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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:21:29 PM »
expect a gorgeous game world with a more dynamic combat system than 3 or NV. unfortunately the writing is poor, there isn't much in the way of actual choice, the game is riddled with skyrim-esque "KILL. LOOT. RETURN" quests, characters dont seem to remember who you are after meeting them, companions mostly suck ass (shouts out to curie, hancock, and nick valentine tho y'alls my ride or die niggas), legendary enemies are no longer unique or overtly intimidating and spawn randomly, SPECIAL checks in dialogue are gone, perception is nerfed into the ground/worthless compared to its vast usefulness in the previous FO games, and the game world is really very shallow. there is lots of information about the world floating around that you can obtain through terminals/ambient dialogue from NPCs and such, but you cant really act on that information in 90/100 scenarios. there are maybe 2 "intelligent" super mutants in the game and one of them is a complete asshole who is impossible to use as a companion due to his intense dislike of most things players do. the new character like/dislike system is horribly implemented compared to New Vegas. role playing really only extends as far as your character's combat archetype is concerned and since they removed the level cap & revamped the perk system you easily become a jack of all trades once you get some levels under your belt. while the combat is a SERIOUS improvement over the previous 2 gamebryo FO games, they really bethesda'd it up so the usual "kite bullet sponge enemy and throw all of your resources at it" strategy is still the go-to. 

the ant farm system is pretty neat but somewhat limited, but thats forgivable. weapon and armor crafting is a solid but limited addition as well.

overall its a solid 6/10. skyrim 2: nuclear boogaloo.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:12:08 PM »
It's a great mix of RPG and shooter, don't let the naysayers deceive you. It has PLENTY of RPG elements that effect everything, and blends down into even the shooter elements.
Dumbing down of skills
No weapon/armor degradation
No Karma
Choices with no middle. Either good or bad, no in-between

It's a good game. But it's the least RPG-ish Fallout to date.

So? It's still an RPG, and a fantastic one at that

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:02:26 AM »
damn you salty
do you have anything constructive to say or do you just want to make snide remarks?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:48:34 AM »
Bravo is always on /r/Halo, and he assures people that literally everything on that subreddit is read thoroughly, and they know what people are saying. I don't doubt that, because Bravo's a really good community manager, but I doubt 343 higher-ups actually listen to what he tells them.

"Okay Bravo, what's the feedback on the game?"

"Well, everyone says the core gameplay is really good. But they're disappointed with the lack of customs game options, gamemodes, map variety, and social playlists."

"Mmmm, okay. But we know better than them, so let's just keep doing what we're doing. We are the game designers, after all!"

"B-But the community says-"

its worth noting that the vast majority of the people on that subreddit are mouthbreathing retards. its actually painful to read through most of the popular threads there.
I mean, I generally agree with many of the complaints that people post there, so I guess I'm a "Mouthbreathing retard," right?
complaints about lack of content is fine. im more talking about their general understanding of the game itself, maps, gametypes, weapon balance, etc. ive been watching various halo forums for the better part of a decade and most of them suffer from this issue, having a lot of people who really... arent good, and dont really understand how the games work. and they tend to circlejerk with each other a lot. makes sense when you think about the game's skill cap. vast majority of the halo multiplayer community is SHIT at the game- as is the case with most multiplayer  games. they just dont get it ofttimes.

and yknow, maybe you are a mouthbreathing retard. do you think invasion was a good, balanced, competitive gametype? how about the class based systems that reach and h4 implemented, were they OK or did they create fundamental imbalances? that BRs ruined the previous games? those are the sorts of things im talking about.

....Invasion was fun as hell
fun depends on the player i guess. i couldnt stand it. i played halo because i liked its arena style for the first 3 games. shit like invasion went against everything i liked halo for.
You know you didn't have to play Invasion like at all during Reach's lifespan right?
even for a rhetorical question, this is a really fucking stupid thing to ask me. of course i didnt play much invasion.

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:43:35 AM »
does anyone know if there is a good grey/black/white combat armor that looks good on the black bos officer uniform?

this shit just clashes so horribly. the bos combat armor doesnt look any better. it looks fine with army or military fatigues but the bos officer suit is a bit slimmer and black is sexy.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:27:35 AM »
Bravo is always on /r/Halo, and he assures people that literally everything on that subreddit is read thoroughly, and they know what people are saying. I don't doubt that, because Bravo's a really good community manager, but I doubt 343 higher-ups actually listen to what he tells them.

"Okay Bravo, what's the feedback on the game?"

"Well, everyone says the core gameplay is really good. But they're disappointed with the lack of customs game options, gamemodes, map variety, and social playlists."

"Mmmm, okay. But we know better than them, so let's just keep doing what we're doing. We are the game designers, after all!"

