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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 121122123 124125 ... 255

random crits have always been the bane of my existence
nice avatar(the eevee one)
that eevee gif is sooooo fucking cute

"guys archery in skyrim is hard! i swear! sneaking isnt easy as shit and the enemy AI is complex and nuanced!"

Do you naturally just sound like a retard or do you have to try?
youre my favorite member of this forum, truly

"guys archery in skyrim is hard! i swear! sneaking isnt easy as shit and the enemy AI is complex and nuanced!"

> mfw midg spouts nonsense about games he doesnt understand

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.
i played on the highest difficulty setting. 1000+ hours. lol.

i genuinely pity you if a game like skyrim actually challenges you. you must be one of the most incompetent gamers that ever lived

Too bad I know you're lying. You've used excuses like that before.
whatever makes you feel better man. lol.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.
i played on the highest difficulty setting. 1000+ hours. lol.

i genuinely pity you if a game like skyrim actually challenges you. you must be one of the most incompetent gamers that ever lived

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum


random crits have always been the bane of my existence

The Flood / Re: Barristan the Based vs. Gerralt of Rivia...
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:11:51 PM »
An old knight vs mutated superhuman monster slayer

Tough choice

barry the bold is a great fighter in his own right, but geralt is an actual sorcerer. not really a contest.

Serious / Re: China/US tension
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:01:29 PM »
I doubt it. China's too big of a supplier of labor. China would be stupid to start anything unless they wanted to lose an influx of money and likewise the US would be stupid to start anything because really, the only thing they aren't supplied with from China these days are guns and miscellaneous vehicles.

That, and starting any sort of military scuffle with them isn't a wise move.
this. china has a vested stake in the continued economic success of the USA, and vice versa.

The Flood / Re: So Brienne is likely to fight... (spoilers)
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:34:39 PM »
Holy fuck Brienne is literally contrivance the character in this show.

I wonder what fucking shit they're going to pull this time that even renders Brienne a snowball's chance in hell against someone like Robert Strong. And you can already fucking guarantee she'll win the fight.

>le stronk womyn who literally faces no adversity faec
odd that you'd rate strong so highly, since we've never seen him fight in his zombified state.
I'm not rating him highly per se, I'm just illustrating that we don't have any indication that Brienne would prove much difficulty to him, unless zombification actually does turn him into a complete hermit.

I mean Oberyn only really took him down due to his speed, and even then, Clegane still managed to knock him down a couple times despite his size hindrance. Brienne is nowhere near the tiers of Oberyn. I've been saying this from day one. Literally all her fights have been complete contrivances.
brienne is much stronger in the show than in the books. i think it would be very GRRM-y for Robert Strong to be built up as this ultimate zombie badass but  in practice end up being weaker than he was in life, shooting down any potential for him to deus ex machina all of cersei's problems away.

now, DnD arent exactly terribly consistent with GRRM's themes. i think this could go either way for a myriad of reasons, logical and illogical.

The Flood / Re: So Brienne is likely to fight... (spoilers)
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:18:37 PM »
Holy fuck Brienne is literally contrivance the character in this show.

I wonder what fucking shit they're going to pull this time that even renders Brienne a snowball's chance in hell against someone like Robert Strong. And you can already fucking guarantee she'll win the fight.

>le stronk womyn who literally faces no adversity faec
odd that you'd rate strong so highly, since we've never seen him fight in his zombified state.

none of you stand a chance against my pocket sand

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:53:38 AM »
i much prefer smoking pot over drinking. no hangover and when im blitzed im still in control of my faculties.

Gaming / Re: Chinese gamers are worse than BRs and Russians.
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:07:22 PM »
No, Colombian gamers are the worst.

The Flood / Re: Does anybody actually mute people?
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:49:38 PM »
ive only got one person muted on this site and none on bungie

The Flood / Re: Come Here I'll Give My Humble Opinion Of You
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:44:22 PM »

Gaming / Re: What are shadows?
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:33:39 PM »
but is the gameplay good

this isnt a good casting choice at all but i think it's gonna be a really minor role

The Flood / Re: I know I'm a woman but...
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:23:41 PM »
doesnt this have a perfect reverse correlation with the opposite thing? nice guys dont get laid because theyre ugly and self-entitled; dickwads get laid because theyre gorgeous and seem aloof, making them hotter
Okay, I'll lay it out

1) Don't be ugly [not necessarily hot]
2) Be confident. Don't be afraid to give ANYONE shit if they deserve it.
3) Do not display thirst. Its not all about the pussy.
4) Do not cancel all plans just to help her out with homework. Don't be afraid to turn her down when you genuinely have other plans.
5) Having just vidya to talk about is just not k. Have a backup hobby even if its just as boring as your furniture at home.
6) Dirty jokes are go. Keep them funny - not creepy.
7) If you can impress - do it, but don't be a beta about it.
i didnt want or need your help but ooooooooooook

The Flood / Re: I know I'm a woman but...
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:17:06 PM »
doesnt this have a perfect reverse correlation with the opposite thing? nice guys dont get laid because theyre ugly and self-entitled; dickwads get laid because theyre gorgeous and seem aloof, making them hotter

oh fuck me is this serious

come on dc...

The Flood / Re: Favourite way of getting your dick wet
« on: May 24, 2015, 03:08:12 AM »
the blood of my enemies as i skullfuck their corpses

The Flood / Re: Activity!
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:00:21 AM »
sometimes wood surprises me in the morning
how is kids throwing planks of wood through my window at 8 am lewd

get your mind out of the gutters.
Its almost 3 am, my mind is not my own right now.

The Flood / Re: Activity!
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:57:14 AM »
sometimes wood surprises me in the morning
how is kids throwing planks of wood through my window at 8 am lewd

get your mind out of the gutters.

The Flood / Re: Activity!
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:53:33 AM »
sometimes wood surprises me in the morning

The Flood / heh, heh... heheheh
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:31:36 AM »



oh sorry, i was just thinking about religion

Meanwhile the UK has restrictions on money spent, and can't get ads on TV.

Oh how I wish America wasn't so far behind.
the daily show did a funny bit about this


The Flood / Re: Tyrion's trial almost lead me to tears
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:55:28 PM »
thats so perfect omg

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