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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: Iconic theme songs
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:22:11 PM »
literally like every song in this thread isnt iconic

is this iconic dad

The Flood / Re: Symbolism in Mad Max: Fury Road?
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:07:17 PM »
Interesting. So who's Humongous?
I don't think he factors into this because the series is almost an anthology. Mad Max sort of exists as a folk legend; Miller himself has said the movies don't have much to do with each other. Each film is its own story with its own themes. Humungus seems to be a sort of mirror to Max; he's also lost people he cared about, his former career was probably in the military/police sector like Max, he's lost his mind but still somewhat nuanced, etc.

The Flood / Re: Fury Road or Road Warrior?
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:21:12 PM »
They're equal imo

The Flood / Re: Leela or Amy?
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:44:03 PM »
Leela. I have a thing for women who could easily kill me

Lemony Snicket taught me that volunteer fire departments are dangerous for their members

The Flood / Re: I think I got a ticket, AMA me anything
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:29:17 AM »

TFW when I can drive with impunity.

No royal mounted police patrols up on these roads.

On a road close to my house, it's just a long 2 lane road with woods on both sides. I can get up to 90 mph til I start getting near the turns at the end, gotta slow down for those.
Yep sounds like coastal north Florida.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:13:50 AM »
What are some comic series that exemplify the nuanced Superman you speak of? I haven't read many Supes comics and out of all the animated media I've seen from DC, the only storylines that ever made him seem interesting or nuanced were the Justice Lords style plots where his "boy scout persona" is well and truly thrown off and he is proven to be an extremely embattled person

"Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" is my favorite Superman story.

"Kingdom Come", "Justice", and "For the Man Who Has Everything" are close behind, though you may have seen the animated adaption of that last one in the Justice League cartoon.

I think MoS and the BvS trailers are really interesting because we got a taste of Clark's nuance. He had to make a tough decision with Zod and after all the destruction wrought by Supes and his ilk

Upon reviewing the movie, very little damage was actually done by Clark himself. It was mostly Zod tossing him into shit, which is hardly his own fault.

during the movie it's easy to see why Lex might be extremely wary of Superman, his power, and his divisive public image (this is always a great version of Lex, antihero who thinks he's doing the right thing >>>> greedy mogul). It's a good reason for Batman to confront him too.

"Lex Luthor: Man of Steel" had this as its exact storyline. It's more of a Luthor story, obviously, but there's a lot of characterization for Superman involved as well - particularly at the end, with just two sentences from Superman himself.
Yeah I know saying Supes is responsible for the destruction is a bit wrong, but nonetheless he was a catalyst for the conflict and he had equal power to those who did lay waste to Metropolis, which should be more than enough to arouse Lex's suspicion.

I'll check out some of these comics. Gonna eat up all the DC content I can before this drops next year.

You can watch KC right here and now if you'd like.
I'm about to turn in for the night but that's on my to-do list for tomorrow. Thanks!

The Flood / Symbolism in Mad Max: Fury Road?
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:12:33 AM »
Alright so I'm shamelessly lifting a post from reddit because it was super interesting. It's basically a theory on how the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear in Fury Road.

