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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 is $40 on Amazon
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:50:01 PM »
$40 is pretty worth for fallout 4.

The Flood / Re: Tfw no longer remembered on Bungie
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:43:41 PM »
why would anyone remember you

The Flood / Re: Women want equal rights
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:06:06 PM »
kill yourself op

The Flood / Re: Does Japan have the inverse of Weebs?
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:10:25 PM »
cultural exchange goes both ways. japanese kids listen to popular american music from a couple of decades ago for example.


I go to the coal region too often to take anyone who mentions white privilege seriously.

Aren't the Appalachians like a third world country in terms of poverty rates and standard of living?
Yes. They're also the single most discriminated-against group in the country.
[citation needed]
Yes, because a media source is going to report something so awkward to say as "Appalachians discriminated against". In fact, a sociologist would look into it so there's something to report, too.
"i dont have a source"
"I'm too lazy to look into it myself and I demand you back up everything you say with media. Unless the media source has an agenda counter to my own, in which case I will discount it anyway"

How about no. One only needs to look into the pop-culture perception of poor southerners, and Appalachians in particular, to understand this. They're literally the only group you can make fun of without being targeted by the PC crowd.
i do not deny that poor southerners, especially "hillbillies" in the appalachians, are culturally discriminated against- as a southerner with family in the appalachians, and having worked volunteer duties for poor families in the appalachians, ive experienced this firsthand.

you made an assertion, its not unreasonable for me to ask that you provide a citation. burden of proof is on you when you say something like "the single most discriminated-against group in the country." so dont get all asshurt at me when i ask you to put up or shut up kiddo.
I don't know what kind of proof you want. Media articles are of no value in this context thanks to bias, and no researcher on earth is going to get funding to look into it. It is pretty fucking clear that poor, inland southerners are the biggest targets of hostile attitudes in the country, you only need to look at pretty much any media depiction of them vs for example urban latinos or muslims. Negative depictions of other groups are almost always met with criticism, but negative depictions of southerners are generally much harsher and rarely if ever cause mainstream upset.
but door if one of the four major news outlets didnt report on it then it doesnt happen!!!
not even close to what i was getting at but by all means, carry on with this short-sighted bullshit.

The Flood / Re: Kittens thead
« on: January 22, 2016, 01:14:52 PM »


The Flood / Re: Why do you do drugs?
« on: January 21, 2016, 09:38:36 PM »
because it makes me feel good.

The Flood / Re: So if like 20 people were pissing on you at once
« on: January 21, 2016, 06:07:08 PM »
drown in piss please

Serious / Re: #OscarsSoWhite
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:17:23 PM »

It's 2016. Whites are a hugely under-represented demographic within the hip hop scene. We need more diversification within the industry. Whites are just as capable of making good rap music as blacks. I mean, c'mon, it's the current year.
Except a bunch of white mofos with no talent took all the awards recently.

Awards are irrelevant. These people's acting speaks for itself.
im still salty over macklemore winning over kendrick

Kanye isnt even that bad
he's one of the greatest musicians of our era tbh. without a doubt a GOAT tier hip hop producer.

The Flood / Re: East Coast Blizzard Thread
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:17:06 PM »
There might be a little snow/freezing rain tomorrow, but with how much the weather forecast keeps changing I doubt that there will really be anything to report back with. Georgia is a finicky state, and out weather is pretty bipolar. This year we'd most likely get snow in February or March tbh.

The Flood / Re: Theme song for the user above you.
« on: January 21, 2016, 11:43:55 AM »
Pip is the first person ever to not post Elton John's "Rocketman" as my theme song.

He won't but I will. 


Appropriate for the current situation
hey faggot, im the one above you not rocket. give me my theme song.

Serious / Re: #OscarsSoWhite
« on: January 21, 2016, 11:42:38 AM »
I still stand firm on my point on Idris Elba in Beasts Of No Nation, but it probably has more to do with the fact that it was a Netflix film and The Academy is almost universally known for being reticent about awarding new media platforms. The same shit happened to Andy Serkis' performance in LoTR. They didn't consider CGI acting to be legitimate performances. Bullshit reasoning sure, but it had absolutely fuck all to do with race.
I wouldn't call them illegitimate, but CGI acting is not the same as traditional acting. They shouldn't go under the same category.
perhaps a technical category for motion capture and then let the actors get in on a voice acting category.

