[73] Numerous other formula programs received large increases as well. This was consistent with the administration's position of funding formula programs, which distribute money to local schools for their use, and grant programs, where particular schools or groups apply directly to the federal government for funding. In total, federal funding for education increased 59.8% from 2000 to 2003.[74] The act created a new competitive-grant program called Reading First, funded at $1.02 billion in 2004, to help states and districts set up "scientific, research-based" reading programs for children in grades K-3 (with priority given to high-poverty areas). A smaller early-reading program sought to help states better prepare 3- to 5-year-olds in disadvantaged areas to read. The program's funding was later cut drastically by Congress amid budget talks.[75]

Funding Changes: Through an alteration in the Title I funding formula, the No Child Left Behind Act was expected to better target resources to school districts with high concentrations of poor children. The law also included provisions intended to give states and districts greater flexibility in how they spent a portion of their federal allotments.[75]

Funding for school technology used in classrooms as part of NCLB, is administered by the Enhancing Education Through Technology Program (EETT). Funding sources are used for equipment, professional development and training for educators, and updated research. EETT allocates funds by formula to states. The states in turn reallocate 50% of the funds to local districts by Title I formula and 50% competitively. While districts must reserve a minimum of 25% of all EETT funds for professional development, recent studies indicate that most EETT recipients use far more than 25% of their EETT funds to train teachers to use technology and integrate it into their curricula. In fact, EETT recipients committed more than $159 million in EETT funds towards professional development during the 2004–05 school year alone. Moreover, even though EETT recipients are afforded broad discretion in their use of EETT funds, surveys show that they target EETT dollars towards improving student achievement in reading and mathematics, engaging in data driven decision making, and launching online assessment programs.[76]

In addition, the provisions of NCLB permitted increased flexibility for state and local agencies in the use of federal education money.[77]

The NCLB increases were companions to another massive increase in federal education funding at that time. The Bush administration and congress passed very large increases in funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) at the same time as the NCLB increases. IDEA Part B, a state formula-funding program that distributes money to local districts for the education of students with disabilities, was increased from $6.3 billion in 2001 to $10.1 billion in 2004.[78] Because a district's and state's performance on NCLB measures depended on improved performance by students with disabilities, particularly students with learning disabilities, this 60 percent increase in funding was also an important part of the overall approach to NCLB implementation."

from wikipedia's No Child Left Behind article

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:25:02 PM »
I would love it so damn much if we can go back a couple of decades where anybody could be middle-class, have a simple high school diploma, and be a manager at a department store or wherever
People back then also weren't nearly as educated. But sure, go ahead and travel back in time. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly.
Yep, just 20 years ago people were running around in nothing but a loin cloth and throwing rocks at animals to see what would be a better tool for hunting. Seriously, would it be any harm for you to think for once? If anybody would fit perfectly with cavemen it would be you

Twenty years ago, there was no internet for the general consumer. Phones were still tethered to a wall with a 20ft cable. Hell, have you seen their fashion?

It may only have been 20 years ago, but the world was quite different.
And that matters exactly how?

Because Kinder - you say shit like "Oh, I wish we could go back twenty years to where things were so much better!" - and then say "Oh, what does that matter" when some of the biggest innovations weren't even around.

Guess what - prices of products have gone up, wages for entry level jobs, along with positions like managers, has not significantly changed. Great, in 1995, you could live modestly as a manager. Shit was cheaper then.
I'm saying we should go back to when you don't need a degree in order to become the manager of McDonalds
hey this is kinda relevant to a story i have

first semester of college, i only had class on tuesdays and thursdays. i figured i could do some substitute teaching at the local elementary/middle schools on my offdays to make some extra cash and keep myself busy. guess what? in my state, substitute teachers need four year degrees!


Well....yes. I'd prefer my children's substitute teacher to be certified in teaching and be aware, nominally, of what they are teaching.
you dont think that's a bit ridiculous? i can understand a 2 year degree, sure. anyone who has a high school diploma should have a nominal understanding of anything the kids are learning in public school.. even then, it's not really that important to have specific knowledge, because, in my experience, substitute teachers sat in a chair while the kids did pre-assigned work or just ran through pre-planned lectures the regular teacher left for them.

Are we talking primary or secondary education?
when i say "substitute teacher," i mean someone whose job it is to fill in for public school teachers in K-12.

Gaming / Re: Post on why Halo 5 multiplayer is bad
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:24:05 PM »
Now, let's make this completely clear. I want to hear some kind of agreement on the subject from both sides: is Halo 5 closer to a twitch shooter than "previous" Halo games? I don't want "Well it's kind of like Halo x and y game together", I want to know how the pacing compares. Is it following the trend of the series in getting faster and faster?
mobility-wise, yes. it's hard to say when it comes to the actual gunplay. if the final game keeps the arena-style map pickups the original trilogy had, that will be a step back closer to arena style and further from the class-based games that influenced the mobility aspects of the game and the changes to gunplay mechanics.
I dislike sprint in Halo. Not because "m-muh slow and deliberate", fucking UT players run at DOOMGUY speeds. Arena games usually have Mach-1 running in them. My problem is basically what was outlined in the OP: it's not a game that was made with sprint in mind, so adding it in introduces more problems than it fixes (see: none). If they went back and rebuilt the system with it in mind? I can't say I'd be thrilled to have another twitch shooter, but it'd be better than the build of compromises that currently exists.

