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Messages - Azumarill

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Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:42:19 PM »
a lot of roman roads still work today! good luck getting our piece of shit asphalt roads to do the same a thousand years from now.
No shit, really? That's just incredible.
i can look through JSTOR for more accurate/reliable info but yeah to my knowledge there are a fair amount of roman roads still in operable condition. i mean you wouldnt really want to drive on them but they would work

heres a road in pompeii-

Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:33:52 PM »
all I know about the dark ages is that the europoors stole a bunch of books from the muslims and then they left the dark ages
heres all you need to know about the "dark ages"- its a fucking myth
but my collapse of Rome, Barbarians, and religious repression.
The name and effect is overrated I think because it implies the whole world was dark But the fact that all of Western Europe wasn't in a shit hole? That's just not true. A lot of engineering feats, technology, basic hygiene, common sense, etc.

All of that was lost and honestly the engineering feats are only recently being broken (i'm talking decades/centuries, not like 10 years ago).

Fun fact: Rome at its height had more intricate and working road systems than the modern day US Highway system.
a lot of roman roads still work today! good luck getting our piece of shit asphalt roads to do the same a thousand years from now.

The Flood / Re: Explain your avatar
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:23:32 PM »
Sometimes I feel like I'm mainlining the secret truth of the universe.
Marty-  Do you wonder ever if you're a bad man?
Ruste- No. I don't wonder, Marty. World needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door.

The Flood / Re: Explain your avatar
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:21:41 PM »
which one?


Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:19:38 PM »
all I know about the dark ages is that the europoors stole a bunch of books from the muslims and then they left the dark ages
heres all you need to know about the "dark ages"- its a fucking myth

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:17:46 PM »
Just raged quit FF 14 with friends because of a dungeon we couldn't do. 2 bards is a bad idea since the DPS is shit.
they dont have a vote kick feature? In WoW dungeons/raids you can vote to boot people for trolling/being terrible/etc and re-queue for another player to join the instance.

unless you mean its your group's fault you sucked. in which case im not sure RQing was the right idea there

The Flood / Re: Normalizing mass shootings is [I]hilarious [/I]
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:08:28 PM »
it really isnt funny.
Yeah it is
if youre an edgy 14 year old maybe.. wait. shit. this is sep7agon..

carry on.
"I only enjoy mature humor for mature adults such as myself."

look at meeEEEE im very clever and original SHOOT ALL THE WHORES LOL

you could at least make this fun

The Flood / Re: Normalizing mass shootings is [I]hilarious [/I]
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:03:41 PM »
it really isnt funny.
Yeah it is
if youre an edgy 14 year old maybe.. wait. shit. this is sep7agon..

carry on.
"I only enjoy mature humor for mature adults such as myself."

look at meeEEEE im very clever and original SHOOT ALL THE WHORES LOL

The Flood / Re: Normalizing mass shootings is [I]hilarious [/I]
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:57:36 PM »
it really isnt funny.
Yeah it is
if youre an edgy 14 year old maybe.. wait. shit. this is sep7agon..

carry on.

The Flood / Re: Normalizing mass shootings is [I]hilarious [/I]
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:54:51 PM »
it really isnt funny.

« on: October 07, 2015, 06:15:00 PM »

here, friends. we're all gonna need it after OP.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:11:16 PM »
extinction, obviously.

i mean unless we can eschew our transient forms somehow. but good fucking luck.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:03:42 PM »
Apparently, Carson didn't hear of the guy who rushed the shooter and was shot nine times.

This man wants to be President.
didnt that guy survive?

id say worth. hes gonna get so much fucking pussy for such a stupid, heroic action

The Flood / Re: If we made contact with aliens
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:02:15 PM »
Our genitalia would not be compatible with aliens you stupid idiots.

Depends on the biology. If they've got similar genetic structures then yeah, they would be.
how in the hell would they have similar genetic structure?
well if they develop from a primate-like species on a planet mostly similar to earth it makes sense that they might share some genetic patterns

The Flood / Re: If we made contact with aliens
« on: October 07, 2015, 05:59:06 PM »
do you have any idea how fucking stupid it would be to bang an alien with foreign microbes everywhere in and on their body?

you know what. go ahead. go on you horny morons. be my guest.

Serious / Re: The God-Emperor of Florida
« on: October 07, 2015, 05:54:33 PM »
(Augustus being the title given unto Caesar, basically meaning "Emperor", and Sol Invictus which is a metaphor for "God")

You've got that backwards.
Augustus is more like "venerable." Doesn't really approach anything close to God (after a while it would come to be more closely associated with the Roman deities of the empire, but this definitely wasn't true during Octavian's life). Door was actually pretty close re: Sol Invictus; SI was a sun god and eventually the subject of a formal cult.

Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 05:13:18 PM »
my favorite thing about history threads in serious is the hilarious lack of sources

Serious / Re: NASA set to announce another discovery. This time, Pluto
« on: October 07, 2015, 05:05:17 PM »
Nobody cares about nOT A pLANET Pluto.
Sailor Pluto was pretty GOAT tbh


Gaming / Re: Will Star Wars Battlefront live up to the Battlefront name?
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:40:16 PM »
i dont really care. the original games were fun and pretty good and i think the nostalgia goggles make them seem better than they really were

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:20:23 PM »
Dead Money fucking sucked
i smell a normie
2 times i played it, both times a buggy mess.
weird. the only bug problems i ever had were in the vanilla game. you know aside from the odd crash here and there.

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:48:31 PM »
Dead Money fucking sucked
i smell a normie

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:45:05 PM »
I started doing a fisti-cuffs run on Fallout New Vegas hardcore mode. Dumping all my points into survival and bare handed is fun. It's actually really fun to play the game without using any kind of guns whatsoever.

I never actually completed New Vegas once at all, and I never even touched any of the DLC yet, but I'm thinking this might be the profile to do it.
you will NOT have fun as a melee in dead money on very hard hardcore

also lonesome road to a lesser degree

I've heard the tall tales and stories of yore.

NOBODY has fun in dead money apparently.
dead money is objectively awesome because it has a great story and it REALLY turns up the "YOURE FUCKED" dial to 11. it introduces some new gameplay mechanics and basically starves you for supplies if you don't catch on quick.

anyway, since this is your first time doing NV all the way through, here's my recommended order of play for the expansions- Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, Lonesome Road

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:36:51 PM »
I started doing a fisti-cuffs run on Fallout New Vegas hardcore mode. Dumping all my points into survival and bare handed is fun. It's actually really fun to play the game without using any kind of guns whatsoever.

I never actually completed New Vegas once at all, and I never even touched any of the DLC yet, but I'm thinking this might be the profile to do it.
you will NOT have fun as a melee in dead money on very hard hardcore

also lonesome road to a lesser degree

« on: October 07, 2015, 03:25:25 PM »
the beta uprising has begun

If you've ever met someone that went into the military being a complete jackass (I've met a few personally) it really changes them for the better.
Not to disregard your other points, but I can disagree with this. A lot of Marines I've seen have turned out arrogant as fuck because "Lol I'm a Marine now". It's fucking annoying, the brainwashed idiots.
That's because the Marines are literally meat shields and are basically taught exactly that. You ever seen Full Metal Jacket? Its very accurate
Haaaa no dude. That was Hollywood to the fucking extreme. Don't ever take that movie as a real representation of how basic training is. Maybe back then in Vietnam times it had some relevancy, but not anymore.
I had a friend of mine recently come back from the Marines. He said its still like that. A lot of "You're a pice of shit" put you down mind games which ends up giving them that "Lol I'm a marine" attitude.
The yelling is the part they nailed perfectly, yeah. Basically the mindset is, if you can't handle someone yelling in your ear, how the hell are you going to deal with gunfire going off around you?

But the hitting, abuse, all of that? No, if Drill Instructors so much as lay a finger on you, they'll get in so much trouble you wouldn't even know it. I know back then there were reports of abuses, but today is a no no.
The other part of it is that the military needs an army, not a bunch of individuals. They use drill sergeants to weaken the individual so that, later, they can build that person back up as a gear in a machine.

Gaming / Re: Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:14:00 PM »
I'm down for a radical change in gameplay, but at this point why even call it Far Cry? Seems like they're just coasting on franchise recognition.
because they still use a modified CryEngine i guess

In the right context, it can be an effective measure with which to improve public health and ensure the potential success of public defense. Just look at Switzerland. Fairly small, formally neutral (important! when you dont actively participate in armed conflict the citizenry will naturally be more willing to be conscripted), essentially a direct democracy in which the Swiss can create the right conditions for something like this to 1) work and 2) be accepted by the populace at large.


im having the weirdest deja mustard right now
didnt see the original post. i kinda jumped to the very end of this 49 page thread and didnt read any of it.
49 page? Its 59 for me.
are you on mobile
I'm on a pc master rice laptop.

welp idk what to tell you babe.


im having the weirdest deja mustard right now
didnt see the original post. i kinda jumped to the very end of this 49 page thread and didnt read any of it.
49 page? Its 59 for me.
are you on mobile

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