The Flood / Re: Theme song for the user above you.
« on: January 21, 2016, 11:37:20 AM »

Gaming / Re: I have a hard time enjoying Halo 5's multiplayer.
« on: January 20, 2016, 07:49:20 PM »
thats probably because h5 is designed for competitive players (aside from warzone) and you suck ass at halo

Remember when the point of video games was to have fun and not get competitive? I do.

If a game doesn't entertain me in like 5 minutes I stop playing it. Also if your only judging my play-through when it was Chally vs Me, I actually had a shitty connection and Chally was a higher skill level. There are FAR worse players than me.
some people have fun being competitive. chally isnt even good, hes a fucking brig. you just suck ass.

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:40:54 PM »
I'm playing Blade and Soul and made my woman's thighs and butt thicker than normal because that turns me on

I'm a bad person
I just want to play a girl character that doesn't have boobs the size of mountains and thighs too thick to fit through a door in that game ;____;

Fan service is insane in that game

Free and something we can play with friends, honestly.
But MMO games are turrible.
maybe if youre a filthy casual
>implying that generic mob hunting, grinding, and themeparks are good

you've clearly never played an mmo at max level
"you can't call a game boring unless you put hundreds of hours gritting your teeth and muscling through it"

Got to 70-something on a character in Maplestory and a 90-something in Runescape back in the day, anyway. WoW sucks, Runescape sucks now, Maplestory sucks now, Terra sucks, et cetera. No such thing as a "good MMO" in today's world.
i feel bad for you

Gaming / Re: I have a hard time enjoying Halo 5's multiplayer.
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:05:20 PM »
thats probably because h5 is designed for competitive players (aside from warzone) and you suck ass at halo

The Flood / Re: Jai Courtney
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:58:44 PM »
he's gonna be a great cpt boomerang. mark my words.

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:56:11 PM »
I'm playing Blade and Soul and made my woman's thighs and butt thicker than normal because that turns me on

I'm a bad person
I just want to play a girl character that doesn't have boobs the size of mountains and thighs too thick to fit through a door in that game ;____;

Fan service is insane in that game

Free and something we can play with friends, honestly.
But MMO games are turrible.
maybe if youre a filthy casual
>implying that generic mob hunting, grinding, and themeparks are good

you've clearly never played an mmo at max level

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:53:10 PM »
I'm playing Blade and Soul and made my woman's thighs and butt thicker than normal because that turns me on

I'm a bad person
I just want to play a girl character that doesn't have boobs the size of mountains and thighs too thick to fit through a door in that game ;____;

Fan service is insane in that game

Free and something we can play with friends, honestly.
But MMO games are turrible.
maybe if youre a filthy casual

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:51:42 AM »
I never got the less armour = better stats thing some games seem to have. All less armour would do is make you more mobile, not give you better damage protection.

I never really got Skyrim's female model for the Steel Plate armour, either.

Yeah there is a mod which removes the breastplates because, ya know, those things will easily kill you. I never understood there need to throw breast plates on all the armor to say "hey it's a girl!" since breastplates are insanely dangerous on armor and practically asking someone to collapse your chest.

Just made them a bit more thin like that mod does.

Skyrim's designs and thought process for things though doesn't surprise me that they'd do this. And it's where the realism for armor and the medieval setting breaks down (ignoring magic and all that I mean).

Honestly, I was always surprised GOT never tried that with their armour, considering everything else on the show >.>

they did. leather armor, but still..

Oh yeah.

That entire storyline was awful anyway, so I'm hardly surprised.
it was pretty much 100% fanfiction and everything about it pissed me off

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:43:45 AM »
I never got the less armour = better stats thing some games seem to have. All less armour would do is make you more mobile, not give you better damage protection.

I never really got Skyrim's female model for the Steel Plate armour, either.

Yeah there is a mod which removes the breastplates because, ya know, those things will easily kill you. I never understood there need to throw breast plates on all the armor to say "hey it's a girl!" since breastplates are insanely dangerous on armor and practically asking someone to collapse your chest.

Just made them a bit more thin like that mod does.

