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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Sherlock vs Elementary
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:54:23 PM »
ITT: people who are under benedongle crimblebung's mind control spell. he's a 10000 year old alien people WAKEUP

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:49:06 PM »
im stopping there. the trial is over and martin has been buried. im not going to argue about it anymore because its moot. i have faith that zimmerman will end up in prison where he belongs.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:44:36 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?
Why do you have to word it that way and put an emotional charge behind it like poor little baby trayvon was brutally executed on his way home from choir practice?

He had Zimmerman on the ground and was wailing on the motherfucker. Zimmerman had no way of knowing when or if it was going to stop, if he'd be beaten to death or what. In that situation, you shoot. You don't leave that shit to chance, you fucking shoot. If I were in his situation, with the understanding of events he had, I'd shoot too.

Of course, I wouldn't be in that situation, because I wouldn't follow someone around like a fucking idiot.
zimmerman was stalking him. if someone was stalking me and tried to instigate a confrontation, i wouldnt lay down and take it either. you think trayvon deserved to die for defending himself? zimmerman isnt a cop, he doesnt have the jurisdiction to do that sort of shit with impunity.

I also don't see what his weight has to do with anything anyway. If you're being physically attacked, you don't fight back in the same way and draw it out, you use a greater level of force to stop your attacker.
have you ever been in a fight? if zimmerman werent such a little bitch he should have been able to put martin down (without resorting to lethal force) no problem. there's a reason official fighting and wrestling leagues separate the participants into weight classes. if you have 50 pounds on someone you take them down and keep them down. all this does is prove that zimmerman is an incompetent shitheel with delusions of grandeur. if he hadnt been stalking martin in the first place, nothing would have happened. martin wouldnt have sought him out and whipped him without a good reason.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:33:28 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?
Why do you have to word it that way and put an emotional charge behind it like poor little baby trayvon was brutally executed on his way home from choir practice?

He had Zimmerman on the ground and was wailing on the motherfucker. Zimmerman had no way of knowing when or if it was going to stop, if he'd be beaten to death or what. In that situation, you shoot. You don't leave that shit to chance, you fucking shoot. If I were in his situation, with the understanding of events he had, I'd shoot too.

Of course, I wouldn't be in that situation, because I wouldn't follow someone around like a fucking idiot.
zimmerman was stalking him. if someone was stalking me and tried to instigate a confrontation, i wouldnt lay down and take it either. you think trayvon deserved to die for defending himself? zimmerman isnt a cop, he doesnt have the jurisdiction to do that sort of shit with impunity. he was told not to pursue martin any further and then bit off more than he could chew. he had 50 pounds on martin and still got laid out like the babyback bitch he is.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:23:58 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?

The Flood / Re: BBC Sherlock Holmes, and James Moriarty; roles reversed?
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:18:21 PM »
Show sucks ass.
i like the one with lucy liu better

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:06:57 PM »

Really, it's pretty Danny easy to make accusations, especially in Florida where somebody has to be arrested for domestic

This is par for the course with Zimmerman. He's a violent, mentally unstable man not fit for our society.
Funny how all his serious charges were dropped and then people lump in things like tickets for speeding, which nearly every does, and having to dark of tinted windows after the trayvon shooting.
If he's not a bad dude, it sure is coincidental he keeps getting named in all these things...
Seriously. He's had a restraining order set against him for domestic violence, he has a history of calling 911 for the smallest things, allegations of violence seem to follow him wherever he goes ( here's another from from 2004.) This isn't coincidental. He's bringing it upon himself. He needs to be taken somewhere he can't hurt anyone else, before he stalks and kills another teenager.
The judge gave him a restraining order against his gf too, and again "accused" of fighting a police officer yet miraculously got off.  Unless every judge and juror was a sexist racist pig who favored him in every case, which seems silly.  I'm not saying he's a goodie goodie but he's innocent till proven guilty.
So you think it's just a wild coincidence that he's constantly being named in allegations of violence?
Do you think it's a coincidence he's never been convicted out of all these charges?
Victims of domestic abuse often choose not to pursue justice for their abusers (especially when they are or were attached romantically;) this is an established piece of common knowledge. Zimmerman also has legal connections in the form of his father, who served as a magistrate in Virginia from 2000-2006 ( And let's not pretend our court system is infallible.

The Flood / Re: Do you think in Japan
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:00:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: What are your aspirations/life plans?
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:00:06 PM »
I want to become a librarian and live a simple, inoffensive life. I don't care much for affluence, I just want to live for the pursuit of Epicurean pleasure.

