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Messages - Azumarill

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Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:27:42 PM »
back in the 90's, the bhutanese government exiled the lhotshampa, ethnic hindus, 1/5 of the country's population. is that an accurate reflection of the values of buddhism? certainly not. to assume otherwise would be foolish.

timothy mcveigh and terry nichols killed 168 people. they were christians. do their actions reflect the values of christianity?

do not judge the whole for the actions of the few.
Except the majority of Muslims are shitty people that have an ass backwards culture and society snd attack people who question it.

Again, get back to me when you and your family have been persecuted.
And there's the underlying reason for your hatred. Your family was driven out of Iran by Muslims, so now you hate them. Nice work.

My family was driven out Africa by blacks, yet none of us hate them as a result of pure butthurt.

Grow up Challenger.
he's too small minded to transcend his ignorance. i feel a twang of pity, but i know that the natural order will set him right eventually.

those who live through hate will die by hate.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:23:37 PM »
friendly reminder that halo 4 had a much better forgemode

both games are still trash :)

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:21:54 PM »

Yet another retarded comparison. So let's keep on allowing hate-mongering events like these to happen and then blame "them damn Mudslimes" once they predictably react to bait such as this.
Victim blaming.

If Muslims react to a drawing with violence, they're garbage. But I already knew this.
this is classic observation bias. 1.6 billion muslims in this world, and you think a few fundamentalist fringe groups and some wackos in first world countries represent islam?
got anything more credible? that proves nothing.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:20:39 PM »
veering uncomfortably close to islamophobia here..
That's what I hate about threads like these. They just end up being Islamophobic circlejerks.
im all for criticism of religion, but when you use vitriol like this its just... i dont even want to read posts so full of hate.

some people would do well to remember that we are all born equal and we all die equal.
Let me know when your native country is ruined by Islam and your family members killed for not being Muslim, the get back to me.
back in the 90's, the bhutanese government exiled the lhotshampa, ethnic hindus, 1/5 of the country's population. is that an accurate reflection of the values of buddhism? certainly not. to assume otherwise would be foolish.

timothy mcveigh and terry nichols killed 168 people. they were christians. do their actions reflect the values of christianity?

do not judge the whole for the actions of the few.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:17:04 PM »

Yet another retarded comparison. So let's keep on allowing hate-mongering events like these to happen and then blame "them damn Mudslimes" once they predictably react to bait such as this.
Victim blaming.

If Muslims react to a drawing with violence, they're garbage. But I already knew this.
this is classic observation bias. 1.6 billion muslims in this world, and you think a few fundamentalist fringe groups and some wackos in first world countries represent islam?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:12:18 PM »
veering uncomfortably close to islamophobia here..
That's what I hate about threads like these. They just end up being Islamophobic circlejerks.
im all for criticism of religion, but when you use vitriol like this its just... i dont even want to read posts so full of hate.

some people would do well to remember that we are all born equal and we all die equal.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:04:20 PM »
veering uncomfortably close to islamophobia here..

Gaming / Re: DBZ Xenoverse is fun
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:35:04 PM »
The game feels schizophrenic, like it can't quite decide if it's a fighting game or an RPG. It was fun until I realized that it was mostly a game of numbers instead of a game of skill.
min/maxing wont win fights for you alone, you do need significant skill to be a good pvp player

The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad Revealed in .jpg Format
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:33:07 PM »
i feel like joker isnt gonna be the direct target, but rather a figure off to the side

So in other words, the Joker written incorrectly.

The Flood / Re: Mods
« on: May 04, 2015, 05:39:02 PM »
force them to unlock it, you know like you force your wife into sex

I don't force my wife into sex.

I said " I WOULD" force her to have sex with me, if she didn't want to.

A few years into marriage and still no trouble having sex whenever I want.
That's called rape

Can't rape your wife

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:52:23 PM »
i bet kiyo thinks i was asking to be raped when i wore that short skirt to the ball
There's a difference.
not really. you cant blame the victims in either situation. the crazy people are at fault.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:48:02 PM »
i bet kiyo thinks i was asking to be raped when i wore that short skirt to the ball

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:39:40 PM »
So "killing" straw men is horrible and barbaric? LOL

Christ you must flood the place with tears when a tree gets chopped down. lol
I find it really funny how you can accuse me of ad hominem and, in the same comment no less, call another user a brown-noser and then try to make fun of me for thinking the idea of murdering apostates is barbaric.

