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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 105106107 108109 ... 255
What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

Kill yourself. Halo 3 was flooded with shit weapons that served no purpose. Then the other weapons were useless half the time because "muh br". The only Halo game with a worse sandbox is Halo 2. This is how the order goes:

Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
sometimes i ask myself, "can tackelberry get any dumber?"

and time and time again, you outdo yourself. you have no idea what youre talking about.

Please then, enlighten me with your great wisdom.
the only weapons that were "useless" in h3 were the smg, magnum, and spiker. an argument can be made for the carbine as well though it wasnt nearly as bad as people think; it just didnt have that many drops so it was a scarce weapon. at 50 high team slayer every other weapon (aside from the default BR/AR, which obviously were more common) saw parity in use. the good players used everything at their disposal, especially mid/close range. bad players got assraped and blamed the BR (saying that it dominated the sandbox) for their own incompetence, when in reality the BR was actually weaker in h3 than the H2 BR (hitscan and bullet mag made it obscene) or the Reach DMR (with or without bloom, it should never have been a default weapon).

i dont know why im even bothering trying to explain since you seem to get off on disagreeing with me.

Weapons that were useless in Halo 3:

- Pistol
- Spiker (We have the Assault Rifle and SMG, this is flooding the sandbox)
- Assault Rifle (Arguably useful when used in tangent with other gameplay elements, but close to useless on it's own)
- Plasma Rifle (This weapon hasn't been useful since Halo: CE)
- Mauler (We really need 2 shotguns? This is basically Halo 3's boltshot)
- Sentinel Beam
- Flamethrower

One of them you spawn with, so it's no doubt that it will be used. Other than that, the only non-power weapons left are the Battle Rifle, Carbine, and plasma pistol. That is unfortunately the majority of what the player base uses, even more so when you consider that BR Slayer is an actual gametype.

I have no doubt when you reach rank 50 in a playlist, that the player tactics become more diverse. However, that is unfortunately the minority of the player base. Using that as an argument is just out right silly. Next you'll be telling me Destiny is a great game because you get some more missions after rank 20.

It doesn't matter that "Well good players don't use the BR" (which is reeking of bullshit, mind you), when the majority of the player base does. I'm sure some white supremacists don't really hate black people that much, that doesn't excuse the actions of the entire group of people.

The fact is, the Halo community as a whole set itself usually to a BR, and disregarded other weapons because they found them useless for most combat scenarios or they over flooded the sandbox. How many automatic guns did we have? Six of them? 

It's because of Bungie's piss poor Sandbox design that this happened, and why the BR/DMR is considered to be a god weapon in the last few Halo games. Thank god that 343 have come to their senses for Halo 5 and actually have weapons counter balance each other.
the mauler and AR were both fine. flamethrower was a power weapon and could have been handled better IMO. sentinel beam was hotfixed out of matchmaking, so thats moot.

i used 50 high as an example because bad players have no clue what theyre doing, so what they do isnt representative of how the game actually works. good players actually understood the sandbox. also, i never said that no one used the BR, just that it wasnt as dominant as the default midrange weapons in the other series installments (which is absolutely true).

So, you're saying that I basically don't know what I'm talking about, or that my opinion is invalid, because a majority of the time I played with ranks 1-30 when I played Halo 3?

Are you sure you haven't been tested for being mentally retarded?
thats exactly what im saying, actually.

and you know, if you couldnt get past high skill 12 in h3, you might be the one who needs to get tested. game was easy as shit. your stats for reach and h4 dont look much better either. the sad reality is that bad players usually have no fucking clue how halo works (you havent exactly proven to me that you break the mold in that regard, either). much the same can be said for many competitive games. im sorry if you feel patronized or victimized, but im just telling it like it is.

and the thing about this is, perspective affects the way you look at these games. ive spent the vast majority of my "career" in halo surrounded by good players and theorycrafters. i imagine that you did not, so your perspective is skewed in a different direction. you have a more casual experience with the games so you have a different understanding. and here i am, trying to educate you, and you get defensive when i lay down the real talk. no skin off my back, my nigga, but you would do well to let someone with more experience and skill teach you a few things.

