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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Why do the Harry Potter films get so dull and grey
« on: April 06, 2016, 02:39:16 PM »
they changed directors in like the third movie i think. he decided to take the series' aesthetic in a different direction. thats why they stopped wearing robes so much and started wearing normal clothes too.

Serious / Re: The second ammendment should only apply to muskets,
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:07:49 PM »
Why precisely does the second amendment exist? It was created to keep leverage against the government wasn't it?

Aren't small arms only one aspect of an effective resistance, as evidenced by every armed rebellion since 1776? A successful campaign against da spooky fed would surely require explosives or heavier munitions wouldn't it? Why then aren't we given constitutional rights to explosives and mortars?

Is it because at some point we DO create a compromise between national security and the amendment?

I'm not saying that current or proposed gun legislation is actually effective protection from mass killers or terrorists or whatever, I just despise the "muh regulated militia" bullshit.

Don't get me started on how oxymoronic the "militia" concept is.
A violent revolution probably would be fought with IEDs, but nobody keeps potentially-unstable explosives just lying around. They would likely be constructed out of easily-obtainable chemicals as needed. Thus, it's kind of pointless to have an amendment protecting them.
we also have a hell of a lot of shit that can be used as shrapnel in IEDs. do not want to step on an american guerilla glass frag mine. nty.

Serious / Re: The second ammendment should only apply to muskets,
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:04:47 PM »
as we were given the means to bring about change to that in very peaceful means via the constitution itself.

im not entirely convinced we the people have much of a say.

The Flood / Re: So I'm watching WrestleMania
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:57:34 PM »
Wrestling is fake and boring
novels are fake and boring

video games are fake and boring

paintings are fake and boring

et cetera

listen, rocket. good wrestling is an art form. good storylines and personalities come together to make magic. WWF back in the day is the prime example- go back and see how Hulk Hogan and Macho Man did things. Is wrestling scripted? Yep. Does that inherently and necessarily devalue it as a form of artistic expression? nope.

im not gonna apologize for the state of today's WWE. too much pandering and the writers they have on staff are absolutely awful. but there are a lot of good "wrestlers" who could be utilized in great ways. a good "wrestler" is what happens when you take a dedicated stuntman and a method actor and you fuse them together. you can do SO many great things with the base concept of scripted wrestling. the WWE just fails miserably at it.

Gaming / Re: What game should I get?
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:06:03 PM »
It aged terribly.
I hear people say this all the time, but I really don't get it. It kind of looks like shit, but that's not really a big deal.

But yeah, Dark Souls might be the way to go.
oblivion's combat has aged very poorly as well. if you can get past that the story is still passable and the game does handle its art direction well and boasts excellent atmosphere.

Serious / Re: Panama Papers: It's fucking happening
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:00:03 PM »
what does this mean
confirms stuff everyone already knows, ie rich people conspire to shelter their income from tax responsibilities

Serious / Re: Panama Papers: It's fucking happening
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:58:47 AM »
Watch as nothing comes of it.
the IRS will probably do something about it in america

the broader plot points are fine & easy to work with. i could improve the movie by a lot but my version would be like an hour longer & have a lot more extended dialogue.

Gaming / Re: What is your legend leauge rank?
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:16:45 PM »
~3.3k MMR. I rarely do ranked and always climb when I do though.
OK, um, maybe you're under the wrong impression about your elo, but just so you know, estimates the MMR of the highest ranked player in NA to be 3,005. So, forgive me for doing a double take when I see that you think you're playing at 3.3k MMR
It is admittedly quite difficult to push the skill ceiling in League, but once you graduate to DotA 2 3.3k MMR is actually quite average.
cool? dota and league dont share the same MMR system. youre not playing at 3.3k MMR in league. if you were youd be a pro. give me the name of your account and the server you play on so i can try to parse this out.

