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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 484950 5152 ... 255
Zimmerman isn't a bad person. Anyone who still buys into the "dindu nuffin" story of Trayvon Martin is mentally challenged.

zimmerman is clearly an upstanding citizen who dindu nuffin wrong in his whole life =] i guess the police are just following and harassing him everywhere he goes for no reason!

The Flood / Re: What do you call a black lives matter march
« on: May 16, 2016, 02:53:37 PM »
lol dae BLM are the real racists xD
lol dae "lol dae BLM are the real racists xD" xD

The Flood / Re: What do you call a black lives matter march
« on: May 16, 2016, 02:32:29 PM »
lol dae BLM are the real racists xD

The Flood / Re: Test to see how Jewish your favorite movie is.
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:05:07 AM »
pulp fiction, 16% jewish

The Flood / Re: What's your biggest non-bill living expense?
« on: May 15, 2016, 11:51:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: What's your biggest non-bill living expense?
« on: May 15, 2016, 11:44:38 PM »

I *rolls eyes* at that.

Have fun criticizing it, while some people enjoy it.
i can criticize something and still enjoy it. obviously i would have stopped watching a long time ago if it didnt have any remaining entertainment value for me. fuck off with this bullshit logic.


That last scene was badass.

And so much for that "no nudity" thing huh?
yeah so badass it was pretty much the exact same scenario from book/season 1. dany perform fire miracle, dothraki bow, herp derp. so lazy.

That's the fucking point.

She knew it would work.

And by now George RR Martin has stepped away letting D&D take over. And we basically know by now that the show is going to do whatever the fuck it wants.

So i'm just gonna enjoy it and stop complaining that DABID! YOU DOIN IT WONG!
weird way of phrasing it, "letting D&D take over." they arent taking over anything. theyre just making their shitty high budget fanfic. obviously she knew it would work. the fuck compelled you to say that? in any case, that doesnt stop it from being lazy writing.

Except they are, they have gone their own way and seperated from the books. It isn't a Song of Ice and Fire anymore, and while i'll say the book series is great, I am enjoying you call it "fanfiction" as well.

So stop seeing it through your narrow eyes.
separated* and no, you still misunderstand. they're not taking anything over. theyre still responsible for the same thing theyve been doing the whole time. nothing has changed except that they decided to stop adapting the books. thats all. it is, quite literally, fan fiction- many of the same characters and locations from the books, but in vastly different scenarios/taking different actions. there are some events that are still inspired by current and future book events, but they are few and far in between, paling in volume to the degree of fanfiction. im not looking at it through narrow eyes. im looking at it as someone who loves the source material and who is fond of the first few seasons, which adapted the books quite well. they stopped adapting them. they have an extreme disdain for AFFC and ADWD and its quite obvious. they were not transparent about the direction they chose to take- aka butchering canon. thats my issue here. not having "narrow eyes." *rolls eyes*

It's fun to pick apart the show but this season is far and away more entertaining than last season.
definitely. for me, its mostly because ive completely removed any expectations of fidelity to canon. its a lot funnier this way. the violent/grim scenes (osha this episode for example) are still mostly impossible to take seriously though.


That last scene was badass.

And so much for that "no nudity" thing huh?
yeah so badass it was pretty much the exact same scenario from book/season 1. dany perform fire miracle, dothraki bow, herp derp. so lazy.

That's the fucking point.

She knew it would work.

And by now George RR Martin has stepped away letting D&D take over. And we basically know by now that the show is going to do whatever the fuck it wants.

So i'm just gonna enjoy it and stop complaining that DABID! YOU DOIN IT WONG!
weird way of phrasing it, "letting D&D take over." they arent taking over anything. theyre just making their shitty high budget fanfic. obviously she knew it would work. the fuck compelled you to say that? in any case, that doesnt stop it from being lazy writing.


That last scene was badass.

And so much for that "no nudity" thing huh?
yeah so badass it was pretty much the exact same scenario from book/season 1. dany perform fire miracle, dothraki bow, herp derp. so lazy.

Gaming / Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:27:32 PM »
probs a lot of pokemon songs

like this one


Cianwood is the best track from those games, IMO


When I was a kid, I'd just walk around Cianwood/Ecruteak for a while every time I visited them. (But mainly Cianwood, since that was my favorite location aside from the music)

OT, pretty much any song from KH 1 and 2, but especially Traverse Town. I spent an unnecessary amount of time in that "safe zone" of the town.
Nah man, Goldenrod City is one of the best Pokemon tracks of all time.
i really liked the team rocket theme in gen 2.

Gaming / Re: So the funniest kill you've ever pulled off.
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:56:06 PM »
I stole a Baron Nashor with a Braum Q once. Done it a couple times with Morg Q too but that does more dmg.

