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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 129130131 132133 ... 255
The Flood / Re: New artists that deserve exposure
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:50:46 PM »
chance the rapper


there.........are others?
ESL, KESPA, IEM, Riot's LCS.. the list goes on

its still weird to me that mlg isnt the biggest anymore

The Flood / Re: When is the last time you ran a mile or more?
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:29:49 PM »
If you don't run everyday and sweat it, You're a fool.

I'm joking, its 100% your choice, as for the topic, I do runs every day.
Isn't that like, hard on your joints and shit?
if you don't stretch and get massaged

daily cardio is perfectly healthy as long as you keep yourself limber
if only i had a qt3.14 gf at home who could massage me and keep me limber
you dont need massages really as long as you know how to stretch right

The Flood / Re: When is the last time you ran a mile or more?
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:52:51 PM »
If you don't run everyday and sweat it, You're a fool.

I'm joking, its 100% your choice, as for the topic, I do runs every day.
Isn't that like, hard on your joints and shit?
if you don't stretch and get massaged

daily cardio is perfectly healthy as long as you keep yourself limber

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:51:38 PM »
You know you people talk about cost but punishment shouldn't be based on cost.
He forfeited his life to the state when he committed an act of domestic terrorism. Our duty now is not to enact barbaric revenge through punishment, but to use him as best we can. Killing him accomplishes nothing except for sating the public bloodlust.

And how exactly would you "use" him. Keeping locked up accomplishes nothing either.
I had forgotten about ADX Florence's strict isolation policies. Ordinarily, a violent offender would become a ward of the state and perform cheap labor, but in supermax he's isolated for 23 hours a day  In this case, it comes down to a matter of logistics: why should we waste money and resources on an appeals process when locking him up permanently is cheaper? I don't think execution should be the default here. I don't understand why we should consider it at all.

I agree it would be better for him to be just locked up but it shouldn't be because it's cheaper. Basing punishment on cost is an absolutely absurd thing to do.
We can't really argue it from a humanitarian perspective because decades long isolation might as well be tantamount to psychological torture. I suppose that given the chance most people would prefer life over death, but this guy is well and truly fucked in the head and thinks death will deliver him

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:36:15 PM »
You know you people talk about cost but punishment shouldn't be based on cost.
He forfeited his life to the state when he committed an act of domestic terrorism. Our duty now is not to enact barbaric revenge through punishment, but to use him as best we can. Killing him accomplishes nothing except for sating the public bloodlust.

And how exactly would you "use" him. Keeping locked up accomplishes nothing either.
I had forgotten about ADX Florence's strict isolation policies. Ordinarily, a violent offender would become a ward of the state and perform cheap labor, but in supermax he's isolated for 23 hours a day  In this case, it comes down to a matter of logistics: why should we waste money and resources on an appeals process when locking him up permanently is cheaper? I don't think execution should be the default here. I don't understand why we should consider it at all.

The Flood / Re: is jeremyjahns the most pleb critic of all time?
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:16:16 PM »
>caring about movie reviews

I think you should consider suicide

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:55:43 PM »
I don't necessarily think that a slow natural death in supermax ISO is more humane. I don't think humanity has anything to do with it really. If we throw away his life needlessly, we're not any better than him.
Oh come on, you have to see the ethical difference between murdering several people and maiming and dismembering hundreds, and giving that same person a lethal injection.
We can make use of him as a warden of the state if we keep him alive. We can literally hijack his entire existence and make him work for the very thing he sought to destroy. Why should we wait 10 years and waste millions of dollars on appeals just to stick a needle in him and watch the life drain out of his eyes? That's pointless. It accomplishes nothing. You have to see that.
I'm definitely not comfortable with an alternative to the death penalty being a form of forced labor. And his life sentence would have been 23 hours per day of solitary confinement, not hard labor (which the military still institutes for courts martial). You can't argue that he'll be working or providing some sort of value to anybody in a life sentence. He's martyred either way; killing him ten years down the line once ISIS is long gone is less damaging than showing to the world that we'll let a guy blow up hundreds of people for Islam and give him a cell for the rest of his life.
These extremists are like hydras though. No matter what we do to punish someone they're going to be seen as martyrs to the fundamentalists. ISIS probably won't be around in 10 years but as long as the Ayatollah's ideology permeates the Middle East there will be no shortage of extremists and sellswords willing to work for them. There is no winning in this situation, so why should we summarily execute him? What does it accomplish? We've already established that it's likely to be far more expensive, so logistically it's the worse option.

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:36:10 PM »
I agree with an NPR commentator that said, "if he doesn't deserve the death penalty, then no-one does."
You're right, no one deserves the death penalty. Not even if they're the next Stalin.

I'm not sure if you're purposefully misrepresenting my position, but I support the verdict.
I know you do, and it shows your character.
That's an odd way to judge someone's character.
I'd say a willingness to take someone's life shows a lot about a given person's character

Then I'd say your criteria are lacking. Evolution has built a capacity for killing into the human race, and there are numerous scenarios where taking a life is justified, such as self defense and war. There's a lot of hypocrisy in saying a painless lethal injection is less humane than spending  remainder of one's life in solitary confinement. I would love to see an end to the death penalty, but out of lack need, not out of unwillingness to respond in proportion to the crime; that ideal is  predicated on a society where someone would never think to maim hundreds of innocent people because he thinks god wants it.
I don't necessarily think that a slow natural death in supermax ISO is more humane. I don't think humanity has anything to do with it really. If we throw away his life needlessly, we're not any better than him. We can make use of him as a warden of the state if we keep him alive. We can literally hijack his entire existence and make him work for the very thing he sought to destroy. Why should we wait 10 years and waste millions of dollars on appeals just to stick a needle in him and watch the life drain out of his eyes? That's pointless. It accomplishes nothing. You have to see that.

