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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Our male to female ratio.
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:24:27 PM »
yeah the ratio is more like "undefined" since you cant divide by zero

there are no girls on the internet. not even girls who used to be boys

The Flood / Re: Come up with a sentence fragment, next person mad lib
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:23:10 PM »
are you guys too young to know what mad lib is or something?
arent you still in high school?

The Flood / Re: Come up with a sentence fragment, next person mad lib
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:20:04 PM »

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:08:41 PM »
This was debunked long ago. It can trigger mental illnesses that already exist, but it certainly won't cause any.
care to provide a source?

The Flood / Re: Are you single, in a relationship, or married?
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:49:54 PM »
solo dolo

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:17:14 PM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.
I have never heard one religious "teaching" that doesn't just sound like preachy crap.
well, many religions have variations of "the golden rule." Matthew 7:12 states "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (NIV) That sounds fair to me- do unto others as you would have them do to yourself. That creates a sense of social obligation and morality and encourages virtuous behavior. Is everything in the Bible virtuous? fuck no, absolutely not. Is the Golden Rule virtuous? Certainly.

You can also find this sort of thing in Eastern traditions. Take Confucianism for example- not necessarily a religious tradition, but Confucianism is an ethical and moral philosophy which stresses social harmony and has influenced East Asian culture for an extraordinarily long time. Of course, there are flaws with traditional Confucian "family roles" (in this day and age, and in our culture especially, family roles and gender/marriage are much more fluid than they would have been in Kongfuzi's time, so we have a different understanding of those things which clashes with the traditional Confucian family roles) but ideas of social harmony and the Rectification of Names (proper designation of things so as to create concrete meaning and foster proper relationships) are certainly virtuous.

Look at Buddhism- at its core, traditional Buddhism teaches us that our suffering stems from our attachment to the transient. We can transcend this suffering by detaching ourselves from earthly things, by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Is that wholly accurate? Perhaps not, but it's reasonable to say that being mindful of our attachment to the transient is virtuous and can lead us on the path to inner peace.

Of course, this begs the question- can we objectively define "virtue?" I think that, by considering established conventional understandings of morality, ethics, and logic, we can objectively define virtue, and many religious teachings can impart virtuous wisdom to those who are willing to consider them with an open mind and proper perspective.
Alright. It seems like religion is really based on culture. It seems to have a very hard time adapting to the shifts of modern times. It seems like a lot of people who are into religion are staunchly into tradition. It seems like a very weak position to hold, to just say "I am happy with things the way they have been for years, and I don't ever want them to change". I have talked to a lot of religious people who just say "well things have been this way for such a long time, and they "work"". No, they don't really work. I think that society has just been able to survive and it has been no better off with religious teachings, and especially not superstition, or the religious dogma of the old ages.

It seems like every religion you point to you also point out how it is flawed in some way. What I see in religion is an institution that adopts a ton of values and calls them it's own values. Anyone can start a religion. Usually a religion is linked to some sort of "important" event, so that way people have some better appreciation of it or something. I think trying to live by some sort of moral philosophy is just pointless. I think if you look at psychology you can tell a lot more about a person by how their parents raised them. I think one of the big tenants of religion is to go and "serve" the lord, or whatever god you worship. That is one of the biggest problems to me in religion. Why would you serve something which doesn't exist? There is no original sin. There is no afterlife. There is no god.

I guess if religion were more about trying to discover your own mind through meditation or something. Maybe if religion actually had proven methods of reaching a higher state of consciousness. Or if it could actually help you with things like mood, feelings. To me the only thing I ever hear about that is that praying comforts some people. It makes them happy to know that the magical sky daddy loves them. I'm sorry to be so condescending. Truly, whenever I hear about religion, I just feel my stomach churn. I have a difficult time listening to religious people talk. If I am in a group of people I have a very hard time talking about it. If I am one on one though then I can usually just hear the person I'm talking to out without going on the offensive side and trying to break down everything they say.
ah, but now you can acknowledge the virtuous teachings despite the flaws, yes? that's a good jumping off point from which to develop your own unique worldview. learn from all of the different world traditions... learn philosophy and theology and ethics and morality, and you will come to see the world and our culture in a new light

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man will allegedly be in Avengers: Infinity War
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:15:14 PM »
Didn't read past the Spiderman part like some fuckers here because I actually WANT to be surprised.
i dont watch most of these movies anyway so im glad to be spoiled. its gonna be interesting

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:05:32 PM »
This is exactly why it should be legalised.
Social darwinism?
. . .

