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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Post your favorite gif(s)
« on: May 18, 2015, 08:38:00 PM »
inb4 the other weebs

The Flood / Re: So, I just had the best night like ever.
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:04:23 PM »
but what did you drink

The Flood / Re: I'm on break
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:57:05 PM »
>hating the best economic system in the world

GTFO my America. Better dead than Red.
yeah having extremely stratified social classes sure is great

Gaming / Re: So it's unofficially official
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:51:03 PM »
Phoenix would be a good setting for Fallout 4. The stadium would be pretty neat and downtown would look shittier than it already is.
Arizona is under the control of Caeser's Legion as of the events of New Vegas. I dunno if I'd want to spend much time there

Gaming / Re: So it's unofficially official
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:50:01 PM »

I hope Obsidian are the ones making it.
I doubt it. But one can dream.

I'd love another NewVegas, not so much the local or story. But the setting, the atmosphere and the choice just made NewVegas a better game than Fallout 3. Just imagine what New Vegas could have been with a brand new engine and a current gen console?

Here's hoping Fallout 4 is in some sort of dry desert and not some dull grey city.
I thought it was going to take place in Boston?
Rumours. I'm hoping that we get more Mad Max instead of more Escape from New York. The desert just has more vibe when it comes to post apoc games.

So if it takes place in Boston... eh... not perfect but hey a new Fallout is a new Fallout! :)
Boston works fine for me, isn't Boston under the control of the Commonwealth? I remember something about them in Rivet City in F3, but I may be mistaken
Yeah Massachusetts is under the Commonwealth's umbrella, but there's still a lot of violence and a lack of centralized government. The big thing about the Commonwealth is that it controls MIT, where they produce a shit ton of androids for labor. The Institute will probably be a significant faction if this new game does take place in the Commonwealth/New England

The Flood / Re: Inception was a perfectly good film
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:44:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm convinced that LC* is autistic
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:36:26 PM »
someone rustled desticle's jimmys something fierce

The Flood / Re: I'm convinced that LC* is autistic
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:35:07 PM »
i dont see the problem here

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:33:00 PM »
What happened?
She married Ramsay. They had to consummate the union, and Ramsay forced Reek/Theon to watch while he raped Sansa.

In the books, Ramsay marries a different girl (who is being presented as a fake Arya Stark) and makes Reek "warm her up" by performing cunnilingus. She was like 13 and they were in extremely unsanitary conditions.

... And people like these books?
This stuff makes Fury Road look like fucking Teletubbies.
I think the books are fucking fantastic. The entire idea of things like this is that GRRM isn't going to sugarcoat the brutal realities of a medieval-low/middle fantasy setting. These guys, the Boltons, are notorious for being horrible and evil- this is deeply ingrained into Ramsay's character. He brutally tortures Theon and removes every aspect of his former identity. This is someone we're supposed to hate.

Well yeah but... At that point I'd be asking myself "why the hell am I subjecting myself to this?"
Because we're all convinced that there's a payoff.

Of course, people have enjoyed reading tragedies for millenia. Even if there isn't a payoff and the "good guys" don't "win," I will still have enjoyed reading ASOIAF because GRRM is extremely meticulous and the world he crafted feels so alive. I can get lost in those books/discussion forums of the books for hours on end

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:27:26 PM »
What happened?
She married Ramsay. They had to consummate the union, and Ramsay forced Reek/Theon to watch while he raped Sansa.

In the books, Ramsay marries a different girl (who is being presented as a fake Arya Stark) and makes Reek "warm her up" by performing cunnilingus. She was like 13 and they were in extremely unsanitary conditions.

... And people like these books?
This stuff makes Fury Road look like fucking Teletubbies.
I think the books are fucking fantastic. The entire idea of things like this is that GRRM isn't going to sugarcoat the brutal realities of a medieval-low/middle fantasy setting. These guys, the Boltons, are notorious for being horrible and evil- this is deeply ingrained into Ramsay's character. He brutally tortures Theon and removes every aspect of his former identity. This is someone we're supposed to hate.

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:22:12 PM »
What happened?
She married Ramsay. They had to consummate the union, and Ramsay forced Reek/Theon to watch while he raped Sansa.

