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Messages - Azumarill

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You probably
1) Suck
you dont know who you're talking to, do you? lol.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...
did you just put me in a time machine and send me back to 2011? whatever, ill give you a brief rundown anyway:

Armor Abilities. Absolutely pointless implementation that slowed down gameplay and forgave bad players for mistakes that should have wiped their team.

Bloom. Cheap mechanic that gated skilled players.

The DMR. flat out retarded as a starting weapon. Never should have removed the Battle Rifle. Needle Rifle was clearly a poorly planned afterthought.

The default maps were mostly awful. Zealot was good. That's about it. Forge World maps suffered from horrible FPS drops.

Rocket/grenade blast radii were buffed wayyyyyyy too hard. Grenades even got a tracking mechanic. Beyond retarded.

Arena was really really really fucking bad. Default game+ranking based on individual performance instead of Win/Loss made it absolutely worthless until it was reworked.

Nerfed Needler and Assault Rifle were entirely unnecessary and exacerbated the problems with the weapon sandbox. Sniper Rifle was too forgiving (probably just due to the ridiculous hitboxes, but still).

Absolutely worthless dev support up until 343 took over. It was incredibly obvious that Bungie didn't give 2 shits about Reach.

The campaign was awful. No way around it. None of the members of NOBLE except Jorge got any sort of character development.

and thats just off the top of my head.
I'll be honest here...

All I played was Infection, Invasion, and Custom Games. And Reach had by far the most customization options for infection (my favorite game mode), and Invasion was all-around dank.
Invasion made me want to barf in my mouth, as someone who values competitive balance in FPS.

Commit suicide please
if you thought invasion was a balanced gametype, you should probably spend time in an asylum.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post cringy Star Wars fan videos
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:58:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post cringy Star Wars fan videos
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:21:52 PM »
> baiting the prequel haters by linking plinketts epIII review

stay salty san diego

The Flood / Re: My opinion of whoever posts thread
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:57:01 PM »
hit me with your best shot.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...
did you just put me in a time machine and send me back to 2011? whatever, ill give you a brief rundown anyway:

Armor Abilities. Absolutely pointless implementation that slowed down gameplay and forgave bad players for mistakes that should have wiped their team.

Bloom. Cheap mechanic that gated skilled players.

The DMR. flat out retarded as a starting weapon. Never should have removed the Battle Rifle. Needle Rifle was clearly a poorly planned afterthought.

The default maps were mostly awful. Zealot was good. That's about it. Forge World maps suffered from horrible FPS drops.

Rocket/grenade blast radii were buffed wayyyyyyy too hard. Grenades even got a tracking mechanic. Beyond retarded.

Arena was really really really fucking bad. Default game+ranking based on individual performance instead of Win/Loss made it absolutely worthless until it was reworked.

Nerfed Needler and Assault Rifle were entirely unnecessary and exacerbated the problems with the weapon sandbox. Sniper Rifle was too forgiving (probably just due to the ridiculous hitboxes, but still).

Absolutely worthless dev support up until 343 took over. It was incredibly obvious that Bungie didn't give 2 shits about Reach.

The campaign was awful. No way around it. None of the members of NOBLE except Jorge got any sort of character development.

and thats just off the top of my head.
I'll be honest here...

All I played was Infection, Invasion, and Custom Games. And Reach had by far the most customization options for infection (my favorite game mode), and Invasion was all-around dank.
Invasion made me want to barf in my mouth, as someone who values competitive balance in FPS.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...
did you just put me in a time machine and send me back to 2011? whatever, ill give you a brief rundown anyway:

Armor Abilities. Absolutely pointless implementation that slowed down gameplay and forgave bad players for mistakes that should have wiped their team.

Bloom. Cheap mechanic that gated skilled players.

The DMR. flat out retarded as a starting weapon. Never should have removed the Battle Rifle. Needle Rifle was clearly a poorly planned afterthought.

The default maps were mostly awful. Zealot was good. That's about it. Forge World maps suffered from horrible FPS drops.

Rocket/grenade blast radii were buffed wayyyyyyy too hard. Grenades even got a tracking mechanic. Beyond retarded.

Arena was really really really fucking bad. Default game+ranking based on individual performance instead of Win/Loss made it absolutely worthless until it was reworked.

Nerfed Needler and Assault Rifle were entirely unnecessary and exacerbated the problems with the weapon sandbox. Sniper Rifle was too forgiving (probably just due to the ridiculous hitboxes, but still).

Absolutely worthless dev support up until 343 took over. It was incredibly obvious that Bungie didn't give 2 shits about Reach.

The campaign was awful. No way around it. None of the members of NOBLE except Jorge got any sort of character development.

and thats just off the top of my head.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Reach had the best custom games.

the severe fps drops in forge world really killed my ability to enjoy the custom games. im not normally one to bitch about graphics, but its extremely aggravating to constantly have your frames fucking up.

