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Messages - Azumarill

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ive already explained my argument time and time again. please, by all means, keep riding lucas' gangrene infected dick, but im done here.
And you keep riding Mike Stoklasa's.

Because no human being on the planet Earth ever harbored any negative feelings towards the prequels until Red Letter Media came along.
I'm willing to bet Azumarill probably got 90% of his arguments against the prequels from him.

That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but...
i mean, when you have 5 hours of criticism, some of it is bound to overlap with pre-existing criticism.

Just a quick question, did any of you feel anything during the fall of the jedi? When it was showing Jedi masters like aayla secura, Ki adi Mundi, and Plo Koon being betrayed and killed by their own troops?
yeah. that was my favorite sequence of the prequels. mostly because of the lack of dialogue. the cinematography and music was incredible. i felt chills.

Okay. How about when Qui-gon died, the clones showing up at Genosis, when Mace windu is thrown out the window?

These are just scenes off the top of my head that gave me emotional connection.
meh... qui gon's death didnt affect me much because we only had him around for such a short time. the clone rescue was well done, visually. i liked seeing the jedi unsheath their sabers in the arena. mace windu's death still doesnt make any sense to me... i cant comprehend why anakin did that, aside from, again, being a delusional naive idiot. but it did affect me. i got mad. really angry. i wanted to throw anakin out the window.

Just a quick question, did any of you feel anything during the fall of the jedi? When it was showing Jedi masters like aayla secura, Ki adi Mundi, and Plo Koon being betrayed and killed by their own troops?
yeah. that was my favorite sequence of the prequels. mostly because of the lack of dialogue. the cinematography and music was incredible. i felt chills.

The Flood / Re: Just saw Age of Ultron
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:58:47 PM »
did the conflict actually have lasting effects on the universe, or is this just another monster-of-the-day movie that wont hurt anyone except the scenery?

There's definite tension growing between Stark and Steve. Also one of the gems is there, and we all know who wants those gems...

Also Hulk runs away. People are shit scared of him and he knows it.
Is this setting up for Planet Hulk or something? Hasn't he already run off? What makes this different from the first time? Why was he fighting the Hulkbuster suit anyway?
They've said that they can't do a solo Hulk movie because Universal owns the solo movie rights for him.

Scarlet Witch fucked with Hulk's mind and he's tearing up a city so Hulkbuster gotta stop him
oh okay.

The Flood / Re: Just saw Age of Ultron
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:48:31 PM »
did the conflict actually have lasting effects on the universe, or is this just another monster-of-the-day movie that wont hurt anyone except the scenery?

There's definite tension growing between Stark and Steve. Also one of the gems is there, and we all know who wants those gems...

Also Hulk runs away. People are shit scared of him and he knows it.
Is this setting up for Planet Hulk or something? Hasn't he already run off? What makes this different from the first time? Why was he fighting the Hulkbuster suit anyway?

ive already explained my argument time and time again. please, by all means, keep riding lucas' gangrene infected dick, but im done here.

The Flood / Re: Ask Kitsune!
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:38:48 PM »
at least you were honest

The Flood / Re: Ask Kitsune!
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:36:56 PM »
will i ever find love?

why do i have to die?

whats the best color for a tabby cat to be?

The Flood / Re: Just saw Age of Ultron
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:35:39 PM »
did the conflict actually have lasting effects on the universe, or is this just another monster-of-the-day movie that wont hurt anyone except the scenery?

cant confirm, did adapt, game still shit

that aliens most definitely do exist

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:53:18 PM »

Have you seen these hand towels though??

>Han Solo having a boyish looking Luke face from A New Hope

Kill yourself.
[emoji182] you wish
the emojis dont work on the desktop site btw

The Flood / Re: How did you come up with your username?
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:39:16 PM »

Serious / Re: DEA Head Leonhart Retiring in the Wake of Scandal
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:36:39 PM »
Thank goodness! She is a stupid one:


the really sad thing about this incident is that she definitely knows the truth about these drugs, but cant say anything because of the government and DEA's official stance. she should have stood up for what is right and fought against the bigoted policy. but nope, she decided to play ball- and now she's getting her just desserts.

