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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: 1 ... 464748 4950 ... 255
this episode was season 5 tier dogshit.

Gaming / Re: ITT: Games with great modding communities.
« on: May 20, 2016, 10:55:14 AM »
Bethesda's mod communities are wonderful.

Gaming / A Case Study in Polling
« on: May 20, 2016, 08:46:09 AM »
K, some background/baseline knowledge for context. League of Legends ranked queue organizes people into 7 leagues. They are, from lowest to highest, Bronze->Silver->Gold->Platinum->Diamond->Master->Challenger. Bronze through Diamond are further stratified into 5 divisions, the lowest ranking within a league being division 5 and the highest rank being division 1.

Here, we see a pretty good representation of how many people sit in each individual ranking. Bronze plays host to about 1/3 of the population, or 33.4%. Silver as a whole hosts another 38%. Gold hosts 19%. We've already sorted out 91% of the playerbase, but let's keep going. Platinum hosts 7.5% of the population, and then it drops off drastically as Diamond hosts 2%, and the amount of Master/Challenger players is so low that it doesn't register as a meaningful percentile.

Sounds par for the course for competitive video games, we nearly always see bottlenecking like this. But poll results on the most popular League of Legends forum tell a different story. Here are some highlights.

What division are you in?

What division should you be in?

Why should you be, or why aren't you in that division?

Now, I'm no expert in maths, but something in those results seems a little off to me. Which brings me to my point, which is more of a question- what do you think contributes to the odd results here? Statistically speaking it should be extremely unlikely for a full 19% of the playerbase on the Reddit sub to be in Diamond+. Extend that to plat and apparently we have 45% of the playerbase on Reddit.

One possibility is that people don't take the poll seriously and just kind of answer whatever or answer that they're in a much higher division than they are to fuck with the results. Maybe they're just insecure liars. What are some other possibilities, Sep7agon? Do you guys have any insight into this?

What could we really do?
keep throwing money at the fire until it... wait, shit

Gaming / Re: Which role do you prefer to play?
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:02:23 PM »
I've always been a support at heart.

When people say that zero-bloom Reach takes skill.
You can defend it all you want but it takes 0 skill when you got the Designated Spam Rifle and rapid fire no recoil Magnum
you dont have an actual argument about why it takes no skill though. call it a spam rifle all you want but the reality is that it punished bad players for being inaccurate. the faster you shot and the more accurate you were the better you were. it rewarded mechanical skill. the default version actively punished people for performing well with the weapon and introduced an element of RNG to gunfights that should have been based on individual skill. ZBNS had a much, much higher skillcap than vanilla.

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:47:14 PM »
1. Menthol Cigarettes
2. Menthol Cigarettes
3. Menthol Cigarettes
4. Menthol Cigarettes
5. Menthol Cigarettes
6. Menthol Cigarettes
7. Menthol Cigarettes
8. Menthol Cigarettes
9. Menthol Cigarettes
10. Menthol Cigarettes
all these years and i never knew door was actually a black guy. i bet you smoke newport menthols too.
Camel crush actually

love them turk cigs
what the actual fuck? who likes menthol that much? you're off your rocker

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:39:55 PM »
1. Menthol Cigarettes
2. Menthol Cigarettes
3. Menthol Cigarettes
4. Menthol Cigarettes
5. Menthol Cigarettes
6. Menthol Cigarettes
7. Menthol Cigarettes
8. Menthol Cigarettes
9. Menthol Cigarettes
10. Menthol Cigarettes
all these years and i never knew door was actually a black guy. i bet you smoke newport menthols too.

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:39:28 PM »
you really shouldnt be fucking around with ketamine. or salvia (if you smoke concentrate, that is).

