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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:07:01 PM »
you seem really flustered about this and all i can really say is that if you truly care as little as you seem to want me to think you do, why are you even bothering to post about it
I'm flustered because you'd imply that I didn't read the OP. I read it, and what I got was that everyone is making a mountain of a molehill here. Circlejerks are for teenage boys experimenting with their sexuality, not discussion.

And if you've gathered that impression of me from this thread, then you're sadly wrong; I'm just reserving my judgement for when we actually know something instead of being a reactionary half-wit.
when you sarcastically ask me what the article said, of course im going to sarcastically reply. no need to be an asshole about it. play along like youre a reasonable person instead of jumping to personal attacks.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:00:26 PM »
I really hope no one in this thread is saying: "They always do it, so it's ok"
More like "Why is this a surprise, they always do this."
which is an equally shitty, useless thing to say
And it's useful to state that there's a season pass when any person who's heard the name "EA" knew there would be one?
its useful to talk about the content in that pass compared to its price, giving us a metric for comparison with other passes from EA and other companies. in turn, that can stimulate discussion about patterns in corporate exploitation and what we, as consumers, can do to stop this stuff from happening.
Alright. Do we know what's in the season pass besides the Hero game mode?
"4 expansion packs, early access to the expansions by 2 weeks, an exclusive "Shoot First" emote and the promise of more details in the coming weeks."

this is the very first thing in the OP article
Thanks Azu, I'm illiterate.

So it doesn't say what's in the expansions? How much will they be sold for individually? How many maps? Will they include new game modes as well? What about heroes? Will new game modes be limited to the maps in that pack, or will they be applicable to past and future maps?

We don't know shit, Azu. There's nothing to discuss until there's something to discuss. I'm sorry that I don't want to circlejerk with you.
you seem really flustered about this and all i can really say is that if you truly care as little as you seem to want me to think you do, why are you even bothering to post about it

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:55:04 PM »
I really hope no one in this thread is saying: "They always do it, so it's ok"
More like "Why is this a surprise, they always do this."
which is an equally shitty, useless thing to say
And it's useful to state that there's a season pass when any person who's heard the name "EA" knew there would be one?
its useful to talk about the content in that pass compared to its price, giving us a metric for comparison with other passes from EA and other companies. in turn, that can stimulate discussion about patterns in corporate exploitation and what we, as consumers, can do to stop this stuff from happening.
Alright. Do we know what's in the season pass besides the Hero game mode?
"4 expansion packs, early access to the expansions by 2 weeks, an exclusive "Shoot First" emote and the promise of more details in the coming weeks."

this is the very first thing in the OP article

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:50:53 PM »
I really hope no one in this thread is saying: "They always do it, so it's ok"
More like "Why is this a surprise, they always do this."
which is an equally shitty, useless thing to say
And it's useful to state that there's a season pass when any person who's heard the name "EA" knew there would be one?
its useful to talk about the content in that pass compared to its price, giving us a metric for comparison with other passes from EA and other companies. in turn, that can stimulate discussion about patterns in corporate exploitation and what we, as consumers, can do to stop this stuff from happening.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:46:28 PM »
I really hope no one in this thread is saying: "They always do it, so it's ok"
More like "Why is this a surprise, they always do this."
which is an equally shitty, useless thing to say

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:46:11 PM »
the mileage in that regard varies wildly from user to user. so the fractional content argument is nonsensical and frankly irrelevant. (what % of the playerbase spends a notable chunk of time in forge anyway? id bet its not a big number.)

Again, that doesn't really matter, though. I was simply making a point -- the game is incomplete.

for what its worth, im not supporting anything. i was gonna wait until the forge update to see whether or not it was worth anyway.

Thank you.

but speaking in hyperbole isnt a good way to form a potent argument, and it can serve to mislead others who arent quite mindful enough to research for themselves just what kind of content was cut/what they can expect on release.

What do you mean?
your original comment, the 2/3 thing. what if someone read that and thought you were actually talking about reality, and then didnt bother to find out just what got cut? you need to speak in whole truths, not half truths.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:40:37 PM »
thats not 1/3 of the game content though. its a map editor. the series' most comprehensive map editor, yes, but a map editor nonetheless. saying 1/3 of the game was cut because forge will release in a free patch around xmas is a misrepresentation of reality

It is 1/3 of the game. Or, 4/5, as lemon said.

