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Messages - Azumarill

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« on: January 21, 2017, 06:58:37 PM »
Well I actually don't know the guy or his beliefs, however the term Fascist and Nazi has been thrown around a lot lately without thought, and I'm talking in general, not just this forum. Also I'm pretty sure Hitler and the Nazis were rather left leaning politically, they were just also super racist and authoritarian.

Keep in mind I can't respond well, I'm on my phone at work.
hitler and the nazi party were extremely right wing.

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite flavor combination?
« on: January 21, 2017, 02:50:24 PM »
cocks + balls

« on: January 21, 2017, 02:43:57 PM »
i think thats now 10 people in this thread who have taken up for the nazis?

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" anime
« on: January 21, 2017, 02:41:09 PM »
faye had some tig ole bitties tho

« on: January 21, 2017, 02:35:57 PM »
only thing a nazi deserves is the fucking pavement. we need more of this

Okay, antifa.
yes that's the idea

"We should physically assault people whose political opinions I strongly dislike"

This is how a petulant child thinks.
defending nazis is a weird hill to die on but hey, you do you.

Like anyone he has the right to say whatever he wants, whether you agree with them or not. Assaulting a man for speaking his mind and then having the audacity of calling him a "Nazi" is oxymoronic.
they aren't engaging in nebulous, innocent free speech; they're attempting to shore up the power necessary to enact ethnic cleansing. nothing oxymoronic about calling a spade a spade. miss me with this bullshit ya dig?
Mr. fucking "lemme explain Pepe the frog" is planning full scale ethnic genocide, and the people in the back waving signs with "WHITEY MUST DIE" aren't?

Fucking top notch.
spencer is a neo nazi. theres no way around that. stop trying to act like hes innocent of any wrongdoing.

there isnt a sign that says whitey must die tho, just one that says white lives matter too much and another one that says socialism over barbarism.

takes one hell of a leap of logic for you to read "white lives matter too much" and put a context of "DIE WHITEY DIE" in it. you should take some time to actually think critically about the context of that statement but hey, you can also feel free to play the victim all you want buddy =]

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:33:58 AM »
I never stated that particular piece was without meaning, but if you took a random Joe and slapped in front of it, he'd be hard pressed to come up with any real meaning to it. And we know a lot of art today has become what I've just mentioned, the artist himself needs a clear message for himself in order to make art, even the concept of nonsense needs such a thing.

Compare that to The Oath of The Horatii where literally anyone could come up with valid meanings to the painting.

Refer to my reply to Turkey. I prefer David to Mondrian as well.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:31:02 AM »
"What first captivated us does not captivate us afterward (like toys). If one has loved the surface of things for a long time, later on one will look for something more... The interior of things shows through the surface; thus as we look at the surface the inner image is formed in our soul. It is this inner image that should be represented. For the natural surface of things is beautiful, but the imitation of it is without life... Art is higher than reality and has no direct relation to reality... To approach the spiritual in art, one will make as little use as possible of reality, because reality is opposed to the spiritual... [W]e find ourselves in the presence of an abstract art. Art should be above reality, otherwise it would have no value for man."

Az, I legitimately want to understand this and I honestly don't intend to be purposefully flippant, but this all just sounds like bullshit. "Art is higher than reality" is literal nonsense. Even as a devout christian with a strong interest in mysticism and theology, I would never make any dubious claim about spiritualism being transcendent above reality, because that's just tautological silliness. None of this really assuages the concern that it's apologism for lower-quality art. Compare it to some other famous cubist works which have incredible detail or style. It looks suited to decorate a suburban home's hallway, not a great museum. This isn't even a criticism of contemporary or modern art (since cubism is neither); it's of a vein of a particular style that seeks reductionism as creativity.
Why are you trying to preach to me about that? Go talk to Mondrian's corpse about it. You wanted the context and I provided it. You can feel free to disagree with Mondrian's thought process all you want; the study of art doesn't require that you agree with the thought process of or like the works of every artist in history. I don't give a fuck. I think there are some holes in his thought process too.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:08:37 AM »
I'm not aware of that particular piece in question, I just found it when Googling "Modern Art". However the problem with most modern pieces is: You'll never get an answer into the meaning. Because there is none. It legitimately has no purpose and the artist knows this but hides it under claiming that it's supposed to be "Deep" or that it's "Subjective" and therefore depends on the viewer. The problem is no viewer can get any meaning out of it other than it being bullshit, and every attempted answer is going to be bullshit because it'll be a forced attempt at meaning.

