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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:29:35 PM »
i skimmed a lot but it seems like he didnt talk about multiplayer at all.

weird, to ignore the flagship game mode in a 40 minute review.

He talked about it for almost half of the review, especially the REQ system.
i didnt see or hear anything relating to the maps, weapon sandbox, or gametypes. i did hear him bitch about the REQ system for about 15 minutes. which could have been covered in like, 5 minutes.

Things he complained about just off the top of my head:
-poor map rotation and design
-lack of classic maps
-lack of BTB
-lack of splitscreen
-tedious progression system

He also said he enjoyed Warzone and had some other praises, too. I think he likes Breakout also.
still doesnt sound like anything remotely close to an in-depth review of the multiplayer.

Joe's reviews aren't meant to be thorough
i assumed otherwise due to the 40 minute length. and i still dont think the maybe 2 minutes he spent glossing over multiplayer really counts. oh well. this content is clearly not intended for people like me anyway. no skin off my back.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:34:13 PM »
The arena is a blast. Reminds me a lot of Halo 1.

Why BR starts aren't the the regular I'll never understand. For a game that wants to be competitive so bad it forces its players to spend the first 20 seconds of each life sprinting for that one BR.

"Why BR starts aren't the regular I'll never understand" Didn't every Halo "Except for 2" start a match with an assault rifle and pistol?
in CE yes thats true, but the CE pistol was the strongest default weapon the series has ever had. Halo 3 had both BR and AR starts but only retards wanted AR starts. there are some obvious exceptions; AR starts are usually desirable on maps like standoff and sandbox, but only because those maps are extremely easy to set up control on if the enemy doesnt spawn with BRs. Reach and H4 had loadout based systems which let the players choose which starting weapons they wanted.

"Have you ever played a halo game"

Like the time in Halo CE when John is in space and curtana says "its over" and John says "No, I think we are just getting started"

Or the time in Halo 2 when in the begging Thel is getting branded as a heretic for not protecting installation 04?  And when John is getting his new improved Mark VI?

Halo 3 when The Arbiter, John, and Sargent Johnson are on the Ark, and when Spark attacks Johnson, the arbiter, and chief for realizing that they are going to destroy his installation?

Halo 3 MP: "Halo 3 had both BR and AR starts but only retards wanted AR starts" Haven't played Halo 3 in a long time, so I might of forgotten. (yes I know the MCC covers it up, but that game is so broken that I can't even play it anymore or even get the menu to fucking load up and start, fucking 343)

Halo Reach: Forgot it had loadouts (As I said before haven't played Halo Reach in a long time)

Halo 4: I feel so stupid, *facepalm* how I didn't realize it had loadouts is beyond me.

So yes, to answer your question I had played every single Halo.
uh... ok

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:24:25 PM »
The arena is a blast. Reminds me a lot of Halo 1.

Why BR starts aren't the the regular I'll never understand. For a game that wants to be competitive so bad it forces its players to spend the first 20 seconds of each life sprinting for that one BR.
its because the current incarnation of the pistol is pretty good.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:23:42 PM »
The arena is a blast. Reminds me a lot of Halo 1.

Why BR starts aren't the the regular I'll never understand. For a game that wants to be competitive so bad it forces its players to spend the first 20 seconds of each life sprinting for that one BR.

"Why BR starts aren't the regular I'll never understand" Didn't every Halo "Except for 2" start a match with an assault rifle and pistol?
in CE yes thats true, but the CE pistol was the strongest default weapon the series has ever had. Halo 3 had both BR and AR starts but only retards wanted AR starts. there are some obvious exceptions; AR starts are usually desirable on maps like standoff and sandbox, but only because those maps are extremely easy to set up control on if the enemy doesnt spawn with BRs. Reach and H4 had loadout based systems which let the players choose which starting weapons they wanted.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:03:53 PM »
i skimmed a lot but it seems like he didnt talk about multiplayer at all.

weird, to ignore the flagship game mode in a 40 minute review.

He talked about it for almost half of the review, especially the REQ system.
i didnt see or hear anything relating to the maps, weapon sandbox, or gametypes. i did hear him bitch about the REQ system for about 15 minutes. which could have been covered in like, 5 minutes.