"B-But the community says-"

its worth noting that the vast majority of the people on that subreddit are mouthbreathing retards. its actually painful to read through most of the popular threads there.
I mean, I generally agree with many of the complaints that people post there, so I guess I'm a "Mouthbreathing retard," right?
complaints about lack of content is fine. im more talking about their general understanding of the game itself, maps, gametypes, weapon balance, etc. ive been watching various halo forums for the better part of a decade and most of them suffer from this issue, having a lot of people who really... arent good, and dont really understand how the games work. and they tend to circlejerk with each other a lot. makes sense when you think about the game's skill cap. vast majority of the halo multiplayer community is SHIT at the game- as is the case with most multiplayer  games. they just dont get it ofttimes.

and yknow, maybe you are a mouthbreathing retard. do you think invasion was a good, balanced, competitive gametype? how about the class based systems that reach and h4 implemented, were they OK or did they create fundamental imbalances? that BRs ruined the previous games? those are the sorts of things im talking about.

....Invasion was fun as hell
fun depends on the player i guess. i couldnt stand it. i played halo because i liked its arena style for the first 3 games. shit like invasion went against everything i liked halo for.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 04, 2015, 11:59:41 PM »
Bravo is always on /r/Halo, and he assures people that literally everything on that subreddit is read thoroughly, and they know what people are saying. I don't doubt that, because Bravo's a really good community manager, but I doubt 343 higher-ups actually listen to what he tells them.

"Okay Bravo, what's the feedback on the game?"

"Well, everyone says the core gameplay is really good. But they're disappointed with the lack of customs game options, gamemodes, map variety, and social playlists."

"Mmmm, okay. But we know better than them, so let's just keep doing what we're doing. We are the game designers, after all!"

"B-But the community says-"

its worth noting that the vast majority of the people on that subreddit are mouthbreathing retards. its actually painful to read through most of the popular threads there.
I mean, I generally agree with many of the complaints that people post there, so I guess I'm a "Mouthbreathing retard," right?
complaints about lack of content is fine. im more talking about their general understanding of the game itself, maps, gametypes, weapon balance, etc. ive been watching various halo forums for the better part of a decade and most of them suffer from this issue, having a lot of people who really... arent good, and dont really understand how the games work. and they tend to circlejerk with each other a lot. makes sense when you think about the game's skill cap. vast majority of the halo multiplayer community is SHIT at the game- as is the case with most multiplayer  games. they just dont get it ofttimes.

and yknow, maybe you are a mouthbreathing retard. do you think invasion was a good, balanced, competitive gametype? how about the class based systems that reach and h4 implemented, were they OK or did they create fundamental imbalances? that BRs ruined the previous games? those are the sorts of things im talking about.

The Flood / Re: Strangest place you've been during a skype call
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:40:56 PM »
i dont call people on skype.

The Flood / Re: John Wick 2 Trailer
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:17:59 PM »
i keep seeing the shower scene all over the internet, and now that it has context im actually pretty pumped for this movie.

Gaming / Re: Chris Carney (Bungie Dev) died in a car crash
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:56:40 PM »
shitposting intensifies

The Flood / Re: What is the perfect weather?
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:41:31 PM »
overcast, grey skies. light drizzle and/or fog. anywhere between 40-60 degrees F.

basically, winter weather in georgia.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:31:07 PM »
Bravo is always on /r/Halo, and he assures people that literally everything on that subreddit is read thoroughly, and they know what people are saying. I don't doubt that, because Bravo's a really good community manager, but I doubt 343 higher-ups actually listen to what he tells them.

"Okay Bravo, what's the feedback on the game?"

"Well, everyone says the core gameplay is really good. But they're disappointed with the lack of customs game options, gamemodes, map variety, and social playlists."

"Mmmm, okay. But we know better than them, so let's just keep doing what we're doing. We are the game designers, after all!"

"B-But the community says-"

its worth noting that the vast majority of the people on that subreddit are mouthbreathing retards. its actually painful to read through most of the popular threads there.

Serious / Re: CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump at 36% among Republican Voters
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:19:42 PM »
can someone give me some perspective on that 445 sample size?

The Flood / Re: What am I known for
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:09:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: What area of the world would you nuke?
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:06:23 PM »
the USA. specifically, wherever atallmidget lives.

Gaming / Re: So. who here still plays halo reach?
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:05:27 PM »
lol, reach.

ffr gaming-related topics go under the "gaming" subforum.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:03:20 PM »
i think ive noticed a pattern when it comes to h5. the competitive players love it, but the casuals tend to hate it.
It's not as simple as that. 

Casual and competitive players alike are pissed at the lack of content in the game, specifically maps and gametypes. That being said, the fact that almost everything is ranked does cater to the competitive scene more than any previous Halo game. More social players (Such as myself, because I stopped playing Halo competitively years ago) are pissed because literally everybody is trying their hardest in matches, and we don't want that. We want to dick around and have fun. There aren't any playlists except Warzone (Which has three maps) to exercise that desire.
you're not telling me anything i dont already know.
All you said was "Casual players seem to hate it, and competitive players seem to love it." Which isn't the full story, so I expanded on it. How was I suppose to know what else you knew?
you werent supposed to know. im js. ffr i have inside connections to the competitive scene, so im usually ahead of the curve when it comes to knowing about community reaction/multiplayer content.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:53:59 PM »
i think ive noticed a pattern when it comes to h5. the competitive players love it, but the casuals tend to hate it.
It's not as simple as that. 