Gaming / when you walk away, you dont hear me say
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:54:00 PM »

please, oh baby, dont go
simple and clean is the way that youre making me feel tonight
its hard to let it go

sep7 do u have a special emotional attachment to any older video games/video game ads/songs associated with video games

The Flood / Re: How often do you change your avatar image?
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:20:40 PM »
Every time I reload a page. I have a lot of avatars in my rotation.

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 09:54:23 PM »
Is "black people" now an offensive term?
i believe the preferred term in tumblr circles is "people of color"
black is kosher.

The Flood / tfw human too hard so am goat now
« on: May 14, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »

To be human is to worry about getting by, doing better, finding love and accepting the march of mortality. Thwaites decided to try to escape the burden of being human — and he would do it by becoming a goat.

"Human life can just be so difficult," he tells NPR's Scott Simon. "And you look at a goat and it's just, you know, it's free. It doesn't have any concerns."

a pretty goat idea if you ask me

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:50:19 PM »
Like Flee said it isn't very active like even past our standards of "dead" at real nigga hours.

For example at sapphire there are 14 threads that have been replied to today.. and most only have one reply... whereas today we here at Sep7agon have 35 threads that have been replied to today, and there are multiple replies to each thread.

So they haven't completely died, but they are no where as active as we are, and I doubt they ever will be, and I honestly don't think that's what they want.
Are you a mod over at sapphire?

Hell no! Anyone who is a member there can easily just look at the threads and get the same exact information I posted. IIRC (at least from what I heard) they were already a circle-jerk group to begin with, and I bet that's how they want to remain small and circle-jerky. Especially since it's so "private".
its less that and more "actually having standards and not letting trolls have the run of the forum."
They PermaBan people, just for having Moderate opinions... = Lack of Standards.
False, try again.
I was permaBanned, for my Moderate opinions.
Actually, you were probably permabanned for doing something retarded. Nothing of value was lost.

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:48:49 PM »
Like Flee said it isn't very active like even past our standards of "dead" at real nigga hours.

For example at sapphire there are 14 threads that have been replied to today.. and most only have one reply... whereas today we here at Sep7agon have 35 threads that have been replied to today, and there are multiple replies to each thread.

So they haven't completely died, but they are no where as active as we are, and I doubt they ever will be, and I honestly don't think that's what they want.
Are you a mod over at sapphire?

Hell no! Anyone who is a member there can easily just look at the threads and get the same exact information I posted. IIRC (at least from what I heard) they were already a circle-jerk group to begin with, and I bet that's how they want to remain small and circle-jerky. Especially since it's so "private".
its less that and more "actually having standards and not letting trolls have the run of the forum."
They PermaBan people, just for having Moderate opinions... = Lack of Standards.
False, try again.

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:48:00 PM »
there are a few people in the forum right now who are conservatives that dont hide their views.
When I was a member of the group, basically anything that could be interpreted as misogyny by the biggest reaches ever would get a ban by Jay and they used to all circle jerk around making fun of Kikashi for his conservative views so I find this hard to believe.
Jay is gone. It it still a very liberal group though. They're passionate about their beliefs like anyone else and will argue against perceived slights against their ideals/ways. If you can't deal with that, then it simply isn't for you and you should leave it at that.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:31:21 PM »
Is this the krusty krab
no, this is patrick

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:27:17 PM »
Like Flee said it isn't very active like even past our standards of "dead" at real nigga hours.

For example at sapphire there are 14 threads that have been replied to today.. and most only have one reply... whereas today we here at Sep7agon have 35 threads that have been replied to today, and there are multiple replies to each thread.

So they haven't completely died, but they are no where as active as we are, and I doubt they ever will be, and I honestly don't think that's what they want.
Are you a mod over at sapphire?

Hell no! Anyone who is a member there can easily just look at the threads and get the same exact information I posted. IIRC (at least from what I heard) they were already a circle-jerk group to begin with, and I bet that's how they want to remain small and circle-jerky. Especially since it's so "private".
its less that and more "actually having standards and not letting trolls have the run of the forum." does that moderation style lend itself to massive user numbers? no, but that's not the point. at least they dont have drooling halftards spamming nonsense in half the threads.
Mordo made a thread asking why they like being in an echo chamber and his account got nuked on the spot.
probably because it was obvious, terrible bait. i would have nuked his account too. who joins a forum and immediately opens up with that kind of thinly veiled hostility? obviously someone who doesnt actually want to be a part of the community.
It was a legitimate question and not trollbait. It kind of debunks your logic that you're just tough on trolls if you're  banning people with the slightest amount of dissenting opinions. It wouldn't be that bad if you guys would just acknowledge that that's the dictionary definition of a hugbox instead of arguing everything it's called out for being one.
it was obvious bait and if he couldnt tell how overly hostile that kind of thread is, then he deserves to be banned. anyone with half a brain or the desire for a peaceful interaction wouldnt have worded it like that OR they would have personally messaged an admin or mod or to find out what the forum is really all about from their perspective. but no, mordo wanted to have a laugh and try to sneak some bait into the forum because it was the cool thing to do on sep7 at the time and he got what he deserved. they dont ban people for the slightest of dissenting opinions. there are a few people in the forum right now who are conservatives that dont hide their views. its just a zero-tolerance policy for bad trolls. nothing of value was lost.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:20:04 PM »
exactly, there are going to be zero negative repercussions of trans-friendly bathroom policies. you are quite literally worried about nothing. there are no giant legal loopholes being created. nothing is being exploited.

