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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Breaking Bad (spoilers)
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:33:07 AM »
"My name is Isaac Schrader"

What did he mean by this?
ASAC Schrader. Assistant Special Agent in Charge. It was his DEA title.

and how was anyone supposed to know you were kidding?
Oh boy here we go
where are we going

should i pack my swimming trunks

The Flood / Re: Breaking Bad (spoilers)
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:28:36 AM »
"My name is Isaac Schrader"

What did he mean by this?
ASAC Schrader. Assistant Special Agent in Charge. It was his DEA title.

and how was anyone supposed to know you were kidding?

The Flood / Re: Breaking Bad (spoilers)
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:55:22 AM »
Breaking Bad peaked during the Gus Fring arc IMO. Finale is a little overrated. Still good, but it didn't deserve the Emmy over "The Secret Fate of All Life" (True Detective) or "The Children" (Game of Thrones)

Also a little miffed that Cranston got the Emmy over McConaughey. I'm 99% sure they only won all those awards at the 66th Emmys because the series was over and it deserved a few accolades (which it did- just not over True Detective's first season).

The Flood / Re: Breaking Bad (spoilers)
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:50:52 AM »
"My name is Isaac Schrader"

What did he mean by this?
ASAC Schrader. Assistant Special Agent in Charge. It was his DEA title.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:33:20 PM »
You're oversimplifying precision weapons.  I have a very hard time believing that you constantly pull 4 shot kills on competent players.
you'd be right. he has like 50 games played in h3 and a high skill 4, and he has 6 games played in MCC. hes talking out of his ass.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:30:53 PM »
Unless a player had extraordinarily shit aim, all BR duels were down to whoever got the first shot off, or whoever had the most supporting fire, like every other weapon duel in Halo. It doesn't take a great deal of skill to strafe and fire, keeping the reticule aimed at head height. There is literally no situation in which an AR or SMG will outgun the BR, because they both strip shields at a similar rate, but the BR has a potential 1 shot kill once shields are down, whereas the AR does not. Unless you're playing 4 player split screen on an extremely tiny TV, even an inexperienced player can land headshots with relative ease.
this is so wrong its making my eye twitch

Serious / Re: islamic extremism is all britain's fault
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:28:57 PM »
because Islamic extremism never existed before 1916.

Pirates from the Barbary States were using the Qur'an to justify the kidnapping of American sailors as early as 1802.
also the hashashins, and various nationalist groups during the ottomans' decline, like the armenian revolutionary federation. though im not sure if the hashashins technically qualify as islamic extremists.

The Flood / Zoolander 2- Trailer
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:25:44 PM »

blue steel is back

what are your thoughts on the potential success of the zoolander sequel

Serious / Re: islamic extremism is all britain's fault
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:22:54 PM »

tl;dr We told the saudis to sod off and find someone else to help them look for oil, the people who helped them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare the... wait for it... wait for it.... oh yeah, the fokin yenks
bongs helped the saudis before the oil came in, again, as a way to piss on the ottomans
And the yanks helped the mujahideen to fuck with the soviets, neither country is clean when it comes to the middle east. It's a shithole in general, made all the worse by various western countries sticking their oars/dicks/mining picks in at different points in history.
and you cant forget the ussr in afghanistan

Gaming / Re: Halo is getting a Zombies mode
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:20:20 PM »
Why do you think I posted the police man guys
its just a bunch of squares for me

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:19:56 PM »
i wont bring anyone with me. too dangerous for them (and especially me).

maybe a bicycle.

my copy of "the world of ice and fire."

id try to travel to oldtown, which is a feasible destination depending on where i land on the continent. id take my copy of TWOIAF to the archmaesters, explain my situation, and ask to be allowed to forge a chain and join the order. i could survive for a reasonably long time because my studies would probably last through the bulk of the coming wars, and oldtown is relatively removed from the conflicts- the most immediate danger would be ironmen reaving along the coast, but the hightowers should be able to protect the citadel.

Gaming / Re: Halo is getting a Zombies mode
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:14:47 PM »
Is this bad b8 or too much ignorance?
bad bait and a bad article, look at the guys post history

Gaming / Re: Halo is getting a Zombies mode
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:12:33 PM »
5 years? try 7. GoW2 did it before CoD. Horde. L4D did it in 2008 too.