I really do want to understand the artistic qualities of work like this. There must be a legitimate reason why something like that is in the same building as the other work you posted.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:07:51 AM »
Art now:


I really do want to understand the artistic qualities of work like this. There must be a legitimate reason why something like that is in the same building as the other work you posted.

Initially attracted to the exciting efforts of the Cubists to rethink the Western pictorial tradition, the Dutch De Stijl artist Piet Mondrian soon moved beyond Cubism because he felt that "Cubism did not accept the logical consequences of its own discoveries; it was not developing towards its own goal, the expression of pure plastics." In 1914, he eloquently articulated his own view of what art should be.

"What first captivated us does not captivate us afterward (like toys). If one has loved the surface of things for a long time, later on one will look for something more... The interior of things shows through the surface; thus as we look at the surface the inner image is formed in our soul. It is this inner image that should be represented. For the natural surface of things is beautiful, but the imitation of it is without life... Art is higher than reality and has no direct relation to reality... To approach the spiritual in art, one will make as little use as possible of reality, because reality is opposed to the spiritual... [W]e find ourselves in the presence of an abstract art. Art should be above reality, otherwise it would have no value for man."

Caught by the outbreak of hostilities while on a visit to Holland, Mondrian remained there during World War 1, developing his theories for what he called Neoplasticism- the new "pure plastic art." He believed that all great art had polar but coexistent goals, the attempt to create "universal beauty" and the desire for "aesthetic expression of oneself." The first goal is objective in nature, whereas the second is subjective, existing within the individual's mind and heart. To create a universal expression, an artist must communicate "a real equation of the universal and the individual."

To express this vision, Mondrian eventually limited his formal vocabulary to the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue), the three primary values (black, white, and gray), and the two primary directions (horizontal and vertical). Basing his ideas on a combination of teachings, he concluded that primary colors and values are the purest colors and therefore are the perfect tools to help an artist construct a harmonious composition. Using this system, he created numerous paintings locking color planes into a grid of intersecting vertical and horizontal lines, as in Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow. In each of these paintings, Mondrian altered the grid patterns and the size and placement of the color planes to create an internal cohesion and harmony. This did not mean inertia. Rather, Mondrian worked to maintain what he called a "dynamic equilibrium" in his paintings by precisely determining the size and position of lines, shapes, and colors.

Time spent in Paris just before World War 1 introduced Mondrian to Cubism and other modes of abstraction. However, as his attraction to theological writings grew, Mondrian sought to purge his art of every overt reference to individual objects in the external world. He initially favored the teachings of theosophy, a tradition basing knowledge of nature and the human condition on knowledge of the divine or spiritual powers. (His fellow theosophist Vassily Kandinsky pursued a similar path.) Mondrian, however, quickly abandoned the strictures of theosophy and turned toward a conception of nonobjective design- "pure plastic art"- that he believed expressed universal reality.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:45:49 AM »
i dont makes the rules of avant garde, i just knows ems.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:45:25 AM »
I can assure you my scheme of getting people to pay me so I can piss on them is an aesthetic of Capitalism and therefore not Dadaism.

yeah that's like, textbook Dada. is it good art? not unless you have a good angle. but it is art.
by ostensibly rejecting dada you've actually made it more dada. congrats

« on: January 21, 2017, 09:37:29 AM »
I think you guys are fascists, so I'm going to behave exactly like a fascist to show how much I disapprove of fascism.
miss me with this reductive bullshit felicia.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:35:15 AM »
If I paid an art audience to sit down and then peed all over them, could I call it art?
yeah that's like, textbook Dada. is it good art? not unless you have a good angle. but it is art.