Things he complained about just off the top of my head:
-poor map rotation and design
-lack of classic maps
-lack of BTB
-lack of splitscreen
-tedious progression system

He also said he enjoyed Warzone and had some other praises, too. I think he likes Breakout also.
still doesnt sound like anything remotely close to an in-depth review of the multiplayer.

and if he thinks the map design is bad, well, it makes a lot of sense that he's terrible at the game.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:02:18 PM »
REQ system seems fine to me, I don't really see how it's predatory at all

and no just because its microtransactions doesnt make it bad
as i understand it, half the funds from microtransactions go into HCS prize pools. also, apparently the best way to maximize the potential of your REQ cards is to buy the ones you get with the relatively-easy-to-get in game currency.

The Flood / Re: I fell on my back really hard skateboarding today
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:39:01 PM »
next time dont wear your helmet. wont get hurt i promise.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:26:08 PM »
i skimmed a lot but it seems like he didnt talk about multiplayer at all.

weird, to ignore the flagship game mode in a 40 minute review.

He talked about it for almost half of the review, especially the REQ system.
i didnt see or hear anything relating to the maps, weapon sandbox, or gametypes. i did hear him bitch about the REQ system for about 15 minutes. which could have been covered in like, 5 minutes.

Gaming / Re: A new review coming in from Angry Joe, for Halo 5.
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:20:20 PM »
i skimmed a lot but it seems like he didnt talk about multiplayer at all.

weird, to ignore the flagship game mode in a 40 minute review.

It doesn't matter in the least bit.
i mean it does kinda matter

But not much
No. It really doesn't matter at all. Sex only has the value you put into it.
Okay mr subjectivism
You really think sex matters at all beyond reproductive value? Objectively?
Well as a matter of social stature.

It's the same throughout the animal kingdom.

A dominant male show their might and gets all of the ladies of the species.

Humans compete in this manner as well. It's what separates those who have genes that are worthy of being passed on from cucks who don't.

Therefore, it matters how many ladies you get with socially as well as genetically. It's all interwoven.

But I all you're looking for is a fun time you can get with me ;D
as an advanced society its a no-brainer that we should be able to rise above such silly social systems. sex only has as much value as the individual places on it; social pressure has little to nothing to do with it at this point unless the individual chooses to accept that pressure.
LOL this nigga thinks he's above the biological forces of competition and reproduction X^D
please kill yourself.

It doesn't matter in the least bit.
i mean it does kinda matter

But not much
No. It really doesn't matter at all. Sex only has the value you put into it.
Okay mr subjectivism
You really think sex matters at all beyond reproductive value? Objectively?
Well as a matter of social stature.

It's the same throughout the animal kingdom.

A dominant male show their might and gets all of the ladies of the species.

Humans compete in this manner as well. It's what separates those who have genes that are worthy of being passed on from cucks who don't.

Therefore, it matters how many ladies you get with socially as well as genetically. It's all interwoven.

But I all you're looking for is a fun time you can get with me ;D
as an advanced society its a no-brainer that we should be able to rise above such silly social systems. sex only has as much value as the individual places on it; social pressure has little to nothing to do with it at this point unless the individual chooses to accept that pressure.

It doesn't matter in the least bit.
i mean it does kinda matter

But not much
No. It really doesn't matter at all. Sex only has the value you put into it.
Okay mr subjectivism
You really think sex matters at all beyond reproductive value? Objectively?

It doesn't matter in the least bit.
i mean it does kinda matter

But not much
No. It really doesn't matter at all. Sex only has the value you put into it.

It doesn't matter in the least bit.

Serious / Re: Describe your religious views in a sentence or less.
« on: November 02, 2015, 05:11:34 PM »
I am a secular humanist; as such, I am entirely non-religious.

still not buying it. youre gonna need to do a hell of a lot more than provide basic utilities other games have had for years to get me on board, treyarch.

Gaming / Re: Series that need to die
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:56:15 PM »
The explosion of Assassin's Creed games kinda baffles me. To my understanding, none of the games were particularly outstanding (never played one myself--just going off what I've heard). What's the deal?
i think the appeal is in the pseudohistorical aspects of the setting and the art style. i remember i actually really liked just running around and exploring damascus in AC1. i cant imagine why anyone would want to play them for the actual gameplay or story though. blegh.

Gaming / Re: Genre's you suck at?
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:49:38 PM »
RTS games. blegh. i think im too dumb for them.

