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Messages - Azumarill

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khal mongo goes from 'LOL' to 'oh okay i believe you' at the drop of a name (ok)
This bothered me as well.

"I'm Kelly C to Khal Drogo lmao"

"lol okay I won't rape you then seeing as how you don't have a shred of proof"

in the books she's captured by the khalasar of one of Drogo's old bloodriders, makes sense that he'd recognize her. im pretty sure Discount Drogo is an entirely original character but one can safely assume that he had heard tales of Drogo's silver haired Valyrian wife. he was the strongest Khal in the great grass sea after all. she went to vaes dothrak in season 1 so its safe to assume that word would have spread throughout the dothraki cultures by now. this isnt a big deal.

The Flood / Re: Let's be honest here. Please.
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:40:58 AM »
There are still great cartoons.

can take book ramsay seriously. show ramsay feels like dick dastardly.

Book Ramsay is leaps and bounds more cruel than in the show. I don't recall ever seeing him peel the skin off of Theon's fingers before snipping off each knuckle one by one. Maybe he's a little more subtle in the book, but there's only so much showtime.
im not concerned with the extent of his cruelty in either series, its just hilarious how cartoonishly evil he is in the show. i half expect him to show up twirling a mustache next episode.

canon score: 2/10

fanfiction score: 7/10 one of the better episodes lately. cute tyrion fanfiction with him finally getting to meet and hug a dragon. mel should have trimmed and burned jon's pubes to complete the process. poor jon woke up with a bunch of fucking open stab wounds thats gotta suck. the ramsay scene was awful. hes so cartoonishly evil. i can take book ramsay seriously. show ramsay feels like dick dastardly.

The Flood / Re: The Ratchet and Clank movie may have broken the curse
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:49:30 AM »
Yeah but isn't the curse basically the failed attempts at making live action adaptions? The R&C movie is just like one giant game cutscene. If it was a live action adaption of the game that succeeded, THEN it would have broken the curse.
No, the curse is that all video game movies whether or not they're animated or live action are garbage.

Dead or alive was excellent
the DOOM movie had a really fun first person sequence

They're making a whole movie that looks like that. I'm not sure if I can do an hour and a half of it.

Doom was a p good movie too. Cheesy but not over the top
Hardcore Henry, it already came out. I haven't seen it but it has mixed reviews

Kasich simply isn't going to happen, even if he's better than Trump/Cruz/Clinton.
Kasich would be a better choice for the RNC than Cruz or Trump for a general against hilldawg

The Flood / Re: The Ratchet and Clank movie may have broken the curse
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:36:28 AM »
Yeah but isn't the curse basically the failed attempts at making live action adaptions? The R&C movie is just like one giant game cutscene. If it was a live action adaption of the game that succeeded, THEN it would have broken the curse.
No, the curse is that all video game movies whether or not they're animated or live action are garbage.

Dead or alive was excellent
the DOOM movie had a really fun first person sequence

Goris was a joke. And not even a good one.

People just love to shit over Fallout 4 because the big ol boogeyman Bethesda made it.
fuck you. i wanted to LOVE that game. i like fo3 even with all its problems. i waited 5 goddamn years between new vegas and fallout 4, following every obscure potential leak, hoping to god that i'd be able to play Fallout: Shadow of Boston before I died. skyrim had its issues but i always felt like bethesda was savvy enough to look at the criticisms of skyrim and how people reacted to new vegas and take the best of both worlds.

you know what i got instead of fallout 4? they gave me a borderlands clone with a gimped sims minigame that makes up half the goddamn experience. you're right in some respects; there are some very compelling aspects of fallout 4's plot. bethesda's writers just seem to only understand the thematic underpinnings of this game at a very basic level and they never really explore the lofty concepts they introduce. its an extremely superficial representation of advanced artificial intelligence and the implications synthetic life & the ability to create/control it en masse have on society at large.

there are a few decent storylines. curie may as well have been a black isle/obsidian character. she was very good and im pissed she was in this game and not one of the good fallout games. the raider backstory for the commonwealth is ok, nothing worth lauding but at least they gave enough of a shit to give stories to raider groups. there's some other decent stuff, but overall this game's writing is a fucking mess. i dont know how old you are or how much literature you've read, but anyone who looks at fallout 4 and thinks "wow, that's compelling stuff" comes across to me as someone who either has extremely low standards or who simply lacks perspective.

The Flood / Re: Best anime/manga lists ITT
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:06:07 AM »
New guy's pretty fuckin alright. Nice list.
It's rare seeing another fan of Jin Roh. The anime community doesn't give it much praise which is odd considering the talent behind all aspects of the movie and its gorgeous animation.
Also, thank you.
newfag weebs dont respect/know about jin roh but youll find that its very well regarded among everyone who has seen it

he would be the kind of guy who posts about fo4 on the falloutlore sub. lmfao.
80% of the topics there are about Fallout 4

are you an anti-beth sheep or something
bethesda has handled the IP very poorly. im not a sheep, im just not retarded enough to think that bethesda's fallout story is anywhere near the level of black isle/obsidian's work with the series.
Fallout 1 and 2 were fantastic in plot and RPing, Fallout 3 was terrible in plot and great in RPing, Fallout 4 has a great plot and terrible RPing.