In the books, Ramsay marries a different girl (who is being presented as a fake Arya Stark) and makes Reek "warm her up" by performing cunnilingus. She was like 13 and they were in extremely unsanitary conditions.

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:12:48 PM »
What happened?
She married Ramsay. They had to consummate the union, and Ramsay forced Reek/Theon to watch while he raped Sansa.

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:28:39 PM »
there's a theory out there about Jon and Dany being related, something to do with Jon's mother not just being some random whore but a Targaryan (spelling?).
Rhaegar and Lyanna were in love, and Ned Stark found Lyanna on her deathbed at the Tower of Joy having just given birth to little Jon Targaryen. He promised to take care of the little prince in the wake of the Lannisters'/Baratheons' Targaryen-massacre.

The thought goes that Rhaegar figured out that his son, not he, would be the Prince Who Was Promised.
it just doesn't really make sense to me because Jon doesn't look like a Targaryen. not sure if blonde hair is a defining trait of theirs just like it is with the Lannisters, but Jon certainly doesn't fit the mold imo
Stark features tend to be dominant, and Lyanna was said to be "more Northern than any of her siblings," so poetically it makes sense that he would take after her physically.
but then there's the whole thing with Ned lying about Jon being a bastard. i guess you could say he did it for Jon's safety since Targaryens were being massacred left and right, but he didn't even tell Katlyn or his children about it, either.
It's a touching moment for him. Ned, a man devoted to honor and justice, forced to pretend that he had sired a bastard, dishonoring him and harming his relationship with Catelyn. He couldn't tell Cat because this was such a big deal; a potential Targaryen heir born to an ancient, noble Northern House? That's not something he can tell anyone. The only other person who knows (that we know of) is Howland Reed. However, his love for Lyanna was too important, and he was too honorable to let the bloodthirsty Big Bobby B murder his newborn nephew. So he lived with false shame and raised Jon to be a good man, fulfilling his promise to Lyanna.

There are other parentage theories, too, mainly Ashara Dayne + Ned and Wylla (a peasant/wet nurse) + Ned. Great info here. To show the entire article, click the "scope" option near the top and select book 5.

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:18:30 PM »
there's a theory out there about Jon and Dany being related, something to do with Jon's mother not just being some random whore but a Targaryan (spelling?).
Rhaegar and Lyanna were in love, and Ned Stark found Lyanna on her deathbed at the Tower of Joy having just given birth to little Jon Targaryen. He promised to take care of the little prince in the wake of the Lannisters'/Baratheons' Targaryen-massacre.

The thought goes that Rhaegar figured out that his son, not he, would be the Prince Who Was Promised.
it just doesn't really make sense to me because Jon doesn't look like a Targaryen. not sure if blonde hair is a defining trait of theirs just like it is with the Lannisters, but Jon certainly doesn't fit the mold imo
Stark features tend to be dominant, and Lyanna was said to be "more Northern than any of her siblings," so poetically it makes sense that he would take after her physically.

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:13:05 PM »
there's a theory out there about Jon and Dany being related, something to do with Jon's mother not just being some random whore but a Targaryan (spelling?).
Rhaegar and Lyanna were in love, and Ned Stark found Lyanna on her deathbed at the Tower of Joy having just given birth to little Jon Targaryen. He promised to take care of the little prince in the wake of the Lannisters'/Baratheons' Targaryen-massacre.

The thought goes that Rhaegar figured out that his son, not he, would be the Prince Who Was Promised.

The Flood / Re: Ok metal-heads, learn me this thing.
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:02:47 PM »
If you like a bit of melody, try Bolzer


this is ok. do you happen to remember that guy bred from b.old? he disappeared around 2011 but he showed me a lot of shit that i really liked, i remember one song in particular that was slow and long and heavy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

The Flood / Re: Ok metal-heads, learn me this thing.
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:59:55 PM »
God I hate that show. Dethklok is the most boring metal I've ever heard.

But with that as an example... try this.


mmmmmm that was alright. not a big fan of the guy's voice and that... whatever it was near minute 3 (a cacophony?) really took me out of it

The Flood / Re: Ok metal-heads, learn me this thing.
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:57:28 PM »
>wanting to listen to metal
hey man i dont discriminate when it comes to music.

except for wubstep. ugh.

