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Messages - Azumarill

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Serious / Robert Durst Arrested (Again)
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:47:58 AM »

tldr, rich heir (Durst) killed his wife back in the 80s, she wasnt found until 2000. he killed a neighbor while posing as a disabled woman the following year (a gun "accidentally discharged" during a struggle; of course, Durst chopped his friend/neighbor up afterwards, as sane people are wont to do.) he was acquitted in the murder of the neighbor and never tried for the murder of his wife.

recently, Durst contacted HBO to do a documentary, which has been airing over the last couple months as a miniseries called "The Jinx," in which Durst revealed quite a bit of information he probably shouldnt have (for the sake of his not being in jail, that is.) the filmmakers were very meticulous and have somehow gathered an incredible amount of damning information- this could very well put Durst away for good.

what do you guys make of this?

edit: made minor edits, i got confused about something but corrected myself.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:39:34 AM »
holy christ this turned into a clusterfuck. do you people really have nothing better to do than sling shit at each other in the serious board? wheres the substantive discourse? all i see is a bunch of people tripping over their own rhetoric and failing to provide meaningful sources for bold claims.
I'm enjoying this civilized debate with BrenMan actually.
try debating like that in any formal forensics competition and youd be laughed out of the building.
>the guy who strawmans till the cows come home and misinterprets the opposition's position is lecturing me on how to argue better

And I thought I'd seen it all.
mmmmm, jimmies still rustled i see

>using a three year old plebbit maymay

But no matter how you look at it, it's just trash.
go outside


The Flood / Re: Todd Howard is literally satan
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:36:07 AM »
Those games are all amazingly good.
skyrim is only good in the sense that its so fucking mindlessly easy and devoid of depth that a 5 year old could beat it. also in the sense that its pretty and its fun to beat stuff up by spamming one button.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:35:32 AM »
holy christ this turned into a clusterfuck. do you people really have nothing better to do than sling shit at each other in the serious board? wheres the substantive discourse? all i see is a bunch of people tripping over their own rhetoric and failing to provide meaningful sources for bold claims.
I'm enjoying this civilized debate with BrenMan actually.
try debating like that in any formal forensics competition and youd be laughed out of the building.
>the guy who strawmans till the cows come home and misinterprets the opposition's position is lecturing me on how to argue better

And I thought I'd seen it all.
mmmmm, jimmies still rustled i see


The Flood / Re: Todd Howard is literally satan
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:34:09 AM »
Those games are all amazingly good.
skyrim is only good in the sense that its so fucking mindlessly easy and devoid of depth that a 5 year old could beat it. also in the sense that its pretty and its fun to beat stuff up by spamming one button.

Fuck that, I don't want my money going to perpetuate the corrupt two-party system.
ive uh.... got some bad news for you...

also, you misunderstood: i didnt mean that only donations wouldnt be accepted. i meant that the only funds that candidates would be allowed to use are special funds set aside by the government to spread information in a wholesome, substantive manner. this would prevent wealthy individuals or interest groups from using their massive monetary advantage to swing things in their favor
Which is, again, fucking retarded. Forcing the taxpayer to pay for frivolous shit like this that runs just fine on donations is ridiculous. A campaign spending or donation cap works just fine and doesn't force me or anybody else to fund people we hate.
"runs just fine on donations"

our campaign system is a fucking nightmare....
And you don't think it would be worse in the hands of bearaucrats?
bureaucrats? no, i dont. better than letting the fatcats have their way with the common man every four years.

Fuck that, I don't want my money going to perpetuate the corrupt two-party system.
ive uh.... got some bad news for you...

also, you misunderstood: i didnt mean that only donations wouldnt be accepted. i meant that the only funds that candidates would be allowed to use are special funds set aside by the government to spread information in a wholesome, substantive manner. this would prevent wealthy individuals or interest groups from using their massive monetary advantage to swing things in their favor
Which is, again, fucking retarded. Forcing the taxpayer to pay for frivolous shit like this that runs just fine on donations is ridiculous. A campaign spending or donation cap works just fine and doesn't force me or anybody else to fund people we hate.
"runs just fine on donations"

our campaign system is a fucking nightmare....