It is apparent that the three main warlords are representative of their chosen "commodity" - water, weapons, & gasoline. But, I believe they actually represent something greater - the cause of the apocalypse itself and each of them is in fact a representation of one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Immortan Joe represents Conquest/Pestilence. We know that he pursues and enslaves people in the Wasteland (i.e. Furiosa's origin) and then turns those conquered people so they view him as god-like and the path to heaven. In this way, he assumes the same duality as the Christian horseman - as both a righteous figure (some interpret Conquest as Jesus spreading the gospel) and an evil figure (some interpret Conquest as a false prophet), and also as an infectious influence like the modern "Pestilence" (he "turns" his slaves into followers).
IJ and his followers also embody Pestilence by their own bodies. They are covered in festering sores, are mis-shapen and/or disabled, and have tumors from the nuclear radiation (side note: I find it interesting that Fury Road is the first time Miller has basically beaten everyone over the head with "It was global thermonuclear war, dummies!", when the series has only ever strongly hinted at that before).
The Bullet Farmer represents War. This is an easy one but hear me out. The Christian horseman isn't simply the embodiment of all war, it is the embodiment of unchecked aggression and "non-righteous" conflict. In a modern sense, War is simply unchecked militarism and internecine warfare. The Bullet Farmer doesn't merely represent these qualities, he actively pursues them. When the rest of the group is stuck in the mud and the three warlords have a talk, The People Eater tells him to wait and not hurt the "wives", but instead he goes riding off alone (unchecked aggression) and fires wildly with no regard to who he hits (collateral damage/internecine warfare/"friendly fire").
The People Eater represents Famine. "But he's fat!", you say. Read on, this requires more backstory of the Christian horseman. Famine is generally shown carrying weighing scales to measure grain during a famine. When he appears Saint John hears an exclamation on the prices of grain, but it then concludes:
and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine
Why does the voice say this? It's generally interpreted to mean that luxury goods should remain unaffected by famine, meaning the rich will not suffer, while the poor will. In this way, Famine also embodies the injustice and gluttony of the rich. We see this reflected in the characters surrounding The People Eater - many will resort to eating mutant salamanders, whereas TPE is extremely obese and has major gout, he is obviously well-fed.
TPE also embodies Famine in his name. Throughout history there are recurring episodes of cannibalism practiced by people who were not getting enough nutrients.
So, I bet you're wondering "who's the fourth Horsemen???"'s Max. Max is Death. Nowhere is this more clear than Max's visions of the dead people he has been unable to "save". He carries the dead with him, leaves people dead in his own path, but can also never be killed himself. Max and Death are both remorseless forces of nature, and that is especially true in Fury Road.

I think this is pretty sound, you do always have to reach a bit to really get at the symbolism of movies like this. More symbolism that I picked up on: lots of gender symbolism, especially relating to feminism/fertility (the seeds going back to the place with water). The three warlords can be said to represent religion, greed, and conflict, which birthed the apocalypse.

What do you think? Do you think Fury Road has a lot of neat symbolism? Do you think it was just a cool action flick?

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:06:24 AM »
What are some comic series that exemplify the nuanced Superman you speak of? I haven't read many Supes comics and out of all the animated media I've seen from DC, the only storylines that ever made him seem interesting or nuanced were the Justice Lords style plots where his "boy scout persona" is well and truly thrown off and he is proven to be an extremely embattled person

"Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" is my favorite Superman story.

"Kingdom Come", "Justice", and "For the Man Who Has Everything" are close behind, though you may have seen the animated adaption of that last one in the Justice League cartoon.

I think MoS and the BvS trailers are really interesting because we got a taste of Clark's nuance. He had to make a tough decision with Zod and after all the destruction wrought by Supes and his ilk

Upon reviewing the movie, very little damage was actually done by Clark himself. It was mostly Zod tossing him into shit, which is hardly his own fault.

during the movie it's easy to see why Lex might be extremely wary of Superman, his power, and his divisive public image (this is always a great version of Lex, antihero who thinks he's doing the right thing >>>> greedy mogul). It's a good reason for Batman to confront him too.

"Lex Luthor: Man of Steel" had this as its exact storyline. It's more of a Luthor story, obviously, but there's a lot of characterization for Superman involved as well - particularly at the end, with just two sentences from Superman himself.
Yeah I know saying Supes is responsible for the destruction is a bit wrong, but nonetheless he was a catalyst for the conflict and he had equal power to those who did lay waste to Metropolis, which should be more than enough to arouse Lex's suspicion.

I'll check out some of these comics. Gonna eat up all the DC content I can before this drops next year.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:49:19 AM »
There's literally nothing wrong with a darker, more serious approach to the DC universe when the characters that it represents are portrayed faithfully. Then it just becomes a "new" series of interesting challenges that characters of the DC universe get to go through. There's also nothing wrong with writing a story involving numerous unintroduced characters, especially when most of them are confirmed cameos and not even given a billing in the poster credits.

Man of Steel portrayed Superman quite faithfully to many of his most storied comics- and I implore all who disagree to debate me on it [later, it's like 4AM rn lmao]. It may have went overboard in a few places [Birthright^10 Pa Kent], but the character's still the altruistic idealist we all know from the comics. That is obviously going to carry over in BvS [still hilarious to me how the trailer has people fooled IRL into thinking Superman is acting evil]. Superman is one of the most complex and nuanced characters in comic book history, but people overlook him because all they see is the boyscout persona from the 70s movies. A politically charged scenario like BvS, where Superman can truly show the struggles he'd face being amongst us, is exactly what I think people need to get invested into him again.