Casual and competitive players alike are pissed at the lack of content in the game, specifically maps and gametypes. That being said, the fact that almost everything is ranked does cater to the competitive scene more than any previous Halo game. More social players (Such as myself, because I stopped playing Halo competitively years ago) are pissed because literally everybody is trying their hardest in matches, and we don't want that. We want to dick around and have fun. There aren't any playlists except Warzone (Which has three maps) to exercise that desire.
you're not telling me anything i dont already know.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:55:46 PM »
i think ive noticed a pattern when it comes to h5. the competitive players love it, but the casuals tend to hate it.

The Flood / Re: Ask someone who read the Batman V. Superman script anything
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:14:01 PM »
the leak i saw didnt even address the knightmare scenes

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 03, 2015, 08:41:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Pro porn is disgusting degeneracy
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:03:47 PM »
yeah pretty much

i'd stop watching porn forever but i don't like the idea of having unresolved sexual tension
especially when i'm not hurting anybody and i'm just wasting my own time
you could always write and jerk off to your own erotica

The Flood / Re: Pro porn is disgusting degeneracy
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:00:19 PM »
> loafposting

The Flood / Re: Okay what does smh mean?
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:53:07 PM »
it does stand for shaking my head

The Flood / Re: Is it weird to only like attractive people?
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:50:38 PM »
I am like this too

It's not good to be a 6.5 only shooting for 8s and 9s smh :/
i have a question because you seem to be quite knowledgeable about objective attractiveness and stuff

what would you say has a larger impact on one's attractiveness--their face/complexion, or their hair style

i've been told by a number of people that a good hairstyle can make pretty much anyone at least a "7"
but i'm skeptical

it seems to me that if you have a bad face, good hair helps, but you're generally just fucked
most people dont have irredeemable bone structure/complexion. in my experience, hygiene, general wellness, "fashion style," and hair are the big variables for most people.

attitude too, actually. the only time faces really make all that much of a difference is if youre 1) gorgeous or 2) actually ugly

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:47:11 PM »
Spoiled the whole fucking plot, Jesus.
we already knew literally everything in this trailer except for the parademons.
I didn't.
all the information to figure this stuff out was freely available to the public. if you didnt care enough to have learned these things already, why whine about it when they make it a little more overt in a trailer?
Because I believe that ruining the plot of a film is a bad idea and makes it less enjoyable. Don't really care if they did it before this, they shouldn't have done it at all.
spoiling plot elements in trailers has been the industry standard for a very long time. if you really cared enough to not get spoiled you should have just gone dark and not watched all the trailers after the initial teaser.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:45:51 PM »
for what its worth, i think this trailer was pretty bad. seems like it was edited and pushed out rather hastily; maybe because of the civil war trailer? idk.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:44:07 PM »
Spoiled the whole fucking plot, Jesus.
we already knew literally everything in this trailer except for the parademons.
I didn't.
all the information to figure this stuff out was freely available to the public. if you didnt care enough to have learned these things already, why whine about it when they make it a little more overt in a trailer?

The Flood / Re: Is James Deen a rapist?
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:39:45 PM »
I imagine I feel the way anyone does when their friend is accused of a heinous crime like rape.
I strongly believe that victims of abuse deserve support when coming out - when a person states they felt violated by another person, OF COURSE we should all listen, period.
These last few days have been really fucking confusing. I’ve known James for eight years. In that time I’ve never seen him be anything but respectful toward myself, women, and people in general. He is one of my favorite performers to work with, and I’ve grown to trust him both professionally and personally. So I can’t help but find it a little unsettling that his life is being ruined by some posts on Twitter.
That being said, it’s impossible to ignore when a woman says he has raped her, no matter how much it contradicts my own image of him.
So… I guess what I’m saying is, I’m very fucking conflicted. While I desperately want these claims about my friend to be untrue, I cannot deny that they are being made. Like I said - I think anyone would feel this way if their friend were being accused of something so unimaginable.
That’s really all I want to say about it, so please understand that this will be the last question I answer regarding this matter.
- asa akira, when asked about james deen being a rapist

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:34:11 PM »
Kind of feels like the Bats vs. Supes stuff is going to be done in the first act and it'll just be baby Justice League vs. Doomsday for the rest of the movie.

And Jessie Eisenberg...fuck, man.

its batman v. superman, not batman vs superman. theres an important, distinct difference between the two. v. is used in a court of law- in this context, it means that their conflict is more ideological.
Nah, there's no difference. It used to be 'vs.' until the 90s and the terminology was changed to 'v.' (for instance, Roe v. Wade was originally Roe vs. Wade). In all cases, 'vs.' means exactly the same thing as 'v.'
but ever since that change, v is pretty much only used in court of law, and it isnt even pronounced as "versus." i think the choice to use v instead of vs is deliberate and has a direct connection with the more significant accountability conflict going on.

I think you're reading too much into it. 'v.' is properly pronounced as 'versus', but 'vee' is a shorthand.
maybe i am.

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