Gaming / Re: What is your legend leauge rank?
« on: March 30, 2016, 03:53:46 PM »
~3.3k MMR. I rarely do ranked and always climb when I do though.
OK, um, maybe you're under the wrong impression about your elo, but just so you know, estimates the MMR of the highest ranked player in NA to be 3,005. So, forgive me for doing a double take when I see that you think you're playing at 3.3k MMR

does anyone know if WB is planning on incorporating the suicide squad into their future JL movies?
suicide squad is happening in the same movie universe. some of the characters might/probably will cross over into other DCEU properties, like joker and harley and probably amanda waller.

Batman is an actual psychopath, and usually a hoplophobe. In some continuities, it was revealed that even others think his no-kill rule is excessive, in the sense that he goes to unreasonable lengths to prevent it.
yeah, prime example for this usually being how much collateral damage various batmen have caused by letting various jokers live instead of killing them.

Wait, did people actually not like Ben Affleck as Batman?
The complaints I usually see are that he was more ruthless & actively killed, to the point where he's worse than TDKR Batman. The only Batmen who kill more indiscriminately than Batfleck are Thomas Wayne and Kirk Langstrom in Gods & Monsters afaik. I don't have a problem with it as long as they reign him back in after the events of BvS. My problem with Ben was that Bruce wasn't great. When Mercy caught him at Lex's party he had such a half assed excuse, really Bruce, you're looking for the bathroom? Bruce Wayne should have something much better prepared for a moment like that. That's technically a fault of the script but Ben Affleck is a savvy enough guy I figure he should have ad libbed a better excuse. But overall Ben is good. His look was damn near perfect for a TDKR inspired Batman. He's a fucking tank, his suits are great, and the voice modulator foils Christian Bale's gravelly voice perfectly.

The Flood / Re: Why is liking Nickelback frowned upon on the Internet?
« on: March 28, 2016, 07:00:17 PM »
Everyone has to show how much better they are than others by bitching about the music they like
Nickelback is objectively shit

find another site to troll
i distinctly remember you harassing me because i said one single chad kroeger song wasnt that bad. what an odd 180 you've seemed to make.
Chad Kroeger? Literally who? You must be remembering this completely wrong, because I have no idea what you're talking about. I wouldn't do that in the first place, what someone listens to is their own business.
the lead singer of nickelback. i know you're retarded but i guess i should have figured you wouldnt own up to it when i called out your bs.

The Flood / Re: Why is liking Nickelback frowned upon on the Internet?
« on: March 28, 2016, 06:53:00 PM »
Everyone has to show how much better they are than others by bitching about the music they like
Nickelback is objectively shit

find another site to troll
i distinctly remember you harassing me because i said one single chad kroeger song wasnt that bad. what an odd 180 you've seemed to make.

This reveal might actually mean JL Part 1 = defeating Steppenwolf, and JL Part 2 = defeating Darkseid.

Not sure how evil Superman fits into all of this, though.
I'm concerned about that too.

If it's Yuga Khan or Steppenwolf, maybe we should be giving the execs. at WB more credit. Clearly they're doing something a lot less conventional than we thought.

i think it was still a stupid decision to exclude this scene from the film and im willing to bet there are more scenes in the directors cut that fill in some more gaps. looks like some last minute studio meddling happened.

Its probably an image created by the kryptonian ship

What do you mean?
lex was chillin out with the computer and he told it to teach him. it looks like the ship created an image of steppenwolf or yuga khan while teaching lex about apokolips and darkseid. that would probably explain why he's so off the rails at the end of the film. steppenwolf is the leader of darkseid's military so it makes sense that he'd be the one the ship shows first; he'd lead the parademons in the knightmare scene to earth and be the first member of darkseid's elite that the justice league encounters

Justice League Part 1 will "fulfill the prophecy" that was told in BvS with the Knightmare sequence, Justice League Part 2 will deal with "fixing" it.

That's the only way I can see it happening.

with deleted scenes and directors cuts apparently


^ official deleted scene just released by WB

Holy fuck.

Is... is that supposed to be Darkseid?
no it looks more like his father yuga khan or steppenwolf (steppenwolf only looks like that sometimes). its probably an image created by the kryptonian ship

with deleted scenes and directors cuts apparently


^ official deleted scene just released by WB

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman Review
« on: March 28, 2016, 01:05:34 PM »
if this a copypasta? if it isnt, good job.