No, because you can fucking regulate it when it's legal.
also you can make a metric shitload of money with hemp (as well as recreational pot)

america's agricultural states could really benefit from legalization

Serious / Re: Intelligent people, how do you know you're not stupid?
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:02:47 PM »
i dont know. i think im fairly intelligent, but then again i could also be a total dumbass. probably the latter, but im not dumb enough to choke on my own spit, so im happy with what i have yknow

The Flood / Re: Greatest historical blunders?
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:37:56 PM »
annexing texas

id really really like to give texas back to mexico, along with their shitty bbq

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man will allegedly be in Avengers: Infinity War
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:33:44 PM »
i wonder if theyre gonna keep andrew garfield, or bring back tobey, or maybe a new guy? who would be a good spiderman that isnt a 30 year old guy?

hmmm... donald glover as miles morales would be the ideal, i think

Another article said neither Garfield nor Tobey would be reprising their roles.
someone get childish gambino on the phone now

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man will allegedly be in Avengers: Infinity War
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:31:00 PM »
i wonder if theyre gonna keep andrew garfield, or bring back tobey, or maybe a new guy? who would be a good spiderman that isnt a 30 year old guy?

hmmm... donald glover as miles morales would be the ideal, i think

pls no toby
he was a good peter parker, and a bad spidey
garfield was a bad peter parker, and a good spidey

donald glover would be both a great miles morales, and a great spidey

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man will allegedly be in Avengers: Infinity War
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:28:16 PM »
i wonder if theyre gonna keep andrew garfield, or bring back tobey, or maybe a new guy? who would be a good spiderman that isnt a 30 year old guy?

hmmm... donald glover as miles morales would be the ideal, i think

The Flood / Re: >tfw I wanna major in Astronomy
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:48:00 AM »
how very tsundere of you..

"its not like i wanted this to be a black science man thread or anything.."

The Flood / Re: >tfw I wanna major in Astronomy
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:39:33 AM »
we can buy a star and name it sep7agon right now
But Cheat is a Jew who won't share his ad revenue Shekels.
you just have to find his Jew gold

all Jews have a little pouch of gold that they wear around their necks

The Flood / Re: >tfw I wanna major in Astronomy
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:33:03 AM »
we can buy a star and name it sep7agon right now

The Flood / Re: Emotional Moments in Anime
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:18:29 AM »
Kamina's death.

rest in peace you magnificent badass.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:57:58 PM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.
I have never heard one religious "teaching" that doesn't just sound like preachy crap.
well, many religions have variations of "the golden rule." Matthew 7:12 states "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (NIV) That sounds fair to me- do unto others as you would have them do to yourself. That creates a sense of social obligation and morality and encourages virtuous behavior. Is everything in the Bible virtuous? fuck no, absolutely not. Is the Golden Rule virtuous? Certainly.

You can also find this sort of thing in Eastern traditions. Take Confucianism for example- not necessarily a religious tradition, but Confucianism is an ethical and moral philosophy which stresses social harmony and has influenced East Asian culture for an extraordinarily long time. Of course, there are flaws with traditional Confucian "family roles" (in this day and age, and in our culture especially, family roles and gender/marriage are much more fluid than they would have been in Kongfuzi's time, so we have a different understanding of those things which clashes with the traditional Confucian family roles) but ideas of social harmony and the Rectification of Names (proper designation of things so as to create concrete meaning and foster proper relationships) are certainly virtuous.

Look at Buddhism- at its core, traditional Buddhism teaches us that our suffering stems from our attachment to the transient. We can transcend this suffering by detaching ourselves from earthly things, by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Is that wholly accurate? Perhaps not, but it's reasonable to say that being mindful of our attachment to the transient is virtuous and can lead us on the path to inner peace.

Of course, this begs the question- can we objectively define "virtue?" I think that, by considering established conventional understandings of morality, ethics, and logic, we can objectively define virtue, and many religious teachings can impart virtuous wisdom to those who are willing to consider them with an open mind and proper perspective.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:32:16 PM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.

