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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: I posted Star Wars Spoilers
« on: December 19, 2015, 09:10:37 PM »
Okay, I know the cycle continues all that shit, stop taking shit seriously etc.

It didn't really work though. I'm still seen as lolDeci like how Reach is seen as lolReach
You know you could just fucking stop, right?

The Flood / Re: I posted Star Wars Spoilers
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:46:47 PM »
"dont worry guys, i wont act like a sperglord this time"

Gaming / Re: lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:34:10 PM »
>Camping with a shotty
the reach shotgun was really really really really strong. this isnt a terrible idea depending on context. eg, lets say in a team slayer match your team has map control on sanctuary. that means control of ring and both carbines. in that scenario, you can comfortably sit in ring 2 with your dmr and shotgun and control each individual entrance as well as helping teamshoot at spawn zones.
Yes, yes, I'm aware it's a legitimate strategy.
just making sure.

Gaming / Re: lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:31:08 PM »
>Camping with a shotty
the reach shotgun was really really really really strong. this isnt a terrible idea depending on context. eg, lets say in a team slayer match your team has map control on sanctuary. that means control of ring and both carbines. in that scenario, you can comfortably sit in ring 2 with your dmr and shotgun and control each individual entrance as well as helping teamshoot at spawn zones.

this from experience

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:59:56 PM »
mark hamill better do a bunch of fuckin sweet jedi flips in episode viii.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:45:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:22:36 PM »

I'd put money down on it being her quick grasp of the force.
point for sandy
I'm gonna chalk that point up to a little theory of her being the secret daughter of a really powerful Jedi.

Anakin was space Jesus and even he didn't master it that quickly.
I do sort of see where you're coming from
Anakin was also a whiny bitch who was clouded by anger (and the prequels.)

Luke was the son of space Jesus and didn't master it that quickly.
He was never given the chance to though. And in the first couple minutes of him being with Obi Wan on the Falcon he was blocking laser shots blindfolded really quickly.
Blocking shots isn't even remotely comparable to beating a highly trained Sith
For some reason Ren didn't strike me as the "highly trained Sith" type.
He looked very much like Anakin when he was angry. Very emotionally driven, clouded by confusion, and incomplete as a Sith. Like hell he was even telling Snoke about his light side feelings. That indicated to me that he's far from a Sith master or even a Sith in general. If you catch my drift.
Kylo is still much more trained, as opposed to Rey being an asspull.
They showed us at the beginning of the film that Rey was a talented melee combatant. It's not an asspull; it's consistent characterization. Ben is clearly exceedingly weak, compared to other Jedi and Sith in the series. It makes sense that someone as talented as Rey would be able to defeat him, especially in his injured state.
That weakness would also play into the mental confusion that's already abundantly prevalent in him, as shown by the talking to Darth Vader's burned mask scene. He wants to be him but he knows he isn't as powerful.
Yeah I think the Vader worship is a huuuuge mental block for him. It's like he's actually afraid of Vader's phantom, of living in his grandfather's shadow, and his own struggle with Force attunement plays into it and throws all his other emotions and thought processes out of wack. He can't be powerful with this mindset. He has to kill his obsession or he will be crushed by someone more determined.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:15:31 PM »

I'd put money down on it being her quick grasp of the force.
point for sandy
I'm gonna chalk that point up to a little theory of her being the secret daughter of a really powerful Jedi.

Anakin was space Jesus and even he didn't master it that quickly.
I do sort of see where you're coming from
Anakin was also a whiny bitch who was clouded by anger (and the prequels.)

Luke was the son of space Jesus and didn't master it that quickly.
He was never given the chance to though. And in the first couple minutes of him being with Obi Wan on the Falcon he was blocking laser shots blindfolded really quickly.
Blocking shots isn't even remotely comparable to beating a highly trained Sith
For some reason Ren didn't strike me as the "highly trained Sith" type.
He looked very much like Anakin when he was angry. Very emotionally driven, clouded by confusion, and incomplete as a Sith. Like hell he was even telling Snoke about his light side feelings. That indicated to me that he's far from a Sith master or even a Sith in general. If you catch my drift.
Kylo is still much more trained, as opposed to Rey being an asspull.
They showed us at the beginning of the film that Rey was a talented melee combatant. It's not an asspull; it's consistent characterization. Ben is clearly exceedingly weak, compared to other Jedi and Sith in the series. It makes sense that someone as talented as Rey would be able to defeat him, especially in his injured state.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:09:45 PM »
Ben smacked his shit around even after being injured.

Not the impression I got. Yeah, Finn did get lose, but it wasn't a colossal ass-beating like Sidious versus all the Jedi except Mace in Ep. 3 like I think you're trying to make it out to be. He was able to get some damage on him. That constitutes "holding your own" in my book.
I'd have to see it again to use specifics but it was pretty clear to me that Ben had the upper hand the entire time. Finn held him off for a bit- and again, I must stress that Ben took a blast from Chewy in his torso and was in great pain- but Finn never really stood a chance regardless.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:07:36 PM »

I'd put money down on it being her quick grasp of the force.
point for sandy
I'm gonna chalk that point up to a little theory of her being the secret daughter of a really powerful Jedi.

Anakin was space Jesus and even he didn't master it that quickly.
I do sort of see where you're coming from
Anakin was also a whiny bitch who was clouded by anger (and the prequels.)