Caring about Anakin's seduction is, in my opinion, a nitpick, and something that can be overlooked very easily.
its the single most important plot point of the entire series! it should be harshly criticized for being poorly thought-out.
If you want to take a kid's film that seriously, I guess that's your prerogative.
the original trilogy was for kids, too, but didnt have these wild narrative inconsistencies. am i not allowed to critique a director for making a few shitty movies?

after some digging, i have come to the conclusion that the vader armor did not enhance his intellectual capacity. it was mostly a life support/sensory augmentation system, and it wasnt even built with the best technology available (it was the same tech used to rebuild grievous decades before the events of the prequels)

Caring about Anakin's seduction is, in my opinion, a nitpick, and something that can be overlooked very easily.
its the single most important plot point of the entire series! it should be harshly criticized for being poorly thought-out.

i care because vader was the exact opposite of stupid. thats an inconsistent character. you dont just magically stop being an idiot once you get sith powers.
He's also how old in the original trilogy? Seems like he would have wizened up a little to me.

Unless you're referring to sources outside of the movies, in which case, I couldn't give the most miserable fuck.
luke was about 20 at the beginning of a new hope. anakin was ~23 when luke and leia were born (he had already turned at this point). so anakin would have been 43/44 during the events of a new hope. a lot can happen in 23 years, but when you're as fucking stupid as prequels anakin, you dont get that much smarter. vader was shrewd, intelligent, a great tactician, and he knew how to read people. prequels anakin was a halftard who happened to be good in combat situations; a savant. there is no explanation given between the events of episode III and episode IV to justify such a radical change in his intellectual capacity, unless the vader suit enhanced his brain. which, come to think of it, could be plausible, but still doesnt give a good explanation for him turning in the first place. ill go check and see the extent of the vader augmentations.

Gaming / Re: Who plays Hearthstone?
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:21:47 PM »
id rather not play a watered down version of MTG
It's more aggressive and simplistic, appreciate what it is, and with a full time job it's difficult to even get chances to play MTG anymore. Thats when Hearthstone comes in

*sips tea*
Not to mention that you can actually play Hearthstone for free. In MTG, you have to blow hundreds of dollars no matter what if you want to have a chance.
ive spent a grand total of $5 on MTG cards over my life and i have like 8 decks. i dont play competitively so i dont have to worry about shelling out the cash to compete at FNM.
How did you even get MTG cards then? Did you find them on the streets or something?
nah my friend had a surplus of really old cards and he let me take a few off his hands. i dont run any format. i play street rules, so my random ass non-standard old decks are just fine. and of course, if i want the itch for more modern formats, i could just play MTGO or duels of the plainswalkers.

anakin is literally the dumbest character in star wars.
And who cares if he is? I still don't think that takes away from his character at all. Lots of people are stupid. If he was smart, there wouldn't be a fucking movie, would there?
i care because vader was the exact opposite of stupid. thats an inconsistent character. you dont just magically stop being an idiot once you get sith powers.

anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.
So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?
not just ancient: darth plagueis was palpatine's mentor! when he's smiling while talking about plagueis' death? yeah its because he's totally reminiscing on the time he murdered his mentor in his sleep.

i mean, anakin had no way of knowing that, but he should have been tipped off either way. the Sith were an ancient order that had established galactic empires. he should have been entirely familiar with the nature of Sith philosophy as part of his Jedi training. palpatine's plan only worked because anakin is literally the dumbest character in star wars. even jar jar would have said "WAIT YOUSA SITH!"

anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him.
Who cares? This doesn't make me enjoy the film any less.
i care. i care about character development and narrative consistency. the prequels do not give me those things.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:31:05 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

When did Anakin become smart? Vader is just as dumb in the movies, and we've barely seen any of his thought process in the new comics besides "lol lets build an army". So unless you're using non canon material to show Vader's intelligence, I don't see it.

Anakin is Palpatine's lapdog, and is ignorant beyond belief, even after he's in the suit. The ONLY time he opens up a bit is when he finds out Luke is his son. And even then, he has to wait until his son is almost killed to actually do something.

He became a sign of terror when he went in the suit, but he didn't become smart.

And I'm not white knighting the prequels, I'm defending the Star Wars narrative as a whole. Sorry that you don't enjoy a section of it to actually care about it.

Vader isn't an idiot. You say that he isn't smart in canon material, but I'd say his actions in the Darth Vader comics have shown him to be quite cunning and intelligent.

