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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 157158159 160161 ... 255
The Flood / Re: Had some more Chik-Fil-A
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:17:49 PM »
wow, awesome. Going there this sunday after Holy MASS
stop spreading these filthy lies!

The Flood / Re: Had some more Chik-Fil-A
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:17:19 PM »
What an annoying fucking name for an eating establishment. I'm not even sure how to pronounce the damn thing since it doesn't fucking exist up here.
you pronounce it like "chick filet"

The Flood / Re: Will I regret skipping Senior prom?
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:12:10 PM »
i didnt go to senior prom, and i dont regret it one bit.

i do regret not going to a party that night, but i played a bunch of magic the gathering with my friends so i had fun anyway.

Serious / Re: First *full body transplant* to occur in 2017
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:04:12 PM »
how in the actual fuck can you do this

i thought we didnt know enough about how the brain works to do things like this?

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:00:20 PM »

CoD will probably top again. if only for the fact that it's multi-plat and can sell to more people.
Winner=/=Most sold
then what exactly are you using to compare in the OP if not sales?
Sales, cultural impact, lasting legacy
how exactly do you measure 'cultural impact' and 'lasting legacy' in order to say that CoD has won?
put it plainly how you came to your conclusion in the OP without being as vague as "because i think so".
Which conclusion? That CoD has won the previous two occurrences?
fresh edit.
The Black Ops series has had an impact on how popular gaming as a whole is, the fact that they were so successful led to an influx of people into gaming. Compare them to Reach and 4, both of those games are undoubtedly good and 4 is important in the franchise but neither have had an impact on the industry-whereas both Blops have.

It's not measurable per se, but it's observable through comparison.
H4 and release Reach were both absolutely awful.

Reach and H4 lost because their populations disappeared rapidly. Bungie didn't care one bit about Reach so they released it in a broken, entirely unbalanced state. As a result, Major League Gaming dropped Halo, and CoD became the flagship. It took years for 343 to fix Bungie's shit (and even even with ZBNS, the DMR still ruined the game.) 343 still wasn't ready to take the reigns though, and as a result, Halo 4 was a really poorly balanced amalgam of every popular FPS. The fans weren't fooled and ditched.

Even to this day, competitive Halo is a shadow of its former self, and the implosion of the community can be traced directly back to Reach.

Gaming / Re: Tetris is still the best game ever made
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:49:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: At what age are you too old to live with your parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:47:41 PM »
you know, this expectation of people moving out and staking their own claim/forming their family at such a young age didnt develop until after WWII. in america anyway. odd that we'd be so set in stone about this so soon after we began doing it.

my response to the OP would be that you cant answer this without context for individual cases.

Serious / Re: The story part 1
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:44:26 PM »
Guns (When relating to politics/technological development not post your raifu threads)
Sexuality/Gender related threads

this post doesnt fall under any of these categories. however, the rules are somewhat flexible, so this should be evaluated on its merit. i still dont think it belongs here.

Serious / Re: The story part 1
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:36:21 PM »
What the fuck even is this?

This doesn't belong in Serious.
I agree. This isn't a soapbox.

id slap everyones ass

Gaming / Re: Someone run a Sep7agon 1v1 Halo tournament
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:18:05 PM »
there was someone who was hosting a bunch of 1v1s a few months ago, maybe tackelberry.

id participate, but i havent been any good since 2013.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:33:25 AM »
Of course the fact that the dindu was in a fist fight with the cop means nothing.
tread lightly. keep the racist bullshit in your head.

The Flood / Re: Did you find something on the internet?
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:31:23 AM »
spam attacks are so funny and epiq

The Flood / Re: Got a HBO subscription purely for Game of Thrones
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:22:49 PM »
the night is dark and full of terrors, noelle

tread lightly
Do not tell me what to do.

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:22:02 PM »
Called it. And people are saying exo suits are back. Ew....
No, please god no.
99% theyre in.

