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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:59:46 PM »
Meanwhile people in Flint are still suffering from shit water because that entire state government fucked them over
but no lets complain because people are getting protections for their bathrooms of choice =^}

le ebil gubmit always stepping on conservative toes cuz we're the only real americans

Why do you guys love to lighten problems because there are bigger problems
1) this isnt a problem, youre retarded and overreacting.
2) stop using hyberbole for once and formulate a logical argument

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:47:05 PM »
Meanwhile people in Flint are still suffering from shit water because that entire state government fucked them over
but no lets complain because people are getting protections for their bathrooms of choice =^}

le ebil gubmit always stepping on conservative toes cuz we're the only real americans

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:44:01 PM »
Nope, still alive. I hardly ever post there though, and their activity appears to be pretty low. If you think this place is bad because of the relatively now number of active members, definitely don't go there. It really appears to just be the same handful of people who seemingly just resonate identical opinions.
Does sleeps/stcky still post?

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:38:32 PM »
What are you concerned about? That people with the "wrong" dangly bits will go into the "wrong" bathroom or that people will use these policies to commit crimes and suffer no repercussions? If it's the first, then I'm gonna go ahead and say that is so unbelievably petty. If it's the latter, then you logically have nothing to worry about.

You're right
This will probably affect me in no way practically
But it's the fundamental principle I'm arguing

I don't see why you're trying to lighten this by real world application
It's the LAW
Literally what protects the citizens
And you want one that allows for the compromise of security and privacy
It doesn't compromise security or privacy though. And tbh if youre so fucking concerned about who you share a bathroom with, take it up with your city council and see if theyll install special bathrooms for bitchmade faggots like you who cant hang.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:31:35 PM »
Well yes, technically they have changed because it's law now, but the point that you missed is that it doesn't matter because nothing bad is happening as a result of this. Your argument isn't logical because you're acting like X event produces Y event, when we have a lot of data that shows that X event has been happening for a while and that Y event you're so worried about isn't happening in meaningful ways. I know you aren't the brightest bulb in the box but this seems very simple to me.

X event opens the door for Y event
Y event is now protected legally

That's my arugment
What are you concerned about? That people with the "wrong" dangly bits will go into the "wrong" bathroom or that people will use these policies to commit crimes and suffer no repercussions? If it's the first, then I'm gonna go ahead and say that is so unbelievably petty. If it's the latter, then you logically have nothing to worry about.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:28:07 PM »
what a stupid fucking argument

I like how they liked your comment
And how the thread turned into shitty banter
Because they can't actually find an argument that's anything other than "plz stop oppressing me"
... you can't be serious. Did you ignore everything I told you? Are you trolling or genuinely retarded?

Cant wait for this to devolve into "Le murderer called the black guy he killed a thug so it's ok"
"i dont care who is stalking you never resort to violence!", defends stalker/murderer/all around human garbage zimmerman

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:21:25 PM »
I like how OP stopped replying, seemingly never learned his lesson, and now the thread will die in memefire.


Hmm, this seems a bit familiar...

Anyone still think he didn't do it?
hope you know OJ didn't write a word in that book
Yes, like many books it was ghostwritten, in this case in collaboration with OJ.
No, it wasn't. Do some research before you spout well-known misconceptions.

According to [Simpson's Manager, Norman Pardo], Simpson agreed to claim authorship of If I Did It after being promised a $600,000 payout by NewsCorp and its subsidiary ReganBooks.

"I remember when that book was coming out. O.J. called me. He said, 'Here's the deal,' because it was in the news that he was going to do an interview."

"I said, 'O.J., don't do it, it's stupid.' He said, 'Hey, they offered me $600,000 not to dispute that I [wrote] the book.' He said, 'That's cash.'"

"I said, 'They're going to think you wrote it.' He said, 'So? Everybody thinks I'm a murderer anyway,'" the Juice reportedly told Pardo then. "'They're not going to change their mind just because of a book.'"

Amid public outcry, the project was yanked, and in 2007, the family of Ron Goldman acquired its rights to satisfy the 1997 wrongful death suit against O.J.