If you don't have anything useful to say--whether it's couched in insults or not--then fuck off out of Serious.
its nice to have devils advocates sometimes but god damn i wish they were more reasonable. theyre always stubborn to a fault.. ban kiyo from serious '15

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

You're quitting because you literally can't prove me wrong. You made your points and I made mine, stating how those games are popular because they're good. This is a fact. If you can't handle that fact, then go ahead and stomp your little feet outta here like the child you are.
there's gotta be a screw loose in your head

The only screw that's loose is my dick in your mom lmao rekt your argument is now invalid

Also I've been meaning to ask

Are you a girl
im a boy.

Oh okay cuz Azumarill seems feminine to me
huge power azumarill is manly as fuck

azure is the female azu. i am the male azu. but im cuter so

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

You're quitting because you literally can't prove me wrong. You made your points and I made mine, stating how those games are popular because they're good. This is a fact. If you can't handle that fact, then go ahead and stomp your little feet outta here like the child you are.
there's gotta be a screw loose in your head

The only screw that's loose is my dick in your mom lmao rekt your argument is now invalid

Also I've been meaning to ask

Are you a girl
im a boy.

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:34:51 PM »
And then Superman shows you that western shit is basically the same thing.
i like evil superman so much better

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

You're quitting because you literally can't prove me wrong. You made your points and I made mine, stating how those games are popular because they're good. This is a fact. If you can't handle that fact, then go ahead and stomp your little feet outta here like the child you are.
there's gotta be a screw loose in your head

The only screw that's loose is my dick in your mom lmao rekt your argument is now invalid

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

You're quitting because you literally can't prove me wrong. You made your points and I made mine, stating how those games are popular because they're good. This is a fact. If you can't handle that fact, then go ahead and stomp your little feet outta here like the child you are.
there's gotta be a screw loose in your head. popularity=/=quality. look at the walking dead. one of the most popular shows on tv and its absolute garbage

top grossing movie of all time (US) is james cameron's avatar. is that the best movie ever released in america? not by a fucking longshot.

you're making a false equivalency.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:26:31 PM »
So you only care about 1 side of the problem? Good to know.
No, you idiot. Muslims should be equally free to argue for and express all manner of outrageous claims. They should be able to behead straw-men with a sign saying "apostate" around their neck if somebody is willing to have such demonstrations on their property.

The point is apostates should then in turn not fucking murder them. I honestly don't believe that you can equate drawing pictures of Mohammed to murdering people for it; even you aren't that stupid.

1) Stop reverting to ad-hominems like your brown noser.

2) Even if they did behead straw men you would have a problem. Just admit it already.

3) They provoked an attack against a large group of people, every action as a reaction. in this case, karma.
the ironic misuse of karma there made me giggle.

in this case, the action of the cartoonists DID necessitate a reaction- namely, a debate on the nature of muhammad's depiction and whether or not it should be considered haram. committing violent retribution for perceived slights against your faith is disproportionate and flat out stupid.

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:14:24 PM »
It still baffles me that in this day and age, people continue to legitimately believe that violence is an appropriate retaliation to fucking words. And just lol at all the victim blaming ITT. You have a right to express whatever shitty opinion you want. The fact that we live in a world where feeling scared that your values might get you killed is commonplace is disgusting.
But they weren't targeted for their views, they were targeted because they provoked it. Serves them right tbf.
you just provoked me. im going to find and kill you. serves you right.
doesn't work like that in the real world.
then why the fuck are you defending these crazy people?

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:07:42 PM »


midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:03:54 PM »
It still baffles me that in this day and age, people continue to legitimately believe that violence is an appropriate retaliation to fucking words. And just lol at all the victim blaming ITT. You have a right to express whatever shitty opinion you want. The fact that we live in a world where feeling scared that your values might get you killed is commonplace is disgusting.
But they weren't targeted for their views, they were targeted because they provoked it. Serves them right tbf.
you just provoked me. im going to find and kill you. serves you right.

