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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 122123124 125126 ... 255
there's more i could do and a lot i could do to fix my existing ideas, but there's a serious problem with politicians being in the pockets of big money, and we have to address it.

Definitely. I would like to see all donations go into a pool to be allocated equally, but I'm not really sure how that would look, and I think it would reduce the amount of donations (though the government could subsidize it). Or maybe pool all of them, but give the candidates a percentage of each one donated in their name or party. For example, if I donated $1,000 to Clinton, she would get, say, 10% of that, then the rest would be sent to the pool. If there were 4 democratic candidates, then she would get the 10%, plus 25% of that remaining 90%, so $325, whereas the other democratic candidates would get $225 each. If Clinton wasn't chosen as the candidate, all of her remaining funds would be put back into the primary candidates' pool and the process would renew.
pooling public donations is an intuitive idea that i hadnt considered before. i like it.

dont twist my words around. it's wrong for political action committees and lobbyists to donate disproportionately large sums of money to the politicians of their choice because it weakens the ability of the common man to influence the races and it incentivizes the politicians to ignore the common will in favor of the will of the power elite.

dont play coy with me. its unbecoming.

I'm not twisting your words around; I'm asking you to justify your statement. How does a massive donation influence the common man's ability to influence the races? It doesn't change the voting power of each individual. How would you regulate campaign finances if you had the power to do so?
the massive donations by the power elite are easy to get (pandering), outweighing the effort a politician needs to put out to create an equitable pool of donations through grassroots organization. the contributions that people like the kochs can make are a perfect example. if it werent easier to pander to the PACs, then the politicians would focus more on grassroots funding, which they quite obviously don't do.

i cant create a perfect solution, but i would ban all forms of public campaign contributions (kicking PACs and lobbyists out of Washington) and set aside a reasonable government-funded stipend for a brief campaign period (less than 6 months). no tv ads. each major party gets the same amount of funding and the smaller parties would get equitable funding as well. id set up government-backed websites publicly exposing candidates' voting records and accounts of all of their statements on each "hot topic" (like ontheissues). public turnout would be drummed up by having tightly regulated, substantive televised debates on each hot button issue.

ideally, i would abolish political parties altogether, but the logistical strain involved in such an act is beyond my ability to decipher.

im not the guy for the job, and there's a lot i could do to fix my existing ideas, but there's a serious problem with politicians being in the pockets of big money, and we have to address it somehow.

i dont know what kind of game you're playing here. im beginning to think you're playing devil's advocate.

But when Obama does it, it's okay.
no it wasnt.

Why not?
you know good and god damn well why not.

Nope. I'd like you to articulate why it's wrong for people to spend money on campaigns.
dont twist my words around. it's wrong for political action committees and lobbyists to donate disproportionately large sums of money to the politicians of their choice because it weakens the ability of the common man to influence the races and it incentivizes the politicians to ignore the common will in favor of the will of the power elite.

dont play coy with me. its unbecoming.

But when Obama does it, it's okay.
no it wasnt.

Oblivion was better than Skyrim, this is fact.

The moment Skyrim removed a few skill tree's from Oblivion, that was the red flag.
Don't forget about them removing races being different from eachother like Nords being stronger than Elves. When people say Skyrim is babies first RPG they are not far from the truth. That game is a joke when it comes to depth.
It's as wide as an ocean

as deep as a puddle


They really did do that though huh? Lol
yeah, the races are essentially all the exact same aside from the racial actives/passives (nord resistance to cold/argonian water breathing etc)

The Flood / Re: Is there gonna be a south park season 19?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »
I'm surprised South Park hasn't gotten as bad as Family Guy has in the length it's been on.
>implying Family Guy is worse than South Park
its much worse lol

South Park is the bottom of the barrel. Family Guy is actually watchable.

The Flood / Re: Is there gonna be a south park season 19?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:47:28 PM »
I'm surprised South Park hasn't gotten as bad as Family Guy has in the length it's been on.
>implying Family Guy is worse than South Park
its much worse lol

the marriage between politics and big money in this country is fucking disgusting.

