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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: What the hell should I do with myself today
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:16:43 PM »
Smoke that dank herb and watch FLCL

i dunno
furi kuri (fooly cooly), 6 episode anime about coming of age/rites of passage. really great soundtrack, awesome animation sequences, and its absolutely absurd.

The Flood / Re: What the hell should I do with myself today
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:08:57 PM »
read a book, go for a jog, go to a museum, make some art

or do what i do when im bored and lay in bed all day

The Flood / Re: Your vision of the Anarchy forum on Sep7agon
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:51:45 PM »

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:32:17 AM »
Fair enough. So here's some data on the subject:

· More than half (55%) of federal prisoners are serving time for a drug offense, and 13% for a
violent offense.
· Nearly three-fourths (72.1%) of the population are non-violent offenders with no history of
· One-third (34.4%) are first-time, non-violent offenders.
· More than half (55.7%) of persons sentenced for a drug offense in 2002 fell into the lowest
criminal history category (Category 1) of the sentencing guidelines, and in 87% of cases no
weapon was involved.

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:25:13 AM »
That decade long appeals process is a fucking colossal waste of taxpayer money. It's cheaper and better to just let him rot in ISO in ADX Florence.

seems like that would cost more, actually

keeping him in ADX Florence would cost $1.84 million~ if he lives to be 78

Criminal defense dttorney Peter Elikann said one reason death row costs more is "because today there are many more constitutional safeguards built into the appeals process."
And, he said, that can go on for decades.
"There's a variety of expenses. It's not just the housing which is more expensive on death row. The trials themselves, every step of the way you have a right to numerous lawyers," he said.
And Criminal defense attorney J.W. Carney agrees. He defended Whitey Bulger and told FOX25 that it cost the federal government several millions to carry out that trial, which was not a capital punishment case.
"In federal court, a lawyer who is handling a death penalty appeal gets paid 50 percent more than someone who is pursuing an appeal in a life without parole type of case," Carney said.
He went on to say, "Lawyers understand if they lose an appeal where life imprisonment is the end the client will still be living, but if you lose a death penalty case, your client is killed."
Carney also says incarceration is much more expensive for someone who is awaiting the death penalty, than someone serving a life sentence. He pointed to research that found it's as much as $100,000 more per year.
In Supermax, where Tsarnaev might wind up, he'll be in isolation 23 hours a day, and will require less supervision because he won't be able to mingle with other inmates.
However, on death row, prisoners are afforded more rights and have more freedoms and that costs more money.

So, I will admit it isn't guaranteed cheaper, that all depends on the length of the appeals process (and we know how fucking hilariously sluggish the American bureaucracy is). But there's a significant chance that it will be a drain on resources that could be used elsewhere (our excellent lawyers/legal teams appealing his death instead of doing productive things, for example).

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:19:15 AM »
>there are people in this thread right now who think he's going to get a Green Mile tier execution

qeq, enjoy waiting 10-12 years for the bureaucratic process to fall through only for him to be euthanised with chemicals behind closed doors.
>caring how he dies
>caring if we get to see him die
>caring how long it takes
>madman mordo
>never said anything insightful in his life
That decade long appeals process is a fucking colossal waste of taxpayer money. It's cheaper and better to just let him rot in ISO in ADX Florence.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:16:26 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

You're fucking retarded, the ENTIRE thread you dolt, not just the OP.
That doesn't have anything to do with your nonsensical OP. You're dodging the question at hand.

I already answered your question. I told you that when you find it (in the thread), you'll know "what I'm on about". Except instead of looking at the ENTIRE thread, you looked at just the OP.
I did. Several times. We've already been through this. You said later on that you've done shrooms- so tell me then, why would you spout off like an idiot about "druggies" needing to be shot? Again, this is Serious. Not the Flood.

Shrooms enlightened me to how much of a loser you are if you do drugs and how badly it effects your life. Look around at all the negative effects drug use has and the damage it can do to not only you, but those around you - family, friends, even strangers. Druggies are a bad deal and cause only harm. They would probably be better off shot than continuously being a drain on everything around them.
So we've come full circle and you're still spewing nonsense. lovely

I don't see how.

I took shrooms again after that to get more perspective and it just reinforced the original epiphany. Recreational drugs are bad in most circumstances and denying this is ignorance. Our prisons are filled with junkies and drug dealers.
Our prisons are filled with nonviolent offenders who should be rehabilitated instead of punished; these people are imprisoned because the DEA likes making money off drug cartels and cheap prison labor at the same time.