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:11:15 PM »
I agree with an NPR commentator that said, "if he doesn't deserve the death penalty, then no-one does."
You're right, no one deserves the death penalty. Not even if they're the next Stalin.

I'm not sure if you're purposefully misrepresenting my position, but I support the verdict.
I know you do, and it shows your character.
That's an odd way to judge someone's character.
I'd say a willingness to take someone's life shows a lot about a given person's character

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:50:45 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
please dont ever copulate

Sorry that you can't handle the truth.
thats not truth, thats fox news tier uninformed gibberish. your brain matter must be composed of kool-aid

>taking midget seriously

But yeah,  this is an incredibly stupid law.
This is the Serious board. I don't give two flying fucks whether or not he's actually serious, the things he is saying are pants on head retarded. I'm not just gonna let that slide without calling him out. Not in this board.

The Flood / Re: When is the last time you ran a mile or more?
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:43:24 PM »
I forgot everyone in the Bnet community is a fucking triathlete.
Its not like the answers posted already were completely unbelievable, like.
I don't know anyone who just runs miles, unless they were some type of athlete.
thats just confirmation bias probably. there are a loooooot of people in first world countries who exercise as a hobby. when i was still working out i ran a mile and a half 4 times a week just to get my blood pumping before my lifts for the day, and i was one of the laziest fucking pieces of shit in my gym

The Flood / Re: What is the worst board on 4chan
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:38:12 PM »
/vr/ is better but /v/ isn't as bad as people say it is.
/v/ is worse than people say it is. it's quite literally the worst video game forum on the internet.
Um no. You get good game recs and discussion there often. You've been to [url=][url=][url=]#­gaming[/url][/url][/url], right?
[url=][url=]#­gaming[/url][/url] isn't a real video game forum. /v/ is a bunch of uninformed hipster anons circlejerking to blazblue.
wtf are you on
nothing unfortunately.

/v/ is the fucking worst. every post reeks of basement dwelling hipster. i dont know how anyone can stand to interact with people that ridiculously smug.

The Flood / Re: What is the worst board on 4chan
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:33:31 PM »
/vr/ is better but /v/ isn't as bad as people say it is.
/v/ is worse than people say it is. it's quite literally the worst video game forum on the internet.
Um no. You get good game recs and discussion there often. You've been to [url=]#­gaming[/url], right?
#­gaming isn't a real video game forum. /v/ is a bunch of uninformed hipster anons circlejerking to blazblue.

The Flood / Re: Just want you guys to know
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:32:04 PM »
shit theyre still selling those? i had one a few years back when they first came out. liked the sauce they used, everything else just seemed kinda.. like it needed some bread..

The Flood / Re: What is the worst board on 4chan
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:30:56 PM »
/vr/ is better but /v/ isn't as bad as people say it is.
/v/ is worse than people say it is. it's quite literally the worst video game forum on the internet.

The Flood / Re: What is the worst board on 4chan
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:29:47 PM »

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:21:50 PM »
You know you people talk about cost but punishment shouldn't be based on cost.
He forfeited his life to the state when he committed an act of domestic terrorism. Our duty now is not to enact barbaric revenge through punishment, but to use him as best we can. Killing him accomplishes nothing except for sating the public bloodlust.

Serious / Re: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got death penalty.
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:33:33 PM »
What is considered a worse punishment is a matter of the sentenced's opinion, I don't know why people try to act otherwise.
In this case, what we should be considering is how prudent our decisions are. We could sentence him to death, keep him in ADX Florence for a decade or so while the gov't wastes taxpayer money on an appeals process, and then finally give him a painful end, or we could just lock him up in ADX Florence for the rest of his life and at least make him work for us while he slowly dies of natural causes.

Which option seems like the best use of his life?

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:27:37 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
please dont ever copulate

Sorry that you can't handle the truth.
thats not truth, thats fox news tier uninformed gibberish. your brain matter must be composed of kool-aid

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:08:53 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
please dont ever copulate

The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:53:24 PM »
i never posted anything anonymously

because why would i
seems kinda redundant seeing how we already are anonymous on the internet.
sort of. im a lot less anonymous than id like to be just by leaking small tidbits of personal information over a long period of time.

The Flood / Re: What time is it where you live?
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:41:29 PM »
2:41 PM

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:31:22 PM »
Azu, he's trolling you.
I don't care if he's trolling or not, this is Serious. Why should I tolerate this nonsense in the one board that's supposed to be free of it?

The Flood / Re: When is the last time you ran a mile or more?
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:29:15 PM »
last time was a 5k in 2013

The Flood / Re: What the hell should I do with myself today
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:26:32 PM »
Smoke that dank herb and watch FLCL

i dunno
Absurd show that i imagine would be quite something when high.
furi kuri (fooly cooly), 6 episode anime about coming of age/rites of passage. really great soundtrack, awesome animation sequences, and its absolutely absurd.
Lol, sounds interesting. Might check it out if nothing better to do pops up in my head. Where could I watch it?
you could watch it on any number of streaming sites. my preferred site is kissanime, i also use watchcartoononline and animeultima Click "hide" under the ads to get rid of them and kill the framerate issues

The Flood / Re: I call my girl Dumbledore
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:19:04 PM »
this might be the wrong forum

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