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:23:35 AM »
i dont know enough about science to add anything worthwhile to the discussion, but as an avid scifi fan, i can only imagine this going horribly wrong and somehow exploding our planet. would be a pretty cool way to go out tbh

The Flood / Re: Anyone listen to pimp a butterfly?
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:17:50 AM »
not yet

how good is it? is it more poppy than GKMC? or did he stick with his unique style?

Fuck that, I don't want my money going to perpetuate the corrupt two-party system.
ive uh.... got some bad news for you...

also, you misunderstood: i didnt mean that only donations wouldnt be accepted. i meant that the only funds that candidates would be allowed to use are special funds set aside by the government to spread information in a wholesome, substantive manner. this would prevent wealthy individuals or interest groups from using their massive monetary advantage to swing things in their favor

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:04:26 AM »
holy christ this turned into a clusterfuck. do you people really have nothing better to do than sling shit at each other in the serious board? wheres the substantive discourse? all i see is a bunch of people tripping over their own rhetoric and failing to provide meaningful sources for bold claims.
I'm enjoying this civilized debate with BrenMan actually.
try debating like that in any formal forensics competition and youd be laughed out of the building.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:03:04 AM »
I have to say i enjoy Fallout 3 more than Fallout NV even tho fallout NV does have better story and have what a fallout game need but something about Fallout 3 i really enjoy more about
fallout 3 was very... moody, perhaps? yeah, i think moody is right. it did a good job of making you feel like you were in a real wasteland. shit was spooky.

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:58:54 AM »
I can never get over how populist US politics are.
populism is an inherent and deeply involved facet of the democratic system; every democratic government around the world is populist.

did you mean bipartisan?

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:51:26 AM »
This is going to get slapped down faster than a woman outside the kitchen.
i dont think we'll even need a Force Bill this time around.

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:46:17 AM »
If Republicans knew what was good for them we'd see Jon Huntsman again. I strongly considered voting for him in the last run.
That's the second time I've seen you mention Huntsman, what do you like about him? What makes him better than Bush or Rubio or Walker?
Huntsman's strength is foreign policy, especially with China. He supports LGBT equality, campaign finance reform, education reform, and a few other more liberal positions that other republicans seem to be afraid of being associated with. He doesn't push the "sanctity of marriage" or pander to "your freedoms are in danger" or "America is #1 forever" bullshit. So many other republicans are down in the mud, busy dragging everyone through it, and Huntsman is more high-road material.
I think it was on the Colbert Report where he basically said super packs are bullshit.
that makes sense, Colbert did a lot of (comedic) work spreading information about the dangers of super PACs for the last presidential election. colbert super PAC was hilarious lol

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:44:24 AM »
what does the NCR's late birth have to do with anything? at the end of the day, they are still the most stable governmental body in the "nation."
That the west was very civilized sixty years BEFORE the NCR showed up.
How long did it take DC to be civilized...
Oh wait, it's still a shithole for no good reason.
House "didnt appear until 200 years after the war" because the Platinum Chip couldnt be delivered on time (because of the Great War) and his OS crashed. He was only able to reboot permanently in 2138, and he took some time to formulate his plan to consolidate power in the Mojave, which isnt outlandish to consider.
Yes, yes. I'm glad you agree with me that House had nothing to do with the West being much more civilized 70 years after the war than DC was 200 years after the war.
DC did have some form of centralized government.... the Enclave and, to a lesser extend, the Brotherhood. Except, as I explained earlier, they were too caught up in petty bullshit and sectional tensions to consolidate power in any meaningful way. which makes complete sense, considering the actual history of politics in that region (perhaps a historical analogue in a video game? LE GASP)
Yes, exactly. The Enclave didn't do shit for DC (because their bad guys), and the Brotherhood only showed up from the west 160 years after the war. Even then the Brotherhood didn't do much to help civilize DC until 200 years after the war.
It still doesn't explain why DC didn't turn from anarchy in anywhere near the time it took for the west.
ok you're arguing in circles now, its pretty obvious that you cant be convinced, so im done. good job. you baffled me into submission

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:43:18 AM »
holy christ this turned into a clusterfuck. do you people really have nothing better to do than sling shit at each other in the serious board? wheres the substantive discourse? all i see is a bunch of people tripping over their own rhetoric and failing to provide meaningful sources for bold claims.