Luke was the son of space Jesus and didn't master it that quickly.
He was never given the chance to though. And in the first couple minutes of him being with Obi Wan on the Falcon he was blocking laser shots blindfolded really quickly.
Blocking shots isn't even remotely comparable to beating a highly trained Sith
For some reason Ren didn't strike me as the "highly trained Sith" type.
He looked very much like Anakin when he was angry. Very emotionally driven, clouded by confusion, and incomplete as a Sith. Like hell he was even telling Snoke about his light side feelings. That indicated to me that he's far from a Sith master or even a Sith in general. If you catch my drift.
Exactly. Ben is pretty much what prequels Anakin should have been like. He isn't as strong as he could be because his mind is clouded and he's driven by impulse. He didn't complete his training with Luke and Snoke has just now decided to do that himself; Ben is the weakest Sith we've seen in the movies by far, IMO.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:06:04 PM »
The only parallel to IV that really bothers me is the star killer. It's the same fucking thing as the death star, they couldn't be a little more creative?
At least it made for some fucking gorgeous cinematography

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:04:34 PM »
I'm sure everybody wants to play with you.
Playing with Deci on your team is like learning to swim with a barbell tied to your feet. Will it be nigh impossible? Yes. Will you be a literal god if you can do it? Also yes.
as long as you're not doing some UBER competitive "1 shot on my X in left right mid top bottom" sweat-fest match he's ok.
on my x is a fucking garbage callout and im honestly offended by this

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:03:41 PM »
I'm just so glad the force-sensitive character was Rey and not Donkey Kong. That would've royally pissed me off.

Also, why could Rey/Finn hold their own against a trained force-user like Kilo Ren with a lightsaber?
Finn can't hold his own against Ben. Ben smacked his shit around even after being injured. It was established early on that Rey knows how to handle herself with melee weapons; not terribly surprising that she would be able to stomp him like that, since again, Ben was injured.

Another thing is, I don't think Ben has good control over the Force. I think Rey is much more in touch with the Force at the end of the movie despite her powers being less refined. Ben's mind is clouded; his sense of purpose and Force attunement are all out of wack. Rey had a clear sense of purpose.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 12:59:12 PM »
something i didnt like: they tried to make ben's dumbass lightsaber seem less dumb by having him use the saber crossguards against the (even dumber) finn. no, jj, i refuse to take that lightsaber seriously, no matter how many incompetent morons get beat by it.

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 12:55:15 PM »
I'm sure everybody wants to play with you.
Playing with Deci on your team is like learning to swim with a barbell tied to your feet. Will it be nigh impossible? Yes. Will you be a literal god if you can do it? Also yes.

The Flood / Re: How is decimator unbanned already?
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:02:09 PM »
Sorry guys. There won't be a sperg round 2. At least not from me. I'm actually done sperging.
yeah, and i have giant bananas growing out of my nipples.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:21:57 PM »
The tears are gonna be real, I don't think there are enough storm drains on the internet to cope with this
Meh. It was pretty derivative but had plenty of its own unique characteristics. Way better than the prequels and it kept faith with the style of the original trilogy. I don't think it'll be nearly as divisive as the prequels were.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:36:47 PM »
Very fun movie. Much better than any of the prequels.

Serious / Re: How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 18, 2015, 02:54:00 PM »

this tbh
I fucking hate that video, it's such a perfect display of typical, weasel-y Hollywood progressivism.
that's aaron sorkin for you

No, because I'm not a moron
are you sure about that

OT: my feelings towards the marco rubio version of the title were completely neutral. i didnt have the information offhand to know if it was true or false so i opened the thread to see if there were some good sources for info.

Gaming / Re: Since Fallout 4 is released, let's talk about Elder Scrolls 6.
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:37:08 PM »
An Elder scrolls game with a polished version of Chivalry combat could be a legitimate GOTY contender for me.
I'm expecting good gameplay from them now that they did really well with Fallout 4

but im being silly if i hope for them not simplifying the rpg mechanics further somehow

Also I'd hope for Elsweyr in the next game, sounds like a fun place to go
I almost forgot that they were supposed to be RPGs...

They are more like exploration games with combat.
Thinking about it a roguelite Elder Scrolls could potentially work too.
bethesda seems to think that the only things that mark an RPG are an experience-based leveling system and the ability to choose between different perks

Gaming / Re: Reach is out on Xbox One
« on: December 17, 2015, 01:59:07 PM »
lol, reach

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:08:11 AM »
Experiences with intoxication vary from person to person. Depends on your environment, personality, and what you're consuming.

My advice would be to read through some of the experiences archived over at Erowid. Gives some very important perspective.

Gaming / Re: Where do people get these quotes praising shitty games?
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:04:39 AM »
reminder that bethesda put a buzzfeed quote on a nationally syndicated fallout 4 ad

something like "the best game ive ever played"

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:01:04 AM »
Which people? People like Verbatim? Nothing of value is lost to me in this scenario.

No, the people who AREN'T like Verbatim. Normal people.

People won't like if you ARE haughty/judgmental. But if you don't care about people liking you, you have nothing to gain from NOT being like that.
Oh. I misunderstood.

The Flood / Re: Dangerous men of the earth
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:50:10 AM »
nice shitpost.

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:47:40 AM »
People just won't like you much, is all.
Which people? People like Verbatim? Nothing of value is lost to me in this scenario.

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:33:30 AM »
hmph. taking notes from verbatim's playbook on this one are you?

How do you mean?

I've been "straight-edge" my whole life...
being straight edge is fine. being haughty and judgmental towards those who consume intoxicating substances is not. if you're "challenging" your friend, im not inclined to believe that you're entirely motivated by curiosity; tell me how you really feel about people who drink or do recreational drugs.

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:27:51 AM »
My friend just said that to me and I have no frame of reference to challenge him with.
hmph. taking notes from verbatim's playbook on this one, i see.

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