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Messages - Azumarill

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Serious / Re: Oh hey, there's a debate on
« on: January 17, 2016, 08:14:30 PM »
its nice to hear o'malley saying he wants to improve our city planning but i cant imagine how nightmarish it would be to try and improve infrastructure in america's highly populated urban areas, especially in older cities.

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:05:50 PM »
seems like there isnt really much of a distinction here aside from age/experience.
That's my point. I'm sure the Boomers were pretty dumb in their early years.

And I'm sure most of the Boomers are still "pretty dumb." I'd like to reiterate my earlier point- this is a problem that affects people of all ages.

I'm saying if a candidate draws support disproportionately from a particular demographic then we are not fallacious to try and draw conclusions. The same applies as much to Ron Paul as Sanders.
I don't disagree.

The Flood / Re: I have a lot of respect for school shooters
« on: January 17, 2016, 04:44:05 PM »
I love how people are actually taking this seriously
im not taking the OP seriously, i just think loaf is a complete and total waste of space, absolutely worthless, and should kill himself

The Flood / Re: I have a lot of respect for school shooters
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:04:00 PM »
I feel so bad for your parents. I'm sure they tried the best they could to raise a normal human being and they have to deal with you.

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 12:33:35 PM »
And, let's be perfectly honest, a lot of 18-25 year olds don't have especially tenable ideas on government and policy.
compared to whom, the older generations? its not like the baby boomers or gen x'ers are necessarily politically gifted. seems like there isnt really much of a distinction here aside from age/experience. id say that lack of political acumen is something that plagues the human race as a whole, and not necessarily any one generation over another.

The Flood / Re: So Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) Hosted an SNL Episode
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:03:41 AM »
I fucking lost it when the jerk Stormtrooper kicked him in the corridor
you kicked my wrench..

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:31:25 AM »
Dumb college kid is an oxymoron.
have you been to college?

It's filled with as much of the lowest common denominator as any other setting in life.
The majority of college students aren't stupid. If you're stupid then you can't afford to be in college
uh... i beg to differ

The Flood / Re: So, what did I say that triggered him?
« on: January 16, 2016, 04:15:48 PM »
you're both retarded, who cares.

kupo, this is a shitpost

i was defending it because it appeared to me that the points you were making against it didnt hold up when it came to actual facts.

Verb said he thinks sports are silly, I responded by saying the sports comparison doesn't even work because sports are extra-curricular, and you responded by telling me that your school offers weightlifting (not a football class -- weightlifting). Am I missing something? I'm really confused as to what point you're trying to make -- are comparisons to regular sports legitimate? Is offering eSports just as "silly" as regular sports?
allow me to correct myself: in my first post, i said "weight training classes" instead of "conditioning classes;" this may have caused a fundamental misunderstanding. i did go on to specify twice that the football conditioning classes are distinct from standard weight training classes. let me say it again: those football classes exist specifically so that players within the school's football program can condition themselves to be better at the sport. that process involves more than just weight training; it includes reviewing film, cardiovascular exercise, passing drills, training with dummies (for linemen), among other things. do you understand what i meant when i said there was a distinction now?

comparisons to regular sports are legitimate insofar as these competitive games are skill-based and require a lot of practice (and in many cases, the development of proper teamwork). it isnt silly to offer sports or competitive gaming as an extracurricular, and it certainly isnt silly for a program (athletic or gaming) to develop an elective class that allows players to get extra training while also earning course credit. just as the football conditioning period may act as an acceptable replacement for a regular PE class or "normal" weight training class, it is also acceptable for a competitive gaming program to offer an elective.

video games are art though?
That doesn't justify making it a class anymore than listening to music for an hour would.
whatever this convo isnt going anywhere im done here. you're obviously set in stone on this. id prefer if it were an extracurricular too, for what its worth.
Then what's the point of defending it as a class?

If these guys want to play video games instead of take some other academic class that's fine, but it's dishonest to call it a worthwhile replacement for the arts, sciences, or P.E., especially in a public school.
i was defending it because it appeared to me that the points you were making against it didnt hold up when it came to actual facts.

they spend the class period specifically conditioning themselves to be better football players. i think it counts.

I think anyone would be able to recognize the benefits of exercise over video games if an academic period has to be substituted for.
why does it necessarily have to replace a PE class? there are plenty of other electives it could replace for a student, like an art class or band, etc.

The arts are demonstrably beneficial for academic development; video games aren't.
video games are art though? and can help with cognitive development? (

 whatever this convo isnt going anywhere im done here. you're obviously set in stone on this. id prefer if it were an extracurricular too, for what its worth.

they spend the class period specifically conditioning themselves to be better football players. i think it counts.

I think anyone would be able to recognize the benefits of exercise over video games if an academic period has to be substituted for.
why does it necessarily have to replace a PE class? there are plenty of other electives it could replace for a student, like an art class or band, etc.

Can you imagine this happening in the US?

