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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 136137138 139140 ... 255
The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:26:35 PM »
Daenerys is more politically incompetent than Ned Stark.

Think about that for a moment.
ned stark was an excellent governor. he just happened to be too honorable to survive in the kings landing viper pit. dont confuse having the wrong ethics with political incompetence

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:21:22 PM »
If you were approached by somebody, not even say, five years ago, and were told that Bungie, and Bungie.Net would go to complete and utter shit as a community and a developer, would you believe them?

God dammit that shit sucks.
lol of course i would believe them. bungie has been a sack of shit for the better part of a decade

the media is blasting him. not even subtly. any time he's mentioned on npr or cnn it's always with regard to his (low) chances against hilldawg and how his policies might affect her campaign decisions. he's losing the election before it ever begins because of his portrayal in the media.

i hate this country. so fucking much.

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:20:02 PM »
Tbh you can't really define trolling in such a small context. It has a huge host of ways of being done, and since the simplest way to describe trolling is "fishing for replies" (no matter bad or good), that could definitely be considered a way to troll. Any reply for a troll is a successful attempt. Saying something stupid to have people flock to reply to it may be one of the easier ways to troll, but its still trolling nonetheless.
i refuse to lower the bar for foolish lazy "trolls." they are pretenders who think they know how to fish. its like someone who goes to red lobster and then claims that they personally slayed their food.

Well sorry to break it to you, but it's still trolling whether you acknowledge it or not.

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:18:32 PM »
Tbh you can't really define trolling in such a small context. It has a huge host of ways of being done, and since the simplest way to describe trolling is "fishing for replies" (no matter bad or good), that could definitely be considered a way to troll. Any reply for a troll is a successful attempt. Saying something stupid to have people flock to reply to it may be one of the easier ways to troll, but its still trolling nonetheless.
i refuse to lower the bar for foolish lazy "trolls." they are pretenders who think they know how to fish. its like someone who goes to red lobster and then claims that they personally slayed their food.

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:17:13 PM »
i dont like Stannis because the Red Lady has him by the short and curlies. if he were to cast that bitch aside id back him.
she's also bad at reading her fires. i dont trust her
Maybe she just gets contradictory visions.
no, you can tell pretty clearly in the books that she's misreading them something hardcore
>One of the most accomplished Red Priests of all time
>Claims her powers are much stronger at the wall
>When she looks into her fires all she can see is Jon
>Has a vision of Bloodraven and Bran for the first time ever
>Bloodraven already seems to have an interest in Jon throughout the series

In my opinion, Bloodraven is fucking with Melly's visions to get to Jon.
yeah, it was only once she got to the wall that she was able to see more clearly.

i think bran is gonna be stronger than bloodraven ever was

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:16:02 PM »
Stannis the Mannis is going to win, there is no contest.
he's a good, true man, devoted to justice.

he will not survive the series due to these things
Oh he will <.<

Rather than being a good man who's head is full of silly dreams and optimism, like a certain stark, he's going to no-bullshit his way from the wall to kings landing and save the day from all of the silly quibbling children >_>

When tywin shuffled off this mortal bog, that was the only serious threat to stannis going down the drain.
theres still the whole jon thing... stannis may not be azor ahai, but perhaps he will use azor ahai(jon) to claim the throne and save the world from the others?
I really hope that what happens at the end of the latest book is not Deus Ex'd somehow.

I quite like the theory about how lightbringer isn't necessarily a sword though >.>
If that is the case, then stannis the mannis is going to be set.

I mean, unless the entire azor ahai thing is some big joke. Which would be... interesting <_<
with all the foreshadowing regarding warging, im 99% sure it's a false alarm

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:05:51 PM »
i dont like Stannis because the Red Lady has him by the short and curlies. if he were to cast that bitch aside id back him.
she's also bad at reading her fires. i dont trust her
Maybe she just gets contradictory visions.
no, you can tell pretty clearly in the books that she's misreading them something hardcore

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:00:24 PM »
i dont like Stannis because the Red Lady has him by the short and curlies. if he were to cast that bitch aside id back him.
she's also bad at reading her fires. i dont trust her

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:59:25 PM »
Stannis the Mannis is going to win, there is no contest.
he's a good, true man, devoted to justice.

he will not survive the series due to these things
Oh he will <.<

Rather than being a good man who's head is full of silly dreams and optimism, like a certain stark, he's going to no-bullshit his way from the wall to kings landing and save the day from all of the silly quibbling children >_>

When tywin shuffled off this mortal bog, that was the only serious threat to stannis going down the drain.
theres still the whole jon thing... stannis may not be azor ahai, but perhaps he will use azor ahai(jon) to claim the throne and save the world from the others?

