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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: TotalBiscuit is diagnosed with incurable cancer
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:21:09 PM »
Fuck. I've only heard good things about this guy, too. Why he gets incurable cancer and sick fucks that kill children on a regular basis remain alive boggles my mind.

i guess you could call it "karma"

The Flood / Re: Has rule 34 ever made you wanna watch the show it's from?
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:58:04 PM »
every once in a while. i just read the manga murcielago because the first chapter had some yuri hentai and it piqued my interest

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:45:38 PM »
Cowboy Bepop
theres no way op hasnt seen cowboy bebop

if they havent, it should be #1 priority..

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:43:57 PM »
ping pong the animation


The Flood / Re: I could care less
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:34:57 PM »

it's "couldn't care less"

jesus fuck

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:58:46 AM »
We can't elect a liberal left wing president

It's never happened before

FDR didn't exist

We were also in the throughs of the worst global economic crisis.

Conditions now are not nearly as bad as then.
FDR didn't cause the Great Depression

It was already going on before he took office. After FDR was elected our economy went up.
im pretty sure he meant that our poor economic conditions were the reason we were willing to elect someone like FDR, not that FDR caused them.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:52:58 AM »
We can't elect a liberal left wing president

It's never happened before

FDR didn't exist

We were also in the throughs of the worst global economic crisis.

Conditions now are not nearly as bad as then.

Gaming / Re: Games you should have beat by now, but haven't
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:14:59 AM »
dungeon crawl. ive had a few characters who could easily beat the game but i always mess up at some point.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:13:47 AM »
I propose that we give more importance to Leif Erikson day since he's the OG.
for (hopefully) the last time ITT- erik the red did it first

The Flood / Re: Planning Methods (Writing)
« on: October 13, 2015, 02:10:26 PM »
i tend to write academic pieces so i usually gather and analyze my sources, compile useable information, and by that point ive got a pretty clear idea of how to actually write the piece.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:22:12 PM »
YOU are the one who claimed that they refused to cooperate.
Intercooperation, Azu, as in banding together; there wasn't enough unity among the various Indian tribes to effectively resist the European settlers from expanding. I'm not saying that they didn't try to intermingle with settlers. Hell, natives in French territory (sans the Iroquois, but that's because the French tried to help the Algonquins) loved the settlers and were pissed when they got booted out post-F&I War.

Look at the Pueblo Revolt then. It is commonly thought that Popé convinced local bands of Navajo and Apache to aid his group of Pueblo when they expelled the Spanish in 1680. Popé's Pueblo held its independence for about 12 years but they were experiencing a nasty drought, and Apaches/Navajos began raiding out of desperation, and the increasingly suffering Pueblo people resisted Popé's call to further expel the Spanish from other Pueblo lands. The independent Pueblo fell back under Spanish rule because of this.

There's also

and (eventually these illinois people were pushed out of their lands by iroquois and disease)
You aren't saying anything about this that I don't know or disagree with.

Let me rephrase the contents of that first thing you had quoted, because I think you're misunderstanding the point I was making: if there was a greater unity between native American tribes before the mid-17th century, there would have been a great chance that the European settlers would have been repelled. But there weren't any effective resistances before then (The Pueblo repelled the Spanish, but they ended up returning later just like you said), so that didn't happen.
That's a much better way of phrasing it than the OP I quoted. Thank you for making your opinion more clear.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:08:16 PM »
YOU are the one who claimed that they refused to cooperate.
Intercooperation, Azu, as in banding together; there wasn't enough unity among the various Indian tribes to effectively resist the European settlers from expanding. I'm not saying that they didn't try to intermingle with settlers. Hell, natives in French territory (sans the Iroquois, but that's because the French tried to help the Algonquins) loved the settlers and were pissed when they got booted out post-F&I War.

Look at the Pueblo Revolt then. It is commonly thought that Popé convinced local bands of Navajo and Apache to aid his group of Pueblo when they expelled the Spanish in 1680. Popé's Pueblo held its independence for about 12 years but they were experiencing a nasty drought, and Apaches/Navajos began raiding out of desperation (they aided in the revolt but did not live in the Pueblo), and the increasingly suffering Pueblo people resisted Popé's call to further expel the Spanish from other Pueblo lands. The independent Pueblo fell back under Spanish rule because of this.