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:34:14 PM »
still seems too broad a brush to paint. there are plenty of entirely monogamous heterosexual couples who have absolutely no fucking business raising children, yet here they are, doing it all the same.
I don't disagree.

its a bad qualifier to use, there are too many other things that go into this for us to really use monogamous heterosexuality as a baseline for proper households.
I don't use either as a baseline, but IF the parents are heterosexual, monogamy is an important factor.
how stable is the household's income,  is the public school system good or bad, et cetera..
Of course these are all important. I don't mean to claim that the sexual practices of the parents are the most important factor.

are the parents/guardians religious nuts,

Here's my thing. There is no biological imperative to raise another male's offspring. There just isn't, unless the male is suffering from some form of mental illness. There may be an externally-imposed pressure to "stand by yo woman" or to be charitable, but from an evolutionary standpoint it is a humongous waste of precious time and energy. The conflict between cultural value and biological law can only lead to problems. If you can't safely reproduce, I understand adoption, but that is more guided by charitable instincts than paternal ones, at least until the adoptee is fully integrated.

This is why the patriarchal monogamous family unit is the way it is. To ensure that the male partner, who generally plays the role of protector, has motivation to do his job. A male lion will murder the fuck out of another male's offspring when he wants to mate with the mother. Having multiple polygamous males compete for multiple polygamous females leads to unnecessary violence and bloodshed. The one man, one woman system is a good way to ensure both partners are biologically motivated to do their jobs, and there is no confusion or conflict over the offspring's lineage. Breaking this monogamy fucks everything up, and creates a doorway for conflict and mistrust.

At least, ideally. Unfortunately, our society is full of degenerate parents who don't do their jobs. I don't think that's entirely a fault of the system, but it could be tweaked to leave less room for failure.
uh. you really didnt need to type out that naturalistic argument. i know why monogamy exists. you didnt really accomplish anything other than stating the obvious. also, fuck you too. *tips*

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:13:19 PM »
the proper rearing of a child isnt solely contingent on them growing up in a "normal" household with monogamous heterosexual parents. it takes a village, etc..
No, but a stable household sure helps.

And I posit that, in the case of heterosexual parents, a monogamous relationship is the most stable and ideal for raising a child.
still seems too broad a brush to paint. there are plenty of entirely monogamous heterosexual couples who have absolutely no fucking business raising children, yet here they are, doing it all the same. its a bad qualifier to use, there are too many other things that go into this for us to really use monogamous heterosexuality (or, really, any type of amorous relationship) as a baseline for proper households. how stable is the household's income, are the parents/guardians religious nuts, is the public school system good or bad, et cetera..

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:04:35 PM »
the proper rearing of a child isnt solely contingent on them growing up in a "normal" household with monogamous heterosexual parents. it takes a village, etc..

When people say that zero-bloom Reach takes skill.

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:47:45 PM »
monogamy is dumb, but if you enter a relationship with someone with the mutual understanding that it is monogamous, and that person cheats, that's fucked up. and it's totally cool to warn other people who might want monogamous relationships that this person who ostensibly wants to be in a 1 on 1 relationship with them is actually a cheater. its all in the interest of transparency.
polyamory is a living meme
its easy for me to say these things because i dont actively seek partners, and i do think that when i do find someone i want to be with my attitude might change, but really, monogamous relationships implode the vast majority of the time. its silly that we're still so attached to the idea when it's been proven time and time again to be extremely difficult to maintain in the long run.

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:28:50 PM »
monogamy is dumb, but if you enter a relationship with someone with the mutual understanding that it is monogamous, and that person cheats, that's fucked up. and it's totally cool to warn other people who might want monogamous relationships that this person who ostensibly wants to be in a 1 on 1 relationship with them is actually a cheater. its all in the interest of transparency.

The Flood / Re: You went bar-hopping with a user last night...
« on: May 18, 2016, 03:29:09 PM »
i guess one of my fellow weebs, any will do tbh. no clue what would happen but i think we'd have a good time.

The Flood / Re: Just got out of jail.
« on: May 18, 2016, 03:26:05 PM »
You shouldn't judge anyone.
i already told you that i wasn't gonna judge the useless little cunt loser

what more do you want
Total cessation of judgment on your part; just live in the now. Focus on yourself.
Verbs always been a big picture guy.

All welfare queens are.
funny, you were just given a roof and 3 square meals a day on the taxpayers' dime for a month (much too good a scenario for the likes of you) and you're really out here calling verb a welfare queen

The Flood / Re: Just got out of jail.
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:51:00 PM »
Are you gonna work to earn the stuff you want instead of stealing it now?
If I can get my job back.