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

Kill yourself. Halo 3 was flooded with shit weapons that served no purpose. Then the other weapons were useless half the time because "muh br". The only Halo game with a worse sandbox is Halo 2. This is how the order goes:

Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
sometimes i ask myself, "can tackelberry get any dumber?"

and time and time again, you outdo yourself. you have no idea what youre talking about.

Please then, enlighten me with your great wisdom.
the only weapons that were "useless" in h3 were the smg, magnum, and spiker. an argument can be made for the carbine as well though it wasnt nearly as bad as people think; it just didnt have that many drops so it was a scarce weapon. at 50 high team slayer every other weapon (aside from the default BR/AR, which obviously were more common) saw parity in use. the good players used everything at their disposal, especially mid/close range. bad players got assraped and blamed the BR (saying that it dominated the sandbox) for their own incompetence, when in reality the BR was actually weaker in h3 than the H2 BR (hitscan and bullet mag made it obscene) or the Reach DMR (with or without bloom, it should never have been a default weapon).

i dont know why im even bothering trying to explain since you seem to get off on disagreeing with me.

Weapons that were useless in Halo 3:

- Pistol
- Spiker (We have the Assault Rifle and SMG, this is flooding the sandbox)
- Assault Rifle (Arguably useful when used in tangent with other gameplay elements, but close to useless on it's own)
- Plasma Rifle (This weapon hasn't been useful since Halo: CE)
- Mauler (We really need 2 shotguns? This is basically Halo 3's boltshot)
- Sentinel Beam
- Flamethrower

One of them you spawn with, so it's no doubt that it will be used. Other than that, the only non-power weapons left are the Battle Rifle, Carbine, and plasma pistol. That is unfortunately the majority of what the player base uses, even more so when you consider that BR Slayer is an actual gametype.

I have no doubt when you reach rank 50 in a playlist, that the player tactics become more diverse. However, that is unfortunately the minority of the player base. Using that as an argument is just out right silly. Next you'll be telling me Destiny is a great game because you get some more missions after rank 20.

It doesn't matter that "Well good players don't use the BR" (which is reeking of bullshit, mind you), when the majority of the player base does. I'm sure some white supremacists don't really hate black people that much, that doesn't excuse the actions of the entire group of people.

The fact is, the Halo community as a whole set itself usually to a BR, and disregarded other weapons because they found them useless for most combat scenarios or they over flooded the sandbox. How many automatic guns did we have? Six of them? 

It's because of Bungie's piss poor Sandbox design that this happened, and why the BR/DMR is considered to be a god weapon in the last few Halo games. Thank god that 343 have come to their senses for Halo 5 and actually have weapons counter balance each other.
the mauler and AR were both fine. flamethrower was a power weapon and could have been handled better IMO. sentinel beam was hotfixed out of matchmaking, so thats moot.

also, you must have missed the part in h4 where the boltshot was an OP loadout with the glitched camo. for a long time that weapon was absolutely dominant.

i used 50 high as an example because bad players have no clue what theyre doing, so what they do isnt representative of how the game actually works. good players actually understood the sandbox. also, i never said that no one used the BR, just that it wasnt as dominant as the default midrange weapons in the other series installments (which is absolutely true).

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

Kill yourself. Halo 3 was flooded with shit weapons that served no purpose. Then the other weapons were useless half the time because "muh br". The only Halo game with a worse sandbox is Halo 2. This is how the order goes:

Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
sometimes i ask myself, "can tackelberry get any dumber?"

and time and time again, you outdo yourself. you have no idea what youre talking about.

Please then, enlighten me with your great wisdom.
the only weapons that were "useless" in h3 were the smg, magnum, and spiker. an argument can be made for the carbine as well though it wasnt nearly as bad as people think; it just didnt have that many drops so it was a scarce weapon. at 50 high team slayer every other weapon (aside from the default BR/AR, which obviously were more common) saw parity in use. the good players used everything at their disposal, especially mid/close range. bad players got assraped and blamed the BR (saying that it dominated the sandbox) for their own incompetence, when in reality the BR was actually weaker in h3 than the H2 BR (hitscan and bullet mag made it obscene) or the Reach DMR (with or without bloom, it should never have been a default weapon).

most of the problems with h3 stemmed from the netcode and lack of hitscan. im really not sure where anyone got the idea that h3's sandbox wasnt diverse. h2 and reach were both much worse in terms of their default weapons dominating. so were ce and 4, for that matter.

i dont know why im even bothering trying to explain since you seem to get off on disagreeing with me.