Then I can say the same for how he behaves during The Clone Wars. His intelligence level does not change.
yeah but Lucas isn't responsible for anakin's character development in that series. id prefer to keep this within the realm of things that Lucas is directly responsible for- the 6 movies. there is no narrative consistency between the prequel anakin and vader in the movies. the clone wars helps to remedy the character a bit, but movie anakin is a fucking moron, no way around it. vader is much much more intelligent. that doesnt make any sense. lucas is a hack.

Okay, are you stupid or misinformed? Lucas was DIRECTLY involved with the story and character development of EVERY Clone Wars episode that has aired thus far. The Clone Wars is just as much directly responsible for him as the main 6 movies. Hence why it was left canon during the EU wipe.
lucas has creator credits for the clone wars because he invented star wars. he has a minor writing credit, but he wasnt involved in production or direction. doesnt count.

Yeah. The TCW team consulted Lucas at times, but overall I'd say the TCW team are the one's responsible for the better portrayal of Anakin.

Indeed, as the series progressed, Lucas had less and less involvement. It's important to note that the best examples of Anakin's characterization lie in the later episodes.
he's got executive producer credits for the tv series but that only goes so far. pretty sure its just to get him more money.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:24:21 PM »
ill wait until it comes up on one of my.. unsavory streaming sites

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:17:48 PM »

this is very funny. veerry funny. even lucas' writing credit has a "creator" disclaimer. ahahahah. baahahahahahaha

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:14:37 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

When did Anakin become smart? Vader is just as dumb in the movies, and we've barely seen any of his thought process in the new comics besides "lol lets build an army". So unless you're using non canon material to show Vader's intelligence, I don't see it.

Anakin is Palpatine's lapdog, and is ignorant beyond belief, even after he's in the suit. The ONLY time he opens up a bit is when he finds out Luke is his son. And even then, he has to wait until his son is almost killed to actually do something.

He became a sign of terror when he went in the suit, but he didn't become smart.

And I'm not white knighting the prequels, I'm defending the Star Wars narrative as a whole. Sorry that you don't enjoy a section of it to actually care about it.

Vader isn't an idiot. You say that he isn't smart in canon material, but I'd say his actions in the Darth Vader comics have shown him to be quite cunning and intelligent.

Then I can say the same for how he behaves during The Clone Wars. His intelligence level does not change.
yeah but Lucas isn't responsible for anakin's character development in that series. id prefer to keep this within the realm of things that Lucas is directly responsible for- the 6 movies. there is no narrative consistency between the prequel anakin and vader in the movies. the clone wars helps to remedy the character a bit, but movie anakin is a fucking moron, no way around it. vader is much much more intelligent. that doesnt make any sense. lucas is a hack.

Okay, are you stupid or misinformed? Lucas was DIRECTLY involved with the story and character development of EVERY Clone Wars episode that has aired thus far. The Clone Wars is just as much directly responsible for him as the main 6 movies. Hence why it was left canon during the EU wipe.
lucas has creator credits for the clone wars because he invented star wars. he has a minor writing credit, but he wasnt involved in production or direction. doesnt count.

Jesus Christ, okay I'm done talking with you. You obviously have no idea how Lucas worked on The Clone Wars, making this discussion a mute point. Do yourself a favor, and actually see all the work, time, and effort Lucas has put into making the show. Yes, others worked on the show, but Lucas had the penultimate authority over what was written and created during the show's run time, despite what the credits show. Just look at any interview or behind the scene documentary of the show's producer, Dave Filoni.

And even if Lucas had no role in The Clone Wars, what does it matter? It's still canon. It's on the same level as the movies, despite your personal opinion on the matter.
so what you're saying is you have run out of bullshit to defend the prequels with?

i rest my case.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:03:52 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

When did Anakin become smart? Vader is just as dumb in the movies, and we've barely seen any of his thought process in the new comics besides "lol lets build an army". So unless you're using non canon material to show Vader's intelligence, I don't see it.

Anakin is Palpatine's lapdog, and is ignorant beyond belief, even after he's in the suit. The ONLY time he opens up a bit is when he finds out Luke is his son. And even then, he has to wait until his son is almost killed to actually do something.

He became a sign of terror when he went in the suit, but he didn't become smart.

And I'm not white knighting the prequels, I'm defending the Star Wars narrative as a whole. Sorry that you don't enjoy a section of it to actually care about it.

Vader isn't an idiot. You say that he isn't smart in canon material, but I'd say his actions in the Darth Vader comics have shown him to be quite cunning and intelligent.