The Flood / Re: Got a HBO subscription purely for Game of Thrones
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:21:05 PM »
That sucks for you.
It's free
It still sucks for you, because you are wasting your time on a terrible show.
Ya, I am laughing at the OP too.
the night is dark and full of terrors, noelle

tread lightly

The Flood / Re: Psychoanalysis Time!
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:20:34 PM »
hit me with your best shot, you austrian crackpot

The Flood / Re: Got a HBO subscription purely for Game of Thrones
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:16:49 PM »
That sucks for you.
It's free
It still sucks for you, because you are wasting your time on a terrible show.

The Flood / Re: What is your favorite advice/story youtube channel?
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:22:48 PM »
i like elliot hulse a lot

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:23:02 PM »

please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
And all those samey fucking indie games are any better? If it's only right to stop buying AAA games because they are too repetitive then I guess all the indie platformers can really sod off, along with all the survival games, racing games and basically every game that's not targeting a niche group.
the entire industry is fucked backwards right now. 1/10 games released are worth playing. for consoles anyway. pc is just fine, always has been, always will be.
PC is no better, there's simply more games to dilute the problem
this isnt particularly surprising anyway. movies and television are the same way. loads upon loads of absolute trash, and every once in a while you get a gem. pc has a lot of gems because, like you said, there's a shitload of pc games. but consoles dont have that luxury.

the consumers hold all the power, and i guess they want these shitty games, because theyre not going away anytime soon. but im not going to bend over and let Treyarch fuck me in the ass every other year, nozirreee. im better than that.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:19:33 PM »
he's been fired and the union isnt backing him. he probably wont use a public defender because he's getting some of that delicious donation money from racists on crowdfunding sites, so he can afford a real lawyer. but i dont think theres any chance in hell he's getting out of this. for once, im confident that justice will be served.

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:14:47 PM »

please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
And all those samey fucking indie games are any better? If it's only right to stop buying AAA games because they are too repetitive then I guess all the indie platformers can really sod off, along with all the survival games, racing games and basically every game that's not targeting a niche group.
the entire industry is fucked backwards right now. 1/10 games released are worth playing. for consoles anyway. pc is just fine, always has been, always will be.

The Flood / Re: Just tried Chick-Fil-A. AMA me anything
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:15:58 PM »
Grab some Chick-fil-A sauce and dip your fries in it. Also put it on your chicken sandwich.

You won't regret it.
zaxbys sauce is infinitely better

The Flood / Re: Just tried Chick-Fil-A. AMA me anything
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:15:39 PM »
Cool, going there after church this Sunday

The Flood / Re: Just tried Chick-Fil-A. AMA me anything
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:56:23 PM »
next time you go, grab one of the frozen lemonades. theyre made with ice cream and delicious as all fuck.

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Massacre
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:55:27 PM »
my eyes are bleeding

You should see a doctor then.

god bless

The Flood / Re: Must-watch Documentaries
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:36:41 PM »
I always find Michael Moore's work to be incisive and thought-provoking.
you forgot the /s

edit: ok im probably not being fair. ill admit that i liked bowling for columbine, but i think theres something fundamentally wrong with his approach. he's extremely biased and reluctant to fairly represent "the other side" in his films. always irked me.

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:40:08 PM »
Once upon a time, there was a game developer called Bungie. they made a series of pretty good first person shooters for the xbox, and were pretty much single handedly responsible for the growth of xbox live and MLG. and then, in 2010, they released a game called halo: reach, that took all the great things about arena fps that they had been following (mostly) for the original trilogy, and threw them out the window, becoming a half-retarded hybrid of arena and class based shooters. it was so unbelievably shitty and unbalanced that MLG threw it out of the circuit, even after a title update that allowed us to remove sprint and bloom.

that was bungie's first great sin. and then, in 2014, they released a game called destiny. destiny was hyped up to be THE next gen experience, an incredibly interactive and dynamic MOFPS with heavy RPG elements, a game that had an extremely significant story to tell. and guess what happened? they lied to us. they sold us an instant classic, but we got a steaming pile of horse shit with an extra $20 price tag if you wanted to play the game after December.

so, im cutting bungie off. im never giving them another dime. im going to show them that i dont approve of this bullshit. im a drop in the bucket, but i sure as hell wont sit back and watch these developers exploit their fans while they swim in those fans' money.

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:29:56 PM »
please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
But I support Treyarch as a developer.
then you're part of the problem.

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