Skyrim's designs and thought process for things though doesn't surprise me that they'd do this. And it's where the realism for armor and the medieval setting breaks down (ignoring magic and all that I mean).

Honestly, I was always surprised GOT never tried that with their armour, considering everything else on the show >.>

they did. leather armor, but still..

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:20:45 PM »
I do not choose that path, and you have no right to condemn me because of that.
And what I want to do is censure you for not being as strong as I am.
Pathetic. You're a lost cause and I'm done here.

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:16:15 PM »
getting drunk, or getting high off pot (which i do much more often), makes me feel better in the moment, because the now is what really matters to me. if i am able to relieve my stress, even momentarily, then it feels good.
And that good feeling will never solve any of your long-term problems. You will be miserable regardless, unless you actually do something worthwhile.
Nothing will ever solve my long term problem- mortality. Engaging in these activities is worthwhile because it makes me happy in the short time I have. You are welcome to be miserable for your entire life- I do not choose that path, and you have no right to condemn me because of that.

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:12:58 PM »
I just noticed I never responded to this.

im slowly dying, period.
That doesn't mean you should want to speed up the process--especially if you don't want your death to be slow and agonizing. Which it will, if you continue drinking. (And you'd deserve it.)
thats not how that works.

Serious / Re: The Above Average Effect
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:44:54 PM »
I tend to think of myself as below-average in most areas, to be honest.

Serious / Re: Maintenance Grants for English Students scrapped
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:34:38 PM »
I'm going to have a grand total of £15,000 when I finish my degree.

It's not great but compared to every bugger else, I'm getting off lightly. This is going to hit my friend hard though, because he's not from a well-off family.

Still though, the price might be eye-watering but provided they don't change the rules of repayment it's not all that bad.

The day they try to fuck with that though?
The student/graduate chimpout in london will make the 2011 riots look tame.
hang on hang on

you're getting paid for your 4 year degree?
I wish


No, that's the debt.

I will however get paid when I go to do the doctorate, because the NHS pays it's clinical trainees a salary whilst they study. Which is nice.
oh okay i was about to be pissed because i have $17k worth of debt right now and im not even done yet

Serious / Re: Maintenance Grants for English Students scrapped
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:30:11 PM »
I'm going to have a grand total of £15,000 when I finish my degree.

It's not great but compared to every bugger else, I'm getting off lightly. This is going to hit my friend hard though, because he's not from a well-off family.

Still though, the price might be eye-watering but provided they don't change the rules of repayment it's not all that bad.

The day they try to fuck with that though?
The student/graduate chimpout in london will make the 2011 riots look tame.
hang on hang on

you're getting paid for your 4 year degree?

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:05:03 PM »
I've never understood how someone can develop such a taste for alcohol that any sort of hard liquor tastes good to them, even in mixed drinks. All alcoholic beverages are worse to me than a non-alcoholic counterpart with roughly the same ingredients. Getting drunk is a bad idea, but I wouldn't be so against doing it to myself if the process of getting drunk didn't involve drinking something that tastes like melted rubber and kerosene.
depends on the liquor. ive had some frozen mixed drinks that taste like HEAVEN, and ive had framboise that tastes better than most sodas ive had.
I can tell when there's a even a hint of alcohol in a drink you give me, and I never consider it a good thing. It's like, sure, you might be able to toss a bunch of flavoring over it, but you're doing it because alcohol doesn't taste good to begin with.
Me too, but I don't consider it a bad thing if the drink otherwise tastes fine.

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:01:10 PM »
I think a fine is enough punishment.
Whatever. I'd rather rip their limbs off and feed them to dogs, but you know, whatever works.
Dude, seriously, what the fuck is going on with you? Shit like this makes me feel like the people around you are in danger. If it were Loaf saying this it would be different, but you tend to mean what you say- get help, please, before you hurt someone.
LOL Fuck off dude. Calm down.
Tell me why I shouldn't be concerned about this, please.
Because he always exaggerates like this.
I'm not entirely sure it's an exaggeration. I have no reason to believe that he doesn't mean what he says, therefore these things are alarming. I'm sure a lot of murderers seemed like they were "just exaggerating" on obscure internet forums before going out and harming others. I am genuinely concerned that Verbatim poses a threat to others because he acts consistently in this manner; by my estimation, it's only a matter of time before he snaps.

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