I totally get it as a club, but as an actual class? It's insane. There isn't even a football class, so the comparison to sports is meaningless.
actually schools do have weight training classes specifically for football players, or at least the schools in my county do. theres a distinct difference between the football classes and standard weight training classes too.

Weight training is either a substitute for, or the next level of, regular required P.E. classes.
they spend the class period specifically conditioning themselves to be better football players. i think it counts.

Can you imagine this happening in the US?

I totally get it as a club, but as an actual class? It's insane. There isn't even a football class, so the comparison to sports is meaningless.
actually schools do have weight training classes specifically for football players, or at least the schools in my county do. theres a distinct difference between the football classes and standard weight training classes too.



Casual shits.
Hey now
counter strike is not very good at all, just popular

Gaming / Re: Yo, who is this guy (Fallout 4)
« on: January 15, 2016, 10:08:07 AM »
i froze him with the console. didnt have time for his bullshit.

I think it's ridiculous, but I suppose if it's a viable source of income then it's not totally stupid.

How many e-sport competitors actually make a livable wage off it? Wonder if it's more than sporty-types trying to become the next Olympic medalist.
depends on the game/org they play for, and how popular they are as a player. the best/most popular league of legends players/owners live extremely comfortably, and even the run of the mill pro players are salaried (w/ extra benefits from sponsorships/streaming partnerships) and have housing/other things provided for them. valve doesnt salary their dota 2 players AFAIK but the last world championship, the international 2015, had a prize pool of ~$18mil. competitive gaming incomes vary quite wildly depending on game/player, and as with regular sports, only the absolute best of the best get to enjoy the benefits of being a competitive gamer. however, since people are becoming more accepting of competitive gaming, kids especially, i think its a good thing for schools to officially support clubs for games. its a good way to get students to keep their minds sharp/learn to work together/etc.

The Flood / Re: Why do people hate pedophiles?
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:23:39 PM »

for you, OP. please stop using the internet.

Rand had a periscope going and it just ended

tbh he should be on the stage


he does not belong on the big stage.

i think ben carson took a few too many xanax before tonight's outing

"more to come- the fight against isis!"

inb4 "obama fucked us all"/"boots on the ground"/"a coalition with saudi arabia and other nations led by the united states", wild card "the king of jordan"

Serious / Re: #OscarsSoWhite
« on: January 14, 2016, 02:26:46 PM »
the fact that benicio del toro didnt get a supporting actor nod is a travesty

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on electoral monarchy?
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:35:13 AM »
Isn't an elected monarch an oxymoron? I thought one of the main points about monarchs was it was a hereditary title.

Regardless, I'd be interested in reading about this. Sounds interesting.
its not a hard and fast thing; it just so happens that a massive collection of historical monarchs played by that rule. its the precedent, but not a necessary aspect at the core of things.

What are the 'requirements' for being a monarch, then? I'm curious.
i guess it would depend on who you ask. id say a government exists under a monarchy when there is a single, sovereign head of state, someone who holds more power than any other agencies or entities within the government and cannot be overridden by them after the monarch has made a decision.  how the monarch gets to that position is of little consequence to me.

What would differentiate that from a dictatorship?
there isnt a huge difference between absolute monarchy and dictatorships on paper. the main difference being that dictators typically rise to power through republican/democratic means, eg hitler, and monarchs trend towards hereditary rule/divine right of kings/mandate of heaven

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on electoral monarchy?
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:08:12 AM »
Isn't an elected monarch an oxymoron? I thought one of the main points about monarchs was it was a hereditary title.

Regardless, I'd be interested in reading about this. Sounds interesting.
its not a hard and fast thing; it just so happens that a massive collection of historical monarchs played by that rule. its the precedent, but not a necessary aspect at the core of things.

What are the 'requirements' for being a monarch, then? I'm curious.
i guess it would depend on who you ask. id say a government exists under a monarchy when there is a single, sovereign head of state, someone who holds more power than any other agencies or entities within the government and cannot be overridden by them after the monarch has made a decision.  how the monarch gets to that position is of little consequence to me.

The Flood / Re: Top 10 Anime plot twists
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:04:07 AM »

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on electoral monarchy?
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:00:33 AM »
Isn't an elected monarch an oxymoron? I thought one of the main points about monarchs was it was a hereditary title.

Regardless, I'd be interested in reading about this. Sounds interesting.
its not a hard and fast thing; it just so happens that a massive collection of historical monarchs played by that rule. its the precedent, but not a necessary aspect at the core of things.

Gaming / Re: Just when you though E-Sports couldn't get more putrid....
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:01:26 PM »
I didn't know MLG was still a thing.
they had exclusive streaming contracts with pretty much anyone under their banner so basically all that was left of the MLG scene, which is pretty much just CoD at this point, was on, completely cutting them off from the mainstream gaming community. so no wonder y'all forgot mlg was still running

Gaming / Re: Hilarious videogame moments that actually made you chuckle?
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:11:28 PM »
"You rang, dude? I mean, sir? You rang, Sir Grodus, dude? Grodus? Sir Grodus, sir?"
"Shut up."

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