Gaming / Re: I almost want to email 343 a letter
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:38:57 AM »
id love to see the credentials deci has for this.

"heres why you should listen to me about halo: i suck dick at every halo game"

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:26:49 AM »
who the fuck gives a shit about realism in video games
it's a game about a fucking nuclear apocalypse with aliens and slingshot micro-nuke launchers.

What is more jarring is the fact that 200 years after the war, DC is still such a shithole even though after 70 something years the west was 20x more civilized and was already rebuilding.
ffs, some consistency would be nice.

It's a shame Toodddddddd wanted to make the game HURRDURR S00PER SURVIVAL MANNNN instead of what the original games were.
DC was still in ruins because it got hit by a truckload of nukes and the remnants of society are engaged in a ridiculous turf war instead of centralizing/consolidating governmental power.

the Mojave and the area immediately around New Vegas didnt get hit as hard because of Mr House's laser defense system. in addition to that, Caesers Legion and the NCR were both making real strides towards centralized government- the NCR modeled off the old American Republic, the Legion modeled on imperial monarchy. those two (massive) governmental agencies (especially the NCR) ensured some degree of prosperity in the west. secure, these two agencies were engaged in a turf war too, but the difference between them and the Brotherhood/Enclave of DC was that the NCR/Legion were legitimate governmental agencies with massive landholdings, not a paramilitary organization or self-isolating group of technogeeks. on top of that, Mr House (and the Strip itself) encouraged commerce throughout the Mojave, improving the standards of life in the area by accident of industry. the DC wasteland had nothing the scale of New Vegas with which to encourage commerce.

this was all explained in both games very clearly. how did you not understand?
>Tfw everywhere got hit my a truckload of nukes, only Vegas' direct area was spared
>Tfw only 70 years later people in the west are more civilized than DC 200 years later
>Tfw the NCR wasn't even founded until 100 years after the war
>Tfw House didn't appear until 200 years after the war
No, it still doesn't make sense. DC should have already had some sort of centralized government before having the motherfucking western factions come into the area roughly 40 years before 3 starts.

Somebody hasn't played the first two games.
what does the NCR's late birth have to do with anything? at the end of the day, they are still the most stable governmental body in the "nation." House "didnt appear until 200 years after the war" because the Platinum Chip couldnt be delivered on time (because of the Great War) and his OS crashed. He was only able to reboot permanently in 2138, and he took some time to formulate his plan to consolidate power in the Mojave, which isnt outlandish to consider.

DC did have some form of centralized government.... the Enclave and, to a lesser extend, the Brotherhood. Except, as I explained earlier, they were too caught up in petty bullshit and sectional tensions to consolidate power in any meaningful way. which makes complete sense, considering the actual history of politics in that region (perhaps a historical analogue in a video game? LE GASP)

dont be so snarky. it makes much more sense than you might think. just take the hate goggles off.

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:26:46 AM »
There's not much point commenting on the Democratic primaries, though. Clinton's pretty much a sure thing. The only other person who could probably give her a run for her money would be Biden or Kerry, but they won't fuck her up I don't think.
The media's going after her hard with this email thing.
i think her status as the obvious frontrunner is going to hurt in the long run. now, the reps have a single target to go after and plenty of time to build up a mountain of shit to sling at her.

god. this next campaign season is going to be even more of a headache than the last one. im just going to vote third party again.

I'm honestly pretty undecided on campaign spending. I'd rather see the donations pooled into a general fund that is fairly distributed to each candidate after the primaries, I think, but stuff like this painting Republicans as evil rich white guys is pretty ironic considering President Obama spent more and raised more than any other candidate in history. To get upset at the fact that presidential campaigns spend monumental amounts of money just seems childish at this point.