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

Skyrim is amazing you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
baby's first RPG?

Base Skyrim is fucking awful.

The main quest story is barely existent
The difficulty is as artificial as Destiny's
The combat (and every other mechanic) is shallow and static as fuck
Side queslines are basically the only story components, and that's pushing it
Alduin is possibly the worst "boss" in an RPG
Copy/paste dungeons and caves
Retarded AI
The Dragonborn DLC is better than the enrire base game
Broken as fuck, which is standard with any Bethesda-developed game

Skyrim is good if it's your first RPG because you won't know any better, or if you mod the shit out of it.

You're retarded as fuck, none of those are true. ESPECIALLY the "copy/paste" dungeons, when they're anything but. Go back to Oblivion if you want that you shill
lol okay

oblivion is shit too
tes is a mediocre series developed by mediocre devs

Oh yeah ofc, that's why it's so popular and such a successful RPG franchise and all
i love this so much loool

you know what else is popular and successful? call of duty. you know whats objectively one of the worst-balanced fps series of all time? call of duty.

super smash bros is one of the most popular fighting games ever, but it's not even a real fighting game.

league of legends is the most popular video game in the world, and the devs have absolutely no fucking clue how to balance their game.

popularity does not a good game make.

Apparently it does, because everything you just mentioned contradicts itself. Money and statistics don't lie and those games are successful for a reason - because they're good.
stay in school

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

Skyrim is amazing you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
baby's first RPG?

Base Skyrim is fucking awful.

The main quest story is barely existent
The difficulty is as artificial as Destiny's
The combat (and every other mechanic) is shallow and static as fuck
Side queslines are basically the only story components, and that's pushing it
Alduin is possibly the worst "boss" in an RPG
Copy/paste dungeons and caves
Retarded AI
The Dragonborn DLC is better than the enrire base game
Broken as fuck, which is standard with any Bethesda-developed game

Skyrim is good if it's your first RPG because you won't know any better, or if you mod the shit out of it.

You're retarded as fuck, none of those are true. ESPECIALLY the "copy/paste" dungeons, when they're anything but. Go back to Oblivion if you want that you shill
lol okay

oblivion is shit too
tes is a mediocre series developed by mediocre devs

Oh yeah ofc, that's why it's so popular and such a successful RPG franchise and all
i love this so much loool

you know what else is popular and successful? call of duty. you know whats objectively one of the worst-balanced fps series of all time? call of duty.

super smash bros is one of the most popular fighting games ever, but it's not even a real fighting game.

league of legends is the most popular video game in the world, and the devs have absolutely no fucking clue how to balance their game.

popularity does not a good game make.

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

Skyrim is amazing you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
baby's first RPG?

Base Skyrim is fucking awful.

The main quest story is barely existent
The difficulty is as artificial as Destiny's
The combat (and every other mechanic) is shallow and static as fuck
Side queslines are basically the only story components, and that's pushing it
Alduin is possibly the worst "boss" in an RPG
Copy/paste dungeons and caves
Retarded AI
The Dragonborn DLC is better than the enrire base game
Broken as fuck, which is standard with any Bethesda-developed game

Skyrim is good if it's your first RPG because you won't know any better, or if you mod the shit out of it.

You're retarded as fuck, none of those are true. ESPECIALLY the "copy/paste" dungeons, when they're anything but. Go back to Oblivion if you want that you shill
i dont think we played the same skyrim.

or maybe your brain doesnt work.


The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad Revealed in .jpg Format
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:53:02 PM »
Are they supposed to be fighting the Joker or something?
They're a team formed by the government to do extremely dangerous secret missions instead of going to prison.

In this upcoming movie, they will probably be assigned to take down The Joker.
i feel like joker isnt gonna be the direct target, but rather a figure off to the side (his relationship with harley could provide narrative consistency for this) and maybe pulling the strings unbeknownst to amanda waller/the govt

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:41:06 PM »
There's also the "every custom map was just Forge World" bit. Which became every map on matchmaking.
dont forget the awful fps drops on every one of those forge world maps!

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