The point is, it's not the full game. Supporting this shit is bad.
the mileage in that regard varies wildly from user to user. so the fractional content argument is nonsensical and frankly irrelevant. (what % of the playerbase spends a notable chunk of time in forge anyway? id bet its not a big number.)

for what its worth, im not supporting anything. i was gonna wait until the forge update to see whether or not it was worth anyway. but speaking in hyperbole isnt a good way to form a potent argument, and it can serve to mislead others who arent quite mindful enough to research for themselves just what kind of content was cut/what they can expect on release.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:35:16 PM »
how do you figure its 2/3?

Forge isn't included on release.
thats not 1/3 of the game content though. its a map editor. the series' most comprehensive map editor, yes, but a map editor nonetheless. saying 1/3 of the game was cut because forge will release in a free patch around xmas is a misrepresentation of reality

The Flood / Re: What's a good way to get rid of stress
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:27:59 PM »

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:26:56 PM »
Halo 5 has free dlc and 1 gamemode only microtransactions bitches
Charging $60 for 2/3 of a game.
how do you figure its 2/3?

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:13:11 PM »
Oh no

Who could have foreseen this?
Now, now my child

The children are but looking for ways to nitpick at people who enjoyed the beta oh so much.
by all means, let EA pound your ass with overpriced day1 DLC
It's EA, why wouldn't there be an expensive season pass?
well, there would be. until people stop buying it. ???

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:10:58 PM »
So what's different between this and Battlefield Premium subscription?

Cause BF4 Premium is pretty good value.

I should know, I bought it twice.
Solid business model, but I do understand why this pisses many people off.
see i can understand companies wanting to make more money where they can. its just, it seems to callous and matter-of-fact, the way they do these things. they dont ask the community what kinds of things we'd like to see in extra content, or how much we'd be willing to pay for a certain amount/type of content, etc. they just decide to reserve certain game modes or items for DLC instead of the base game, cut that content from vanilla and sell it separate, and pretend like everything is hunky-dory.

there needs to be an effective dialogue between developers/publishers and the consumers where these things are concerned. but so many people buy this shit without question anyway that the devs and publishers have no real reason to change things.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:05:58 PM »
Oh no

Who could have foreseen this?
Now, now my child

The children are but looking for ways to nitpick at people who enjoyed the beta oh so much.
by all means, let EA pound your ass with overpriced day1 DLC

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:05:17 PM »
Dlc for a game mode holy shit
> costs as much as an actual game
> announced before release (which means content is already finished or close enough as makes no matter re: being ready for live play)

corporate shill pls gtfo

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:03:38 PM »
I asked nicely, I gave a subtle reminder and now I'll be clearer - stop the squabbling and either discuss the actual topic at hand or go back to the flood.
i got what i wanted, me and bibble out this bitch now

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:00:22 PM »
already forget about the posts psy had to remove eh? :) if me saying dumbass is "sperging out" id hate to see what your little tantrum would be called x))
Rational anger over being taunted by a snarky little kid on the Internet who thinks he's cute.
so you admit to having become angry over my taunting you

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:57:50 PM »
looks like you got magically more sure as the thread went on! weird!
Yes. I'm taking advantage of the fact that it pisses you off when I say that. And?
wait you think im the mad one??? o lordy LOOOOOOOOOOOL

thanks for the fun verby. try not to let the fake aliens spook u in ur dreams byeeeeee
I'm not the one who literally sperged out over someone saying, "Yeah, I don't believe in aliens, 'cause there's no evidence."
already forget about the posts psy had to remove eh? :) if me saying dumbass is "sperging out" id hate to see what your little tantrum would be called x))

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:50:55 PM »
looks like you got magically more sure as the thread went on! weird!
Yes. I'm taking advantage of the fact that it pisses you off when I say that. And?
wait you think im the mad one??? o lordy LOOOOOOOOOOOL

thanks for the fun verby. try not to let the fake aliens spook u in ur dreams byeeeeee

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:47:55 PM »
I said you look like a massive dumbass because your rationale is flimsy despite you being so self-sure about the whole thing.

Let's take a look at my first post again to see just how SURE I was:
Nonexistent, as far as I'd logically be able to guess.
"As far as I'd logically be able to guess."



looks like you got magically more sure as the thread went on! weird!

There are no aliens. Cry about it.

Aliens don't exist.

