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Messages - Azumarill

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if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

edit: i think you missed the point. or maybe my phrasing was off. in this case, the "sword base is intended for CQB so sword block is necessary" statement doesnt hold water- that map is god fucking awful, so it doesnt make any sense for them to allow melee to block sword just to compensate for the fact that they fucked up big time when designing the map. is a cqb map inherently a bad thing? no, sword base just happened to be terrible in a myriad of other ways.

of course you should alter mechanics for different gametypes on different maps, when its necessary. but that argument in favor of sword block doesnt make any sense, methinks.

Apparently the whole of the Halo community disagrees with you. If the TU offered good gameplay, then the Team Slayer playlist supporting it would have a decent population, no? Even back when Reach had a constant 60k-100k players, that TU playlist never got more than 600 players in it.
good thing most of the halo community is pure trash and i care 0% about their feelings or opinions.

also you should use source material when making claims about statistics. otherwise it just kinda looks like you pulled them out of your ass.

"hurr durr, I'm right and everyone else is wrong"

If you can find a population tracker for Reach, it's there. Reach stayed a steady 60k-90k players, 100k during holidays, until Halo 4 came out. The TU came out a good year or so before Halo 4. For that entire length of time, I never once say the Super Slayer playlist go above 1k players. You can go on Reach now and look, it's stupidly low compared to the other playlists.
im not saying youre wrong, im just saying that its kinda silly when you put stats up without proof.

The site that used to keep up with such things has been shutdown it appears. The only left overs seem to be screen caps of Halo 4's population, which doesn't really help at all.

Last time I was on Reach, Team Slayer (Pre TU) had 4k players and Super Slayer (TU) had 200.
default playlists generally have larger populations because the majority of the player pop doesnt care about playing more balanced gametypes. theyre happy to jerk around in the vanilla game because theyre not theorycrafters or competitive players. same reason why social slayer and SBTB were generally the most populated playlists in h3 (and h4 as well, iirc)

Or its just not enjoyable? People always complained about the DMR being a spam fest, but holy jesus does that increase when you get rid of bloom. The DMR is not a weapon that should exist without bloom. With it being a hitscan weapon, it just doesn't work well and turns it into a god weapon, hence why everyone used it in Halo 4 before the BR got a buff.

The DMR should just be taken out of Halo entirely at this point. It works well with Reach's gameplay style, but Halo fans don't like Reach's gameplay style.
its a catch 22. the DMR should never have been included as a default weapon (precisely because its so fucking powerful at mid and long range), but bloom was a really bad way to compensate for the fact that the DMR wasnt the right weapon to use in the first place. bloom just acts as a random spread mechanic that punishes players with a fast shot- thats flat out ridiculous. ZBNS (and even 85% bloom) was ultimately more skill based and therefore the better choice, even though it was still not even close to ideal.

i agree with your sentiments about the DMR not belonging. i hate it.

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though
thats still bungies fault for making like, 2 playable default maps
thank god for free maps in h5 so it won't be a fractured population
Funny you say that. I can only recall like two maps from reach multiplayer.
Sword Base and Countdown?
Swordbase and Spire
i just barfed in my mouth a little
Swordbase every game until you like it

Embrace the lower vent

I wonder why I was the only one who bothered going for the energy sword when I spawned blue.
shotty was stronger, its smarter to try to get control of its room

Red grabs the shotgun. Red grabs just about everything, in fact, except the sword, and I never figured out why everybody else on blue rushed the lift instead of grabbing the only power weapon they get at the start.
you lose a lot of pressure just going to get the sword, iirc. i avoided sword base as often as i could so im not 100% on this. of course its nice to have that power weapon but you really need to rush to try and get control of the dominant weapons and worry about the less important stuff later. shotty was a gamechanger on that POS map

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though
thats still bungies fault for making like, 2 playable default maps
thank god for free maps in h5 so it won't be a fractured population
Funny you say that. I can only recall like two maps from reach multiplayer.
Sword Base and Countdown?
Swordbase and Spire
i just barfed in my mouth a little
Swordbase every game until you like it

