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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:15:26 AM »
I've been wondering if he's going to meet up with any of the other teams/characters in a crossover movie

It'd be interesting to see how they handle him in a PG-13 environment if that happens

Or if they make the other characters venture into R territory
Which I have to admit is exciting as fuck
he has close ties to the x men universe (he was part of the same weapon x program that wolverine was, and has an enhanced version of wolverine's healing factor)

colossus is already confirmed to cross over, as you've seen from the trailer

But the Origins Deadpool no longer exists @.@

And I was talking about more central characters because I'm dying to see a R rated Wolverine
no, thats his actual character bio.

"Wade Wilson is a former test subject of the Weapon X program, possessing a regenerative healing factor (like that of Wolverine), as well as an unstable compiling of other "Weapon X" experiments. Deadpool's powers and personality traits combine to make a wild, mentally unstable, and unpredictable mercenary."

and i think the apocalypse movie is the last time huge jacked man is going to be wolverine, but i dont know how theyll handle the character after that- maybe he'll die in the movie or be replaced by another actor? either way, i see a somewhat solid chance that a couple big x men characters might cross over into a future deadpool movie

The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:10:44 AM »
I've been wondering if he's going to meet up with any of the other teams/characters in a crossover movie

It'd be interesting to see how they handle him in a PG-13 environment if that happens

Or if they make the other characters venture into R territory
Which I have to admit is exciting as fuck
he has close ties to the x men universe (he was part of the same weapon x program that wolverine was, and has an enhanced version of wolverine's healing factor)

colossus is already confirmed to cross over, as you've seen from the trailer

The Flood / Re: Pixels wasn't that bad
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:36:17 AM »
Saw it with my family, because my dad really wanted to, and yeah, it really wasn't so bad. If you shut your brain off at the door.
this is how i feel about pretty much every adam sandler movie that isnt punch drunk love, spanglish, the wedding singer, or 50 first dates

The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:29:07 AM »
ha ha dae le memepool sux jokes arent funny i like to go on 4chan xD

Is he not just literal fan service incarnate

am I wrong about that
in a way, but there's not necessarily anything wrong with that. hes a normal guy with a good sense of humor before the operation, but when he's given his powers, he also pretty much goes batshit insane- he maintains the humorous part of his personality and it melds well with the reality that he's now pretty much an unkillable assassin god, creating a very dark sense of humor. like i said previously in the thread, it appears that theyre hiding most of the darker stuff for marketing purposes so that people stay interested in the plot itself instead of writing it off because they pretty much know the story- the humorous bits like the mario lopez joke and the "trailer trailer", as well as wade's scenes in this trailer, introduce the character to the general public in a fun way, but its still made clear that this movie will deal with some very mature stuff.

deadpool is a very unique character in the comic book universe. ryan reynolds is a big fan of the character and im confident that this is going to be a solid movie because he's so devoted to finally getting it right.

The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:21:15 AM »
I always hated Deadpool.

Breaking the fourth wall and saying stupid shit isn't automatically funny.
No it is not, but it can be, if done at the right times.
Depends on how the movie is written at this point, and it seems that all of the jokes shown in this trailer are actually within the story line and not him breaking the fourth wall. There might be a couple in movie for people to have fun with but that is just speculation.
theyre probably focusing on the irreverent parts of the movie for marketing purposes and hiding the darker/more serious stuff because its closely tied to the actual plot and they dont want to give it away before the movie ever comes out like avengers 2 or ex machina. hence them using pretty much the same kind of footage- the conflict on the bridge/freeway. theyre giving us only a little bit at a time while still giving us a solid introduction to wade's personality, which is important for marketing because the general public isnt very familiar with the character.

The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:18:53 AM »
ha ha dae le memepool sux jokes arent funny i like to go on 4chan xD

The Flood / Re: Anyone who hasn't seen The Flashpoint Paradox yet...
« on: August 04, 2015, 11:53:11 PM »
its one of the better dc animated movies.

id also recommend the two Dark Knight Returns movies, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Batman: Under the Red Hood, Wonder Woman (2009), and Batman: Assault on Arkham

The Flood / Re: Deadpool Trailer Anyone?
« on: August 04, 2015, 11:51:06 PM »
I don't think so

But it looks like they're trying too hard now that they're allowed to cuss

Ooo we have an R rating
Let's throw a 'fuck' and 'shit' everywhere we can

But still
It's pretty exciting to see what they're going to do with that
Likely. Hope that the overuse is not what they focus on. Though i feel like there is a plot that has not been detailed alot on. Especially with the existence of the other characters in his comics. Their casting in the movie points to a story that has not been detailed in this trailer.

For me this trailer was more of a teaser mainly a synopsis or and intro to the character. Nothing else.
yeah pretty much. people are getting really butthurt because "MUH TOO MANY JOKES" but they dont seem to realize that many of deadpools most popular runs were this way. bloody, violent as hell, and he's a wisecracking jackass. i have faith that ryan reynolds finally made the right super"hero" movie.

