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Messages - Azumarill

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hard to say. depends on sort of mental gymnastics theyre performing to justify themselves. i tend to respect everyone's beliefs equally though and i dont go out of my way to convince people there is no god.

The Flood / Re: Will you be participating?
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:07:31 AM »
analingus is gross
Not as gay as your face
poop comes out of there man

poop! its poopy!

The Flood / Re: Will you be participating?
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:00:30 AM »
analingus is gross

Gaming / Re: NCR and Mr House are the only viable options
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:46:32 AM »
Also, is their any thing good traits the Khans have? I feel like I would easily kill them since I feel their just bad guys to me
getting them on your side is mostly just an insurance policy so that you dont have to deal with them violently

i always just slaughtered them

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:35:05 AM »
No one is surprised by this right? They said HoW would not have a raid quite a long time ago. And of course, any new content released isn't going to be free. I try not to defend Destiny. But I will say this. The game was a disappointment. I don't buy the whole cut content BS. And that Bungie and other developers are evil entities out to get your money. There is no disc locked content, other than empty areas, that weren't even finished. You can even see the locked off areas have changed a lot after a patch we downloaded. And another patch we'll download this month. Now, is everything they're offering in these DLCs worth the price? Not really. And to suggest, that content that is coming out later this year, and even next year, is content that's already finished right now, is laughable. The game was a disappointment. For whatever reason, they released it with a poor story, and not much content. Even though we have no idea, if the story was much different than it is now. Bungie has further brought down their reputation with the release of Destiny. Hopefully, in the future they can redeem themselves.
theyve signed their death warrant in my eyes.

Strike 1: Reach
Strike 2: Killing b.old and instituting the abomination that is
Strike 3: Destiny

they do not receive the benefit of a doubt from me anymore. i will never give them another dime. you shouldnt either.

Gaming / Re: NCR and Mr House are the only viable options
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:27:24 AM »
Well, I don't think the NcR is doing so well; they're spreading themselves too thin across the Mojave and are not fully training their troops or equipping tem properly- they literally get two weeks of training. Adding to that is the corruption and politics within the NCR that I don't think they can hold Vegas adequately until they have sorted out their own issues.

House? Yes. He has an army that doesn't need training or feeding, he has the economy, he has the manufacturing capabilities within his grasp Andre knows how to duly exploit te resources in his area to give him space travel and a man on another planet by 2370. If not him, then I'd pick Yes Man (If the courier gets Khans, Boomers, Brotherhood, Enclave Remnant and the stuff from Big MT and TheDivide on their side) due to having a union of all Vegas factions.

Legion is a no-go. That said, under Caesar's Rule (Not Lanius), life may be somewhat decent- owing to that it's assured that all raiders and bandits would be exterminate. Though we don't know about Legion civilian life, I feel, to fully judge. All we have seen are it's army bases.
NCR does have some problems within its infrastructure but I think its systems are strong enough and its people faithful enough to the cause to keep it up and running

I'm concerned about the faction union in a Yes Man option because they don't have any real reason to stay unified after the immediate threat of the Legion is dealt with. They'd return to self-government and soft anarchy. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I dunno. The Mojave is a very unique place. Maybe the individual communities could have run off the raiders.. maybe not. It took a hell of a lot of convincing from the Courier just to get Goodsprings to cast out the Powder Gangers intruding on their land. This is the most ambiguous option and probably the most interesting

Legion would have enslaved like half the population. Under Caeser they would have had effective rule of law and military hegemony over the Mojave, but Legion government would only benefit the unenslaved

The Flood / Re: The Illuminati Killed Robin Williams
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:12:13 AM »
man the picture of his neck was so freaky

*insert comment about how i cant believe depression took such a funny fellow yadayada*

Gaming / Re: NCR and Mr House are the only viable options
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:03:05 AM »
Yes man is the only answer
but with yes man you dont get this

Gaming / NCR and Mr House are the only viable options
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:58:16 AM »
Think about it. The NCR is essentially a developed nation state at this point. They have the infrastructure and systems to maintain hegemony over the Mojave and keep the Legion remnants and raiders at bay.

Mr House doesn't have quite as much of an infrastructural advantage, but he does have a metric shitload of money and securitrons, which are much more efficient than NCR soldiers. House was a powerful, intelligent authoritative figure who could have kept a tight leash on the Mojave and maintained peace.

Yes Man/Benny couldn't have ruled properly. Without the Courier, they dont have any way to properly maintain peace with just securitrons. The Mojave might have been ok without rulers through this path, but I get the feeling that raiders would become a serious problem.

Legion is an obvious shit-tier choice.

the media is blasting him. not even subtly. any time he's mentioned on npr or cnn it's always with regard to his (low) chances against hilldawg and how his policies might affect her campaign decisions. he's losing the election before it ever begins because of his portrayal in the media.

i hate this country. so fucking much.

Not really.  He's already got $3 million in donations just a couple of days after his announcement.