Embrace the lower vent

I wonder why I was the only one who bothered going for the energy sword when I spawned blue.
shotty was stronger, its smarter to try to get control of its room

The Flood / Re: about to see Pixels
« on: July 24, 2015, 07:34:16 PM »
just watch the old futurama episode its based on instead, anthology of interest II

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

edit: i think you missed the point. or maybe my phrasing was off. in this case, the "sword base is intended for CQB so sword block is necessary" statement doesnt hold water- that map is god fucking awful, so it doesnt make any sense for them to allow melee to block sword just to compensate for the fact that they fucked up big time when designing the map. is a cqb map inherently a bad thing? no, sword base just happened to be terrible in a myriad of other ways.

of course you should alter mechanics for different gametypes on different maps, when its necessary. but that argument in favor of sword block doesnt make any sense, methinks.

Apparently the whole of the Halo community disagrees with you. If the TU offered good gameplay, then the Team Slayer playlist supporting it would have a decent population, no? Even back when Reach had a constant 60k-100k players, that TU playlist never got more than 600 players in it.
good thing most of the halo community is pure trash and i care 0% about their feelings or opinions.

also you should use source material when making claims about statistics. otherwise it just kinda looks like you pulled them out of your ass.

"hurr durr, I'm right and everyone else is wrong"

If you can find a population tracker for Reach, it's there. Reach stayed a steady 60k-90k players, 100k during holidays, until Halo 4 came out. The TU came out a good year or so before Halo 4. For that entire length of time, I never once say the Super Slayer playlist go above 1k players. You can go on Reach now and look, it's stupidly low compared to the other playlists.
im not saying youre wrong, im just saying that its kinda silly when you put stats up without proof.

The site that used to keep up with such things has been shutdown it appears. The only left overs seem to be screen caps of Halo 4's population, which doesn't really help at all.

Last time I was on Reach, Team Slayer (Pre TU) had 4k players and Super Slayer (TU) had 200.
default playlists generally have larger populations because the majority of the player pop doesnt care about playing more balanced gametypes. theyre happy to jerk around in the vanilla game because theyre not theorycrafters or competitive players. same reason why social slayer and SBTB were generally the most populated playlists in h3 (and h4 as well, iirc)


Even with being able to choose which weapons you want to spawn with I would say it's still balanced. In Halo 3 and Reach if you have an AR and I have a BR/DMR you are screwed even at close range.

The DMR/BR definitely dominated, as they do in Halo 4. But I feel with Reach you could still make a comeback when playing 4v4 slayer if it was AR spawns. Mostly due to map design though, not a well balanced weapon sandbox.
yeah, i think this is due to the fact that vehicles (aside from the banshee) were slightly weaker (easier to break vehicle based map control) and there werent as many midrange weapons sitting on the maps; the maps themselves also trended towards a larger size (zealot was much bigger than, say, midship/heretic) due to the inclusion of sprint, which made map control in 4v4 harder to maintain.

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

edit: i think you missed the point. or maybe my phrasing was off. in this case, the "sword base is intended for CQB so sword block is necessary" statement doesnt hold water- that map is god fucking awful, so it doesnt make any sense for them to allow melee to block sword just to compensate for the fact that they fucked up big time when designing the map. is a cqb map inherently a bad thing? no, sword base just happened to be terrible in a myriad of other ways.

of course you should alter mechanics for different gametypes on different maps, when its necessary. but that argument in favor of sword block doesnt make any sense, methinks.

Apparently the whole of the Halo community disagrees with you. If the TU offered good gameplay, then the Team Slayer playlist supporting it would have a decent population, no? Even back when Reach had a constant 60k-100k players, that TU playlist never got more than 600 players in it.
good thing most of the halo community is pure trash and i care 0% about their feelings or opinions.

also you should use source material when making claims about statistics. otherwise it just kinda looks like you pulled them out of your ass.