The Flood / Re: Desticles are amazed by placeholder text
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:28:21 PM »
but even I'm impressed by how much further you guys have taken the concept of an "expansion" since TDB

you can bet your sweet ass that DeeJ tearfully showed that comment thread to the rest of that delusional company and said "THIS IS WHAT WEVE BEEN WORKING FOR!"

i love watching bungie's ships crash and burn.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:18:32 PM »
huge step down for marvel. proving yet again that they cant write compelling story arcs or villains.

at least it was pretty and kinda funny.
Is Ultron as terrible as Mandarin?
a little better, still completely wasted in the grand scheme of things.

these marvel movies have a bad habit of creating conflicts that have no lasting effects on the universe. the overarching narrative is too ambitious, so it cripples the ability of individual movies to tell important stories. i havent been impressed since the pre-avengers movies.
Is the movie as a whole good though?

And did you not like GotG or The Winter Soldier?
its a good movie to go with your friends and have a couple laughs and watch hulk and iron man punch each other and eat a bunch of popcorn and milk duds, but if you want a good film, look elsewhere. shoehorned romance, reused plot lines, terrible character development (especially for tony stark, which is fucking astounding honestly), yet another villain with massive potential entirely wasted. this was like the movie version of destiny: the marketing made it seem like way more than it was.
I'll probably go see it anyway.
My step-dad really wants to go see it so I'll be going with him.

I don't generally look for or expect deep and thought provoking movies when it comes to Marvel anyway. I enjoy them for what they are.
yeah, thats fair. its really just more of the same honestly, i just expected a lot more.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:11:26 PM »
huge step down for marvel. proving yet again that they cant write compelling story arcs or villains.

at least it was pretty and kinda funny.
Is Ultron as terrible as Mandarin?
a little better, still completely wasted in the grand scheme of things.

these marvel movies have a bad habit of creating conflicts that have no lasting effects on the universe. the overarching narrative is too ambitious, so it cripples the ability of individual movies to tell important stories. i havent been impressed since the pre-avengers movies.
Is the movie as a whole good though?

And did you not like GotG or The Winter Soldier?
its a good movie to go with your friends and have a couple laughs and watch hulk and iron man punch each other and eat a bunch of popcorn and milk duds, but if you want a good film, look elsewhere. shoehorned romance, reused plot lines, terrible character development (especially for tony stark, which is fucking astounding honestly), yet another villain with massive potential entirely wasted. this was like the movie version of destiny: the marketing made it seem like way more than it was.

i saw the avengers midnight release back in 2012, and the crowd constantly LOLing at every hammy joke took me out of it, so i opted not to wait for this one and i watched it through unsavory internet sources. im glad i didnt pay for it.

the winter soldier was good too. thats one of the few gems. still some narrative problems, but its far from the biggest sinner in the MCU.

Gaming / Re: What should I buy?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:07:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:05:31 PM »
huge step down for marvel. proving yet again that they cant write compelling story arcs or villains.

at least it was pretty and kinda funny.
Is Ultron as terrible as Mandarin?
a little better, still completely wasted in the grand scheme of things.

these marvel movies have a bad habit of creating conflicts that have no lasting effects on the universe. the overarching narrative is too ambitious, so it cripples the ability of individual movies to tell important stories. i havent been impressed since the pre-avengers movies.

edit: i will admit that i really liked guardians of the galaxy, but im not familiar with the source material at all so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.

Serious / Re: Korean "comfort woman" demands apology from japan
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:00:41 PM »
>literally the most racist people in the world

>apologizing to anyone who isn't Japanese
Personal experience or assumptions?
Every interaction I've had with a Japanese person.

Every depiction of foreigners in Japanese media.

It's seriously the most xenophobic place outside of Texas
japan actually has a rich history of cultural diffusion with surrounding nation states, domestic and abroad

Gaming / Re: What is your favorite area in a game?
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:47:10 PM »

that game was chock full of gorgeous and fun zones. boggly woods and keelhaul key come to mind immediately. its honestly my favorite rpg of all time.

Gaming / Re: What is your favorite area in a game?
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:40:40 PM »

Ecruteak City

The Arboretum (Jade Forest)

Icecrown Citadel

Riverwood Forest

Destiny Islands

Gaming / Re: Steam has paid mods now
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:28:58 PM »
> paying for mods
> being this much of a sheep
> par for the course for valve stans

it all checks out

The Flood / Re: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:16:52 PM »

A few days ago, one of my dogs found a bird nest in a chair on our back porch and knocked it down. There were little nestlings all over the porch. I gathered them up, rebuilt the nest, and replaced them. I made sure that one of their parents was still paying regular visits, and I tried to conceal the nest as well as I could from potential predators (we have a privacy fence that keeps cats and racoons and stuff out, but I just wanted to make sure.)