And the best thing about all of this is that DC's going for an entirely different approach to Marvel in that it's putting filmmakers before coherence to some overall tonal gauge for the entire universe. I think this kind of approach ultimately leads to better films in general [I offer Guardians and TWS as examples from Marvel's offerings]. So does Joss Whedon, as his entire exit from the MCU has been riddled with "Marvel didn't let me do anything :(." DC's work is inherently going to be tonally diverse because of it; WB already stated that Shazam would be light hearted and even got Lord/Miller to write The Flash.

I still have yet to explain why I thought Age of Ultron was a 5/10 at best, should do that sometime to really get people angry
What are some comic series that exemplify the nuanced Superman you speak of? I haven't read many Supes comics and out of all the animated media I've seen from DC, the only storylines that ever made him seem interesting or nuanced were the Justice Lords style plots where his "boy scout persona" is well and truly thrown off and he is proven to be an extremely embattled person

I think MoS and the BvS trailers are really interesting because we got a taste of Clark's nuance. He had to make a tough decision with Zod and after all the destruction wrought by Supes and his ilk during the movie it's easy to see why Lex might be extremely wary of Superman, his power, and his divisive public image (this is always a great version of Lex, antihero who thinks he's doing the right thing >>>> greedy mogul). It's a good reason for Batman to confront him too.

Gaming / Re: Iconic theme songs
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:40:00 AM »




The Flood / Re: what would you do to be a mod on here
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:37:22 AM »
I haven't been posting a lot lately, so I'd be a terrible mod.

I have a lot of faith in the current team, though.
theyd be better if they would just listen to me and bring in a fucking robocop but noooooo

The Flood / Re: what would you do to be a mod on here
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:33:32 AM »
well i certainly wouldnt give cheat my klondike bars.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:16:32 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

That's essentially Man of Steel in a nutshell.
MoS didnt have nearly the amount of $$$-hype behind it and it actually had a meaningful conflict. it had a lot of flaws but i think its fundamentally a much better movie.
MoS a better movie?...... LMAO
the avengers may as well have not even happened. that movie could literally disappear from the franchise and nothing would change.

Not really.  That movie is truly the driving point for the Infinity Stones story arc playing throughout the movies, and is our sample introduction to the Marvel Cosmic Universe (with Guardians of the Galaxy being the welcome train).

Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.
I smell a DC fanboy. Sorry but with the plans WB has for the DCCU.... It's gonna suck. The decisions that have been made so far are mostly terrible to confusing while the only real fan rage in the MCU was Iron Man 3's Mandarin. And it's not that the DCCU is going to be dark and gritty, Dredd was dark and gritty but it was awesome, MoS and from the looks of it Bats V Sups and Suicide Squad are going to be dull, grey and take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.
DC media is at its best when its gritty. See: Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Teen Titans, The Dark Knight, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Assault on Arkham.

Marvel excels at being irreverent eye candy. DC excels at being meaningful.

I'm not disagreeing, except for I believe that Batman is at his best when he's gritty.  We had grotesque "gritty" flops like Cry (gay) For Justice, Identity Crisis, Rise of Arsenal, etc. (and Marvel is guilty of the same thing, most glaringly with Ultimatum)

A gritty Superman and Wonder Woman just can't cut it for me, which is why I had such a hard time getting into Man of Steel.  The action was great, cinematography wasn't bad, and Zod was awesome.  But the plot was a fucking mess, especially when cutting between Superman just walking around being a Boy Scout (except when he Shreks a truck) and rather decent childhood scenes.  I think it would've been much better if the scenes were played in some order instead of just randomly cutting back to and fro.
Marvel has been beating that infinity stone horse the entire time. I genuinely believe that the Avengers has no true narrative purpose beyond sort of advancing the idea of the infinity stones. It's impossible to watch and be immersed in because you know that the conflict is absolutely meaningless.