I like that they're not going full-on twitch shooter, but there isn't really a "healthy middle" between the two styles. A game that's half arena, half twitch shooter is only half good at being an arena shooter and half good at being a twitch shooter. That's even in the case that the game has zero flaws outside of the compromises.
the closest analogue to the H5 beta that we have right now is lolReach, and we all know how that ended. normalizing abilities was a step in the right direction- at least now everyone is on equal footing again. sprint is only really a problem on smaller arena-style maps, which sucks because those tended to be the best maps in the original series. midship and citadel, for example, would have been absolutely god fucking awful with sprint, but something like sandbox or zanzibar wouldnt have been that bad with sprint.
This may be an extremely unfeasible, stupid idea, but what if sprint was a game option? not an "innate ability" or requirement, but something like insta-kill headshots for gametypes like SWAT. That way you could have one gametype to be the standard with all the bells and whistles that's played on medium to large sized maps, and another without sprint and its pack of merry restrictions that come with it for smaller maps. That way sprint doesn't harm the gameflow on small maps and 343 still gets to pretend that sprint is a good idea.

I seem to be one of the few that was okay with Reach. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. It did a number of things right and a number of things wrong. That being said, I wish it was half as good as the beta. If the Invasion Beta was a sample of the content instead of half of it (disregarding Forge World maps) then I don't think I would have played anything else.
with full ability customization and an excellent forge framework, that absolutely could work and might be the best way to ensure the game can be competitively balanced.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:21:38 PM »
I would love it so damn much if we can go back a couple of decades where anybody could be middle-class, have a simple high school diploma, and be a manager at a department store or wherever
People back then also weren't nearly as educated. But sure, go ahead and travel back in time. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly.
Yep, just 20 years ago people were running around in nothing but a loin cloth and throwing rocks at animals to see what would be a better tool for hunting. Seriously, would it be any harm for you to think for once? If anybody would fit perfectly with cavemen it would be you

Twenty years ago, there was no internet for the general consumer. Phones were still tethered to a wall with a 20ft cable. Hell, have you seen their fashion?

It may only have been 20 years ago, but the world was quite different.
And that matters exactly how?

Because Kinder - you say shit like "Oh, I wish we could go back twenty years to where things were so much better!" - and then say "Oh, what does that matter" when some of the biggest innovations weren't even around.

Guess what - prices of products have gone up, wages for entry level jobs, along with positions like managers, has not significantly changed. Great, in 1995, you could live modestly as a manager. Shit was cheaper then.
I'm saying we should go back to when you don't need a degree in order to become the manager of McDonalds
hey this is kinda relevant to a story i have

first semester of college, i only had class on tuesdays and thursdays. i figured i could do some substitute teaching at the local elementary/middle schools on my offdays to make some extra cash and keep myself busy. guess what? in my state, substitute teachers need four year degrees!


Well....yes. I'd prefer my children's substitute teacher to be certified in teaching and be aware, nominally, of what they are teaching.
you dont think that's a bit ridiculous? i can understand a 2 year degree, sure. anyone who has a high school diploma should have a nominal understanding of anything the kids are learning in public school.. even then, it's not really that important to have specific knowledge, because, in my experience, substitute teachers sat in a chair while the kids did pre-assigned work or just ran through pre-planned lectures the regular teacher left for them.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:17:08 PM »
I would love it so damn much if we can go back a couple of decades where anybody could be middle-class, have a simple high school diploma, and be a manager at a department store or wherever
People back then also weren't nearly as educated. But sure, go ahead and travel back in time. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly.
Yep, just 20 years ago people were running around in nothing but a loin cloth and throwing rocks at animals to see what would be a better tool for hunting. Seriously, would it be any harm for you to think for once? If anybody would fit perfectly with cavemen it would be you

Twenty years ago, there was no internet for the general consumer. Phones were still tethered to a wall with a 20ft cable. Hell, have you seen their fashion?

It may only have been 20 years ago, but the world was quite different.
And that matters exactly how?

Because Kinder - you say shit like "Oh, I wish we could go back twenty years to where things were so much better!" - and then say "Oh, what does that matter" when some of the biggest innovations weren't even around.

Guess what - prices of products have gone up, wages for entry level jobs, along with positions like managers, has not significantly changed. Great, in 1995, you could live modestly as a manager. Shit was cheaper then.
I'm saying we should go back to when you don't need a degree in order to become the manager of McDonalds
hey this is kinda relevant to a story i have

first semester of college, i only had class on tuesdays and thursdays. i figured i could do some substitute teaching at the local elementary/middle schools on my offdays to make some extra cash and keep myself busy. guess what? in my state, substitute teachers need four year degrees!


The Flood / Re: What does "edgy" even mean anymore?
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:14:49 PM »
like every other good thing ever, idiots on the internet hijacked it and diluted the meaning

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