All was well until yesterday. Two of the five baby birds (they're either a species of wren or finch) had disappeared. No blood anywhere. One of them was dead and had been pushed from the nest. I buried it in a flowerpot. Up until this point, I knew for sure that the mother or father had been paying regular visits to the nest. I decided that the nests' position wasn't safe, and relocated it to a more secure, elevated position on a little glass shelf on my porch, away from any spots from where a mammal could attack. Snakes aren't common here, but I won't rule out the possibility of a rat snake or something predating the two missing birds. In any case, I moved the nest to a safer, nearby location in good faith, having been informed by my research+a contact at the national wildlife center that it would be fine, because birds have a good sense of hearing and would be able to find them no problem (the thing about mother birds abandoning chicks which have come into human contact is a myth; they have a terrible sense of smell). I left them in peace last night, assured that my actions were benevolent and in the best interests of the surviving chicks.

I just got home from class, and one of the remaining two birds had perished in the nest. I buried it with its sibling in the flowerpot. Now, only one remains- they did not beg for food when I checked, unlike every other time, so I'm not entirely sure that the other birds starved to death. However, I am at an impasse- I could leave him to the care of his mother, or I could contact wildlife rescue and possibly ensure his welfare. I'm afraid the chicks may have suffered internal injuries when they originally fell from the nest, and that may have contributed to the nest deaths. I don't want this little baby bird to die. They would have all perished on the floor of my porch had I not intervened. I wanted to give them a fighting chance, and two of them were ripped away silently in the night, and two died nesting with their remaining siblings. I am now entirely unsure that the last bird will make it.

I cannot intellectually or emotionally reconcile with this experience. Why were they born just to be ripped from the mortal plane in such a brutish manner? Why were my actions Pyrrhic? Is mortality the only constant in the universe? Why do we live if we must die? Why do we live if our souls aren't immortal? What's the existential meaning of sentient life, if it's just going to be swept away in the blink of an eye and rendered meaningless?

I cannot be optimistic in the face of such horror. I cannot believe that there is some higher, benevolent power watching over and protecting us. If there is, it's just as incompetent as I am. Right now, I can only imagine that every other garden planet in this universe suffers the same fate. We are all victims of mortality. How am I supposed to find solace amongst this terror?
Holy shit I didn't ask for your life story
sorry i didnt reply with a meme. i figured since this is the serious board that i ought to maybe consider this topic seriously.

ps: go fuck yourself

The Flood / Re: Desticles are amazed by placeholder text
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:34:56 PM »
You want some real juicy Desticle dickriding? Better get an umbrella for this sloppy ass circlejerk:

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:27:26 PM »
huge step down for marvel. proving yet again that they cant write compelling story arcs or villains.

at least it was pretty and kinda funny.

The Flood / Re: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:19:29 PM »
A few days ago, one of my dogs found a bird nest in a chair on our back porch and knocked it down. There were little nestlings all over the porch. I gathered them up, rebuilt the nest, and replaced them. I made sure that one of their parents was still paying regular visits, and I tried to conceal the nest as well as I could from potential predators (we have a privacy fence that keeps cats and racoons and stuff out, but I just wanted to make sure.)

All was well until yesterday. Two of the five baby birds (they're either a species of wren or finch) had disappeared. No blood anywhere. One of them was dead and had been pushed from the nest. I buried it in a flowerpot. Up until this point, I knew for sure that the mother or father had been paying regular visits to the nest. I decided that the nests' position wasn't safe, and relocated it to a more secure, elevated position on a little glass shelf on my porch, away from any spots from where a mammal could attack. Snakes aren't common here, but I won't rule out the possibility of a rat snake or something predating the two missing birds. In any case, I moved the nest to a safer, nearby location in good faith, having been informed by my research+a contact at the national wildlife center that it would be fine, because birds have a good sense of hearing and would be able to find them no problem (the thing about mother birds abandoning chicks which have come into human contact is a myth; they have a terrible sense of smell). I left them in peace last night, assured that my actions were benevolent and in the best interests of the surviving chicks.

I just got home from class, and one of the remaining two birds had perished in the nest. I buried it with its sibling in the flowerpot. Now, only one remains- they did not beg for food when I checked, unlike every other time, so I'm not entirely sure that the other birds starved to death. However, I am at an impasse- I could leave him to the care of his mother, or I could contact wildlife rescue and possibly ensure his welfare. I'm afraid the chicks may have suffered internal injuries when they originally fell from the nest, and that may have contributed to the nest deaths. I don't want this little baby bird to die. They would have all perished on the floor of my porch had I not intervened. I wanted to give them a fighting chance, and two of them were ripped away silently in the night, and two died nesting with their remaining siblings. I am now entirely unsure that the last bird will make it.