Superman is just a shitty character in general. There's not a whole lot the writers can do with him unless they make him 1) stupid (and therefore dangerous) 2) evil (and therefore dangerous) or 3) given someone on equal or greater power level (Zod/Doomsday/Darkseid) who makes him consider more brutal tactics (making him dangerous in the public eye). Like I said, MoS was far from perfect, but I think it did a good job of setting up the plot for the next movie (if it's anything like the trailers make it seem).

That's a problem with the Marvel universe, is that each movie is just setting up for action further along- and you can see that weakness quite clearly in MoS. Nonetheless, I don't think it warrants any less respect than any of the Marvel movies. They all have flaws.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:05:59 AM »
That being said, I have equal respect for both Marvel and DC. I'm no fanboy. I just think it's fucking hilarious that Marvel gets a pass for pushing out half thought out mediocre movies year after year and the very second DC hops onto the live action movie thing they get absolutely canned. After one fucking movie.

You people are so goddamn confusing.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:03:20 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.
I smell a DC fanboy. Sorry but with the plans WB has for the DCCU.... It's gonna suck. The decisions that have been made so far are mostly terrible to confusing while the only real fan rage in the MCU was Iron Man 3's Mandarin. And it's not that the DCCU is going to be dark and gritty, Dredd was dark and gritty but it was awesome, MoS and from the looks of it Bats V Sups and Suicide Squad are going to be dull, grey and take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.
DC media is at its best when its gritty. See: Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Teen Titans, The Dark Knight, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Assault on Arkham.

Marvel excels at being irreverent eye candy. DC excels at being meaningful.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:01:43 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

That's essentially Man of Steel in a nutshell.
MoS didnt have nearly the amount of $$$-hype behind it and it actually had a meaningful conflict. it had a lot of flaws but i think its fundamentally a much better movie.
MoS a better movie?...... LMAO
the avengers may as well have not even happened. that movie could literally disappear from the franchise and nothing would change.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:57:53 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

That's essentially Man of Steel in a nutshell.
MoS didnt have nearly the amount of $$$-hype behind it and it actually had a meaningful conflict. it had a lot of flaws but i think its fundamentally a much better movie.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:43:38 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:17:09 AM »

That's what I meant, there are scenes in the trailer that I don't remember reading in the script.

Nice parallel with the skulls there, Snyder

oh okay i read your post wrong then

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:14:10 AM »
Doomsday's been foreshadowed since the Man of Steel DVD/Blu Ray extras, so I'd have been surprised if it wasn't at least alluded to in a major way. And considering Umberto leaked those WW promos a few days ago as well, I'm fairly certain this is legit [though he's messed with comic fans before too].

Goji I'm now completely convinced that script we read like a year ago was legit.

Guys take my word for it: this movie should be goooooood.

The scenes in the trailer don't seem to be quite so evocative of anything I remember reading in the script, like Superman in Mexico or saving that Russian spacecraft from falling. Then again I very vaguely remember anything from that script anyways sooo...

BTW, did you/could you try the cached page/wayback archive for the link you tracked down? Curious to see if I can find stuff from the trailer in the script now.
well if you look closely at the trailer, one of the groups of people "reaching out" to supes look like theyre celebrating dia de los muertos.. he could totally be in mexico for that

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:10:50 AM »
At this point they might as well just call this the Justice League movie
the subtitle is "dawn of justice"

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:05:42 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know

The Flood / Re: Fictional restaurants you'd eat at
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:50:42 PM »

i need me some of that cherry pie

The Flood / Re: Fictional restaurants you'd eat at
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:44:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:56:34 PM »
Goji I'm now completely convinced that script we read like a year ago was legit.

Guys take my word for it: this movie should be goooooood.
the two credited writers have good credentials and snyder is a pretty good director. i have faith.

also, might you have a link to that script?

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:52:46 PM »
i love how MCU is blindly acclaimed despite all of its glaring flaws but everyone is writing off this new DCCU without a second thought

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:51:51 PM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.

The Flood / Re: New artists that deserve exposure
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:54:20 PM »
I became disinterested by the meme grips reference

The Flood / Re: New artists that deserve exposure
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:52:27 PM »
chance the rapper



wasn't acid rap, like, a huge success
it kinda popped out of nowhere. hardly anyone listened to his first mixtape and this one fucking EXPLODED. he might be hitting the popularity stride right now but he's still very new to the scene

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