Also, fuck you.
You have to steal to stay alive when you live on the street, my first paycheck hadn't come yet and I was starving, I think its justifiable to steal from a major corporation to feed yourself.
With this attitude you'll end up right back where you belong in no time =]

The Flood / Re: Progress update on that book I'm writing.
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:04:53 PM »
no one is going to kickstart your book. prove that you arent a shit writer and then people might pay for it.

The Flood / Re: PSU holds your entire family hostage.
« on: May 17, 2016, 08:55:07 PM »
technically, the whole of the human race is my family

and human extinction = cessation of all human suffering > your dumbass sports games

jesus man u rly have no chill

The Flood / Re: Roland of motherfucking Gilead
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:51:55 PM »
Stephen King is a hack
hes more talented than you or anyone from your hick family ever will be =]

The Flood / Re: PSU holds your entire family hostage.
« on: May 17, 2016, 06:24:32 PM »
my family lives because im not a retarded basement dweller who doesnt like sports

The Flood / Re: asexuality doesn't exist
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:34:24 PM »
So what am I?
What label do I use?
That's entirely up to you.

And we're back to my point, I personally don't see the need for them. You can know who you are without having to invent a fucking label.
Go back and read my edit.

The Flood / Re: asexuality doesn't exist
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:30:51 PM »
So what am I?
What label do I use?
That's entirely up to you. I'm not asking you to empathize with people who use unorthodox identifiers. I'm just asking you to be sympathetic to their choice in the same way that the people around you support the way you live your life (hopefully).

The Flood / Re: If I'm not back by Monday
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:25:29 PM »
no but for real if chally leaves im leaving too
do it, you wont

The Flood / Re: asexuality doesn't exist
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:20:47 PM »
Also I'm a cunt when it comes to definitions and I'm sick of people repurposing words to suit their needs.
Language is malleable, and always has been.
And those who repurpose words are using them incorrectly. Ignorance shouldn't be applauded verb, no matter how prevalent it is.
It can't be used incorrectly if it's been repurposed to have that meaning.

It's being repurposed by intentionally using them incorrectly.
hey everyone i found the dumb nigger who never read Frindle

What the fuck is a frindle?
it was a childrens book that explained how malleable language is and how languages develop via repurposing of words/using the "wrong" nomenclature. clearly your dumb ass never got the memo re: linguistic development or you wouldnt be spewing this nonsense in a public forum. you look like a jackass.

Lol I'm aware how language works yo, I'm just being a jackass about the more recent nonsense with the sjw movement and the invention of labels for things that don't exist.

Unless you mean to tell me demisexual is a real thing.
doesnt matter what i tell you about demisexuality, you're too closed-minded to even attempt to look at things from a demisexual person's perspective. cry SJW all you want but it just makes you look like a whiny little bitch who cant handle change.

Because I fail to acknowledge whiny little bitches that want their own label?

I'm all for freedom to believe whatever you want, create as many labels as you feel you need to successfully explain just how different you are from the rest of us.

Everyone is different, everyone views the world in different ways, everyone is attracted to or not attracted to different things.

We don't need labels that separate people from one another and honestly creating labels like demisexual pulls focus from more important issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia.
I'd say that complaining about people wanting to self-identify in unorthodox ways is a hell of a lot more counterproductive. you could be out at a soup kitchen serving homeless or marching through the streets to fight economic and racial injustice but instead you're sitting on your fucking computer crying about demisexual people. dont talk the talk if you dont walk the walk, fucko.

Lol you're literally retarded.

I'm not crying about anything, I think it's ridiculous is all, please enlighten me tho.

I'm a pretty open minded person, explain demisexual to me.

nice comeback btw, you sure got my goat when you called me a retard and then conveniently ignored all the points ive been making. makes you look super reasonable, intelligent, and open minded =]

feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond.

Thank God we have a label for that.

I know I'm being a dick right now but it's hard for me to see the point in creating a label for that.
Forgive me for saying that no one gives a single solitary shit about what you think about demisexuality as an identifier. Your opinion in this regard is less than worthless, and by continuing in this fashion you make yourself look even more petty. Please stop. It's embarrassing.

You continuing to say that I look petty isn't actually making me look petty at all, it's also not doing anything to dissuade my line of thinking.