Samurai Champloo was pretty fucking boring to me. Maybe it's because I tried watching it on Adult Swim and was all sleepy.
its a really mellow show, so its easy to fall asleep to if its late at night and you arent really committed to watching

The Flood / Re: Django Unchained Or Reservoir Dawgs?
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:45:39 PM »
jackie brown

The Flood / Re: Spaced af... AMA
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:16:32 PM »
indica or sativa

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:16:08 PM »
i hope they learned from DKS2 and BB. i liked BB's proactive combat system and i hope they can integrate that well with the reactive system that DKS1 did so well. i also hope they dont add static difficulty filters like in DKS2, but instead allow the fights to be more dynamic to go well with revamped combat.

Bebop is the best animated series of all time

Gaming / Re: Gaylo 5 is Rated T
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:21:02 PM »
i just don't like the idea of little kids playing games where you kill, and deal with very complex adult themes, like war
hence the "T" rating and not "E"

The Flood / Re: ideals are peaceful history is violent
« on: August 04, 2015, 01:08:58 PM »
yeah it is lol

at least i have a solution
come up with a better one, bubba
jesus saves

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:47:06 PM »
This thread is a fuckin embarrassment.

You guys seem like butthurt little kids who have been spawnkilled one too many times.


Not Playing video games competitively
The fuck is the point

has it occurred to you that being challenged and trying to get better and better at games is fun?

everyone plays video games for fun. we just all have different ideas about what's fun. "i dont play competitively because i play for fun" is a poorly thought out excuse.


Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:46:34 PM »
This thread is a fuckin embarrassment.

You guys seem like butthurt little kids who have been spawnkilled one too many times.


Not Playing video games competitively
The fuck is the point

has it occurred to you that being challenged and trying to get better and better at games is fun?

everyone plays video games for fun. we just all have different ideas about what's fun. "i dont play competitively because i play for fun" is a poorly thought out excuse.

True but similarly, insinuating that the only way to have fun in through competitive play is blatantly wrong.

we just all have different ideas about what's fun.

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:42:48 PM »
This thread is a fuckin embarrassment.

You guys seem like butthurt little kids who have been spawnkilled one too many times.


Not Playing video games competitively
The fuck is the point

has it occurred to you that being challenged and trying to get better and better at games is fun?

everyone plays video games for fun. we just all have different ideas about what's fun. "i dont play competitively because i play for fun" is a poorly thought out excuse.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 05:00:28 PM »
smoking ganja >>>>>>>> tobacco any day of the week
this so much

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 05:00:02 PM »
Why would anyone ever start smoking.
"herp a derp im cool now" isn't a reason.
it takes the edge off, and a lot of people just kinda enjoy the sensation of smoking. i know i do.

most people start smoking because theyre curious re: why so many people do it

I actually started smoking because my parents smoked while I was a kid and they stopped when I was about 15 and that's also when I started smoking. I was having nicotine withdraws because they would both chain smoke in our house.

Also, I had really shitty friends.
oh geez, im sorry to hear that. how did your walls hold up? i hear smoking a lot indoors is suuuper bad for the interior.

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:43:41 PM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight
>they'd try to murder someone who for all intents and purposes is pretty much a god/Aegon 2.0

yeah ok
anyone can be killed with blood magic. and that magic is stronger than ever.

a faceless man would make even quicker work of you.

your mistake was assuming that a powerful weapon gave you immunity and political/social power- it only draws attention to you. you would not live longer than a year, optimistically.
i think you're forgetting I have an Apache helicopter.
thats what im telling you. thats an extraordinarily underwhelming "advantage" in planetos.

you would not stay alive. you would be the biggest target on the continent.
Are you seriously trying to imply medieval technology could take down 5000kg of pure aerial firepower moving at 300mph?

I may as well be R'hllor himself for all they know.
you dont know very much about ASOIAF, do you

first of all, you still dont have a plan for keeping yourself in the air.

second, you cant stay in that helicopter 24 hours a day. youre vulnerable any time you set foot on the ground. a shadow assassin could kill you even in the helicopter, no problem.

wildfire would turn your apache into an oven and youd be cooked alive.

a faceless man could pose as your pilot and kill you no problem. you cannot trust anyone when you have a target that big on your back.

everywhere you go, youd be looking over your shoulder, wondering whats coming for you, and when. you made a huge mistake by drawing attention to yourself. rookie mistake tbh.
>this faggot still doesn't realise I have an Apache helicopter
god, you just ruin every thread you waddle into, dont you
but it's his thread
doesnt mean he cant ruin it

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:16:33 PM »

i smoke, have done for like nearly 4 years now. no point in quitting

Because those Cancer sticks are going to kill you
but im going to die anyway??

