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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 255
you should probably do something more productive with your life than whatever it is you think you do now

The Flood / Re: GoT Episode 6 Discussion Thread?
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:38:30 PM »
this tv show is really bad now

The Flood / Re: Has Rick and Morty always been this bad?
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:37:44 PM »
it's the same as it's been since like the first few episodes

The Flood / Re: Why would you want to be a girl...
« on: August 09, 2017, 10:18:59 AM »
associating phenotypical characteristics with gender is part of the larger societal problem

many trans people do want to pass by fitting in with "traditional" phenotypical characteristics associated with the gender binary, yes, but there are many who do not transition in any way and it's pretty insulting to them to insist that they're not really trans if they don't attempt to pass

The Flood / Re: Why would you want to be a girl...
« on: August 09, 2017, 10:08:38 AM »
attractiveness doesnt matter, passability does
not every trans person wants to "pass"
a "trans person" who doesnt want to be able to pass isnt trans
wow ok that's a pretty fucked up thing to say you know.

The Flood / Re: Why would you want to be a girl...
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:55:50 AM »
attractiveness doesnt matter, passability does
not every trans person wants to "pass"

The Flood / Re: The failure of the left: Tolerance vs Acceptance
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:54:56 AM »
stop equating liberalism with the left lmfao
liberalism = left

stay mad
i will destroy all liberals with my bare hands

and also my bear hands
but you're a liberal
no, im a socialist
i'm a bigger socialist than you

still a liberal
to be more explicit, im not a liberal because im not a reformist

The Flood / Re: The failure of the left: Tolerance vs Acceptance
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:45:00 AM »

The Flood / Re: The failure of the left: Tolerance vs Acceptance
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:32:17 AM »
stop equating liberalism with the left lmfao

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:30:42 AM »
le es jay double u menace
Are you with Antifa?
i dont mask up and fuck shit up but yes i do oppose fascism =^]

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:29:52 AM »

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:29:02 AM »
le es jay double u menace

Shouldn't you be engaging in apologetics for genocidal communist regimes right now?

oooohh aaahhhh buurrnnnnn looks like i need to hit up the hospital!

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:59:44 PM »
le es jay double u menace

The remaining question is if they have the guidance system and telemetry to hit the targets. If they do... then this is scary. The only source of comfort is that they could only have a very limited supply and the world's reaction could be total condemnation and immediate retaliation. Hopefully San Diego isn't a first tier priority target.
DPRK has no reason to preemptively strike the US. Well, they do, since we wiped out a fifth of their population during the original war in order to prop up the capitalist SK government, but they know it would be suicide to strike anyone. They're arming themselves for defense, just like Cuba did. The US and its allies are the ones we need to worry about. Trump is likely to initiate a bombing campaign because China is probably not going to defend DPRK; they'd benefit from the capitalist dystopia that would arise in the territory after the government is toppled and would face less scrutiny from the US. History should inform us how these US campaigns usually go...

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 08, 2017, 11:23:56 AM »
brienne, who is likely an equal to full power jaime?

"youre a fucking peasant who knows nothing in comparison to me, the game of thrones master"

fuck off bro you take every chance you get to shit on people with your negativity

the show at least leads us to believe they're in the same tier
He is right. If Jaime was at peak condition or even close to it then he would have destroyed Brienne. In AFFC she reflected back onto that fight and remembered how much of a challenge he was for her despite his health and being in chains.

bad fanfiction doesnt matter
yea i agree it's nice to see you've found reason

books don't matter when we're specifically talking about the show

i didn't think i'd have to clarify but there i go again overestimating your intelligence level
stay mad kiddo

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:50:50 AM »
brienne, who is likely an equal to full power jaime?

"youre a fucking peasant who knows nothing in comparison to me, the game of thrones master"

fuck off bro you take every chance you get to shit on people with your negativity

the show at least leads us to believe they're in the same tier
He is right. If Jaime was at peak condition or even close to it then he would have destroyed Brienne. In AFFC she reflected back onto that fight and remembered how much of a challenge he was for her despite his health and being in chains.

bad fanfiction doesnt matter
yea i agree it's nice to see you've found reason

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:26:50 PM »
brienne, who is likely an equal to full power jaime?

