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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:51:25 PM »
where's septy i haven't seen that tranny for a while either
Dark Souls 3

He's in our chat
tru add me on skype. i stopped using my old one. my new skype username is liramuza. put me in the weeb chat.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:40:40 PM »
I don't know the story around Noel, I lost contact about a year and a half ago.

Post-breakdown noelle was uh... fuck, I didn't even like being in chatrooms around her because everything always turned in to a fucking argument.
Long story short, meds were not taken and I haven't heard from her since the Feb 1.
He's online on Xbox every other day

I hate to ask but curiosity is getting the better of me here. More than a few people started to get the suspicion that Noelle's trans identity was just a made up persona since this is a person who suffers from personality disorders (namely, schizophrenia). Have you...heard anything? It's probably not even appropriate of me to ask at this point but that was something that always seemed not entirely genuine and somewhat off.
wouldnt vien know the truth of the matter?

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:21:40 PM »
Banter slinging =/= toxic member

We did have a few of them, and I don't mean it lightly. Thankfully they are all gone for one reason or another, usually permabans, the people who now seem toxic is only by comparison to the milder users on the site.

If anyone wants me to unban a few of the real cunts we had to deal with a year or so ago, maybe a refreshing course in meatspin, doxxing and stalking would remind people what really makes a nasty piece of shit, rather than going 'what genocide?' or (((oy veying))) about the lolocaust.
play the game of relativity all you want but its seriously fucked up how everyone here seems to want to catalyze an environment in which we treat each other horribly and encourage awful things.
What forum are you on? What awful things take place here?

Are you seriously this much of a pussy where people making some jokes has you this emotional telling people to kill themselves on the Internet?
i just happen to think that worthless garbage may as well die. sorry chally; i just have no reason to believe that youre anything other than scum, because youve never given any indication that youre actually a reasonable, kind person. i dont operate under the assumption that people are necessarily distinct from their online personas. from the time i joined sep7agon until now all youve done is act horribly towards others. why should i believe that you arent trash, chally?

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:13:19 PM »
Kinder just stays quiet or leaves every time he gets added to skype groups though, what if they don't willfully come back?
does it really matter? are you seriously entertaining the idea of unbanning all the extra awful people?

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:08:17 PM »
Banter slinging =/= toxic member

We did have a few of them, and I don't mean it lightly. Thankfully they are all gone for one reason or another, usually permabans, the people who now seem toxic is only by comparison to the milder users on the site.

If anyone wants me to unban a few of the real cunts we had to deal with a year or so ago, maybe a refreshing course in meatspin, doxxing and stalking would remind people what really makes a nasty piece of shit, rather than going 'what genocide?' or (((oy veying))) about the lolocaust.
play the game of relativity all you want but its seriously fucked up how everyone here seems to want to catalyze an environment in which we treat each other horribly and encourage awful things.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:03:06 PM »
chally, i mean this sincerely: kill yourself at the next opportunity you get
The non-toxic member, everybody.
nah m8 im not toxic its just banter.

feel free to take my suggestion though, im pretty sure it would have a net positive effect on the world.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:01:53 PM »
chally, i mean this sincerely: kill yourself at the next opportunity you get

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:00:16 PM »
I think it's hilarious I'm lumped in with people like Midget and PSU because I jokingly insult people and speak bluntly.

Funnily enough, you'll find I never actually judge people for what/who they are, unlike some people here.
"ha ha its all just jokes and banter nothing i say on the internet could possibly have any negative consequences, i dont judge people i just say horrible things to them but its ok cuz joke xD"

Serious / Re: 4/19 - NY Primary
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:57:25 PM »
Purging voters? How?

Connections that can win her the election by purging voters likely to vote for sanders and restricting polling stations in their areas as well.

It happened in Arizona and it's happening again in New York.

Changing their registrations from Democrat to independent so they can't vote in closed primaries. 54,000 people in Brooklyn had this happen to them and that area was projected to be strong for Bernie. can this even happen? This is some third world "democracy" shit from unstable countries in the Middle East (or Russia) where ballots conveniently forget to mention the name of the opposing candidate or someone ends up with 140% of all votes. I've never cared that much about the US elections because of how much of a populist joke they all are, but how in the world does stuff like this even fly?
it isnt really public knowledge. most americans subscribe to the vague idea that "politicians are bad", but dont really comprehend the sheer scope of the corruption and power consolidation going on within the elite class. we're too busy trying to keep our jobs, pay off our student loans, have families to try and change the world.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:54:06 PM »
It's hard to break into.
its easy to break into if youre a hyper-aggressive asshole. weirdly enough, most people arent like that, and dont like to be around people like that.
Like Kitsune, right?

You don't have a leg to stand on here.
there are exceptions to every rule dipshit.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:51:20 PM »
It's hard to break into.
its easy to break into if youre a hyper-aggressive asshole. weirdly enough, most people arent like that, and dont like to be around people like that.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:49:29 PM »
We can play the blame game all day, fact is no member here has driven people away. That's absurd. It's the Internet. People know what to expect.
stick your head in the sand all you want but i guarantee people have definitely been driven away by the toxic personalities here.

What toxic personalities? Which members are so terrible that people look at the forum and run away in fear?
I'm assuming he's talking about you, me, Midget, PSU... Maybe Das.

Azu is a liberal guy, I think, so he probably harbors a lot of dislike for the more right-wing folk here, but I'm sure he'd be smart enough not to bring his politics into it.
i actually dont have as much of a problem with you as i do with chally/midget/psu/das/door. and i dont judge someone to be a POS because they happen to be conservative. Im fine with Meta and HurtfulTurkey, for example. theyre people who can speak lucidly and reasonably and provide good sources for information that isnt explicitly public knowledge, they can positively influence a discussion and make people really think about the matter at hand. you cant really say that about a lot of the other users here with a straight face.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:38:43 PM »
We can play the blame game all day, fact is no member here has driven people away. That's absurd. It's the Internet. People know what to expect.
stick your head in the sand all you want but i guarantee people have definitely been driven away by the toxic personalities here.