"hurr durr, I'm right and everyone else is wrong"

If you can find a population tracker for Reach, it's there. Reach stayed a steady 60k-90k players, 100k during holidays, until Halo 4 came out. The TU came out a good year or so before Halo 4. For that entire length of time, I never once say the Super Slayer playlist go above 1k players. You can go on Reach now and look, it's stupidly low compared to the other playlists.
im not saying youre wrong, im just saying that its kinda silly when you put stats up without proof.

But when you can spawn with a pocket shotgun and plasma grenades, it kind of cancels out the well balanced weapon sandbox.
Even with being able to choose which weapons you want to spawn with I would say it's still balanced. In Halo 3 and Reach if you have an AR and I have a BR/DMR you are screwed even at close range. Unless you are able to do a melee attack I'm going to gun you down. Even in CE the AR wasn't all that great. With Halo 4 you stand a chance against someone with a BR and you have the AR. I would say the weapon sandbox that has every weapon being useful and each of the normal types being able to go against each other would be more balanced than the one that has useless weapons. Yes you can spawn with the pocket shotgun but I would rather have people spawning with that thing than spawning with a gun you do shit with like the Reach AR.
loadouts flat out dont work in arena style games like halo. in h3 the only problems really arose when you were playing Team ARs on a map with lots of BRs (think The Pit)- once one team gets map control, its very hard for the "defending" team to break it. similar issues arose on maps like standoff and sandbox, but for different reasons- warthog dominance (and the chopper strategy on sandbox was OP in team ARs). bungie never should have allowed ARs (the gametype) into ranked. the AR wasnt a bad weapon for its intended purpose in h3, it just paled in comparison to the BR (BR=teamshooting catalyst) at midrange, so it didnt work as a default loadout. in h3 if youre at close range with an AR against someone with a BR you should theoretically be able to win the fight, but you know how wonky the netcode is- you could get bloodshots, or start teleporting, or the guy youre shooting could be the host and things just wont work out; that problem isnt limited to the AR, but i think theres a bit of observation bias where the AR is concerned because of that, and people not realizing that the other weapons suffered from the same netcode issues.

reach suffered from different problems. the AR was nerfed compared to H3 and the DMR was MUCH stronger than the h3 BR, especially after the TU

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

Ok then, put standard infection settings on a linear map and see what kind of mess you end up with.
read my edit.

I see what yore saying, although I honestly did not find sword blocking troublesome, although I do see how it would be trouble in high skill level matches, although  I do think Halo 2 is the game that needed it since the sword was is broken.
People  who make competitive forge maps in H2A won't even use swords on them, and just place shotguns instead
nothing they added was troublesome for most of the community, just the people who cared about balance. sword block was a really dumb move. like if they added a LoS laser if a sniper was aiming at you. its just a way to hold the players' hand instead of encouraging them to get better

and yes, halo 2 did have a lot of problems... sword lunge plz

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

edit: i think you missed the point. or maybe my phrasing was off. in this case, the "sword base is intended for CQB so sword block is necessary" statement doesnt hold water- that map is god fucking awful, so it doesnt make any sense for them to allow melee to block sword just to compensate for the fact that they fucked up big time when designing the map. is a cqb map inherently a bad thing? no, sword base just happened to be terrible in a myriad of other ways.

of course you should alter mechanics for different gametypes on different maps, when its necessary. but that argument in favor of sword block doesnt make any sense, methinks.

Apparently the whole of the Halo community disagrees with you. If the TU offered good gameplay, then the Team Slayer playlist supporting it would have a decent population, no? Even back when Reach had a constant 60k-100k players, that TU playlist never got more than 600 players in it.
good thing most of the halo community is pure trash and i care 0% about their feelings or opinions.

also you should use source material when making claims about statistics. otherwise it just kinda looks like you pulled them out of your ass.

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

Ok then, put standard infection settings on a linear map and see what kind of mess you end up with.
read my edit.