There's also

and (eventually these illinois people were pushed out of their lands by iroquois and disease)

The Flood / Re: Most heartbreaking scene or story in Pokemon for you?
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:59:26 PM »
when i found out silver is giovanni's kid

The Flood / Re: Out of all the books and stories you've read
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:56:57 PM »
Beside the sea she lives,
the woman of the vine, the maker of wine;
Siduri sits in the garden at the edge of the sea,
with the golden bowl and the golden vats that the gods gave her.
She is covered with a veil;
And where she sits she sees Gilgamesh coming towards her,
wearing skins,
the flesh of the gods in his body,
but despair in his heart,
and his face like the face of one who has made a long journey.
She looked,
and as she scanned the distance she said in her own heart,
'Surely this is some felon;
where is he going now?'
And she barred her gate against him with the cross-bar
and shot home the bolt.

But Gilgamesh, hearing the sound of the bolt,
threw up his head and lodged his foot in the gate;
he called to her,
'Young woman, maker of wine,
why do you bolt your door;
what did you see that made you bar your gate?
I will break in your door
and burst into your gate,
for I am Gilgamesh
who seized and killed the Bull of Heaven,
I killed the watchman of the cedar forest,
I overthrew Humbaba who lived in the forest,
and I killed the lions in the passes of the mountain.'

Then Siduri said to him,
'If you are that Gilgamesh
who seized and killed the Bull of Heaven,
who killed the watchman of the cedar forest,
who overthrew Humbaba who lived in the forest,
and killed the lions in the passes of the mountain,
why are your cheeks so starved
and why is your face so drawn?
Why is despair in your heart
and your face like the face of one who has made a long journey?
Yes, why is your face burned from heat and cold,
and why do you come here wandering over the pastures
in search of the wind?'

Gilgamesh answered her,
'And why should not my cheeks be starved
and my face drawn?
Despair is in my heart
and my face is the face of one who has made a long journey,
it was burned with heat and with cold.
Why should I not wander over the pastures
in search of the wind?
My friend,
My younger brother,
he who hunted the wild ass of the wilderness and the panther of the plains,
my friend,
my younger brother
who seized and killed the Bull of Heaven
and overthrew Humbaba in the cedar forest,
my friend
who was very dear to me
and who endured dangers beside me,
Enkidu my brother
whom I loved,
the end of mortality has overtaken him.
I wept for him seven days and nights
till the worm fastened on him.
Because of my brother I am afraid of death,
because of my brother I stray through the wilderness
and cannot rest.
But now
young woman, maker of wine,
since I have seen your face
do not let me see the face of death
which I dread so much.'

She answered,
'Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
You will never find the life for which you are looking.
When the gods created man
they alloted to him death,
but life they retained in their own keeping.
As for you, Gilgamesh,
fill your belly with good things;
day and night, night and day, dance and be merry,
feast and rejoice.
Let your clothes be fresh,
bathe yourself in water,
cherish the little child that holds your hand,
and make your wife happy in your embrace;
for this too is the lot of man.'

But Gilgamesh said to Siduri, the young woman,
'How can I be silent,
how can I rest,
when Enkidu whom I love is dust,
and I too shall die
and be laid in the earth for ever.'

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:52:25 PM »
The whole "noble savage" meme needs to die off.
dont be so condescending. no one was invoking noble savage. of course the realities were more nuanced than pop. history makes people think they are. YOU are the one who claimed that they refused to cooperate. intellectually you must realize that is false. many natives attempted to live alongside the colonists and engage in peaceful commerce, just as many natives actively engaged in fighting the colonists. you cant color an entire people the same way; the natives exist as a diaspora.

just as one counterexample, the cherokee organized a government and attempted to protect themselves legally when their peaceful integration into white society was threatened. im sure you know what happened to them.

The Flood / Re: Members you hate
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:02:29 PM »
i really cant stand that cheat guy. he looks like the kind of guy who tries to stick dreidels up his partners' ass in the sack

The Flood / Re: Let Jester rate you
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:01:04 PM »

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:52:27 PM »
then you respond by not taking my post at face value.
youre gonna need to clarify this.
I explain that I'm genuinely trying to have a discussion with you, and that I don't understand why you think I'm being sarcastic

Then you respond by telling me I'm still being sarcastic and snarky. Again, sorry, but would that not make you a bit flustered to constantly have your responses being read out of context because of an imagined issue? I've never had problem with you, Azu, but I would be lying if I said that this back and forth hasn't put me off from talking to you for a bit. It's a bit frustrating.
ill own up to my fair share of improper conduct. i would just like for you to answer for this:

 "I'm flustered because you'd imply that I didn't read the OP. I read it, and what I got was that everyone is making a mountain of a molehill here. Circlejerks are for teenage boys experimenting with their sexuality, not discussion.