The plot is the only thing that matters in terms of lore. Fallout 4 brought back the real BoS, actually introduced some new factions that don't jar with (and actually complement) the preestablished lore, introduced tons of great locations and characters, and redeemed the faith that they can manage the Fallout IP. There are story elements in 4 that easily rival New Vegas and F1/2 plots.

If you ever start to circlejerk over classic Fallouts being perfect, just remember that talking deathclaws were a thing.
fallout 4 has a HORRIBLE plot. the overall framework is fine but the dialogue, themes, motivations, everything is just awful. they dont come close to FO1/2/NV. youre delusional.

the deathclaw vault/goris still had a more compelling story than anything in fo4 lol.

he would be the kind of guy who posts about fo4 on the falloutlore sub. lmfao.
80% of the topics there are about Fallout 4

are you an anti-beth sheep or something
bethesda has handled the IP very poorly. im not a sheep, im just not retarded enough to think that bethesda's fallout story is anywhere near the level of black isle/obsidian's work with the series.

he would be the kind of guy who posts about fo4 on the falloutlore sub. lmfao.

Serious / Re: Cruz's "major campaign announcement"- Fiorina ??
« on: April 27, 2016, 04:46:45 PM »
Another person to try and scoop water out of the sinking ship.
smart move, by roping her in cruz secures her none delegates and supporters

cindy, you do realize that youre never gonna convince the people on this board to stop being twats, right?
Oh, yes, obviously

And you do realize that I only come here to stir up the pot, right?

It amuses me to see twats defending their twatiness.

Like, obviously I believe what I'm preaching, and actually converting someone on here to be even a slightly bit less of a jackass would be wonderful, but I recognize that most of the time the twat will continue on - and I'm okay with watching it.
whatever gets your rocks off i guess

cindy, you do realize that youre never gonna convince the people on this board to stop being twats, right? trust me

Serious / Cruz's "major campaign announcement"- Fiorina ??
« on: April 27, 2016, 01:53:18 PM »
dont click on the link below im just putting it there for formality's sake and ill link their sources after the quote, which contains the entirety of the story

Ted Cruz is set to announce former Hewlett-Packard CEO and failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina as his running mate should the GOP nominate him, multiple sources confirmed Wednesday. Fiorina endorsed Cruz on March 9 after withdrawing her own candidacy and has become a fixture on the Texan senator's campaign trail. She flew to Indiana, where Cruz is scheduled to speak, on Wednesday morning, fueling further speculation that she will be his selection.

the other source was also a twitter page and seems to have been deleted.

edit: grabbed a more credible source

Should I watch this show? Isn't it just Tolkien eqsue high fantasy?
A Song of Ice and Fire is not really high fantasy. There are supernatural elements in the lore and sometimes in the story, but the mundane medieval aspects are much more apparent.
It's definitely high fantasy, GRRM just eases you into it instead of fully immersing you in explicitly high-fantasy settings and scenarios at almost all times like Tolkien did.

The Flood / Re: Post Here And I Will See Your Alignment.
« on: April 25, 2016, 11:09:26 PM »

At some point it will stop annoying me and I'll just be able to enjoy it as a parody.
its ok psy i emailed GRRM today and asked him to sell the rights to an anime studio. anime song of ice and fire coming soon™

That's pretty consistent with a leak I saw on /r/GOT.

Only people killed by the Others (or their snowstorms/cold) reanimate as Wights
eh, i feel like this distinction isnt really necessary since pretty much the entirety of the lands north of the wall are under the effects of the Others' weather magic. anyone(anything) who(that) dies north of the wall and isnt burned/completely obliterated/protected by the Children (rip showjen) will be turned and reanimated eventually

the two guys who reanimated in castle black had died/turned north of the wall, it just took a while for them to get up. jon died south of the wall, protected by its magic. even if he had died north of the wall his spirit would have warged into ghost instead of being lost in the service of the white walkers (in the books, anyway. hes probably not a warg in the show)

Serious / Re: Yuri.
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:55:48 PM »
the comments section on this one is just delightful

The Flood / Re: Best anime/manga lists ITT
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:41:45 PM »

ive been pretty into this manga lately. NSFW yuri sex scenes/tons of gore.

"In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminals who can not be dealt with by police."

I can get behind Dexter with lesbians.
its got some cool easter eggs. the main character wears a lot of outfits inspired by outfits worn by nico robin from one piece.

The Flood / Re: Best anime/manga lists ITT
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:31:08 PM »

ive been pretty into this manga lately. NSFW yuri sex scenes/tons of gore.

david and dan stabbed A Feast for Crows to death on national television tonight. hell, international.

The one thing I hate about this episode...

Is that it just...fucking...builds...up.

It's not a fast build up either, more like a turtle.

They put a lot of things in place, with Mereen, Khal Moro, Sansa,Theon, Brienne and fucktard, Melisandre and the good members of the Night's Watch, Cersei, Dorne and the religious freaks, and finally Arya and the Faceless shit.

All they did was put in the base of everything that will happen. AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE. It was dissapointing. They could have progressed much farther but instead it's this.

Please don't let the next one be like this.
its not going to get any better

book tyene: on a mission from doran to infiltrate the citadel under the guise of a septa

show tyene: stabs aero hotah in the back ??

as a fan of the source material i feel like i needed a trigger warning for this episode of game of thrones.

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