The only thing that's going to make me believe in aliens is aliens. "Muh similar planets" isn't good enough.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:41:54 PM »
yes, im the triggered one

clearly your bold use of oversimplification, misrepresentation, and vulgar remarks is an indicator of your level headedness :)
>implying you didn't call me a "massive dumbass" first over disagreeing with you

Sorry--having spoken to an alien in one of your drug-induced trips doesn't count as proof.

Aliens don't exist.
I said you look like a massive dumbass because your rationale is flimsy despite you being so self-sure about the whole thing. Not because we disagree, good chum :)

And for your information, I don't "trip" on anything, thank you very much.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:36:01 PM »
There are no aliens. Cry about it.
This is equally as stupid as claiming there are.
Duh. Clearly, it triggers him when I say it, so every single time I reply to Azu's post, I'm going to post that aliens don't exist. From here on out. Because it makes him cry.
yes, im the triggered one

clearly your bold use of oversimplification, misrepresentation, and vulgar remarks is an indicator of your level headedness :)

Gaming / Re: If you like fallout 3 or Skyrim you have shit taste in games
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:30:28 PM »
Idk why he said skills, but the degradation part is right.
degradation is stupid anyways npnp.
I like it. It fits into the world where scavenging for supplies just fits.
i think its just a needless chore and a bit of a bore is all. removing it doesnt really make anything less complex or dynamic, by my estimation. definitely on the lowest tier of "things i should be concerned about" re: f4 anyway

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:28:33 PM »
And that's ALL you have to go by.
So what you're telling me is that we don't have observable precedence for the existence of complex terrestrial life

Gaming / Re: If you like fallout 3 or Skyrim you have shit taste in games
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:25:12 PM »
Idk why he said skills, but the degradation part is right.
degradation is stupid anyways npnp.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:17:44 PM »
Happy COLUMBUS day.

Fuck indigenous people. If they're so smart, how come they're all dead.
and an unwillingness for inter-cooperation until it was too late.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:15:30 PM »
And here you deflect the topic of conversation to something else in order to compensate for having said another stupid thing.
...Uh. No. I didn't.

We're talking about the Fermi paradox, because I claim that there is no solution to it--therefore, I don't believe in fucking aliens. Because I'm a rational person who doesn't just believe in things with no evidence. Like you.

You post a dumbfuck article that's supposed to "shed some light" on the subject, when it literally says that it doesn't have an answer. I'm not looking for "possible explanations", cunt. That doesn't interest me one iota. I want a solution.

Saying that your article sucks, because it does, isn't "deflecting the topic of conversation".

Stay in school.
youre starting to seem more and more desperate as this goes on verby

quit while youre still only a few parsecs behind

The Flood / Re: Is Japan the weirdest country?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:12:07 PM »
South Korea is honestly weirder.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:11:06 PM »
I'm not saying anything. I'm just here to provide information
Information that supports my argument more than it does yours, yes.
And here you deflect the topic of conversation to something else in order to compensate for having said another stupid thing.

Stay in school, Verby.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:08:51 PM »

It doesn't seem like that's actually based in logic. Rather, it seems like you pass off probability as a non-factor (trivializing universal diversity by saying "muh expanding universe" makes you look like a pretty massive dumbass). Anyway here's something on the fermi paradox that might shed some light on it for you.
Seen it already. Not convinced, sorry.

Probability isn't a factor at all. You're literally saying, "but there's GOTTA be!"

Which makes YOU look like a pretty massive dumbass.
I'm not saying anything. I'm just here to provide information and call you out for poor rationale. You have no idea whether or not I believe aliens do exist (or my belief re: the probability of such a thing) because I haven't deigned to say such a thing. Don't put words in my mouth (text box?) kiddo.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:04:39 PM »
Nonexistent, as far as I'd logically be able to guess.
how do you figure?
I haven't seen an alien, and there's no real evidence that they exist, so it would be silly to assume that they do just because "muh expanding univese". In the same way that it would be silly to assume that there's a god or something.

There's philosophical quandaries such as the Fermi paradox, as well, that I've yet to see an adequate solution for.

It doesn't seem like that's actually based in logic. Rather, it seems like you pass off probability as a non-factor (trivializing universal diversity by saying "muh expanding universe" makes you look like a pretty massive dumbass). Anyway here's something on the fermi paradox that might shed some light on it for you.

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