The Flood / Re: anyone have an arsenal vs chelsea stream??
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:23:53 PM »
> poverty ball

The Flood / Re: Is McDonald's the nastiest fast food joint around?
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:23:25 PM »
y'all are some pretentious cunts, McDonald's really isn't that bad

i mean, when you're paying $1 for 10 McNuggets it's your own damn fault if you're expecting high quality, gourmet chicken lmao
exactly, you pay trash prices for trash food. it is that bad.
it's not like there are better, higher-quality choices for fast food out there...oh wait there is!

again it's all a matter of getting what you pay for. if you don't want to eat shitty minced mystery meat, just don't go to mcdonalds. it's bretty simple, man
hence me not going there. doesnt mean i cant criticize them for selling grade a manure between two buns. refer to the title of the thread!
if you've ever heard of Del Taco then I'd wager that that is indeed the worst fast food joint around
ive been to a few del tacos, theyre right down there with mcdonalds and dairy queen (tho maybe its just my local dairy queens that are nasty as hell)

The Flood / Re: Is McDonald's the nastiest fast food joint around?
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:19:30 PM »
y'all are some pretentious cunts, McDonald's really isn't that bad

i mean, when you're paying $1 for 10 McNuggets it's your own damn fault if you're expecting high quality, gourmet chicken lmao
exactly, you pay trash prices for trash food. it is that bad.
it's not like there are better, higher-quality choices for fast food out there...oh wait there is!

again it's all a matter of getting what you pay for. if you don't want to eat shitty minced mystery meat, just don't go to mcdonalds. it's bretty simple, man
hence me not going there. doesnt mean i cant criticize them for selling grade a manure between two buns. refer to the title of the thread!

The Flood / Re: Is McDonald's the nastiest fast food joint around?
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:09:25 PM »
y'all are some pretentious cunts, McDonald's really isn't that bad

i mean, when you're paying $1 for 10 McNuggets it's your own damn fault if you're expecting high quality, gourmet chicken lmao
exactly, you pay trash prices for trash food. it is that bad.

Its cause Blops 2 is the most polished and well done CoD games since CoD 4.

If people would stop bitching about CoD for once and actually take the time to play it, maybe they'll realize its actually really good.
for a class based shooter, Blops 2 is OK. still suffers from horrible balance issues and the maps are mostly mediocre, but its pretty fun regardless.

CoD is still grade A garbage overall tho.

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:09:15 AM »
Playing a game to be good and wanting your teammates to be useful is so gay amirite?
b-but gamez are for fun not try hard xD




jus' sayin'

parry parry huh?
ive always loved the al vs pride/kimblee fight in brotherhood
When he gets the sword?

oh shit yeah, that gave me chills.
yeah when he gets the philo stone you know shits about to get real




jus' sayin'

parry parry huh?
ive always loved the al vs pride/kimblee fight in brotherhood

Hellsing: Ultimate

The Flood / Re: Your greatest wish becomes your greatest nightmare
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:57:59 AM »
my greatest wish is to have a massive marijuana farm.

of course, the nightmare part would be watching it go up in flames.

The Flood / Re: Is McDonald's the nastiest fast food joint around?
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:53:34 AM »
people who willingly eat mcdonalds should be purged from the gene pool.

The Flood / Re: Is McDonald's the nastiest fast food joint around?
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:52:34 AM »
Any type of fast food is awful
Just fucking die already

Chick fil a is better than any shit food you could ever make
Stop being poor
stop being a pretentious snob
Atleast I don't subject myself to low quality sugar coated artificial meat
Chick Fil A actually uses quality ingredients.

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:32:22 AM »
I remember I did badly in a match on Halo Reach and after the match I got a message from a player on the other team. The message started out about it being a good match and right after that he said he was kidding and that I suck. If you actually have to go out of your way to tell somebody they suck at a video game you really should reevaluate your life.
if you let PMs on xbox live get under your skin you really should reevaluate your life
I didn't.
and yet here you are complaining about it years after the fact

The Flood / Re: Can someone help me with my Harry Potter knowledge?
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:25:30 AM »
Neville is the Chosen One, of course he's a badass.

Other notable badasses are Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, McGonagall

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:19:32 AM »
I remember I did badly in a match on Halo Reach and after the match I got a message from a player on the other team. The message started out about it being a good match and right after that he said he was kidding and that I suck. If you actually have to go out of your way to tell somebody they suck at a video game you really should reevaluate your life.
if you let PMs on xbox live get under your skin you really should reevaluate your life

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:10:58 AM »
I love seeing all the competitive types who try and make up excuses for why Halo 4 is the most popular game specific playlist in MCC, why it has more backwards compatibility votes than any other and why H4 comes up a lot more in multi game playlists than 2 or 3. Just admit that the damn thing is more popular by the majority of the playerbase.
That's because the Halo player base left on the MCC is nothing but Reachtards and anyone who joined Halo after.

Halo veterans that have been there since CE weren't gonna wait 6 months for them to fix the MCC.

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:08:23 AM »
on my x is such a bad callout

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