The Flood / Re: So, what do you know me by?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:25:05 PM »
hobbes avatars

The Flood / Re: The unrestricted Sep7 Wiki -- anyone can make an article!
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:51:00 PM »
damn. no azumarill page on either wiki


The Flood / Re: Weird Sports
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:22:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: on today's episode of tumblr in action...
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:17:22 PM »
what annoys me about people who pick on tumblr is that tumblr isn't one person. everyone on tumblr that I see is fine and uploads a lot of stuff I actually care about looking at. If you choose to only look at the social justice warrior blogs then that doesn't give you a realistic idea of what tumblr actually is. Pretty much every person who I have talked to that doesn't use tumblr seems to have this same, preprogrammed idea that tumblr is just a terrible place where there is no logic whatsoever. Maybe it's like that in some places, but it's not like that on all of tumblr.
ive been on tumblr for years. i have 29k posts. you're right- tumblr is populated by a wide variety of people with an even wider variety of interests and "blog styles." however, the colloquial understanding is that tumblr provides an echo chamber for social extremists- it has become quite popular (and very easy) to browse through tumblr and find some stupid shit like this that's been reblogged almost 16k times. of course, many microblogging sites incubate and catalyze that sort of behavior, but tumblr is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, and with that popularity comes increased scrutiny
To this day I have never found one of these extremist social justice warrior blogs or feminist blogs that people always talk about. Probably because I have no interest in them and I never go looking for them.
theyre easy to find by browsing through tags. the social justice warriors on my dashboard are either people i know IRL who i follow out of respect for our friendship and long-time mutuals who happen to post that sort of stuff along with things that interest me.

The Flood / Re: on today's episode of tumblr in action...
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:13:49 PM »
what annoys me about people who pick on tumblr is that tumblr isn't one person. everyone on tumblr that I see is fine and uploads a lot of stuff I actually care about looking at. If you choose to only look at the social justice warrior blogs then that doesn't give you a realistic idea of what tumblr actually is. Pretty much every person who I have talked to that doesn't use tumblr seems to have this same, preprogrammed idea that tumblr is just a terrible place where there is no logic whatsoever. Maybe it's like that in some places, but it's not like that on all of tumblr.
ive been on tumblr for years. i have 29k posts. you're right- tumblr is populated by a wide variety of people with an even wider variety of interests and "blog styles." however, the colloquial understanding is that tumblr provides an echo chamber for social extremists- it has become quite popular (and very easy) to browse through tumblr and find some stupid shit like this that's been reblogged almost 16k times. of course, many microblogging sites incubate and catalyze that sort of behavior, but tumblr is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, and with that popularity comes increased scrutiny

The Flood / Re: 2 Chainz vs Nancy Grace- FIGHT
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:05:24 PM »
Didn't that guy graduate college with like a 4.0?
i think that's a pop culture myth, but he did get an athletic scholarship for basketball to alabama state, and ive heard rumors that he found success in real estate. he's certainly much more intelligent than the tity boi/2 chainz persona might make people believe

The Flood / 2 Chainz vs Nancy Grace- FIGHT
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:02:26 PM »

basically 2 chainz debated nancy grace about pot tonight and bodied her at every turn

The Flood / Re: Come up with your ultimate fantasy right now
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:56:21 PM »
a cabin somewhere in nova scotia near a lake. lots of weed, adequate transportation to the nearest town, and a nice girl to spend my days with

The Flood / Re: Here's a reminder that Americans will always be shit-tier
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:46:55 PM »

you're welcome, world

The Flood / Re: Why would you be attracted to boys trying to be girls
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:42:00 PM »
if thats what you like thats what you like

i like girls with a little meat on their bones. other people dont. everyone has their own preferences and sexuality is so fluid and thats whats beautiful about human sexuality

The Flood / Re: What is the best Sci-Fi movie ever?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:27:30 PM »

it might have been incredible if they hadnt let that mouthbreather who wrote Lost revise it

i think ridley scott could do a really good metroid movie, based on the way he directed prometheus

my vote for best sci fi movie... hm.... Blade Runner.

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