« on: January 21, 2017, 09:26:56 AM »
Having empathy for humans in general is good. In a serious scenario, would you have it in you to beat up a defenseless person holding Nazi views in public with people watching you?

depends on my mood. i like to think if it were just one single weirdo nazi id just stand next to him with a big blow up sign of the "follow your leader" meme. but of course, if someone else were to start whaling on him, hey, i didnt see anything, and under the right circumstances id be happy to give a nazi these hands =]

« on: January 21, 2017, 09:18:55 AM »
You are. You're literally saying that people who hold views you hate shouldn't be treated equally as those that hold views you like. We know their views are shit, we've seen what their views can do; we know its wrong because we have empathy for others. But stating that someone should be attacked mercilessly over political views shows a clear lack of empathy, and is precisely what the people on here are saying when they say you're not better than them. "You have a view that's bad? I'm superior to you and I will show you that by beating you down." is what you're advocating for. You can hate that man, you can hope that person gets cancer or something, and you'd still be a better person, but saying this was in any way the right thing to do to another person makes you objectively wrong.

having empathy for nazis is bad

beating up nazis is good

Serious / Re: Clickbait title about Trump violating the Constitution
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:02:56 AM »
i like the title ninja edit. lol.

« on: January 21, 2017, 09:01:37 AM »
This forum has become fucking Reddit tier.
Nah, it's just Azu deciding to become a carbon copy of Verb all of a sudden.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 04:34:46 AM »
gotta love the trashy "le modern art is meaningless" mentality.

« on: January 21, 2017, 04:18:45 AM »
So what's with the white lives matter too much sign in the back there?

Black Lives Matter thinks we suck dick so...
No they don't. At least not the "leaders"/core movement, but BLM's issue is that it doesn't have a universal message other than "fight the oppression", and no end game goal like MLK's movement did. Granted, it was WAY easier to rally against easily defined segregation, but still. They could use a strong leader right about now to clarify a message rather than the mess it is right now.

Or, they hate white people because they're white. Just like the ones that attacked the mentally disabled kid in Chicago.

MLK must be rolling in his grave now.
Yeah, because a group of thugs and those that act out defines the entire movement and an group of people.

I suppose all of MLK's followers were pretty shit too since some followed Malcolm X as well, who promoted more violent means.

They lack unity and leadership, but to assume the entire movement is hating whites simply for hating whites, is looking at things in way too narrow a view, and paints the entire thing in a black and white way, and movements like that are anything but that.

Even with several bad apples in a so called movement harm another person because they're white, it delegitimatizes the point of BLM being a movement. You might as well as call it the black version of the KKK then.

Also, Black Lives Matter? Why not All Lives Matter? At least the lives of innocent people. It shouldn't be singled out to one race but whatever.

But anyway, with those people as an example, if BLM is suppose to be a good thing, they make it look bad, and frankly, I don't see it as a good thing. If I ever run across a BLM event going on here, I'm getting the far fuck out of there asap, because I bet you it would turn into a riot fast.
it's black lives matter because black people specifically have been the victims of extremely unjust treatment for the entirety of the united states' history (they also have an intersectional approach when it comes to immigrants' rights & indigenous peoples' issues sooooo). they needed a movement to fight back against the powers that oppress them. it's not "black lives are the only lives that matter," it's just "black lives matter." only a fool would read hostility in their moniker. you're a fucking idiot and your racist statements are horrid. martin luther king jr would recoil with disgust seeing you invoke his name.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 20, 2017, 10:49:36 PM »
if you're genuinely interested in learning about/growing to appreciate art, you should get your hands on a copy of Gardner's Art Through the Ages. has great info for contextualizing modern art. i personally recommend Art Through the Ages: A Global History (15th edition)