And if you've gathered that impression of me from this thread, then you're sadly wrong; I'm just reserving my judgement for when we actually know something instead of being a reactionary half-wit.

If you don't see where I might have been a bit offended there, idk what to tell you.
Okay, straight up, I was trying to make a funny with the first one, not be snarky. That was supposed to lighten the mood, not make it worse.  :-\

And the second part was referring more to the entire reactionary nature of this thread, but I can concede that it was snarky. In my defense, you had already accused me of not reading the OP (to my knowledge at the time, because again, wasn't trying to be snarky ) which made me a little mad. If I talk about something, I like to know what I'm talking about first; implying that I'm ignoring blatant information is something that I take a bit insultingly. I just yelled at Verb for it the other day when he brought up an old argument, if you'd like consistency to back that.
We can put it to rest at this juncture, then. That's all I wanted.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:44:17 PM »
yeah, of course its more complex than i may have made it seem. but just opening a dialogue with the consumers/gauging their approval (without just looking at dollar signs and units sold) is what im really aiming for. thats all i want, is transparency and accountability.
If I seem apathetic about season passes, that's only half-true. I realize that there are issues with the game industry and that this is going to take a lot of time, effort, and good-luck on the part of consumers to fight this. Nobody wins by suing McDonalds; complaining about EA won't do anything. They've won worst company of the year for the past three years or so, right?

You don't win by complaining about season passes, you win by 1) not buying them, and 2) supporting developers who interact with their consumers, provide content for a reasonable price, and release a complete and quality product. Create examples of developers doing the right thing, and how that works out well for the developer. That gives incentives for others to follow suit.
well yeah duh.

but the thing is, you can affect consumer interest by spreading the good word that company x is selling a piece of shit. am i, azumarill, a lone faggot, going to make everyone stop buying call of duty? nope. but a bunch of different people talking shit about something sure can make it get real unpopular real quick.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:42:42 PM »
then you respond by not taking my post at face value.
youre gonna need to clarify this.
I explain that I'm genuinely trying to have a discussion with you, and that I don't understand why you think I'm being sarcastic

Then you respond by telling me I'm still being sarcastic and snarky. Again, sorry, but would that not make you a bit flustered to constantly have your responses being read out of context because of an imagined issue? I've never had problem with you, Azu, but I would be lying if I said that this back and forth hasn't put me off from talking to you for a bit. It's a bit frustrating.
ill own up to my fair share of improper conduct. i would just like for you to answer for this:

 "I'm flustered because you'd imply that I didn't read the OP. I read it, and what I got was that everyone is making a mountain of a molehill here. Circlejerks are for teenage boys experimenting with their sexuality, not discussion.

And if you've gathered that impression of me from this thread, then you're sadly wrong; I'm just reserving my judgement for when we actually know something instead of being a reactionary half-wit.

If you don't see where I might have been a bit offended there, idk what to tell you.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:35:58 PM »
no, by all means, continue to be needlessly hostile. dont let me pointing it out change anything.
And I'm just pointing out that you're being a condescending prick, but that's also irrelevant to the discussion.

If you want to talk about the season pass, bring up something that can be discussed. I'll go first: does Hero Hunt sound interesting to you?
no, none of this sounds interesting to me. i dont play battlefront. i didnt think much of the first two games and nothing about this game makes me want to buy it. potentially buying the DLC is a non-issue for me and i have no opinion on the content's effect on the game itself.
I can't help but ask why you are posting then; you don't care about the game, or even the series. If you don't want to talk about the game, then why get mad at me for not talking about it?

like i said earlier, the DLC is just an aspect of a larger conversation. i posted my thoughts on that larger conversation in the first page of this thread.

see i can understand companies wanting to make more money where they can. its just, it seems to callous and matter-of-fact, the way they do these things. they dont ask the community what kinds of things we'd like to see in extra content, or how much we'd be willing to pay for a certain amount/type of content, etc. they just decide to reserve certain game modes or items for DLC instead of the base game, cut that content from vanilla and sell it separate, and pretend like everything is hunky-dory.

