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Messages - Azumarill

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Gaming / Re: VirtuaDolls is a Game Controller You Actually Have Sex With
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:30:19 PM »
we finally have the technology

I think I'm going to want to have sex with a real girl over this shit tbh fam.
this sort of thing isnt being marketed to the people who want to have sex with real women

The Flood / Re: Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
« on: February 02, 2016, 10:47:11 PM »
i saw a bigfoot on my back porch once

The Flood / Re: I smoked four joints
« on: February 02, 2016, 07:05:06 PM »
How? I like being high but the smoking part is pretty gross
the smoking part is fucking awesome, except for the odd hit that makes you want to barf/die for about 5 minutes before putting you at a [10].

The Flood / Re: So who will legitmately be the Faith's Champion?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:22:19 PM »
Jaime McValonqar for the books.

Brienne of Terminator for the show.
why in the world would jaime be the faith militant's champion.

The Flood / Re: So who will legitmately be the Faith's Champion?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:10:59 PM »
could theoretically be lancel, as he is canonically part of the faith militant.

i personally believe that GRRM has wrapped up sandor's arc and that he intends to leave him as the gravedigger, but its GRRM and he's surprised me before so i believe there's a small, but legitimate chance that sandor will be the faith's champion. would require sandor to want to join the faith militant which i dont believe is really plausible but still.

could be some random mook.

SHIT HOW COULD I FORGET. tyene sand is in the capitol attempting to get in the high septon's good graces. though im not sure her skills with poison could help her against an undead version of gregor. i pick her as my wild card. even if she isnt the champion for the faith, i do believe that doran has sent her to KL in order to make sure that cersei dies.

Serious / Re: Who here has had suicidal thoughts lately?
« on: February 01, 2016, 05:47:04 PM »
the thought crosses my mind a lot but i never seriously entertain it.

The Flood / Re: What movies are you HYPED for this year?
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:59:23 PM »
Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, X Men Apocalypse, Hail Caesar, Rogue One, Warcraft, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, Keanu

Gaming / Re: Songs and sounds you dread hearing in games
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:54:14 PM »
when i see the spartan laser indicator on standoff, especially in an AR starts game. itll be damn near impossible to get the guy with the laser and you can say adios to map control as long as he holds it. terrifying stuff.

never on console. ive had a very hard time adapting to mouse+keyboard fps games though.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:05:50 PM »
With all the expansions and shit, I don't think it's worth starting at this point.
and why would you think that?
Because on top of the subscription fees, you have to buy several expansion packs (I know they've made some of the older ones free), to play content that isn't relevant.
you have to buy exactly one expansion pack to play current content; all other xpacs are included in the base game. also, shrewd players do not have to pay their subscription fees anymore. blizzard essentially legalized the gold economy and offers 30 day subscription tokens on the store for $20 a pop; gold farmers buy these tokens, sell them on the auction house (they go for around 30-40k gold per 30 day sub on my server,) then turn around and flip a profit on the gold they make by flipping the tokens. once you get to max level and really get going it isnt very difficult for you to farm enough gold to keep yourself afloat without having to pay your sub fee.

also, just because content from vanilla, BC, wrath, cataclysm, and pandaland isnt current doesnt mean it isnt relevant. you can still experience the storylines, get gear from their content to transmogrify your gear to (say your current draenor gear is ugly: you can farm gear from wrath of the lich king and pay a very small amount of gold to make your draenor gear look like that wrath gear), earn titles/achievements/mounts/pets for their content, et cetera.

i understand that the older content may seem irrelevant to someone who doesnt actually play the game, but im telling you right now that it absolutely isnt irrelevant unless literally all you care about is current tier raiding and pvp.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:56:15 PM »
With all the expansions and shit, I don't think it's worth starting at this point.
and why would you think that?

poverty ball is fucking gay

Gaming / Re: Favorite game reviewer?
« on: January 31, 2016, 07:16:25 PM »
i dont watch reviewers because i form my own opinions

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 31, 2016, 03:41:00 PM »
Does it ever get very stagnant leveling after a certain point? Purchasing WoD gave me a free lvl 90 boost.

levelling is very slow for someone who doesnt have heirloom armor; you can make it a bit faster by learning gathering professions (mining/herbalism for example) and doing those in whatever zone you quest in currently. youll be able to queue for dungeons at level 15 and those help boost your xp a lot. also, pvp grants experience, though im not sure if its time efficient at lower levels (and youll definitely be at a disadvantage to twinks/people with heirlooms in low level pvp).