« on: January 20, 2017, 10:32:52 PM »
beating up nazis definitely makes you better than them.
Not really. It means that you can't handle your emotions and can't think like a reasonable human being. Yes, Nazi ideals should not be tolerated but beating the guy up isn't going to change his opinion nor none of those who think alike, in fact its going to boost them. The only way to fight these type of mentality is by spreading positive ideas into the public, drive these maniacs back. To proof that we are better than them, not at their level.
life isn't a fucking disney movie. you don't magically beat the nazis by protecting their rights and attempting to yell louder then them.
then what do you propose?

to completely disregard the U.S Constitution and go out on a witch hunt? that's going to cause even more chaos and would make anyone involve in it look like a bunch of brown shirts during the night of broken glass (ironically). its not that simple, and it would never happen. the only way to drive them out and keep them from obtaining power is by staying to true to our democratic ideals.
if our democratic ideals were enough to stop the rise of fascism, then i don't think we'd be in the shitstorm we are now. of course we need to establish and build a (better) proper democratic coalition for progress, but at the same time i think it's fine to turn a blind eye when things like this happen. nazis deserve far worse than a sucker punch and bending over backwards to protect nazis' rights is just disgusting.
like many things you said, yeah i get it, but now its more about preventing the resurgence of extremists than quelling them. we shouldn't go out in hunting parties for them, and punching a man in the face still solves nothing.

le edit: yeah sure, we should totally reorganize our system, but we should totally do not degrade ourselves to their level
i think we can leave it here, a proper and civil place even though there is disagreement. you were receptive and i appreciate that. please understand that i can empathize with your position, despite my blunt disagreement; i thought along the same lines for quite a long time.

« on: January 20, 2017, 10:19:35 PM »
beating up nazis definitely makes you better than them.
Not really. It means that you can't handle your emotions and can't think like a reasonable human being. Yes, Nazi ideals should not be tolerated but beating the guy up isn't going to change his opinion nor none of those who think alike, in fact its going to boost them. The only way to fight these type of mentality is by spreading positive ideas into the public, drive these maniacs back. To proof that we are better than them, not at their level.
life isn't a fucking disney movie. you don't magically beat the nazis by protecting their rights and attempting to yell louder then them.
then what do you propose?

to completely disregard the U.S Constitution and go out on a witch hunt? that's going to cause even more chaos and would make anyone involve in it look like a bunch of brown shirts during the night of broken glass (ironically). its not that simple, and it would never happen. the only way to drive them out and keep them from obtaining power is by staying to true to our democratic ideals.
if our democratic ideals were enough to stop the rise of fascism, then i don't think we'd be in the shitstorm we are now. of course we need to establish and build a (better) proper democratic coalition for progress, but at the same time i think it's fine to turn a blind eye when things like this happen. nazis deserve far worse than a sucker punch and bending over backwards to protect nazis' rights is just disgusting.

edit: i realize the rhetoric i used here may be confusing. it's been a long day. let me explain. i think the current system is impotent and if we keep doing things the way we have been then the fascists will only become stronger. we need to revolutionize our thinking and our methodology.

« on: January 20, 2017, 10:03:02 PM »
beating up nazis definitely makes you better than them.
Not really. It means that you can't handle your emotions and can't think like a reasonable human being. Yes, Nazi ideals should not be tolerated but beating the guy up isn't going to change his opinion nor none of those who think alike, in fact its going to boost them. The only way to fight these type of mentality is by spreading positive ideas into the public, drive these maniacs back. To proof that we are better than them, not at their level.
life isn't a fucking disney movie. you don't magically beat the nazis by protecting their rights and attempting to yell louder then them.

« on: January 20, 2017, 09:58:18 PM »
beating up nazis definitely makes you better than them.

« on: January 20, 2017, 09:55:45 PM »
only thing a nazi deserves is the fucking pavement. we need more of this

Okay, antifa.
yes that's the idea

"We should physically assault people whose political opinions I strongly dislike"

This is how a petulant child thinks.
defending nazis is a weird hill to die on but hey, you do you.