The Flood / Re: Do you think in Japan
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:58:03 PM »
america has a culture? what? lol

The Flood / Re: Which Attack On Titan Opening was the best?
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:57:40 PM »
First opening is better, but AoT/SNK is pretty fucking bad even if it has good OPs.

The Flood / Re: Dogruk went to pinkface market
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:56:55 PM »
I'm happy for you, Dogruk. It sounds like you had a good day. What do you plan on doing tomorrow?

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:55:40 PM »

Really, it's pretty Danny easy to make accusations, especially in Florida where somebody has to be arrested for domestic

This is par for the course with Zimmerman. He's a violent, mentally unstable man not fit for our society.
Funny how all his serious charges were dropped and then people lump in things like tickets for speeding, which nearly every does, and having to dark of tinted windows after the trayvon shooting.
If he's not a bad dude, it sure is coincidental he keeps getting named in all these things...
Seriously. He's had a restraining order set against him for domestic violence, he has a history of calling 911 for the smallest things, allegations of violence seem to follow him wherever he goes ( here's another from from 2004.) This isn't coincidental. He's bringing it upon himself. He needs to be taken somewhere he can't hurt anyone else, before he stalks and kills another teenager.
The judge gave him a restraining order against his gf too, and again "accused" of fighting a police officer yet miraculously got off.  Unless every judge and juror was a sexist racist pig who favored him in every case, which seems silly.  I'm not saying he's a goodie goodie but he's innocent till proven guilty.
So you think it's just a wild coincidence that he's constantly being named in allegations of violence?

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:50:41 PM »

Really, it's pretty Danny easy to make accusations, especially in Florida where somebody has to be arrested for domestic

This is par for the course with Zimmerman. He's a violent, mentally unstable man not fit for our society.
Funny how all his serious charges were dropped and then people lump in things like tickets for speeding, which nearly every does, and having to dark of tinted windows after the trayvon shooting.
If he's not a bad dude, it sure is coincidental he keeps getting named in all these things...
Seriously. He's had a restraining order set against him for domestic violence, he has a history of calling 911 for the smallest things, allegations of violence seem to follow him wherever he goes ( here's another from from 2004.) This isn't coincidental. He's bringing it upon himself. He needs to be taken somewhere he can't hurt anyone else, before he stalks and kills another teenager.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:43:15 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:33:47 PM »

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:29:04 PM »
I'm finding it difficult to feel bad for him at all.
It's been obvious since the beginning that he's a total scumbag.

The Flood / Re: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Things that are dank
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:27:23 PM »
memes arent dank

weed is

The Flood / Re: Do you think in Japan
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:26:42 PM »
The Japanese are very into American culture, yes. It's a result of our unique relationship with Japan during the Meiji Restoration and after disarmament following their defeat in WWII.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:24:15 PM »
That's a shame.
He's got a long history of this sort of behavior. I think it's quite clear at this point that he's mentally unstable. This kind of reminds me of OJ Simpson- if someone isn't fit for our society, they'll find a way into prison eventually.

Serious / Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:17:22 PM »
more domestic violence from Real-Life Batman

cant flim flam the zim zam. i guess the dude really wants to go to jail

The Flood / Re: (☠) Things that are dank.
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:14:20 PM »
a forest of dankness

The Flood / Re: (☠) Things that are dank.
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:08:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: What you must know before you see American Sniper
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:48:06 PM »
I can see what you're getting at, and I am not trying to rustly your jimmies man! I just hate that argument about propaganda movies. Its annoying.
The trailer made it seem like there was gonna be a focus on his mental stability/the ethics and morality of what he did, instead of it just being another patriotism porn movie. Is that a fair assumption to make?

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:39:49 PM »
It was the best Halo multiplayer, I don't see what's wrong with wanted to play one of the best games released.

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:38:16 PM »
The real question is, why did anyone want a remastering of Halo 2?
hm.. maybe because halo 2 kickstarted the wild success of xbox live? because it was the most competitive fps game of the 2000s? hmmmmmm

The Flood / Re: Poetry Thread
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:25:41 PM »
the love song of j alfred prufrock is about crabs

The Flood / Re: All Weebs report in
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:21:17 PM »
Do I count?

They never invited me to the weeb chat.

The Flood / Re: What makes a song good for you?
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:20:30 PM »
i just like it to sound good. enjoyable production/instrumentals are the fundamental requirement for me to like a song, i guess.

Gaming / Re: Post on why Halo 5 multiplayer is bad
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:19:32 PM »
343i more or less has past bungie employees?
like 3

343i really need their own forums, Waypoint doesn't count
They do
are you talking about Beyond or something else? because i wouldnt recommend going to Beyond for any reason at all.

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