Your personal experiences with shrooms only prove that you're a piece of shit, not that other users are.

Oh sure yeah, they're all non-violent mmmhm. That's why on my job we get 5150s for people cracked out on drugs who need restraining because they're trying to hurt others or themselves, yeah but that's not violence or anything!

Nope, my experience opened my eyes to it all. It gave me the realization of the drug world and how so many druggies (like yourself) skirt responsibility.

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:13:56 AM »
The only logical answer to that are most likely tryhards.
this is a weird term

should people not try to win in competitive games?

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:12:48 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

You're fucking retarded, the ENTIRE thread you dolt, not just the OP.
That doesn't have anything to do with your nonsensical OP. You're dodging the question at hand.

I already answered your question. I told you that when you find it (in the thread), you'll know "what I'm on about". Except instead of looking at the ENTIRE thread, you looked at just the OP.
I did. Several times. We've already been through this. You said later on that you've done shrooms- so tell me then, why would you spout off like an idiot about "druggies" needing to be shot? Again, this is Serious. Not the Flood.

Shrooms enlightened me to how much of a loser you are if you do drugs and how badly it effects your life. Look around at all the negative effects drug use has and the damage it can do to not only you, but those around you - family, friends, even strangers. Druggies are a bad deal and cause only harm. They would probably be better off shot than continuously being a drain on everything around them.
So we've come full circle and you're still spewing nonsense. lovely

I don't see how.

I took shrooms again after that to get more perspective and it just reinforced the original epiphany. Recreational drugs are bad in most circumstances and denying this is ignorance. Our prisons are filled with junkies and drug dealers.
Our prisons are filled with nonviolent offenders who should be rehabilitated instead of punished; these people are imprisoned because the DEA likes making money off drug cartels and cheap prison labor at the same time.

Your personal experiences with shrooms only prove that you're a piece of shit, not that other users are.

i guess everyone will know what kind of porn i like but other than that im gucci.

Gaming / Re: Blizzard bans 100,000 World of Warcraft accounts
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:03:01 AM »
WoW really went down the shitter with WoD. That has nothing to do with the OP as they've been banning cheaters since the beginning, but they really took a good chunk of the need for thought out of the game.
WoD feels like the worst parts of WOTLK/Cata/Pandaland all rolled into one. Can't fly, dailies out the ass, ugly tmogs, the list goes on. The stat squish was desperately needed and I like the idea of going to pre-BC Draenor but it fell flat. I don't want to spend 30 minutes in my Garrison every day and then log off.

Luckily, there's still a metric fuckton of other, great content, but WoD is fairly disappointing so far

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:56:18 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

You're fucking retarded, the ENTIRE thread you dolt, not just the OP.
That doesn't have anything to do with your nonsensical OP. You're dodging the question at hand.

I already answered your question. I told you that when you find it (in the thread), you'll know "what I'm on about". Except instead of looking at the ENTIRE thread, you looked at just the OP.
I did. Several times. We've already been through this. You said later on that you've done shrooms- so tell me then, why would you spout off like an idiot about "druggies" needing to be shot? Again, this is Serious. Not the Flood.

Shrooms enlightened me to how much of a loser you are if you do drugs and how badly it effects your life. Look around at all the negative effects drug use has and the damage it can do to not only you, but those around you - family, friends, even strangers. Druggies are a bad deal and cause only harm. They would probably be better off shot than continuously being a drain on everything around them.
So we've come full circle and you're still spewing nonsense. lovely

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:53:24 AM »
If you're not a 50 in Halo 3 then get the fuck off this site and play Reacharound you filthy causal scrub. People like you ruined mah Halo!
its funny that people are still mad about being rank checked this many years later
How does making a post similar to those level/arena jokes means I'm mad about my level in Halo 3?
no one ever said anything about you in particular, but hey, guilty conscience and all that, you do you man

We both know you targeted me becasue I'm the only one who made a ranked based replay and your post happened to quote mine out of all the others in this topic. Out of all the people who posted before and after my post you happened to quote my rank joke with a post about people being made about getting ranked checked. If it wasn't targeted at me then why was your post a quote of mine instead of being a reply?
because you were the first one to make the joke silly willy! no need to get so flustered over this =]

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:51:32 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

You're fucking retarded, the ENTIRE thread you dolt, not just the OP.
That doesn't have anything to do with your nonsensical OP. You're dodging the question at hand.

