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Messages - Azumarill

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I've barely even heard of the first two. I assume that's for a reason.
i bet youve never heard of charles barkley shut up and jam gaiden either, but its still a great game

well im a mighty mighty man, im young and im in my prime
yes im a mighty mighty man, im young and im in my prime
well, i dont pick my jobs, im ready for any ole kind

yes, im a real young man, a brand new twenty-five
yes, im a real young man, a brand new twenty-five
well im willing, im able, im practically much alive

well im six feet tall, i aint no hand me down
yes im six feet tall, i aint no hand me down
well, i got a gal in town who calls me good rockin brown

But what if I said Metroid was boring and shitty and Fallout is my favorite game?
Then that's your own shitty fucking dumbcunt opinion, but I certainly don't fucking share it.
see? when you just say something is bad and then refuse to objectively quantify it, it's just a "shitty fucking dumbcunt opinion"

cmon man you can do a better critique than "its boring and shitty."

i dont want to set the world on fire
i just want to start a flame in your heart
in my heart i have but one desire
and that one is you, no other will do

ive lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
i just want to be the one you love
and with your admission that you feel the same
ill have reached the goal im dreaming of, believe me

i dont want to set the world on fire
i just want to start a flame in your heart

The Flood / Re: bout to smoke some dank weed AMA
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:08:19 PM »
sometimes when i french inhale with a blunt the tobacco/weed smoke gets in my eyes and stings them

The Flood / Re: Rocket just got called out on
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:07:17 PM »
Who the fuck is Rocket

Our token friendly neighborhood christian. He's like the Ned Flanders of sep7agon.
That's... actually the best analogy for Rocket I've seen yet. I'm gonna put that one in my pocket.

Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:03:00 PM »
Anyone that thinks overpopulation is a problem (at least in regards to resources) needs to stop watching Mad Max and Soylent Green.

it may not be an issue right now, but we're making way too many fucking people. the problems caused by overpopulation (especially when it outpaces slow bureaucracies'/ineffective governments' ability to keep up) are only going to continue to get much worse.
Of course, which is why I made sure to clarify the resources facet. I don't deny overpopulation's effects in regards to climate change, deforestation and air quality.
What about oil?
The next viable energy alternative seems to be nuclear, given its essentially unlimited, cheap to produce and emits zero kinds of emissions. The only real problems are the unnecessary, and quite frankly, irrational stigma attached to it and the fact that we haven't quite established effective restorative methods for waste yet (which I have no doubt we'll be able to achieve in the next 10-20 years once we start feeling the pang of oil shortages).

In fact, construction of nuclear power plants is already at a record high.
You don't have to tell me about nuclear energy, but the question is: are we going to wean ourselves off of oil fast enough to alleviate the problems that extreme scarcity will present (will the oil industry and the governments in its pockets even let us)?
As oil scarcity increases, the prospect of cheap nuclear energy will increase in demand, incentivising energy companies to invest in nuclear powerplants. I'm sure Meta could explain it more eloquently, but that's the general gist of how things will probably pan out.
Logically, it's easy to see how these companies would be economically incentivized to switch to cleaner energy. i'm not so sure they will, but I certainly hope so.

Gaming / Re: Bungie stepped it up with House of Wolves
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:54:59 PM »
Bungie is still relevant?
nope. they havent released a good game since 2009.

I like how a few years after Fallout 3 came out, you either had to love or hate it.

But ya know, here I am... just liking every single Fallout game. Because I love the entire series.

Well... except Tactics. You wanna bitch about bad games? Go play that.
hear hear. i really dont understand the irrational hate for f3. wasnt as good as the others (barring BoS/tactics) but still a solid experience. VATS kinda sucked and i wish the main story wouldn't have been so linear but otherwise i was totally satisfied, especially with the 4 great DLCs.

skyrim on the other hand.. hah. baby's first "rpg."

Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:47:17 PM »
Anyone that thinks overpopulation is a problem (at least in regards to resources) needs to stop watching Mad Max and Soylent Green.

it may not be an issue right now, but we're making way too many fucking people. the problems caused by overpopulation (especially when it outpaces slow bureaucracies'/ineffective governments' ability to keep up) are only going to continue to get much worse.
Of course, which is why I made sure to clarify the resources facet. I don't deny overpopulation's effects in regards to climate change, deforestation and air quality.
What about oil?
The next viable energy alternative seems to be nuclear, given its essentially unlimited, cheap to produce and emits zero kinds of emissions. The only real problems are the unnecessary, and quite frankly, irrational stigma attached to it and the fact that we haven't quite established effective restorative methods for waste yet (which I have no doubt we'll be able to achieve in the next 10-20 years once we start feeling the pang of oil shortages).

In fact, construction of nuclear power plants is already at a record high.
You don't have to tell me about nuclear energy, but the question is: are we going to wean ourselves off of oil fast enough to alleviate the problems that extreme scarcity will present (will the oil industry and the governments in its pockets even let us)?

The Flood / Re: new avatar
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:52:07 AM »
are you waiting for season 2 as well

The Flood / Re: TFW groups are dead
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:49:36 AM »
Sapphire is doing very well
If that is the real Harlow then according to him that group is doing shitty since it's a ghost town. So no, I wouldn't be saying it's "doing very well".

I'm the real Harlow. And I never said the group is doing shitty, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
I was wondering, what is our thoughts on Sapphire moving here once Cheat implements groups into sep7? Are you on board for that or do you still want to create your own offsite?
He's already told me it isn't happening for a few reasons

The Flood / Re: Why are you still awake?
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:43:52 AM »
sleep schedules all fucked up

The Flood / Re: Question about Groups
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:57:41 PM »
Oh! Oh! Oh!
We should have Felecia bring her group over here!
She has a group?
Fun place.
TFS was it's name. Ask PSU about it.
its pretty dead isnt it?

The Flood / Re: Anime Thread :^)
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:53:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: Question about Groups
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:39:52 PM »
Harlow might be interested in being hosted here. I can't speak for him but he's sane enough to know that Bnext is an awful site to continue to host Sapphire on. We have better UI and an admin that actually cares about the site. I'll PM him on Bungie and direct him to this thread.

You might could convince Forum Tryhards or the remnants of Seasoned Veterans. SV is all but dead but I could (and have) vouch for Sep7 to FT, but they're very close to dead as well.

Secular Sevens is pretty dead but they still have a few active members.

All of these groups have some people who could come into our general population and be solid contributors, methinks.

Who do you believe are the best 3 musical artists/groups in action right now?
i dunno about objectively measuring the best, but the 3 that most impress me right now are kendrick lamar, coheed and cambria, and frank ocean

The Flood / Re: Thinking about adopting a cat
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:28:37 PM »
Try to get one as young as possible, so that you can make an "impression" on them. They'll be a lot more affectionate/playful with you that way.

Cats are generally pretty low-effort, just keep them fed and shit and make sure their litterbox doesn't ever get bad (there are automatic litterboxes that are much lower-effort that you can buy, changing litter is a pain in the ass and all the clay dust/fumes aren't good for your health or the cats). Try not to let it be an outside cat, they generally have much lower lifespans. Don't declaw it; it's a very inhumane process, and you can keep their claws trimmed (there are special tools for this) and get them scratching posts/other stuff to play with so that they don't tear up your furniture.

Spay/neuter it. Try to brush it fairly thoroughly at least once a week (if it sheds, that is; cats are good at grooming themselves and you'll generally only need to brush them every once in a while unless they shed really badly).

Please treat it well. I know you're probably not the type of person to abuse a cat but a lot of folks seem kind of jaded when it comes to cats and if they don't like the cat/turns out they aren't really cat people the cat usually suffers a very bad life. If you keep it for a while and decide that it isn't for you, do your best to find a loving home so the cat can live a long and happy life.

Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 21, 2015, 08:56:31 PM »
Anyone that thinks overpopulation is a problem (at least in regards to resources) needs to stop watching Mad Max and Soylent Green.

it may not be an issue right now, but we're making way too many fucking people. the problems caused by overpopulation (especially when it outpaces slow bureaucracies'/ineffective governments' ability to keep up) are only going to continue to get much worse.
Of course, which is why I made sure to clarify the resources facet. I don't deny overpopulation's effects in regards to climate change, deforestation and air quality.
What about oil?

Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 21, 2015, 07:51:24 PM »
Anyone that thinks overpopulation is a problem (at least in regards to resources) needs to stop watching Mad Max and Soylent Green.

it may not be an issue right now, but we're making way too many fucking people. the problems caused by overpopulation (especially when it outpaces slow bureaucracies'/ineffective governments' ability to keep up) are only going to continue to get much worse.

ODing on some hallucinogenic or painkiller/opiate, like heroin.

The Flood / Re: So who's the most salty person on Sep7agon?
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:59:37 PM »
i wanted to do the classic "this guy" link but i dont think we can do that on sep7
This Guy
the more you know

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:59:16 PM »
do you have some scholarly sources on this? not trying to disagree ive just been taught to be wary of .coms when it comes to things like this
DOD report is here.
thanks. this is clearing some things up that i hadnt fully understood before.

The Flood / Re: So who's the most salty person on Sep7agon?
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:57:12 PM »
i wanted to do the classic "this guy" link but i dont think we can do that on sep7

The Flood / Re: Why Did You Leave
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:53:24 PM »
I stopped using Bnet regularly right around the time Bnext launched. I lost my old account because my email account got locked up and all the private groups I used died.

I came to Sep7agon by way of DemonicChronic

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:52:03 PM »
The autopsy said there were no signs of a struggle and that he was shot in the back.
What? Both of those claims are false.

Brown's DNA was found both on Wilson's gun and the thigh of his pants, material on Brown's hands are consistent with his reaching for the gun and blood/tissue from Brown found on the exterior of the driver's side of Wilson's patrol car which is indicative of a struggle.

The autopsies also showed he was shot six times, but not once in the back:
His body had been autopsied three times — once each by St. Louis County police, a pathologist hired by Brown’s family and federal authorities. All found that Brown had been shot at least six times, including twice in the head but not in the back.
do you have some scholarly sources on this? not trying to disagree ive just been taught to be wary of .coms when it comes to things like this

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:49:45 PM »
He was murdered by a cop.
Yes, murdered by a man who was struggling with him inside a cop car, who probably thought he was trying to steal his gun and killed him as he turned and began approaching him after the gun had already been fired.

Brown wasn't murdered, he was shot because he tried to take on an officer and he fucking lost.

The autopsy said there were no signs of a struggle and that he was shot in the back.
Well, the thing is, it's still not entirely clear, to the best of my knowledge

I'd like to see your sources, because this thing has been bothering me for a long time. People on both sides of the aisle get really riled up about this, calling Brown a thug or DOXXing Wilson without knowing the whole truth... I need more information, and I'd love if you could provide some.

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:38:45 PM »
A fucking thug, and nothing more. This is the state of moral degradation in America now; you have police officers willing to torture and kill you so you can't fucking trust them, and people are so fucking wrapped up in identity politics that they can't recognise a criminal piece of shit when they see one.
They're not going about this the right way, but we understand at this juncture that Brown's killing was just the spark on the kindling. His death is representative of a larger problem that's been plaguing their community when it comes to relations with the police.

And this is more like the rule rather than the exception around the country.

Gaming / Re: Heroes of the Storm
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:56:48 PM »
add liramuza#1300 on im still only level 20 because i havent played in forever but i like the game and i play a pretty good valla.
Right now I'm currently saving up 10k gold to buy a character.

I'm thinking about getting Nova.
im hoping beyond all hope that they boost our gold generation for playing with parties or something. its so fucking annoying having to go through all these games to buy characters. wish theyd just use the DOTA model.
I've been switching back and forth between characters each game to get their levels up to get extra gold.

I also got the stimpack for reaching Level 10. It helps, but not a lot.
the stimpack helped me a lot when i played with others for my xp generation. also you get a LOT more gold for playing in competitive over cooperative- i think hero league gives you more gold as well but im not sure yet

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