He didn't write or dictate a single line in the book, the whole thing was overseen by the Goldman family.
Word of the author vs word of the manager. Forgive me for being skeptical.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:10:19 PM »
It looks like things are heating up!
the fuck are you going on about

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:09:58 PM »
are you guys now arguing about cops and saying they're all bad

because hats dumb and you should honestly fucking die in a fire
This is a thread derailer but I'm gonna chime in and say yeah, there are no good cops; they're all complicit in the government's abuse of human rights.
not even a real meme
your mother didnt seem to mind
what even are you
im your new dad. we're getting up at the crack of dawn to dig some holes tomorrow. hope you're ready.


Hmm, this seems a bit familiar...

Anyone still think he didn't do it?
hope you know OJ didn't write a word in that book
Yes, like many books it was ghostwritten, in this case in collaboration with OJ.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:08:00 PM »
are you guys now arguing about cops and saying they're all bad

because hats dumb and you should honestly fucking die in a fire
This is a thread derailer but I'm gonna chime in and say yeah, there are no good cops; they're all complicit in the government's abuse of human rights.
not even a real meme
your mother didnt seem to mind

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:05:39 PM »
are you guys now arguing about cops and saying they're all bad

because hats dumb and you should honestly fucking die in a fire
This is a thread derailer but I'm gonna chime in and say yeah, there are no good cops; they're all complicit in the government's abuse of human rights.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:00:11 PM »
No, not really. Since for a long time "the majority of [trans] used the one they identified with" (your words) that possibility has been open to pedos and other freaks. Acceptance of trans using the right bathrooms was still a fairly popular social phenomenon even if it wasn't writ in law so it's not like freaks didn't know that people with dicks can go into girls restrooms. Guess what? Shit doesn't happen that often. There have been lots of non-federal protection ordinances for a while, too, and shit still isn't happening very often. Nothing has changed. You're overreacting. Stop letting fear override logic.

Uh yes things have changed
Because now it's in law that men can use the women's restroom
Before it was more of just loopholes and case by case problems but now you can legally enter whichever bathroom you want

And how is my argument not logical?
You mean disagreeing with a law that basically says you can do whatever you want is illogical?
Well yes, technically they have changed because it's law now, but the point that you missed is that it doesn't matter because nothing bad is happening as a result of this. Your argument isn't logical because you're acting like X event produces Y event, when we have a lot of data that shows that X event has been happening for a while and that Y event you're so worried about isn't happening in meaningful ways. I know you aren't the brightest bulb in the box but this seems very simple to me.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:57:30 PM »
Tell me, Sherlock, what bathrooms do you think transgender individuals have been using all this time? What exactly is the problem here? Do you think non-trans criminals are going to go into the "wrong" bathroom, commit crimes, say "NOPE IM TRANS CANT GET ME HAH!" and then run away with no accountability? Do you get the heebie jeebies from thinking about someone with different dangly bits peeing near you? Want a bathroom of your own for whiny little bitchmade retards to pee without fear of foreign dangly bits?

I'm assuming the majority of them used the one they identified with and it hasn't really been addressed by any law until now

Problem is
Now that they actually want to put it into law, they form the basis on "I can do what I want"
Which means that non trans people can use that basis to enter whichever bathroom they want

Do you not see how that's a stalker, pedo, and mentally disturbed's person wet dream?
Slippery-slope fallacy.

It doesn't matter what happens once the law is passed
It matters that you can't strip the bathroom of its inherent protection in the first place

Inherent protection? What inherent protection? If a rapist or pedo is going into a bathroom to commit a crime, they are going to do it anyway.
What, you've never been cucked by a bathroom sign on your way to a raping before?

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:52:59 PM »
They're called cops and they shoot you if you don't listen
That's debatable

They also shoot you when you put your hands in the air :>
ive seen enough Cops to know that usually theyll just send 3 or 4 niggas to tackle you and taze you and scream at you to stop resisting until they have you cuffed and in a sitting position.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:51:22 PM »
With this law, you remove the one thing protecting people in bathrooms

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:49:27 PM »
Tell me, Sherlock, what bathrooms do you think transgender individuals have been using all this time? What exactly is the problem here? Do you think non-trans criminals are going to go into the "wrong" bathroom, commit crimes, say "NOPE IM TRANS CANT GET ME HAH!" and then run away with no accountability? Do you get the heebie jeebies from thinking about someone with different dangly bits peeing near you? Want a bathroom of your own for whiny little bitchmade retards to pee without fear of foreign dangly bits?