Like anyone he has the right to say whatever he wants, whether you agree with them or not. Assaulting a man for speaking his mind and then having the audacity of calling him a "Nazi" is oxymoronic.
they aren't engaging in nebulous, innocent free speech; they're attempting to shore up the power necessary to enact ethnic cleansing. miss me with this bullshit ya dig?
I don't agree nor sponsor their beliefs and political agendas, but in that interview in particular it was completely unnecessary to assault the man. It doesn't matter the shit he spews, he has the right to say it. And yes, its all bullshit, but that shouldn't give anyone the right to punch him for it. Why do you think Neo Nazi rallies are protected as much as anti-Nazi marches? Because they have the right.
it's funny to see people who are more concerned with protecting the rights of nazis than stopping them.
"We should censor the opinions that I disagree with."

That's quite fascistic of you.
your argument is so reductive it's pathetic.

« on: January 20, 2017, 09:50:51 PM »
only thing a nazi deserves is the fucking pavement. we need more of this

Okay, antifa.
yes that's the idea

"We should physically assault people whose political opinions I strongly dislike"

This is how a petulant child thinks.
defending nazis is a weird hill to die on but hey, you do you.

Like anyone he has the right to say whatever he wants, whether you agree with them or not. Assaulting a man for speaking his mind and then having the audacity of calling him a "Nazi" is oxymoronic.
they aren't engaging in nebulous, innocent free speech; they're attempting to shore up the power necessary to enact ethnic cleansing. miss me with this bullshit ya dig?
I don't agree nor sponsor their beliefs and political agendas, but in that interview in particular it was completely unnecessary to assault the man. It doesn't matter the shit he spews, he has the right to say it. And yes, its all bullshit, but that shouldn't give anyone the right to punch him for it. Why do you think Neo Nazi rallies are protected as much as anti-Nazi marches? Because they have the right.
it's funny to see people who are more concerned with protecting the rights of nazis than stopping them.

"People I don't like shouldn't have rights"
keep defending nazis it's a really good look

« on: January 20, 2017, 09:48:15 PM »
only thing a nazi deserves is the fucking pavement. we need more of this

Okay, antifa.
yes that's the idea

"We should physically assault people whose political opinions I strongly dislike"

This is how a petulant child thinks.
defending nazis is a weird hill to die on but hey, you do you.

Like anyone he has the right to say whatever he wants, whether you agree with them or not. Assaulting a man for speaking his mind and then having the audacity of calling him a "Nazi" is oxymoronic.
they aren't engaging in nebulous, innocent free speech; they're attempting to shore up the power necessary to enact ethnic cleansing. miss me with this bullshit ya dig?
I don't agree nor sponsor their beliefs and political agendas, but in that interview in particular it was completely unnecessary to assault the man. It doesn't matter the shit he spews, he has the right to say it. And yes, its all bullshit, but that shouldn't give anyone the right to punch him for it. Why do you think Neo Nazi rallies are protected as much as anti-Nazi marches? Because they have the right.
it's funny to see people who are more concerned with protecting the rights of nazis than stopping them.

« on: January 20, 2017, 09:37:50 PM »
only thing a nazi deserves is the fucking pavement. we need more of this

Okay, antifa.
yes that's the idea

"We should physically assault people whose political opinions I strongly dislike"

This is how a petulant child thinks.
defending nazis is a weird hill to die on but hey, you do you.

Like anyone he has the right to say whatever he wants, whether you agree with them or not. Assaulting a man for speaking his mind and then having the audacity of calling him a "Nazi" is oxymoronic.
they aren't engaging in nebulous, innocent free speech; they're attempting to shore up the power necessary to enact ethnic cleansing. nothing oxymoronic about calling a spade a spade. miss me with this bullshit ya dig?

« on: January 20, 2017, 08:57:45 PM »
What's this guys name again?
richard spencer

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