there needs to be an effective dialogue between developers/publishers and the consumers where these things are concerned. but so many people buy this shit without question anyway that the devs and publishers have no real reason to change things.
And I take no beef with that logic; I do have to point out though, that asking what extra content the consumer wants would backfire. You only have to look at Augment Your Pre-Order to see that, where people where getting pissed that they would be locked out of other content based on their choices (among other things). It's not as clear-cut as giving the consumer more choice, and I don't think people are opposed to more conversation between developers and customers-- it's just going to take a lot of time and cases to build up that argument to the point that it could be brought up and applied to a company like EA.
yeah, of course its more complex than i may have made it seem. but just opening a dialogue with the consumers/gauging their approval (without just looking at dollar signs and units sold) is what im really aiming for. thats all i want, is transparency and accountability.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:33:07 PM »
then you respond by not taking my post at face value.
youre gonna need to clarify this.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:30:11 PM »
why does everyone get their panties in such a fucking knot about this? If you don't like it don't fucking buy it and shut the fuck up.
because its not ok to exploit stupid people for monetary gain

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:23:41 PM »
no, by all means, continue to be needlessly hostile. dont let me pointing it out change anything.
And I'm just pointing out that you're being a condescending prick, but that's also irrelevant to the discussion.

If you want to talk about the season pass, bring up something that can be discussed. I'll go first: does Hero Hunt sound interesting to you?
no, none of this sounds interesting to me. i dont play battlefront. i didnt think much of the first two games and nothing about this game makes me want to buy it. potentially buying the DLC is a non-issue for me and i have no opinion on the content's effect on the game itself.
I can't help but ask why you are posting then; you don't care about the game, or even the series. If you don't want to talk about the game, then why get mad at me for not talking about it?

like i said earlier, the DLC is just an aspect of a larger conversation. i posted my thoughts on that larger conversation in the first page of this thread.

see i can understand companies wanting to make more money where they can. its just, it seems to callous and matter-of-fact, the way they do these things. they dont ask the community what kinds of things we'd like to see in extra content, or how much we'd be willing to pay for a certain amount/type of content, etc. they just decide to reserve certain game modes or items for DLC instead of the base game, cut that content from vanilla and sell it separate, and pretend like everything is hunky-dory.

there needs to be an effective dialogue between developers/publishers and the consumers where these things are concerned. but so many people buy this shit without question anyway that the devs and publishers have no real reason to change things.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:20:36 PM »
EDIT: And I don't understand why you think everything I'm saying is sarcastic or hostile. I'm sorry if I'm a little flustered, but you've been hostile since you started talking to me. I'm just trying to stop talking about muh feelings and go back to the topic. If you want to assume that I'm just trying to insult you, then feel free, but just know that I'm not.
i never said everything. you made one post that you say i misinterpreted as sarcasm and youve made a few blatantly snarky comments about my character/the character of people like me.

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:18:06 PM »
no, by all means, continue to be needlessly hostile. dont let me pointing it out change anything.
And I'm just pointing out that you're being a condescending prick, but that's also irrelevant to the discussion.

If you want to talk about the season pass, bring up something that can be discussed. I'll go first: does Hero Hunt sound interesting to you?
no, none of this sounds interesting to me. i dont play battlefront. i didnt think much of the first two games and nothing about this game makes me want to buy it. potentially buying the DLC is a non-issue for me and i have no opinion on the content's effect on the game itself.

Serious / Re: How rare do you think intelligent life is in space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:16:25 PM »
It's two huge logical jumps to assume that 1) aliens would be more advanced than us, and 2) that traveling long distances of space, such as with light speed or another means, is even possible. Among others.
I don't think so.

We've only been around for a couple hundred thousand years. Supposed aliens have had such an enormous headstart.
lil bit more than a few hundred thousand

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:12:37 PM »
you seem really flustered about this and all i can really say is that if you truly care as little as you seem to want me to think you do, why are you even bothering to post about it
I'm flustered because you'd imply that I didn't read the OP. I read it, and what I got was that everyone is making a mountain of a molehill here. Circlejerks are for teenage boys experimenting with their sexuality, not discussion.

And if you've gathered that impression of me from this thread, then you're sadly wrong; I'm just reserving my judgement for when we actually know something instead of being a reactionary half-wit.
when you sarcastically ask me what the article said, of course im going to sarcastically reply. no need to be an asshole about it. play along like youre a reasonable person instead of jumping to personal attacks.
I wasn't being sarcastic, Azu, I assumed that you wanting to discuss the contents of the season pass meant something I didn't.

I'm sorry that you assumed I was being sarcastic and not genuinely trying to talk to you. I'm only going to act hostile if you act condescending; that seems fair enough to me, no?
no, by all means, continue to be needlessly hostile. dont let me pointing it out change anything.

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