The Flood / Re: ITT: I will give 60% attention to ONE user
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:51:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:51:01 PM »
Stannis the Mannis is going to win, there is no contest.
he's a good, true man, devoted to justice.

he will not survive the series due to these things

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:50:13 PM »
she's got a touch of the madness and she's horribly incompetent. i kind of hope she dies. but i dont want drogon to die, so im at a loss.
>tfw Victarion uses the dragon horn on Drogon and the Ironbabbies become the new dynasty
that battle is going to be dank as fuck

Streaming is just as much of a "real job" as any other job.

Yeah, I should be paid for every post I make on Sep7agon. It'd be as real a job as any other
you're retarded if you think that all streamers do is play games, they're running a business, selling their brand of stream like any other actor on the market that is streaming, the only difference is the shows they play in and the ways they act. saying that streamers don't have a 'real job' is like saying that Clint Eastwood, or Samuel L Jackson don't have real jobs because all they're doing is sitting in front of a camera and doing things.

LOL you're retarded, streaming yourself playing a video game isn't a real job. There's likely a reason those losers don't have actual jobs, probably because they suck at life.

Joking or no?

Dude if playing a video game is a real job then I should quit my current one, sit at home, and just play games.
plenty of people have made more money streaming/playing games than you ever have working a "real job" in your life.

is it easy to do this? can anyone do it? fuck no. you have to either be really good at a game or be a viral personality, and usually both.

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:46:13 PM »
she's got a touch of the madness and she's horribly incompetent. i kind of hope she dies. but i dont want drogon to die, so im at a loss.

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:45:29 PM »
The Jewish people are a proud race of good and honest people.
Am I doing it right?
now THATS trollin

The Flood / PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:42:55 PM »
saying extremely stupid things and then making others tell you why you're wrong=/=trolling

this has been a PSA courtesy of your friendly neighborhood liramuzazumarill.

Streaming is just as much of a "real job" as any other job.

Yeah, I should be paid for every post I make on Sep7agon. It'd be as real a job as any other
you're retarded if you think that all streamers do is play games, they're running a business, selling their brand of stream like any other actor on the market that is streaming, the only difference is the shows they play in and the ways they act. saying that streamers don't have a 'real job' is like saying that Clint Eastwood, or Samuel L Jackson don't have real jobs because all they're doing is sitting in front of a camera and doing things.

LOL you're retarded, streaming yourself playing a video game isn't a real job. There's likely a reason those losers don't have actual jobs, probably because they suck at life.
reading your posts makes me really sad

The Flood / Who was the greatest tyrant in history?
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:36:19 PM »
Who was the greatest authoritarian ruler in history, by your estimation? Whom/what did they rule over, and why were they so great?

It's worth noting that the only qualification for "tyranny" is leadership by a single, extremely powerful ruler. Now tell me who the greatest tyrant in history was!

The Flood / Re: Suggest Pokemon for me to draw creepy
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:24:44 PM »

How much do they make?
depends on the streamer/their popularity. if i decided to stop going to school and stream full time i would probably make $0/year. however, guys like imaqtpie can make upwards of 6 digits per year due to sponsorships+donations+twitch partnership because of their popularity. if you can establish and maintain a solid base of "customers"/viewers, you can rake in a solid bit of cash. but the chances of that are even lower than going pro in a video game.

Streaming isn't a real job
tell that to imaqtpie

Serious / Re: A serious question about #GG
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:11:40 PM »
so im coming at this with about 0 knowledge of GG and zoe quinn, and last i heard was that quinn was framed. where's the solid evidence of her guilt? im all for fixing the bullshit in gaming journalism (which wont ever happen) but id like to know the concrete facts about this whole zoe quinn thing too. someone give me info from a credible site plz

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:53:11 AM »
Black lagoon, ghost in the shell, cowboy bebop, FLCL, samurai Champloo, probably something else I'm forgetting

The Flood / Re: Not a Narc: Marijuana?
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:14:07 AM »
everyone loves drugs, dont be afraid to talk about it on the internet friends

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:05:02 AM »
im an azumarill

i just kinda go wherever i want and beat the fuck out of whoever i want

Who's your most favorite person to beat the fuck out of?

this guy

just picturing this thing knock the hell out of that rock monster gives me so many giggles

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:03:37 AM »
Yeah lol. I met a guy on Youtube comments today that believed in the Illuminati and said that they caused Sandy Hook to take away our guns and that they made up global warming to distract us.
if i believe in the illuminati, will they deliver me from my sins

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:01:06 AM »
im an azumarill

i just kinda go wherever i want and beat the fuck out of whoever i want

The Flood / Re: Should I dye my hair Black?
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:41:36 PM »
buzz it all off and go for a sigourney weaver look

eeek nah I'm good.
I love my looooong hair.
dye it purple and make it a mohawk

The Flood / Re: Should I dye my hair Black?
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:37:53 PM »
buzz it all off and go for a sigourney weaver look

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