if you press m and bring up your map, you can hover over the various zones on the continent and theyll have level ranges. once you hit level 11 youll be able to get level-appropriate quests from something called a "hero's call board;" i believe there's one in the middle of the trade district in stormwind.
yeah i really dislike the 40-70 levelling range. if you go ahead and 90 a character, level it through draenor and it will be able to farm gold for you so that you can buy heirlooms to make the levelling experience less ass on your other characters. id recommend trying to find a decent friendly guild that might be able to offer help.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:50:44 PM »
So I'm level eight right now. All I'm doing is walking around Elwynn Forest doing random quests that give more than 200 exp. Is there anyway to make this faster? Also, how soon can I leave the starting area (and by leave I mean not get anally ravaged by higher level monsters) and do stuff in other locations?
levelling is very slow for someone who doesnt have heirloom armor; you can make it a bit faster by learning gathering professions (mining/herbalism for example) and doing those in whatever zone you quest in currently. youll be able to queue for dungeons at level 15 and those help boost your xp a lot. also, pvp grants experience, though im not sure if its time efficient at lower levels (and youll definitely be at a disadvantage to twinks/people with heirlooms in low level pvp).

if you press m and bring up your map, you can hover over the various zones on the continent and theyll have level ranges. once you hit level 11 youll be able to get level-appropriate quests from something called a "hero's call board;" i believe there's one in the middle of the trade district in stormwind.

The Flood / Re: Anime is cancer
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:46:39 PM »
no one cares

a prominent league streamer did this too a couple years ago, but my favorite accidental streaming moment has to be this


watch bottom right corner, saintvicious is the man

The Flood / Re: Oh my fuckig Christ, Aldnoah Zero is so fucking bad.
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:33:30 PM »
On the contrary, I fucking hated Slaine. Have you watched season 2, Slaine becomes so fucking egotistical and narcissistic, I almost dropped it because of him.

Personally I enjoyed the show, however I will agree with you that its flaws are pretty in your face compared to its strong points. Slaine pissed me off to no end, the story can't seem to kill off an important character despite having you believe they did it three times (after the second attempt, I refused to believe that character was dead/going to stay dead in season 2 and lo and behold, she lived! Amazing!), and the story basically just copying the plot to 0079 so much they might as well have called their spaceship the White Base.

Now what I would have LIKED to see? Our can-do-no-wrong MC (in a tolerable state) fight off a new orbital knight every week simply using his own natural wits like he did with the first Aldnoah Kataphrakt, too bad they went the route of having him mirror Slaine on the same goal of "WHO IZ RESPONSIBLE?!"

The only character that isnt complete dogshit is Slaine and he only gets away with being an illogical manipulative prick because they intentionally wrote him to be one.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:09:40 PM »
Don't join the lolhorde

Join the Alliance. Together, we can turn Orgrimmar to ash.
the only people who play alliance are women and children

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:41:15 PM »
If I use refer-a-friend, do I need to do stuff with my friend to get the 300% boost or can I just do my own thing and not bother them?

you need to find a friend to do refer-a-friend with. 300% leveling xp. grinding from level 1 until around wrath/cata (70-80) is gonna be a nightmare for you. i would offer to do it but i cant guarantee my availability- ive baited like 4 people into refer a friend benefits with me in the past and have never helped them much at all.

I've tanked in XIV and while I am good at it, it simply isn't for me. I'm aware that DPS queue times are going to makes things a slog, but I really don't want to deal with the pressure of healing or holding aggro.

my advice: choose a class that can offspec as a healer (druid, priest, paladin, monk, shaman), learn to heal and queue up as a healer in dungeons. dungeons make levelling a lot faster and healers get quick queues. this works for tank specs as well but i would recommend that you not play a tank spec until you learn the basics well, people will rage and wont hesitate to kick you from a dungeon if you dont know how to tank.

Aee any of these necessary for leveling? I use a DPS parser for XIV but I only use it when proging in Alexander Savage. I wasn't planning on worrying about the meta until I reach the late game.

you're gonna need addons too. blizzard has made it so that the community can make a lot of great improvements to the game through addons. get curse client to download them; i recommend at least these addons for barebones- DeadlyBossMods, GTFO, bartender, tidyplates, skada (for damage/healing information), healbot (makes healing much simpler, there are better addons to do it with but ive always healed with healbot).