What toxic personalities? Which members are so terrible that people look at the forum and run away in fear?
even if i listed all of the detriments in the community by name it wouldnt change your shitty opinion, so im not going to bother.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:30:38 PM »
We can play the blame game all day, fact is no member here has driven people away. That's absurd. It's the Internet. People know what to expect.
stick your head in the sand all you want but i guarantee people have definitely been driven away by the toxic personalities here.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:21:11 PM »
Toxic just means you're an extreme asshole.
I think an extreme asshole would harass you.

A regular asshole would just call you names and be generally antagonistic.

I don't think anyone on this website is toxic, but some users like to straddle the line.
there are a lot of very very toxic people on this site, your standards are just wacked out because youre so jaded.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:12:37 PM »
recruit from reddit lol

wouldnt be that much worse than all the chanfags we have already tbh.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:00:04 PM »
>toxic behavior

First of all, there's no toxic members here. They've all been permabanned. Secondly, a toxic environment doesn't drive people away. Why do you think places like /b/ are so popular?
/b/ is only popular with toxic fuckboys though. it very much does drive people away.

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 05:58:15 PM »
Challenger you're a pretty toxic member tbh, i can't comprehend why someone would post on a forum just to be hostile all the time

Is that how you are in real life? Srs
he probably is a cunt but IRL but more subtle about it. hes real fuckin cheeky.

The Flood / Re: how old is everyone
« on: April 19, 2016, 05:13:50 PM »

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:40:26 PM »
Noam Chomsky's book Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order seems like a good place to start.
>Noam Chomsky

I'm critical of neoliberalism too but let's not cite spooked out ideologue retards.

Great argument. You sure convinced me.

The thing I've noticed about people who are anti-chomsky on this forum is that all they can do is resort to name-calling and ad hominem, or they regress to "lul chomsky is retarded" kind of rhetoric.
if you want good sources and well-thought-out arguments, you shouldnt be talking to door

The Flood / Re: We need to reform the site [Semi-srs]
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:35:24 PM »
id like to point out that there are probably a lot of different reasons that some people dont post as much anymore, and there's no single "fix" that will automatically double activity and kill the negative atmosphere.

The Flood / Re: Bets on Game of Thrones Season 6
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:19:06 PM »
my predictions? a bunch of fanfiction-tier original content, misinterpretation of characters' arcs and motivation; you know, just generally butchering the source material.

that said the previews for the text was changed too to match the actual sentences they said with the mod, in the older games your character didnt speak at all though

it was a bad design choice they never had to make before
... i knew this already. ive played all the games in the main series. it was better to not have a voiced protag, and implementing a voiced protag properly wouldnt be hard anyway. bethesda is just run by money grubbing incompetent boobs.

I just want Obsidian to get their hands on it again.
Can Obsidian even do anything with it, though?

Obsidian makes RPGs, first and foremost. Frankly, I don't see HOW you can turn what Bethesda slapped the Fallout logo on into a proper RPG this time. The framework is just not there.

Even mods can change the dialogue to a more classic look, then they just need to add more options
*fix the options that currently exist

seriously, besides the fact that the previews are completely off-base for the real response half the time, most of the dialogue is fucking AWFUL

The Flood / Re: Filename Sep7 members
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:57:39 AM »
i want one

I just want Obsidian to get their hands on it again.
Can Obsidian even do anything with it, though?

Obsidian makes RPGs, first and foremost. Frankly, I don't see HOW you can turn what Bethesda slapped the Fallout logo on into a proper RPG this time. The framework is just not there.
They'd need to revert the dialogue wheel to the old mechanic and reintroduce skills & tie them to perks/quests. I can think of some other miscellaneous stuff but the situation isn't nearly as bad as you make it sound. It wouldn't be hard to make a proper RPG out of FO4's framework.

Gaming / Re: which is your favourite halo game
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:19:00 AM »

Gaming / Re: So can we get a H5 tournament going?
« on: April 10, 2016, 07:54:57 PM »
I'll play if we do breakout
Why would we play casual gamemodes? Especially in 1v1-2v2 situations.

breakout's fun in a R6 kind of way. More tactical - plus the maps aren't all terrible.

LOL, Breakout will not be in the Tourney unless a vast majority requests it. Because Breakout is for casual gamenights, not a tournament.

Not everything has to be s00per serious mlg pr0 Xxb14Ze1txZ stuff.
yeah, but tournaments are typically supposed to be competitive. breakout isnt balanced for competitive tourney play. whiteflame's right; breakout's the kind of thing you do in a casual game night. if you dont want to be "s00per serious mlg pr0 Xxb14Ze1txZ" (btw saying shit like this makes you seem really really salty) then you dont have to sign up for the tourney

The Flood / Re: What is life's big secret?
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:40:01 PM »
the secret is that shitposting is the key to solving energy scarcity

The Flood / Re: Why do the Harry Potter films get so dull and grey
« on: April 06, 2016, 02:51:16 PM »
they changed directors in like the third movie i think. he decided to take the series' aesthetic in a different direction. thats why they stopped wearing robes so much and started wearing normal clothes too.
Fifth movie, actually. David Yates took over for the last four films.

Third movie was directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who recently made Gravity.
ah. i do know that alfonso is responsible for the wardrobe change but i guess yates is responsible for dimming down the overall atmosphere.

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