Then I can say the same for how he behaves during The Clone Wars. His intelligence level does not change.
yeah but Lucas isn't responsible for anakin's character development in that series. id prefer to keep this within the realm of things that Lucas is directly responsible for- the 6 movies. there is no narrative consistency between the prequel anakin and vader in the movies. the clone wars helps to remedy the character a bit, but movie anakin is a fucking moron, no way around it. vader is much much more intelligent. that doesnt make any sense. lucas is a hack.

Okay, are you stupid or misinformed? Lucas was DIRECTLY involved with the story and character development of EVERY Clone Wars episode that has aired thus far. The Clone Wars is just as much directly responsible for him as the main 6 movies. Hence why it was left canon during the EU wipe.
lucas has creator credits for the clone wars because he invented star wars. he has a minor writing credit, but he wasnt involved in production or direction. doesnt count.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:56:48 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

When did Anakin become smart? Vader is just as dumb in the movies, and we've barely seen any of his thought process in the new comics besides "lol lets build an army". So unless you're using non canon material to show Vader's intelligence, I don't see it.

Anakin is Palpatine's lapdog, and is ignorant beyond belief, even after he's in the suit. The ONLY time he opens up a bit is when he finds out Luke is his son. And even then, he has to wait until his son is almost killed to actually do something.

He became a sign of terror when he went in the suit, but he didn't become smart.

And I'm not white knighting the prequels, I'm defending the Star Wars narrative as a whole. Sorry that you don't enjoy a section of it to actually care about it.

Vader isn't an idiot. You say that he isn't smart in canon material, but I'd say his actions in the Darth Vader comics have shown him to be quite cunning and intelligent.

Then I can say the same for how he behaves during The Clone Wars. His intelligence level does not change.
yeah but Lucas isn't responsible for anakin's character development in that series. id prefer to keep this within the realm of things that Lucas is directly responsible for- the 6 movies. there is no narrative consistency between the prequel anakin and vader in the movies. the clone wars helps to remedy the character a bit, but movie anakin is a fucking moron, no way around it. vader is much much more intelligent. that doesnt make any sense. lucas is a hack.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:50:16 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

When did Anakin become smart? Vader is just as dumb in the movies, and we've barely seen any of his thought process in the new comics besides "lol lets build an army". So unless you're using non canon material to show Vader's intelligence, I don't see it.

Anakin is Palpatine's lapdog, and is ignorant beyond belief, even after he's in the suit. The ONLY time he opens up a bit is when he finds out Luke is his son. And even then, he has to wait until his son is almost killed to actually do something.

He became a sign of terror when he went in the suit, but he didn't become smart.

And I'm not white knighting the prequels, I'm defending the Star Wars narrative as a whole. Sorry that you don't enjoy a section of it to actually care about it.

Vader isn't an idiot. You say that he isn't smart in canon material, but I'd say his actions in the Darth Vader comics have shown him to be quite cunning and intelligent.
the Cloud City ambush comes to mind as well.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:24:40 PM »

Poor Anakin...
Don't refer to him by his bitch name.

Would Darth Vader technically be his bitch name though?
The Anakin we saw was a whiny, selfish, brooding, asshole. Yeah he was better in TCW but that's not enough tonerase the black mark of the Prequels.

Darth Vader, on the other hand, was a badass motherfucker.

They're the same person. And Vader is just as whiny, selfish, and brooding. The difference being he can actually do something about it now (like killing people) instead of rubbing the Jedi Council's shaft.
the biggest difference between Prequels Anakin and Original Trilogy Anakin is that Vader is calculating, intelligent, shrewd, and good at reading people. Prequels Anakin is a gullible idiot who happens to be a savant when it comes to military stratagem. Prequels Anakin isn't the kind of guy who turns into Vader. You don't just magically grow a working brain by becoming a Sith.

Sounds like you need to pay attention to story then.
got any specific examples or are you just spewing bullshit in the face of the truth?

It all stems from the environment Anakin grew up in, Rewatch the prequels a Clone Wars and actually pay attention to details.
that explains his moodiness, but not the sudden transformation from universe's dumbest jedi to authoritarian genius. nothing can explain that except for shitty writing.

>Implying all Jedi aren't mentally retarded.

Again, rewatch and pay attention to the Jedi order.
yeah, theyre all dumb as rocks. so tell me, how in the flying fuck did anakin magically become smart? i can tell you right now that palpatine isnt responsible.

its a shitty narrative. lucas didnt think it through. stop white knighting the prequels.

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