I was going to go Stormrage since according to realmpop it's the most active one for NA.

go horde on illidan and i might be convinced to give you some gold. feel free to add me on, Liramuza#1300, and ill be glad to answer any questions you might have.

^ my main toon
stormrage isnt a terrible idea if you want to be alliance scum, its the PVE equivalent of illidan (which is a PVP horde dominant server.) alliance is OP in PVP right now, i must add, because humans have a really OP racial active.

healing is pretty low-pressure during levelling content tbh, i took to it like a fish to water and i had never played any MMOs before. none of the addons i recommended are necessary per se but they definitely help clean up your UI and make things much more manageable across the board. playing without addons in wow is like intentionally gimping yourself.

compare this screenshot to your default HUD and decide for yourself which UI seems better.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:31:53 PM »
I was tempted to play WoW when Wrath of the Lich King came out because the trailer looked so kickass.
you can level to 20 for free and get a feel for it. i was addicted the second i started playing the trial. id recommend giving it a shot when youre bored one day and have nothing else to do.

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:23:18 PM »
you need to find a friend to do refer-a-friend with. 300% leveling xp. grinding from level 1 until around wrath/cata (70-80) is gonna be a nightmare for you, especially without heirlooms, unless you're really into the whole solo progression/grinding thing. i would offer to do it but i cant guarantee my availability- ive baited like 4 people into refer a friend benefits with me in the past and have never helped them much at all.

my advice: choose a class that can offspec as a healer (druid, priest, paladin, monk, shaman), learn to heal and queue up as a healer in dungeons. dungeons make levelling a lot faster and healers get quick queues. this works for tank specs as well but i would recommend that you not play a tank spec until you learn the basics well, people will rage and wont hesitate to kick you from a dungeon if you dont know how to tank.

you're gonna need addons too. blizzard has made it so that the community can make a lot of great improvements to the game through addons. get curse client to download them; i recommend at least these addons for barebones- DeadlyBossMods, GTFO, bartender, tidyplates, skada (for damage/healing information), healbot (makes healing much simpler, there are better addons to do it with but ive always healed with healbot).

go horde on illidan and i might be convinced to give you some gold. feel free to add me on, Liramuza#1300, and ill be glad to answer any questions you might have.

^ my main toon

if you dont want to play on my server, use this website to find out about the populations/faction ratios of various servers. my server, illidan, is one of the highest population servers in NA but has a MASSIVELY skewed horde/alliance ratio, like WAY more horde. having such a high population makes it so that our economy thrives very well, but we've also attracted a lot of chinese progression guilds and chinese gold farmers, so a lot of people have an addon that blocks chinese characters in chat.

Gaming / Re: How many of you play FIFA?
« on: January 30, 2016, 05:43:27 PM »

Gaming / Re: How many of you play FIFA?
« on: January 30, 2016, 05:36:50 PM »
shit sport shit video games shit op

The Flood / Re: Does Sep7agon celebrate porch day?
« on: January 30, 2016, 02:09:33 PM »
porch day was fucking lame why bother

Gaming / Re: I lost dogmeat
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:25:36 PM »
Go to Sanctuary and scrap all of the doghouses except one. Dogmeat will return there in time.
this. then send him to red rocket when you find him.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 30, 2016, 11:16:14 AM »
This is objectively false.

There are a lot of times when the dub sounds better than the sub.


Gurren Lagann.
Death Note.
Black Lagoon.
Hellsing Ultimate.
the only thing i didnt like about hellsing ultimate's dub was the voice actress for seras. crispin freeman as alucard tho...

Serious / Re: FBI video of Burns Refuge occupiers getting BTFO
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:24:13 PM »
This is wrong when it happens to young black men, and it's wrong when it happens to any other demographic. Something obviously needs to be done about the overall intensiveness of screening police officers in this country.
this has nothing to do with the problems with police. this maniac committed a serious crime, fled from the feds, almost ran one down with his truck, and attempted to kill them. he got what he deserved.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:01:41 PM »
Also TTGL has a good dub. I think the Japanese sounds way more hot blooded but the English one is enjoyable. I watched it dubbed first so I just stick with that.
Anything with Yuri Lowenthal in it gets me off.

That mans voice is orgasmic to me. He delivers every role he gets cast in.
he did the english voice for riddhe in gundam unicorn and it was SO GOOD

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