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

Kill yourself. Halo 3 was flooded with shit weapons that served no purpose. Then the other weapons were useless half the time because "muh br". The only Halo game with a worse sandbox is Halo 2. This is how the order goes:

Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
sometimes i ask myself, "can tackelberry get any dumber?"

and time and time again, you outdo yourself. you have no idea what youre talking about.

high skill 12. tell me why i should even begin to entertain your retarded ideas about balance?

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:26:45 PM »
lax moderation is a terrible idea and the only people who want it are shitposters/chanfags

I typed like three paragraphs before realizing you didn't say 'tax'.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:47:44 PM »
nah b you get some of that blue dream in your lungs and then all your worries will melt away and you wont give a second thought to killing for spite
i'll take that as a challenge
"Crossing a Blueberry indica with the sativa Haze, Blue Dream balances full-body relaxation with gentle cerebral invigoration. Novice and veteran consumers alike enjoy the level effects of Blue Dream, which ease you gently into a calm euphoria... With a sweet berry aroma redolent of its Blueberry parent, Blue Dream delivers swift symptom relief without heavy sedative effects. This makes Blue Dream a popular daytime medicine for patients treating pain, depression, nausea, and other ailments requiring a high THC strain. "

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:40:01 PM »
my other talent is that im a REALLY good wingman. cant get chicks for myself for shit but im real good at makin my homies look good.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:38:38 PM »
youd be laughing harder if you sparked up some ganj with me

i got dat loud pack on deck cmon bro you know you want some.
if i were to get high, the first thing i would do is kill someone

just so that i could be the first guy to ever kill someone while under the influence of marijuana

JUST to troll people who want it legalized (and i want it legalized)
nah b you get some of that blue dream in your lungs and then all your worries will melt away and you wont give a second thought to killing for spite

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:35:42 PM »
I've killed a 0.3 gram bowl in one toke

iron lungs
i am laughing so hard right now
youd be laughing harder if you sparked up some ganj with me

i got dat loud pack on deck cmon bro you know you want some.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:32:30 PM »
I've killed a 0.3 gram bowl in one toke

iron lungs

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

The forge maps were the ONLY good ones

The Flood / Re: Watchu listenin to homos
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:15:27 PM »
the camper velourium i faint of hearts


What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

The Flood / Re: Boyz Club
« on: July 23, 2015, 05:53:35 PM »
welcome to the GROSS club

(G)et (R)id (O)f (S)limy Girl(S)

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though
thats still bungies fault for making like, 2 playable default maps
thank god for free maps in h5 so it won't be a fractured population
Funny you say that. I can only recall like two maps from reach multiplayer.
Sword Base and Countdown?
Swordbase and Spire
i just barfed in my mouth a little

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though
thats still bungies fault for making like, 2 playable default maps

Gaming / Re: anyone here still play Evolve?
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:55:04 PM »

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:45:21 PM »
lax moderation is a terrible idea and the only people who want it are shitposters/chanfags

its fine as it is

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless

Trump '16

why vote for the lesser evil

The Flood / Re: The best part of the entire MCU.
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:17:05 AM »





The Flood / Re: The best part of the entire MCU.
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:12:39 AM »
i can do that too
it's not hard

The Flood / Re: The best part of the entire MCU.
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:11:11 AM »

The Flood / Re: The best part of the entire MCU.
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:10:43 AM »

The Flood / Re: Girl's Club!
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:37:55 AM »
Favorite 90's boyband: Backstreet Boys or N'sync?
Backstreet Boys. Obviously.

Serious / Re: Donald Trump continues to drive the GOP Clown Car
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:37:03 AM »
he's like a real life zapp brannigan

The Flood / Re: Premier League starts in 2 weeks
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:32:31 AM »
but soccer is for pooreigners

Pages: 1 ... 105106107 108109 ... 255