You don't leave your front door wide open and say "oh this is a nice neighborhood don't worry about it xD"
this is a horrible analogy.

You're worried solely about outcome because it's convenient to you
im done. youre not worth the effort.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:17:52 PM »
exactly, there are going to be zero negative repercussions of trans-friendly bathroom policies. you are quite literally worried about nothing. there are no giant legal loopholes being created. nothing is being exploited.

You don't leave your front door wide open and say "oh this is a nice neighborhood don't worry about it xD"
this is a horrible analogy.

The Flood / Re: Where do you feel safest of all?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:17:24 PM »
under a rock

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:16:35 PM »
Like Flee said it isn't very active like even past our standards of "dead" at real nigga hours.

For example at sapphire there are 14 threads that have been replied to today.. and most only have one reply... whereas today we here at Sep7agon have 35 threads that have been replied to today, and there are multiple replies to each thread.

So they haven't completely died, but they are no where as active as we are, and I doubt they ever will be, and I honestly don't think that's what they want.
Are you a mod over at sapphire?

Hell no! Anyone who is a member there can easily just look at the threads and get the same exact information I posted. IIRC (at least from what I heard) they were already a circle-jerk group to begin with, and I bet that's how they want to remain small and circle-jerky. Especially since it's so "private".
its less that and more "actually having standards and not letting trolls have the run of the forum." does that moderation style lend itself to massive user numbers? no, but that's not the point. at least they dont have drooling halftards spamming nonsense in half the threads.
Mordo made a thread asking why they like being in an echo chamber and his account got nuked on the spot.
probably because it was obvious, terrible bait. i would have nuked his account too. who joins a forum and immediately opens up with that kind of thinly veiled hostility? obviously someone who doesnt actually want to be a part of the community.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:14:04 PM »
1) this isnt a problem, youre retarded and overreacting.

Of course not
It's not a problem because it's convenient for you
2) stop using hyberbole for once and formulate a logical argument

I have
If you cared to actually listen instead of being a bigot

Funny how you guys call us bigots when you guys are the ones who refuse to listen to anything we say
You push the issue and then claim it's not an issue because "guys it's just a bathroom lel"
i never called you a bigot. i called you a retard.

youre the one who isnt listening. i patiently tried to explain why you were wrong for several pages and instead of directly addressing any of my points you continued to prattle on about the very same nonsense i had been attempting to argue against. its like talking to a brick wall.

Your entire argument accumulated to "but nothing would happen"

Nothing would happen so we should just leave a giant legal loophole for people to exploit xD
exactly, there are going to be zero negative repercussions of trans-friendly bathroom policies. you are quite literally worried about nothing. there are no giant legal loopholes being created. nothing is being exploited.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:05:38 PM »
1) this isnt a problem, youre retarded and overreacting.

Of course not
It's not a problem because it's convenient for you
2) stop using hyberbole for once and formulate a logical argument

I have
If you cared to actually listen instead of being a bigot

Funny how you guys call us bigots when you guys are the ones who refuse to listen to anything we say
You push the issue and then claim it's not an issue because "guys it's just a bathroom lel"
i never called you a bigot. i called you a retard.

youre the one who isnt listening. i patiently tried to explain why you were wrong for several pages and instead of directly addressing any of my points you continued to prattle on about the very same nonsense i had been attempting to argue against. its like talking to a brick wall.

The Flood / Re: Has Sapphire died yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:02:28 PM »
Like Flee said it isn't very active like even past our standards of "dead" at real nigga hours.

For example at sapphire there are 14 threads that have been replied to today.. and most only have one reply... whereas today we here at Sep7agon have 35 threads that have been replied to today, and there are multiple replies to each thread.

So they haven't completely died, but they are no where as active as we are, and I doubt they ever will be, and I honestly don't think that's what they want.
Are you a mod over at sapphire?

Hell no! Anyone who is a member there can easily just look at the threads and get the same exact information I posted. IIRC (at least from what I heard) they were already a circle-jerk group to begin with, and I bet that's how they want to remain small and circle-jerky. Especially since it's so "private".
its less that and more "actually having standards and not letting trolls have the run of the forum." does that moderation style lend itself to massive user numbers? no, but that's not the point. at least they dont have drooling halftards spamming nonsense in half the threads.

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