Gaming / Re: What is the best game you've ever played so far
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:27:53 AM »
uhmmm some of the puzzles werent exactly intuitive.
which ones
some of the trial/error ones like in the x naut fortress (remember, the ones with the claw minigame?) were a little irksome. like the first time in morty's gym figuring out his puzzle. but i mean it still isnt really worth complaining about. such a well designed game.

intuitive wasnt the right word

Gaming / Re: What is the best game you've ever played so far
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:15:33 AM »

honestly cant complain about much with this game. a more in-depth partner badge system would have been nice. the music got pretty repetitive in certain places too (x naut moon base comes to mind, but that song was so good it doesnt even matter lol). uhmmm some of the puzzles werent exactly intuitive. thats about it lol

The Flood / just what is a peon?
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:00:00 AM »

Orc Peons- the laborers of the Horde. Without them, the Horde war machine would fall flat on its face. Or its back, depending on how far it's leaning forward or back.

The point is, they're a necessary part of the Horde...but just what is a Peon? What demotes them to their physical labor? And why do they seem to be as intelligent as a common ogre?

Peons are obviously well built, despite being less than adequate for combat. All that labor doesn't go to waste for their buns and thighs. Peons also seem to be smart enough to follow instructions on assembling constructions, buildings, or weaponry. During the 3rd War, Peons were also called upon for last minute defenses in the Horde's burrows, showing that they appear to have some skill with either bows, or throwing javelins.

And yet they're cited as weak, unintelligent and, outside of the laborious tasks, useless.

I'm confused by the Peon's place in the Horde. They're an important part, taking up the physical labor needed to keep the Horde afloat. Yet their traits show them as equal or superior to some of the grunts around them. Is it mere fear of combat that drives Peons to their station? Is there a common birth defect among Green Orcs that causes lack of brain function? Or is it some kind of political system that decides who works, who fights and who does whatever else?

So, just what is a Peon?

The Flood / Re: What are your sleeping accomodations?
« on: November 01, 2015, 11:14:25 PM »
Queen sized bed nigga

Still never utilize the other half of the bed though tbh
i put my comic books/graphic novels and laptop on the other side of mine for a while. then one day i woke up and realized just wtf i was doing and put all that shit in a normal place.

The Flood / Re: What are your sleeping accomodations?
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:07:24 PM »
i sleep on a padded queen with 1300 thread count egyptian cotton sheets and like 7 pillows

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3>>>>>> New Vegas
« on: November 01, 2015, 07:35:24 PM »
Fallout 2 > Fallout 1 > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout Tactics > Fallout 3 > Ghouls Shit > Fallout Brotherhood

Your opinion is invalid.
Uh no, not even close. Table top fallout may have had good lore, but gameplay was shit.

Gameplay shit? Sorry but the table top fallout had great gameplay, that was my shit back then, maybe it wasn't your first game or you're not into table tops.
I honestly cannot fathom how someone can enjoy playing Fallout 1 and 2

Serious / Re: GOP Primary Debate #3
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:42:16 PM »
These moderators have no control
i feel like if they cut someone's mic that person would either storm out or start aping out. these motherfuckers are frothing at the mouth

« on: October 28, 2015, 01:23:03 AM »
at most isis has 60k troops
and they're losing ground to fucking kurds and iraqi troops so US troops really won't have a problem

plus like slash said who wouldn't want to paint the ground red with sandnigger blood

If they're not a significant threat couldn't we just defeat them via proxy by channeling funds and equipment to Kurdish and Iraqi forces and not deploy any of our own troops?
The Iraqi army has to want to fight for that to work.

I'm not too up to date on the chaos going on in Iraq and Syria. Is the current Iraqi army incompetent or something?
extremely. iirc they ended up just running away and leaving a bunch of equipment for IS to take when they first started putting pressure on the region.

Gaming / Re: So should I get Fallout New Vegas?
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:31:21 PM »
How far should I get in the story?
Well the game sorta recommends you be like level 20 before you attempt the first DLC, so keep going with the game until you reach that level
but the story
you can do honest hearts after level 10 if you want. the others are a bit... stressful, logistically, so your character needs to be a bit more optimized before heading into them. HH not so much.

Gaming / Re: List things Halo 5 stole from Destiny
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:26:21 PM »
Is this a serious thread?

Not at all.

turkey youre a lot smarter than this
Literally a copy/paste from with the exception of the last bit.
that doesnt make it any better. cmon man we dont need more shitposts on this site

Gaming / Re: Anyone get access to the Overwatch beta?
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:25:38 PM »




The Flood / Re: I've decided to become like Zesty
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:03:26 PM »
ive decided to become verbatim.

i will wear this scowl like a badge of honor.

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