I'm assuming the majority of them used the one they identified with and it hasn't really been addressed by any law until now

Problem is
Now that they actually want to put it into law, they form the basis on "I can do what I want"
Which means that non trans people can use that basis to enter whichever bathroom they want

Do you not see how that's a stalker, pedo, and mentally disturbed's person wet dream?
No, not really. Since for a long time "the majority of [trans] used the one they identified with" (your words) that possibility has been open to pedos and other freaks. Acceptance of trans using the right bathrooms was still a fairly popular social phenomenon even if it wasn't writ in law so it's not like freaks didn't know that people with dicks can go into girls restrooms. Guess what? Shit doesn't happen that often. There have been lots of non-federal protection ordinances for a while, too, and shit still isn't happening very often. Nothing has changed. You're overreacting. Stop letting fear override logic.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:40:56 PM »
Really? You're crying about which bathrooms people want to use? Go fuck yourself OP.

I'm crying about how there is no barrier stopping men from going into the women's restroom and vice versa
Literally no barrier
le world is ending amirite xD

So you saying that I should not care when the federal government literally strips away the privacy and security of bathrooms?
Tell me, Sherlock, what bathrooms do you think transgender individuals have been using all this time? What exactly is the problem here? Do you think non-trans criminals are going to go into the "wrong" bathroom, commit crimes, say "NOPE IM TRANS CANT GET ME HAH!" and then run away with no accountability? Do you get the heebie jeebies from thinking about someone with different dangly bits peeing near you? Want a bathroom of your own for whiny little bitchmade retards to pee without fear of foreign dangly bits? We can do that you know, it's all about privacy and safety.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:33:09 PM »
Really? You're crying about which bathrooms people want to use? Go fuck yourself OP.

I'm crying about how there is no barrier stopping men from going into the women's restroom and vice versa
Literally no barrier
le world is ending amirite xD

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:27:43 PM »
Really? You're crying about which bathrooms people want to use? Go fuck yourself OP.

The Flood / Re: Alice Murphy
« on: May 13, 2016, 09:55:25 PM »
You're a worthless piece of human trash though so someone as awesome as Alice would never be your waifu.

The Flood / Re: how tall are you
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:32:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Could Salsa be a more vapid cunt
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:50:35 AM »
I don't get it
youre supposed to be outraged, i think.
would you punch me in my vagina if I had one?
if you asked nicely and i were drunk probably.

The Flood / Re: Could Salsa be a more vapid cunt
« on: May 12, 2016, 06:51:54 AM »
I don't get it
youre supposed to be outraged, i think.

Septagon / Re: Is this a Social Justice site?
« on: May 11, 2016, 08:56:54 PM »
I'm the only person here who proudly identifies as a feminist, so if that's your criterion for "SJW," there you go.
Not true. I'm a feminist too. I'm sure there are others, like Cindy probably.

The Flood / Re: Wait solonoid is in jail?
« on: May 11, 2016, 08:50:44 PM »
Either he hates me so much he won't respond to me, or he's in love with me and that's why he's so angry because he's being embarrassed in front of me.

I think we all know which one it is ;^)
alright, ill humor you. the fuck do you want from me bub?
LOL did you just call me bub

Why are you so angry and uptight?
no, really, if you have anything important to ask please do. whatever this is is quite boring and im going to stop responding unless you stop acting like a halftard.
I better hurry before I miss out on your infinite knowledge.

Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli

The Flood / Re: Wait solonoid is in jail?
« on: May 11, 2016, 08:48:37 PM »
Either he hates me so much he won't respond to me, or he's in love with me and that's why he's so angry because he's being embarrassed in front of me.

I think we all know which one it is ;^)
alright, ill humor you. the fuck do you want from me bub?
LOL did you just call me bub

Why are you so angry and uptight?
no, really, if you have anything important to ask please do. whatever this is is quite boring and im going to stop responding unless you stop acting like a halftard.
now you're just deliberately trying to create sexual tension
can you fuck off already?

The Flood / Re: Wait solonoid is in jail?
« on: May 11, 2016, 08:46:49 PM »
Either he hates me so much he won't respond to me, or he's in love with me and that's why he's so angry because he's being embarrassed in front of me.

I think we all know which one it is ;^)
alright, ill humor you. the fuck do you want from me bub?
LOL did you just call me bub

Why are you so angry and uptight?
no, really, if you have anything important to ask please do. whatever this is is quite boring and im going to stop responding unless you stop acting like a halftard.

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