The Flood / Re: There was a bombing in Pakistan
« on: March 27, 2016, 11:39:45 AM »

at least 50 dead mostly women in children, happened in a park.

happy easter everybody.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones: Reddit and 4Chan predicted...
« on: March 27, 2016, 11:10:39 AM »
Probably one of the dumbest theories so far.
the theory that the last hero was a diplomat is very sound. the theory that jon takes an Other to wife? yea no thats not gonna happen.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones: Reddit and 4Chan predicted...
« on: March 27, 2016, 11:10:05 AM »
I highly doubt that anyone on 4chan came up with Cleganebowl, just popularized it.

Also I've heard that Reddit mythos theory before. Not sure I buy it. Definitely don't agree with their prediction.
4chan definitely isnt responsible for how popular cleganebowl is

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:58:02 PM »
its definitely not an 8/10. the negativity is way overblown but its not that good of a movie. 6/10 at best.

The Flood / Re: Question for those who saw Batman v Superman
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:14:45 PM »
I've been wondering why it's a v instead of a vs

I forget who said it, but the reason is that it's supposed to be a battle of ideologies, like in a court case.
i said that, and it was supposed to be, but it really wasnt.

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman was fucking horrific.
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:42:53 PM »
What? The Reeves movies were never canon.

It had to be the official, regonised main-line canon of the DCU at one point to be considered "canon" in debates like this. DC's idea of canon is really fucked up.
is there a compendium for this sort of thing, or what

also i'm kinda surprised you didn't like the christopher reeve films--they were campy, but i think they had a charm to them

and reeve himself was just the perfect superman
Current in the comics is the New 52, a singular universe. However, the Superman Doomed story confirms that the Multiverse is rekindling.

Other official universes are the Television Universe and the Cinematic Universe. Thought it was stupid not to combine the two, but Snyder can't control the edge-factor of Heroes of Tommorow, Arrow, or The Flash so he acts like they don't exist.
i think the live action DC tv universe is really bad and it was a good idea for them not to include them in the DCEU.
HOT blows, Arrow is meh, The Flash is pretty good, and Smallville was great.
arrow and the flash are both really bad. smallville was good but it isnt in the current live action shared universe.

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman was fucking horrific.
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:34:26 PM »
and all you said was "Bruce is smarter than Clark", which is arguable at best.
o rly ?

pretty sure my point was made abundantly clear well before i had to spell it out in caps
bruce wayne, in just about every incarnation i can think of, devoted his life to becoming a polymath. he is consistently mentioned as being one of the smartest people alive in DC continuities. clark has a high IQ but he didnt devote himself to learning the way bruce did.

The point of your post was still "Bruce is smarter than Clark". I don't know what you're getting at, now.
and i made it clear that my rationale for that was because bruce applied himself more.

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman was fucking horrific.
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:33:48 PM »
What? The Reeves movies were never canon.

It had to be the official, regonised main-line canon of the DCU at one point to be considered "canon" in debates like this. DC's idea of canon is really fucked up.
is there a compendium for this sort of thing, or what

also i'm kinda surprised you didn't like the christopher reeve films--they were campy, but i think they had a charm to them

and reeve himself was just the perfect superman
Current in the comics is the New 52, a singular universe. However, the Superman Doomed story confirms that the Multiverse is rekindling.

Other official universes are the Television Universe and the Cinematic Universe. Thought it was stupid not to combine the two, but Snyder can't control the edge-factor of Heroes of Tommorow, Arrow, or The Flash so he acts like they don't exist.
i think the live action DC tv universe is really bad and it was a good idea for them not to include them in the DCEU.

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman was fucking horrific.
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:20:56 PM »
and all you said was "Bruce is smarter than Clark", which is arguable at best.
o rly ?

pretty sure my point was made abundantly clear well before i had to spell it out in caps
bruce wayne, in just about every incarnation i can think of, devoted his life to becoming a polymath. he is consistently mentioned as being one of the smartest people alive in DC continuities. clark has a high IQ but he didnt devote himself to learning the way bruce did.

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