I already answered your question. I told you that when you find it (in the thread), you'll know "what I'm on about". Except instead of looking at the ENTIRE thread, you looked at just the OP.
I did. Several times. We've already been through this. You said later on that you've done shrooms- so tell me then, why would you spout off like an idiot about "druggies" needing to be shot? Again, this is Serious. Not the Flood.

Gaming / Re: Water may be in Halo 5: Guardians.
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:47:14 AM »
guys, i cant confirm just yet but im 99% sure H5 will have sunlight and guns

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:46:11 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

You're fucking retarded, the ENTIRE thread you dolt, not just the OP.
That doesn't have anything to do with your nonsensical OP. You're dodging the question at hand.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Mad Max: Fury Road
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:48:59 AM »
I have no clue about anything Mad Max. My friend loves the series though, so I'll watch this one and just be confused.
Watch Mad Mad and The Road Warrior if you can. Thunderdome is good it's just not on the same level as the first two and Fury Road IMO. Great movies. You don't need to have seen the original trilogy to "get" this one tho.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:38:35 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

You REALLY didn't read it then. Or not well at least. Once you see it, you'll know
I see the OP. The first post before your retarded OP. He's talking about the third eye and how hallucinogenic experiences may open a sensory doorway to other dimensions.

Now please tell me what the fuck you're going on about. Talking to you makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Please release me from this.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Mad Max: Fury Road
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:34:54 AM »
I agree with everything you said. I had never seen a Mad Max movie before so there were some things I was confused about at first.

When I got home the original movie just happened to be on TV and I didn't really understand how it went from basically normal to complete insane wasteland in just a couple movies.
way i understand it is mad max 1 is kinda like the setup for the shit to hit the fan. also, each of the movies kinda exists in their own "continuity"- The Road Warrior is like this insane folk legend, almost like the Australian film James Bond, so we get these pseudo-anthology stories about his exploits.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:34:07 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.
Again, sounds like you didn't read the rest of the thread lol
i have. several times. i dunno what the fuck you're on about.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Mad Max: Fury Road
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:31:19 AM »
Fun fact: Immortan Joe was played by the same guy who played Toecutter in Mad Max 1

Just saw Fury Road today, and am still hyped as fuck. Best action movie I've seen in years. Great, subtle storytelling, just the right amount of humor, fantastic visual direction, INCREDIBLE OST. Theron and Hardy fucking nailed it. All of the supporting cast was great too, especially Nux. Can't wait for more Madness in the future. You can really tell that this has always been George Miller's vision for the franchise. Made great use of practical and CGI effects

Gaming / Re: PSN Flash Sale - Everything under $5
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:28:18 AM »
Escape Goat 2


Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:26:53 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Crack, meth, heroine, etc. Those are pretty objectively bad.

Pot is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The use of them makes you a druggie, there's no argument around it.

Oh lol well thank god you haven't read the rest of the thread, then
Varying forms of meth/amphetamines are used very widely in medicinal practices across the world. Heroin and drugs like it also see some degree of medicinal use (see: morphine). Not objectively bad; in fact, they are nuanced and have pros and cons, as with most things.

Crack is wack, I'll give you that.

Sure, that makes me a "druggie." If we're going to play semantics then you're one too, unless you happen to come from a family of Christian Scientists or holistic shamans. Which would explain a lot, come to think of it...

Again, this is the Serious board. Please stop trying to be coy with me. It's rather uncouth.

The Flood / Re: Who needs sleep?
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:18:42 AM »
its better now. i probably average 7. on schoolnights for a long time itd be closer to 3 or 4.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:16:36 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Drugs are bad and druggies should be shot. Sounds like justification enough to me.

Now it's your turn. Are you a druggie?
You don't have objective reasons to back up the validity of either of those statements.

I'm not a "druggie." I smoke pot and I drink, and that's it.

Now, please humor me and provide an actual argument. I would absolutely love to read it.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:13:21 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I take it you're a druggie, too?
Answer the question, troglodyte. What's your justification for the OP?

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:11:06 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

Back up what? And who you callin' a kid? I'm an adult.
That absolutely retarded statement in your OP. Were you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:08:17 AM »
Junkie piece of shit, I hope you get shot
This is Serious, not the Flood.

I hope you're ready to back this up kid.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Verbatim might get angry
« on: May 15, 2015, 11:52:40 PM »
Nah. I hope there's another war in Fagistan when I get home because I'm ready to go bag me some.

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