The Flood / Re: You have one wish
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:39:29 PM »
id wish for a whoooooole lot of marijuana

appeal to authority/appeal to religion

This is like people moaning that Idris Elba could be the next James Bond.
i NEED either him or michael fassbender to be the next bond

The Flood / Re: Is there gonna be a south park season 19?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:19:48 PM »
I don't remember the last time I watched that show.
The last season wasn't that good. It was alright, but a lot of it was wasted with that whole black friday thing they were doing.
the black friday thing was in season 17

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
id love to hear your reasons on why skyrim is good. you're usually good for a few laughs so this'll be rich

The Ultimate Marvel universe originally modeled Fury off of Sam Jackson (and MCU is heavily Ultimate universe) so that's why he's that character. This situation is completely different, as the Storm siblings are supposed to be siblings.
wait is this F4 movie in the MCU? i thought they were owned by a separate entity like the x men?

The Flood / Re: What the fuck, RC?
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:34:59 PM »
lolicon isnt ok

neither is moe

you dirty dirty fuckers

The Flood / Re: Well, you guys were right about one thing.
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:32:24 PM »
What happened to PSU's comment? Has the Harlow Internet Defense Force infiltrated Sep7agon?
holy shit

robocop must have done it


The Flood / Re: Blondes or brunettes?
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:26:00 PM »

Gaming / Re: This is true pain
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:58:22 PM »

play this instead

But this isn't Zoo Tycoon 2 with all the Expansions.
youre right, its better

Gaming / Re: Banned on Showdown
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:52:20 PM »
okay i'm unbanned lol

luckily the other verbatim is apparently a pretty cool guy
he's a fucking weeb, though--isn't that surreal
you can never meet him IRL or you'll both disappear immediately

The Flood / Re: Well, you guys were right about one thing.
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:51:50 PM »
All you did was talk to yourself there anyway.
holy shit fake Harlow is amazing

and OT: obviously bringing back SU
its the real harlow

Gaming / Re: This is true pain
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:58:20 PM »

I still dont understand how it is that on B.Net/Sep7agon any game that people loved ends up being the "worst game ever made" to you people after a couple years.

I swear I will come back in a few months finding dozens of threads bashing Dark Souls or The Last of Us ow whatever games you people don't hate already.

Let me make a list of "good" games we all already inexplicably hate for some reason (just off the top of my head)

-Literaly evey Halo game
-CoD 4
-Mass Effect
CoD is objectively terrible, Skyrim is a game made for children, and Mass Effect is a SciFi B-movie pretending to be a series of games

The Last of Us is also hilariously overrated

We hate these things because they're bad

Gaming / Re: Banned on Showdown
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:49:20 PM »
ive been banned a few times from league of legends for telling people to kill themselves
that's probably a good reason to get banned tbh lol
i mean, it is a game for children, but theres a mute function so anyone who doesnt want to read me talking shit about their mothers doesnt have to. i dont see the reason behind actually banning me.

because i got so many bans last season, they took away my rewards for hitting platinum. i lost a summoner icon, a ward skin, a champion skin, and my in-game loading screen border. all because i told some lame-os they sucked dick at a game and should consider killing themselves. i earned those rewards man

Gaming / Re: Banned on Showdown
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:41:26 PM »
ive been banned a few times from league of legends for telling people to kill themselves

i wasnt aware that anyone was complaining about it

most of the criticisms ive seen are about dr doom being a teenage hacker lol

The Flood / Re: bout to smoke some dank weed AMA
« on: May 22, 2015, 05:06:07 PM »
sometimes when i french inhale with a blunt the tobacco/weed smoke gets in my eyes and stings them
blunts are for retards
stem majors use pipes
ive got 3 pipes and 2 bongs bubby

The Flood / Re: bout to smoke some dank weed AMA
« on: May 22, 2015, 05:02:47 PM »
sometimes when i french inhale with a blunt the tobacco/weed smoke gets in my eyes and stings them
blunts are for retards

The Flood / Coldplay Presents: Game of Thrones: The Musical
« on: May 22, 2015, 04:19:45 PM »

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