The Flood / Ok metal-heads, learn me this thing.
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:45:41 PM »
I'm bored with all the music I currently listen to and I want to get into some metal. I don't like Metallica or Megadeth, don't bother. I'm open to just about anything else but I'd prefer it to be fairly heavy.

I don't have any real knowledge of metal so I'll just link my favorite Dethklok song and let you guys use that as the base metric for my tastes.


Have at it \m/

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:26:01 PM »
The Others are amassing an underwater wight army near kings landing using the bodies from the battle at black water bay. Prophecies have been seen that the long winter will shroud kings landing

remember dany's vision at the house of the undying? snow covering a destroyed throne room? what do you think the Others have been doing all this time? not amassing an army? we know that they can raise wights from dead bodies. there are PLENTY in blackwater bay. they strike at the heart of the 7 Kingdoms in the middle of all the political intrigue: that's kind of the point of the entire series, is that these greedy fools are stepping over each other to consolidate their own power while the long winter creeps up on them. The Winds of Winter will wreak havoc upon Westeros, and I think KL is a likely target.
How will they infiltrate the south though? No one's ever seen any recorded Others activity.
Moving through the water. We've seen at Hardhome that wights can survive underwater, and it's very unlikely that the Others wouldn't have that capability as well

This is some pretty serious tinfoil but it's one of my favorite pet theories

The Flood / Re: Recommend me an excellent movie to watch
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:17:56 PM »
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Literally finished watching that 10 minutes ago.
Good movie.
Loved the scene in the middle of the credits where Eggsy traps his mom's boyfriend in the bar just like Galahad had done with the thugs earlier. Full circle.

Princesses love anal

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:15:21 PM »
The Others are amassing an underwater wight army near kings landing using the bodies from the battle at black water bay. Prophecies have been seen that the long winter will shroud kings landing

remember dany's vision at the house of the undying? snow covering a destroyed throne room? what do you think the Others have been doing all this time? not amassing an army? we know that they can raise wights from dead bodies. there are PLENTY in blackwater bay. they strike at the heart of the 7 Kingdoms in the middle of all the political intrigue: that's kind of the point of the entire series, is that these greedy fools are stepping over each other to consolidate their own power while the long winter creeps up on them. The Winds of Winter will wreak havoc upon Westeros, and I think KL is a likely target.

The Flood / ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 04:02:03 AM »
The Others are amassing an underwater wight army near kings landing using the bodies from the battle at black water bay. Prophecies have been seen that the long winter will shroud kings landing

The Flood / Re: Recommend me an excellent movie to watch
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:04:52 PM »
Kingsman: The Secret Service

The Flood / Re: Fury Road or Road Warrior?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:55:11 PM »
Haven't seen any Mad Max movies. I don't think I'd like them, too gritty.
theyre absolutely fucking wacko absurd. like have you ever seen that episode of south park where mel gibson (the OG mad max) chases stan and kyle because they wanted their money back for the passion of the christ? every single mad max character is 1000x more cartoonishly insane

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remasterd
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:18:41 PM »
its fun and the multiplayer can be very addicting, its how ive spent the bulk of my time waiting for Destiny to stop being shit.
well, that and Netflix.
destiny will only stop being shit in about 6 years after you've poured about $500 into it/its sequel. thats bungies entire philosophy for that game franchise

The Flood / Re: Fury Road or Road Warrior?
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:55:44 PM »
Fury Road was incredible, but it might as well have been a spin-off.
well yeah it was written and filmed like 25 years after thunderdome came out, this was bound to be very different. but from that very first scene i think you can tell that miller has had this sort of vision for the franchise for a long time

Definitely. It was great in-universe and a fitting continuation, but Max himself felt replaceable.
i think furiosa being the main character was really cool. max still had an incredibly important role in the film because they desperately needed each other in order to thrive. despite his lack of dialogue i thought tom hardy did a great job at conveying emotion/characterization

The Flood / Re: Fury Road or Road Warrior?
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:50:06 PM »
Fury Road was incredible, but it might as well have been a spin-off.
well yeah it was written and filmed like 25 years after thunderdome came out, this was bound to be very different. but from that very first scene i think you can tell that miller has had this sort of vision for the franchise for a long time

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remasterd
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:48:01 PM »
well, its definitely a video game..

happens with weezer from time to time. i always go back to pinkerton like once a year

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