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Literaly anyone who makes custom game and forge maps can tell you why that statement is full of shit.

edit: i think you missed the point. or maybe my phrasing was off. in this case, the "sword base is intended for CQB so sword block is necessary" statement doesnt hold water- that map is god fucking awful, so it doesnt make any sense for them to allow melee to block sword just to compensate for the fact that they fucked up big time when designing the map. is a cqb map inherently a bad thing? no, sword base just happened to be terrible in a myriad of other ways.

of course you should alter mechanics for different gametypes on different maps, when its necessary. but that argument in favor of sword block doesnt make any sense, methinks.

He's a good president with good intentions, but the best? Not so sure about that.

Considering the stonewall opposition he had to endure?  Yeah, he's exceeded some expectations.
Congress legalised gay marriage, and he only jumped ship on the issue quite recently. He was against gay marriage back in 08 IIRC.

Not that it's a bad thing, but greatest president in American history compared to Lincoln, FDR and Washington? Nah.
i thought it was a supreme court decision that legalized gay marriage

if you're dumb enough to get close to a sword user then that's your own fault.

Except you know, on maps like Sword Base, which had a sword and was designed so that almost every encounter would be CQC.
mechanics shouldnt be altered to make up for shitty map design

Gaming / Re: Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 24, 2015, 05:57:21 PM »
I don't need to read shit because I already know it's a good game.

But is Skyrim still a benchmark for modern games?
it never was. it was dumbed down beyond belief.

that being said, one can only hope that instead of copy-pasting the skyrim system, they learned from their mistakes and improved it.

The Flood / Who Said It- Frank Reynolds or Donald Trump?
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:33:14 PM »

“There’s nothing more threatening to a man than a woman who’s smart and attractive.”

“Nobody’s eating anybody’s babies.”

“Laziness is a trait in the blacks.”

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

“A woman in politics is like a donkey doing calculus.”

“The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of 100s… I’m ready to plow.”

“Well, somebody’s doing the raping! Who’s doing the raping? Who’s doing the raping?”

It's quite difficult to figure some of these out, eh?


The Flood / Re: Post the best anime list you have
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:33:38 AM »
Cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

and then in no particular order:
Samurai Champloo
Black Lagoon
The Big O
G Gundam
Gundam Wing
Turn A Gundam
Fullmetal Alchemist (both series are about equal in my eyes)
Hellsing Ultimate
Afro Samurai
Serial Experiments Lain
Berserk (the new movie-length OVAs)

Princess Mononoke
Ghost in the Shell (and GITS 2: Innocence)
Spirited Away
Summer Wars
Ninja Scroll
Grave of the Fireflies
Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Cowboy Bebop: the movie
The Cat Returns

The Flood / Re: Superhero quiz to measure your fag level
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:23:27 AM »

and... Storm?

This is how the order goes:
Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
Shouldn't Halo 4 go before Reach due to that game having a sandbox which each weapon is useful and it got rid of that one gun shit? With Reach it's another one gum game, the DMR has bloom, the AR is just as bad as the one in Halo 3 and ODST, the plasma repeater is nearly useless, the plasma rifle takes a while to kill and the spiker isn't all that great. For the focus rifle even though that thing replaced the beam rifle and it has the same range as it you can't use that thing as a sniper rifle. The only thing it's able to do is drop shields and unless you can follow up the shot or have a teamamte near him that gun is useless. The only time it's useful is when the Jackels have them due to other enemies being by you.
this is mostly true, aside from the fact that the h3 AR was much stronger than the reach AR. reach and ce were the biggest offenders when it came to one weapon being absolutely dominant

second time this week ive seen these guys, where previously ive never heard of them
theyre really fucking good


^the song i was linked.
they sound aright, but im not sure i like it.
theyre not for everyone. their style changes from album to album since theyre a prog rock band, and all of their albums are part of an overarching "concept"- basically this low fantasy scifi war saga, a story that the lead singer concocted. there are some graphic novels/comics too

heres probably their best song from their best album, about one of the central characters of the series- claudio, who is basically space jesus. if you dont like this one, they might not be for you


second time this week ive seen these guys, where previously ive never heard of them
theyre really fucking good

What are some of your favorite songs from the more average albums by your favorite bands?