The difference was that Obama raised more money via small donors (people who donated less than $200 aka grass roots) than Romney raised in total iirc.

So that's kind of a false equivalency right there since Obama relied on these small donors in a big way.
yeah. big difference between an effective grassroots fundraising campaign and accepting massive chunks of money from wealthy interest groups/benefactors. unfortunately, there's no way to lock the interest groups/wealthy out of the equation without locking the grassroots fundraising out, too.

i wouldnt mind taking money out of campaigns altogether. would fix a lot of issues with the political game. government sets aside a certain pool of funds to spread information about candidates' political histories (could even just host a website with all the info the voters need,) no donations accepted for viral campaigning.

idk. i just dont think money should be wedded to politics.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:11:46 AM »
who the fuck gives a shit about realism in video games
it's a game about a fucking nuclear apocalypse with aliens and slingshot micro-nuke launchers.

What is more jarring is the fact that 200 years after the war, DC is still such a shithole even though after 70 something years the west was 20x more civilized and was already rebuilding.
ffs, some consistency would be nice.

It's a shame Toodddddddd wanted to make the game HURRDURR S00PER SURVIVAL MANNNN instead of what the original games were.
DC was still in ruins because it got hit by a truckload of nukes and the remnants of society are engaged in a ridiculous turf war instead of centralizing/consolidating governmental power.

the Mojave and the area immediately around New Vegas didnt get hit as hard because of Mr House's laser defense system. in addition to that, Caesers Legion and the NCR were both making real strides towards centralized government- the NCR modeled off the old American Republic, the Legion modeled on imperial monarchy. those two (massive) governmental agencies (especially the NCR) ensured some degree of prosperity in the west. secure, these two agencies were engaged in a turf war too, but the difference between them and the Brotherhood/Enclave of DC was that the NCR/Legion were legitimate governmental agencies with massive landholdings, not a paramilitary organization or self-isolating group of technogeeks. on top of that, Mr House (and the Strip itself) encouraged commerce throughout the Mojave, improving the standards of life in the area by accident of industry. the DC wasteland had nothing the scale of New Vegas with which to encourage commerce.

this was all explained in both games very clearly. how did you not understand?

Gaming / Re: I almost want to email 343 a letter
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:01:42 AM »
> game company taking advice from, quite literally, a complete random

lol good luck with that

just an auditory hallucination. perhaps a night terror. god isnt real.

The Flood / Re: >he thinks video games are art
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:53:46 PM »
gross jim

choose something else to troll about

The Flood / Re: I don't want to be considered as a joke anymore.
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:14:49 PM »
then stop doing things to make yourself look like such a joke

Gaming / Re: what to get on xbone
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:01:10 PM »
Sunset Overdrive is really the only game it has going for it right now
sunset overdrive is awful. all the exclusives are terrible except mcc
SSOD is great. The comedic writing is pretty wank, but it's a still a very fun game.
And the MCC wasn't even that great.
MCC was a trainwreck but the games are still good (except for H4.) Best FPS series for consoles, and its an exclusive. I think thats a much better example than SSOD, which is just an even more (failed) subversive version of Dead Rising.
Halo 4 is good. SSOD is great.

... lol. whatever you say

Gaming / Re: I know a lot of us are not really into Destiny
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:49:21 PM »
i forget that game has PVP because of how retardedly unbalanced it is. glad i got it for free.

Gaming / Re: what to get on xbone
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:48:22 PM »
Sunset Overdrive is really the only game it has going for it right now
sunset overdrive is awful. all the exclusives are terrible except mcc
SSOD is great. The comedic writing is pretty wank, but it's a still a very fun game.
And the MCC wasn't even that great.
MCC was a trainwreck but the games are still good (except for H4.) Best FPS series for consoles, and its an exclusive. I think thats a much better example than SSOD, which is just an even more (failed) subversive version of Dead Rising.

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