"youre a fucking peasant who knows nothing in comparison to me, the game of thrones master"

fuck off bro you take every chance you get to shit on people with your negativity

the show at least leads us to believe they're in the same tier
damn you got mad fast

lol just cuz i told you to fuck off i'm mad? i'm just calling you out on the same bullshit you're known for
tell me more please

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:17:11 PM »
brienne, who is likely an equal to full power jaime?

"youre a fucking peasant who knows nothing in comparison to me, the game of thrones master"

fuck off bro you take every chance you get to shit on people with your negativity

the show at least leads us to believe they're in the same tier
damn you got mad fast

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:53:49 PM »
arya disrespected the fuck out of syrio forel just so they could make a dumb on the nose no one joke

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:53:33 PM »
brienne, who is likely an equal to full power jaime?

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck do people watch rick and morty?
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:52:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should we arm teachers and professors?
« on: August 06, 2017, 09:47:22 PM »
the solution to all problems is a gun in the hand of every person in the world

Gaming / Re: Which faction did you choose in Fallout 4?
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:47:23 AM »
the game and all factions were shit but i always went institute. i justify it to myself by roleplaying the idea that once im in charge all the shitty things like kidnapping and forced experiments wont happen anymore and i will repurpose the institute's facilities for the good of the wasteland, à la old world blues.

railroad is a pathetic nothing faction that isnt worth my time despite having good intentions. i hate killing them but they just dont have anywhere near the resources the institute does so i cant justify it within the context of the way i roleplay. brotherhood are basically nazis so they always get the smoking end of my guns. i make the minutemen work with the institute.

I think you missed the point of the nude scenes tbh. She's a robot, she has no sex organs. She doesn't feel embarrassed by being nude because it's a non issue. She's an object.
There are other cyborgs using the same technology as her that don't get naked when fighting. There is no excuse.
Going invisible?
Okay, so I took that information from someone I know who I've discussed this with before, and there was a bit of miscommunication.

Apparently, in the first episode of Standalone Complex, she's able to use her cloak while fully clothed.

If true, this contradicts the film, and makes it look even more like the disgusting sexist piece of shit that it is.
all throughout SAC all of the team members can cloak while clothed. 1995 is the only entry in the franchise where she wears the revealing skintight suit to use active camo, unless im forgetting something about the manga.

this is indeed a great series; the difference between the author and yourself is that the author of these articles is actually capable of recognizing the good things about this franchise while also acknowledging the problematic aspects. you just kinda shat all over it for rather shallow reasons

also the formatting on that post fucked me up jesus christ

This is an excellent article written by someone a lot more articulate than me on this subject.

Or at least, she goes far more in-depth than I'd ever care to.

It has ten parts.

Is tasteful nudity even possible?
The Major, or Motoko Kusanagi, is the protagonist of each incarnation of the Ghost in the Shell manga-anime-merchadise franchise. If you care to google, Motoko Kusanagi is autocompletes to “a man” and “is hot,” then “in bed with a boy” and “in bed.” For a science-fiction philosophy character named for her military position, we (the audience — although I don’t limit this to those who have experienced the fiction, as the Major is iconic) sure are caught up in thinking about her gender and sexual status. Why could that be?

As a long-term fan of the property, and the Major (ask my hairdresser [me]), I wanted to read about the Major’s body. The Major is a cyborg, her visible body is 100% manufactured. Does that relate to the interest in her physicality? I couldn’t find much, so I wrote something myself — one chapter per piece of the franchise. This is the first on Mamoru Oshii’s 1995 animated feature Ghost in the Shell. I’m starting where I started. VHS off eBay. Can I anime?

In Ghost in the Shell, the Major is often nude or seemingly nude. In her opening scenes, for example, her nipple shapes are visible and she has no apparent genitalia. A line at neck level, visible in some short shots, and some possible cloth bunching during a crotch-level close-up suggest a flesh-colour bodysuit to the eagle-eyed viewer. Her breasts are individualised in a way that would have to be designed into a piece of clothing purposefully: how does the fabric adhere to the sternum? Why design a bodysuit that hugs tight as a thong? Apparent nudity, such as later during the water fight scene, is emphasised by the addition of thigh-high boots and low-slung belts at her hips, emphasising the hourglass of her torso and suggesting a sensual pelvic tilt. Her posture is natural, unstudied, and not innately sexualised.