I cannot intellectually or emotionally reconcile with this experience. Why were they born just to be ripped from the mortal plane in such a brutish manner? Why were my actions Pyrrhic? Is mortality the only constant in the universe? Why do we live if we must die? Why do we live if our souls aren't immortal? What's the existential meaning of sentient life, if it's just going to be swept away in the blink of an eye and rendered meaningless?

I cannot be optimistic in the face of such horror. I cannot believe that there is some higher, benevolent power watching over and protecting us. If there is, it's just as incompetent as I am. Right now, I can only imagine that every other garden planet in this universe suffers the same fate. We are all victims of mortality. How am I supposed to find solace amongst this terror?


The Flood / Re: My trip to Hippie Hill
« on: April 22, 2015, 11:04:33 PM »
People find this to Almost peeing themselves is fun?
I don't smoke

Sounds like you didn't have to.
you dont go to a place like hippie hill and not smoke my man. its part of the experience

Well I personally wouldn't have gone, so I can't really relate with that.
if you dont mind me asking, what are your reasons? im not trying to argue, i just like to ask people who do or dont do drugs why they do or dont

The easy answer: it's illegal, and I was raised in a very strict law-abiding household

The complicated answer: I've never done drugs. And I don't want to.
I don't care to delve in that kind of stuff. Some people overdose and die, some people become addicted. Some people turn out fine. Easiest way to avoid the risk? Don't take the risk at all. And my money could be well spent on more important things.

Some people in one of my college classes went on a camping trip together. What did they do the whole time, according to them? get high and lay in a field all day. To me that's an complete waste of time, and time I can't get back.
hm, thats all fair. dabbling in illegal shit is a huge deterrent. i will say that marijuana in particular is much less dangerous than you may have been led to believe; it is not physically addictive, and the high isnt like its portrayed in television in movies. effects vary based on the strain, your tolerance, and how much you smoke, but typically it amplifies whatever emotions you're feeling at the time and takes allllll the stress you've had off your shoulders. i dont wanna pressure you into trying it, but i feel that its illegality does a great disservice to the human population; its a wonderful therapeutic medicine, in a very literal sense.

dont do heroin though rocket. never do heroin. if anyone offers you heroin, say no and walk away

The Flood / Re: My trip to Hippie Hill
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:48:34 PM »
People find this to Almost peeing themselves is fun?
I don't smoke

Sounds like you didn't have to.
you dont go to a place like hippie hill and not smoke my man. its part of the experience

Well I personally wouldn't have gone, so I can't really relate with that.
if you dont mind me asking, what are your reasons? im not trying to argue, i just like to ask people who do or dont do drugs why they do or dont

The Flood / Re: My trip to Hippie Hill
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:47:51 PM »
sounds like a blast. you take anything else? shrooms?

man i would have loved to be there. there musta been a fucking pot haze covering the place. mmmmmm
Nah I had already smoked and didn't want to have my first shroom experience while high  :-\

When you got close enough to the park you didn't even have to ask for directions because you could see a HUGE cloud of smoke floating in the air a few blocks away it was crazy
magic is real

oh lordy

The Flood / Re: My trip to Hippie Hill
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:39:52 PM »
People find this to Almost peeing themselves is fun?
I don't smoke

Sounds like you didn't have to.
you dont go to a place like hippie hill and not smoke my man. its part of the experience

Just a quick question, did any of you feel anything during the fall of the jedi? When it was showing Jedi masters like aayla secura, Ki adi Mundi, and Plo Koon being betrayed and killed by their own troops?
yeah. that was my favorite sequence of the prequels. mostly because of the lack of dialogue. the cinematography and music was incredible. i felt chills.

Okay. How about when Qui-gon died, the clones showing up at Genosis, when Mace windu is thrown out the window?

These are just scenes off the top of my head that gave me emotional connection.
meh... qui gon's death didnt affect me much because we only had him around for such a short time. the clone rescue was well done, visually. i liked seeing the jedi unsheath their sabers in the arena. mace windu's death still doesnt make any sense to me... i cant comprehend why anakin did that, aside from, again, being a delusional naive idiot. but it did affect me. i got mad. really angry. i wanted to throw anakin out the window.

that all makes sense. But you're supposed to be mad at Anakin. He is betraying the jedi order after all. What seems like a stupid choice to you, someone who can think rationally and clearly about the situation. In high pressure situations like that, people don't think rationally. And being affected by the force AND Sidious, who knows what could've been going through his conflicted head.

and he does seem instantly regretful which just adds to how conflicted he is.
thats fair.

The Flood / Re: My trip to Hippie Hill
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:34:03 PM »
sounds like a blast. you take anything else? shrooms?

man i would have loved to be there. there musta been a fucking pot haze covering the place. mmmmmm

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