My choice would be Key Entity Extraction II: Holly Wood the Cracked from Coheed and Cambria's album The Afterman: Ascension. The Afterman albums are just under Good Apollo Im Burning Star Vol IV: From Fear through the Eyes of Madness and In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 for me, so I'd say they qualify as middle of the pack, despite the fact that I think they're both great albums.


So what are your favorite songs from your not-favorite albums by your favorite artists?

Serious / Shootpocalypse '15 Continues- Lafayette Edition
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:21:27 PM »

3 dead, 7 injured at a shooting at a theatre in Lafayette, LA; death toll includes the shooter (self-inflicted: perp was a 58 year old man)

Two police cruisers collided while responding

God bless America

And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
On the Reach forum months prior to the game's release, Hylebos kept bitching to Bungie to put it in the game.

I dunno if that really had anything to do with it but he was seriously annoying.
i had forgotten about that holy shit

you know, knowing them, they might have actually listened to him. the spiker did seem really phoned in

and somehow, i highly doubt that you understand the game the way you think you do. maybe you'd win a little more often.

Seriously, are you really this autistic or did you just ignore my post?
bro how mad are you right now/10

None at all. You've just gone from having a conversation, to what seems you putting on a troll act. Have you really not an intellectual reply to my argument besides "ur K/D sucks"?
i already told you what you needed to know and now im just enjoying seeing you kick and scream about you being bad not meaning anything

But your logic is flawed, based on the idea that you have to be a real player of the game in order to appreciate it. It's sounds to me like you're just blinded to see it's flaws. With your logic, every game's multiplayer is a masterpiece, but other don't realize because they didn't "git gud".

Also, I'd love to get my hands on the technology that shows me kicking and screaming through text on an internet forum. That's some next-level stuff right there.
"based on the idea that you have to be a real player of the game in order to appreciate it"

phrasing? thats not what im saying. people of any skill can appreciate a game  im saying that bad players generally have a worse understanding of the game than good players, especially when it comes to competitive multiplayer games with huge skill caps. thats not an outlandish statement- it can actually be proved.

can bad players display solid game knowledge? yes, actually, but its quite rare. and those guys usually end up being analysts. you havent proven to me that youre one of those people. thats all.

Only because your mind seems to be deluded with your own love for the game. I believe that your delusion, combined with the fact that on many occasions you don't adhere to reason and your personal issue with me (whatever that may be) concludes to your decision. You made up your mind about this argument before you even entered it, and you seem to be clinging to your hostility toward me to try and tell yourself that you're right. You've steered this conversation away from it's original subject, and seem to want to focus on my ability to play the game competitively.

For the record, I am a fairly decent player when I play competitively on occasion. Nothing extraordinary, but usually above the average player. I understand you issue that I don't appear that way on my service record, due to my love for Grifball and jacking off in matchmaking with my friends. However, that issue is a moot point to you, and like with your view on Halo 3 and past subjects, no amount of reasoning can change the mind of a stubborn man.
believe me, im not blinded by bias. i have a laundry list of complaints about h3. and i already told you why i think that h3 has the most balanced sandbox in the series (which doesnt mean that i think its even close to perfect).

this has nothing to do with any personal bias i have against you. youre just another internet person to me. youre presenting an argument that ive heard hundreds of times before. if anything, it seems as though you are entirely unwilling to entertain my position, despite the fact that i have much more experience and knowledge where these things are concerned. im not marginalizing you by calling you out for not being good; im telling you that you should listen to what i have to say because i have a different perspective rooted in years of theorycrafting and playing against and with other good players. and im not sure why youre so unwilling to entertain that idea.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any special talents?
« on: July 23, 2015, 10:29:01 PM »

I've killed a 0.3 gram bowl in one toke

iron lungs
i am laughing so hard right now
youd be laughing harder if you sparked up some ganj with me

i got dat loud pack on deck cmon bro you know you want some.
i fucking hate how stoners talk.