He is going to give Hilary the fight of her life though, and she will have a much rougher time with him than Obama.  Sanders doesn't hold back his feelings or sugar coat shit, and he will use the truth.  Not this "BENGHAZI, E-MAILS, WATERGATE, BLOWJOB" bullshit.
oh i know he's going to run a clean campaign based on the issues

the problem is that everyone else wont, and the average american voter isnt the type to listen to or like a bernie sanders. the only way we're gonna get him to win is if we get all the apathetic young people into the voting booths. we couldnt do that in 2014 and look what happened... bernie is gonna need a SERIOUS grassroots organization to mobilize the previously apathetic liberal voters.

if anyone can do it, its bernie

wrote a research paper, took a final, ate some burgers, now im netdiving before bed

a few days ago, i also had to write a lot of papers, for supervised study.

ur taking finals already? my finals don't start until... uh, next friday i wanna saY? Im not even sure lol

burgers, i went to jack in the box today and got a tiny cheeseburger cuz i wasnt feeling too hungry. pretty damn burger, it was nice and warm, it actually looked very nice too, no messy ickies. prolly was one the best looking burgers ive seen in a while, lol

not sure what netdiving is. just another word for surfin the internet i assume
yeah this is the last week of school for me. ive got to write two book reviews, two more research papers, and do another final exam by friday. fun times.

lucky, i still have school for another like 3 weeks... sucks about the essays and stuff u have to do tho. good luck on those lol
thanks. its gonna be a pain in the ass but its the path i chose so im gonna grit my teeth and get on with it

wrote a research paper, took a final, ate some burgers, now im netdiving before bed

a few days ago, i also had to write a lot of papers, for supervised study.

ur taking finals already? my finals don't start until... uh, next friday i wanna saY? Im not even sure lol

burgers, i went to jack in the box today and got a tiny cheeseburger cuz i wasnt feeling too hungry. pretty damn burger, it was nice and warm, it actually looked very nice too, no messy ickies. prolly was one the best looking burgers ive seen in a while, lol

not sure what netdiving is. just another word for surfin the internet i assume
yeah this is the last week of school for me. ive got to write two book reviews, two more research papers, and do another final exam by friday. fun times.

wrote a research paper, took a final, ate some burgers, now im netdiving before bed

Why was there the Halo UNSC logo in the beginning of the video when it was showing US agencies?
I see no one is addressing the underlying question here.
i think thats just further proof that this is a crock of horseshit

thats funny though. wonder how ben giraud would feel about ONI's involvement in the creation of economic wwiii

this dude is just a fearmonger trying to make a buck off america's insecurities in the wake of our financial distress.

>project prophecy
Oh lord, I saw this on facebook today shared by a person who's always reposting articles about how Obummer's gonna take our guns, Clinton offended some Saudi guy,  and the administration is turn the US into the USSR via Obamacare.
this is some top tier tinfoil

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title
"according to CIA"

no, according to one cook who used to work for the CIA. i did watch the video. this is a bunch of buzzword posturing with nothing credible backing it up. ill believe it when i see quality sources.
>CIA "cook" (why the hell is he a cook? He's given no reason to be taken as a cook)
>"Nothing credible"
>Actual statistics and global finances

Sure, continue with your denial. The deniers are the ones who will be hit hardest when the economy fails.
if you're really gobbling up all the shit this dude is feeding you, you're exactly as stupid as i thought you were.

oh wait this is even better. theres no evidence that project prophecy ever existed or that this guy ever worked for the CIA. lmao. get this shit off this board.

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title
"according to CIA"

no, according to one kook who used to work for the CIA. i did watch the video. this is a bunch of buzzword posturing with nothing credible backing it up. ill believe it when i see quality sources.

The Flood / Re: Slash is now homeless for saying "nigger" at work
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:04:23 PM »
side note: does pharmacology count as STEM

because that's what I'm thinking of majoring in
its an ology, so its a science

Like Theology?
well theology is the rational, systematic study of religious systems, so i suppose it is a sort of science

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:55:37 PM »
Like what the ell TV show people, I haven't read the books in a long time but what happened in the latest show...didn't think the TV show was gonna end up so different.

also I just assumed the TV show hadn't gotten to the greyjoys plot line yet but reading this thread I guess it's cut
unless they want to devote half of next season to the kingsmoot and victarion, 99% chance the greyjoys are cut

i imagine we'll probably get at least euron somewhere down the line for that dragon horn

The Flood / Re: Slash is now homeless for saying "nigger" at work
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:26:02 PM »
side note: does pharmacology count as STEM

because that's what I'm thinking of majoring in
its an ology, so its a science

The Flood / Re: Slash is now homeless for saying "nigger" at work
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:19:51 PM »

"halo reach was the best halo game"

The Flood / Re: Question for the faggots that still go on B.lind
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:05:58 PM »
no one PMs me to recruit because i dont post in the public forums.

The Flood / Key and Peele- Negrotown
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:49:41 PM »

follow me to a place i know where there aint no pain and no sorrow...

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:36:47 PM »
also the OP implies that the iron throne will even be a thing at the end of the series

and wouldnt it be juuuuuuuuuust like grrm to have all of these characters spend so long fighting over kings landing only to have the seven kingdoms fracture again

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:27:59 PM »
The books have been out forever haven't they? Just peak.
>he thinks daenerys has even attempted to leave Meereen yet in the books
the last book was released in 2011 and we have at least 2 more books to go. she hasnt even considered leaving meereen at the end of the last book. well, aside from when drogon picks her up in the fighting pits and takes her off to the dothraki sea.

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