During the credits sequence which follows the creation of a body identical to the Major’s, perhaps a body that is the Major’s, the nipples are focused on and coloured, while the barest hint of genital shape is effected through momentary shapes of light.

Her full-cyborg status is emphasised again in her morning routine immediately post-credits; upon waking, all it takes to be ready to leave is a short moment in another room — an unbroken cel featuring her bedroom and window — followed by the addition of a coat. No washing, no bodily functions, no breakfast.

Advertising for the film features the Major fully nude, penetrated by wires of varying thicknesses, gun in hand and back arched so that her left breast is clear in profile and her buttocks are rounded and elevated, head tilted back.

After the Major’s iconic invisible fight in shallow water, Batou puts his large coat around her shoulder, mirroring the traditional image of the chivalrous man who covers the accidentally uncovered woman, saving her from shame (apparently irrelevant), the elements (the Major cannot be at risk of catching a chill, as she is a cyborg), or both. Later, together on a boat trip, Batou is stirred to see the Major unzip and remove the top half of her wetsuit. He grunts, and looks away, in apparent respect for a modesty she does not appear to require. In the subsequent boat scene, they talk in detail about the (non-sexual) functional differences between an organic and a cyborg body.

It was not translated for American dub audiences, but early in the film the Major makes reference to her menstrual cycle (as a cyborg, she doesn’t menstruate — I’m ignorant on whether her organic brain may retain hormonal alerts related to the expected menstrual cycle). This reproductive/cyborg theme is returned to in the climactic scenes as the Puppetmaster effectively tells the Major she will bear his compu-babies if she agrees to merge with him.

In this film, men appear fully clothed and in many roles, at many levels of society. The puppet master is referred to as male — although this is not confirmed as being for a reason other than default, based on their reputation as a terrorist and/or awakening as an aware being — and appears in a naked, female-designated stock body. At a late stage the Puppetmaster talks with a low voice, spoken by a male voice actor. The Puppetmaster’s nipples, centred in full breasts, are clearly double-tiered and delicately drawn; carefully shaped. Their nose is not detailed in this way, and the mouth is not animated to move with the character’s dialogue until late in the scene (this is subconsciously explained by “it’s a cyborg,” but remains a professional choice made by the filmmakers). This is not an outlandish appropriation of normative women’s breasts, it may be intended similarly to the huge sugar labia of Kara Walker’s A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby; “But what you see from behind is what happens when a nude woman bends over, raising a question of whether it’s a gesture of sexual passivity or not.” They may not be intentionally “idealised” — breasts may be too culturally charged to be able to appear non-sexual without being actively off-putting; perhaps these breasts are designed to be as unremarkable (through their uncomplicated “perfection”) as possible. Why were breasts necessary? Why must the Major be a woman? Why must the Puppetmaster wear this breasted body? Why the nudity? Are these aspects necessary to deliver the story (or more importantly, the thought experiment)?

Imagine the intent of the filmmakers was to neutralise female nudity; avoid sexualisation and use it to float some philosophical musing above a character study on existential crisis. Is it responsible to call the Major, naked, sexualised?

Perhaps unbalanced detail is put into the realistic, subtly emphasised nipples of these woman-designated bodies. (later in the same interview, referenced above, Walker concedes that her Sugar Baby sculpture is “sexually overt,” and resultantly “discomfiting.”) While groundbreaking and challenging in many ways, the film does not escape objectification of what the collective unconscious considers “the female body.” This may be purposeful, it may be useful, but it remains inescapably sexist. It exists within a sexist system before a sexist audience, many of which will not interrogate the sexual and gendered questions that the film succeeds in asking for many viewers. As a teenaged viewer, I was extremely uncomfortable with the semi-conscious awareness that this was how #notallmen considered my body: naked, as a default, whilst they all remained clothed. No matter how much I could achieve, mentally or physically, philosophically or emotionally, my body and face are observably female-normative, so I’m rendered nude. Even when clothed, before mentor, colleague, subordinate and victim. I’m the audience, watching the Major, knowing she’s me, knowing I’m a speck in a dust cloud.

I was interested, though. This was food for thought. And she does get things done.

The Major doesn’t let people best her, she sets her own course. She had great hair.

I got something from the Major, which was why I kept paying attention.


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