Lol that's what I said for almost 9 years and then I saw how terrible of death it is.
as much as i fucking hate those goddamn truth commercials, theyre all right. it is an awful way to die, because it usually just fucks your body over a prolonged period of time eventually culminating in something absolutely terrible.

but seriously, fuck the truth campaign.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:14:51 PM »
Why would anyone ever start smoking.
"herp a derp im cool now" isn't a reason.
it takes the edge off, and a lot of people just kinda enjoy the sensation of smoking. i know i do.

most people start smoking because theyre curious re: why so many people do it

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:21:56 PM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight
>they'd try to murder someone who for all intents and purposes is pretty much a god/Aegon 2.0

yeah ok
anyone can be killed with blood magic. and that magic is stronger than ever.

a faceless man would make even quicker work of you.

your mistake was assuming that a powerful weapon gave you immunity and political/social power- it only draws attention to you. you would not live longer than a year, optimistically.
i think you're forgetting I have an Apache helicopter.
thats what im telling you. thats an extraordinarily underwhelming "advantage" in planetos.

you would not stay alive. you would be the biggest target on the continent.
Are you seriously trying to imply medieval technology could take down 5000kg of pure aerial firepower moving at 300mph?

I may as well be R'hllor himself for all they know.
you dont know very much about ASOIAF, do you

first of all, you still dont have a plan for keeping yourself in the air.

second, you cant stay in that helicopter 24 hours a day. youre vulnerable any time you set foot on the ground. a shadow assassin could kill you even in the helicopter, no problem.

wildfire would turn your apache into an oven and youd be cooked alive.

a faceless man could pose as your pilot and kill you no problem. you cannot trust anyone when you have a target that big on your back.

everywhere you go, youd be looking over your shoulder, wondering whats coming for you, and when. you made a huge mistake by drawing attention to yourself. rookie mistake tbh.
>this faggot still doesn't realise I have an Apache helicopter
god, you just ruin every thread you waddle into, dont you

The Flood / Re: Who is/was the most famous troll here?
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:21:05 PM »
dustin isnt a famous troll. PSU is much more prolific

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:17:57 PM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight
>they'd try to murder someone who for all intents and purposes is pretty much a god/Aegon 2.0

yeah ok
anyone can be killed with blood magic. and that magic is stronger than ever.

a faceless man would make even quicker work of you.

your mistake was assuming that a powerful weapon gave you immunity and political/social power- it only draws attention to you. you would not live longer than a year, optimistically.
i think you're forgetting I have an Apache helicopter.
thats what im telling you. thats an extraordinarily underwhelming "advantage" in planetos.

you would not stay alive. you would be the biggest target on the continent.
Are you seriously trying to imply medieval technology could take down 5000kg of pure aerial firepower moving at 300mph?

I may as well be R'hllor himself for all they know.
you dont know very much about ASOIAF, do you

first of all, you still dont have a plan for keeping yourself in the air.

second, you cant stay in that helicopter 24 hours a day. youre vulnerable any time you set foot on the ground. a shadow assassin could kill you even in the helicopter, no problem.

wildfire would turn your apache into an oven and youd be cooked alive.

a faceless man could pose as your pilot and kill you no problem. you cannot trust anyone when you have a target that big on your back.

everywhere you go, youd be looking over your shoulder, wondering whats coming for you, and when. you made a huge mistake by drawing attention to yourself. rookie mistake tbh.

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:07:29 PM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight
>they'd try to murder someone who for all intents and purposes is pretty much a god/Aegon 2.0

yeah ok
anyone can be killed with blood magic. and that magic is stronger than ever.

a faceless man would make even quicker work of you.

your mistake was assuming that a powerful weapon gave you immunity and political/social power- it only draws attention to you. you would not live longer than a year, optimistically.
i think you're forgetting I have an Apache helicopter.
thats an extraordinarily underwhelming "advantage" in planetos.

oh and pray tell, where are you gonna get the fuel to keep yourself in the air?

you would not stay alive. you would be the biggest target on the continent.

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:03:10 PM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight
>they'd try to murder someone who for all intents and purposes is pretty much a god/Aegon 2.0

yeah ok
anyone can be killed with blood magic. and that magic is stronger than ever.

a faceless man would make even quicker work of you.

when you try to assault a city like kings landing youd be met with a bunch of trebuchets/archers using wildfire- your apache wouldnt stand a chance and youd be cooked alive before your body hits the ground.

your mistake was assuming that a powerful weapon gave you immunity and political/social power- it only draws attention to you. you would not live longer than a year, optimistically.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:50:37 AM »
i smoked for a few months, never got addicted and quit easily. most of my friends are pack a day smokers- the amount of money they shell out for cigarettes monthly is more than most people pay for their internet every month

The Flood / Re: You have just been teleported to Westeros
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:38:14 AM »
Are you faggots even trying?

I'd bring an Apache Helicopter pilot, an Apache Helicopter, and my proclamation as the one true king.
youd be murdered within a fortnight

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