I can criticize almost anyone for no reason.
actually "loud pack on deck" is more dealer-talk than stoner-talk

and somehow, i highly doubt that you understand the game the way you think you do. maybe you'd win a little more often.

Seriously, are you really this autistic or did you just ignore my post?
bro how mad are you right now/10

None at all. You've just gone from having a conversation, to what seems you putting on a troll act. Have you really not an intellectual reply to my argument besides "ur K/D sucks"?
i already told you what you needed to know and now im just enjoying seeing you kick and scream about you being bad not meaning anything

But your logic is flawed, based on the idea that you have to be a real player of the game in order to appreciate it. It's sounds to me like you're just blinded to see it's flaws. With your logic, every game's multiplayer is a masterpiece, but other don't realize because they didn't "git gud".

Also, I'd love to get my hands on the technology that shows me kicking and screaming through text on an internet forum. That's some next-level stuff right there.
"based on the idea that you have to be a real player of the game in order to appreciate it"

phrasing? thats not what im saying. people of any skill can appreciate a game  im saying that bad players generally have a worse understanding of the game than good players, especially when it comes to competitive multiplayer games with huge skill caps. thats not an outlandish statement- it can actually be proved.

can bad players display solid game knowledge? yes, actually, but its quite rare. and those guys usually end up being analysts. you havent proven to me that youre one of those people. thats all.

and somehow, i highly doubt that you understand the game the way you think you do. maybe you'd win a little more often.

Seriously, are you really this autistic or did you just ignore my post?
bro how mad are you right now/10

None at all. You've just gone from having a conversation, to what seems you putting on a troll act. Have you really not an intellectual reply to my argument besides "ur K/D sucks"?
i already told you what you needed to know and now im just enjoying seeing you kick and scream about you being bad not meaning anything

and somehow, i highly doubt that you understand the game the way you think you do. maybe you'd win a little more often.

Seriously, are you really this autistic or did you just ignore my post?
bro how mad are you right now/10

What do you expect from a 5 year old game, who's current owner hasn't touched in 4 years?

>343 doesn't touch it
>still manages to screw it up

dang brah
343 made Reach playable though
this. 343 did more than they ever had to. that title update saved the game from being completely worthless
What exactly did they change?
A shame that post-TU was flooded with shitty forge maps though

I think getting rid of sword block was a stupid decision. Someone with sprint and a sword got an easy 10 kills without it.
tell me more plz i needed that laugh

Reach had a decent weapon sandbox, but sucked for CQC scenarios with the sword. Some one sprinting at you with a sword, and you have a DMR? Lol, fuck you. Oh wait, you have an AR instead? Lol, fuck you again. Only decent weapon to counter it was a shotgun, which ended half the time with both of you dying. Sword block isn't perfect, but it was at least something to help counter balance to sword.

Halo 5 got it gud tho. CQC weapons can actually give the sword handler a run for his money in that game.

Reach did have the best weapon variety, but so much was fucked up by BUNGiEs retardation. The assault rifle somehow mannaged to be even worse that it was in Halo 3, bloom raped ranged weapons, and even when 343 took it out it made the needle rifle OP to the point that it couldn't even be allowed as a power weapon. The plasma repeaters/rifles and the focus rifle were water guns. And what the hell was the Spiker even doing in that game at all?
h3 actually had the most (effectively) diverse sandbox

edit: inb4 backlash. my body is ready.

Kill yourself. Halo 3 was flooded with shit weapons that served no purpose. Then the other weapons were useless half the time because "muh br". The only Halo game with a worse sandbox is Halo 2. This is how the order goes:

Halo 5 Beta > Halo: CE > Halo: Reach > Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Glitch Simulator 2004
sometimes i ask myself, "can tackelberry get any dumber?"

and time and time again, you outdo yourself. you have no idea what youre talking about.

Please then, enlighten me with your great wisdom.
the only weapons that were "useless" in h3 were the smg, magnum, and spiker. an argument can be made for the carbine as well though it wasnt nearly as bad as people think; it just didnt have that many drops so it was a scarce weapon. at 50 high team slayer every other weapon (aside from the default BR/AR, which obviously were more common) saw parity in use. the good players used everything at their disposal, especially mid/close range. bad players got assraped and blamed the BR (saying that it dominated the sandbox) for their own incompetence, when in reality the BR was actually weaker in h3 than the H2 BR (hitscan and bullet mag made it obscene) or the Reach DMR (with or without bloom, it should never have been a default weapon).

i dont know why im even bothering trying to explain since you seem to get off on disagreeing with me.

Weapons that were useless in Halo 3:

- Pistol
- Spiker (We have the Assault Rifle and SMG, this is flooding the sandbox)
- Assault Rifle (Arguably useful when used in tangent with other gameplay elements, but close to useless on it's own)
- Plasma Rifle (This weapon hasn't been useful since Halo: CE)
- Mauler (We really need 2 shotguns? This is basically Halo 3's boltshot)
- Sentinel Beam
- Flamethrower

One of them you spawn with, so it's no doubt that it will be used. Other than that, the only non-power weapons left are the Battle Rifle, Carbine, and plasma pistol. That is unfortunately the majority of what the player base uses, even more so when you consider that BR Slayer is an actual gametype.

I have no doubt when you reach rank 50 in a playlist, that the player tactics become more diverse. However, that is unfortunately the minority of the player base. Using that as an argument is just out right silly. Next you'll be telling me Destiny is a great game because you get some more missions after rank 20.

It doesn't matter that "Well good players don't use the BR" (which is reeking of bullshit, mind you), when the majority of the player base does. I'm sure some white supremacists don't really hate black people that much, that doesn't excuse the actions of the entire group of people.

The fact is, the Halo community as a whole set itself usually to a BR, and disregarded other weapons because they found them useless for most combat scenarios or they over flooded the sandbox. How many automatic guns did we have? Six of them? 

It's because of Bungie's piss poor Sandbox design that this happened, and why the BR/DMR is considered to be a god weapon in the last few Halo games. Thank god that 343 have come to their senses for Halo 5 and actually have weapons counter balance each other.
the mauler and AR were both fine. flamethrower was a power weapon and could have been handled better IMO. sentinel beam was hotfixed out of matchmaking, so thats moot.

i used 50 high as an example because bad players have no clue what theyre doing, so what they do isnt representative of how the game actually works. good players actually understood the sandbox. also, i never said that no one used the BR, just that it wasnt as dominant as the default midrange weapons in the other series installments (which is absolutely true).

So, you're saying that I basically don't know what I'm talking about, or that my opinion is invalid, because a majority of the time I played with ranks 1-30 when I played Halo 3?

Are you sure you haven't been tested for being mentally retarded?
thats exactly what im saying, actually.

and you know, if you couldnt get past high skill 12 in h3, you might be the one who needs to get tested. game was easy as shit. your stats for reach and h4 dont look much better either. the sad reality is that bad players usually have no fucking clue how halo works (you havent exactly proven to me that you break the mold in that regard, either). much the same can be said for many competitive games. im sorry if you feel patronized or victimized, but im just telling it like it is.

>Using game stats to try and prove a point

I don't play Halo competitively, I play it for fun with friends. Sorry if it's difficult for you to accept, but people to have different play styles than you. Here's an example of me doing so with friends if you're still in such disbelief.


And saying "lol ur k/d is bad, you don't kno halo" just makes the basis for your argument seem laughable. It doesn't take much to understand how the gameplay elements of a game work, especially a game as simple as Halo. It really feels like your grasping for straws here, considering you entire last post was bashing my k/d. But hey, what do I know right?
i think everyone plays for fun, buddy.

and somehow, i highly doubt that you understand the game the way you think you do. maybe you'd win a little more often. but hey, more power to ya, not my problem... im more than happy to let guys like you run around in matchmaking. i love free wins =]

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