If you're not going to discuss why you feel these labels are needed that's fine, but it does nothing to further their cause.

Also you seem to care an awful lot about what I think.
*sigh* It is important to give people sovereignty when it comes to identity and the development of their personalities. This is a fundamental human right. So I ask you, why do you care so much about unorthodox identifying mechanisms? Does it affect you in any way? No? Then what gives? It's such a simple thing. Let people call themselves whatever they want. It doesn't matter. You're concerned with the wrong things.

I've already stated I don't care if people want to label themselves, I just think it's unnecessary and dividing.

Believe me when I say I care very little about what some person on the internet claims to be, I'm not invested at all in their lives. I just want to understand why.
Are you illiterate? I just told you in the post you quoted. It's about identity. Can you not comprehend the concept of self-determination of identity?

I can't, please explain to me why it's important.
K I'm starting to feel a little bamboozled here but I'll keep humoring you.
People can get identity without making up magical roles for them to fall in.
Good thing it's none of your fucking business how they choose to identify

The Flood / Re: asexuality doesn't exist
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:15:23 PM »
Also I'm a cunt when it comes to definitions and I'm sick of people repurposing words to suit their needs.
Language is malleable, and always has been.
And those who repurpose words are using them incorrectly. Ignorance shouldn't be applauded verb, no matter how prevalent it is.
It can't be used incorrectly if it's been repurposed to have that meaning.

It's being repurposed by intentionally using them incorrectly.
hey everyone i found the dumb nigger who never read Frindle

What the fuck is a frindle?
it was a childrens book that explained how malleable language is and how languages develop via repurposing of words/using the "wrong" nomenclature. clearly your dumb ass never got the memo re: linguistic development or you wouldnt be spewing this nonsense in a public forum. you look like a jackass.

Lol I'm aware how language works yo, I'm just being a jackass about the more recent nonsense with the sjw movement and the invention of labels for things that don't exist.

Unless you mean to tell me demisexual is a real thing.
doesnt matter what i tell you about demisexuality, you're too closed-minded to even attempt to look at things from a demisexual person's perspective. cry SJW all you want but it just makes you look like a whiny little bitch who cant handle change.

Because I fail to acknowledge whiny little bitches that want their own label?

I'm all for freedom to believe whatever you want, create as many labels as you feel you need to successfully explain just how different you are from the rest of us.

Everyone is different, everyone views the world in different ways, everyone is attracted to or not attracted to different things.

We don't need labels that separate people from one another and honestly creating labels like demisexual pulls focus from more important issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia.
I'd say that complaining about people wanting to self-identify in unorthodox ways is a hell of a lot more counterproductive. you could be out at a soup kitchen serving homeless or marching through the streets to fight economic and racial injustice but instead you're sitting on your fucking computer crying about demisexual people. dont talk the talk if you dont walk the walk, fucko.

Lol you're literally retarded.

I'm not crying about anything, I think it's ridiculous is all, please enlighten me tho.

I'm a pretty open minded person, explain demisexual to me.

nice comeback btw, you sure got my goat when you called me a retard and then conveniently ignored all the points ive been making. makes you look super reasonable, intelligent, and open minded =]

feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond.

Thank God we have a label for that.

I know I'm being a dick right now but it's hard for me to see the point in creating a label for that.
Forgive me for saying that no one gives a single solitary shit about what you think about demisexuality as an identifier. Your opinion in this regard is less than worthless, and by continuing in this fashion you make yourself look even more petty. Please stop. It's embarrassing.

You continuing to say that I look petty isn't actually making me look petty at all, it's also not doing anything to dissuade my line of thinking.

If you're not going to discuss why you feel these labels are needed that's fine, but it does nothing to further their cause.

Also you seem to care an awful lot about what I think.
*sigh* It is important to give people sovereignty when it comes to identity and the development of their personalities. This is a fundamental human right. So I ask you, why do you care so much about unorthodox identifying mechanisms? Does it affect you in any way? No? Then what gives? It's such a simple thing. Let people call themselves whatever they want. It doesn't matter. You're concerned with the wrong things.

I've already stated I don't care if people want to label themselves, I just think it's unnecessary and dividing.

Believe me when I say I care very little about what some person on the internet claims to be, I'm not invested at all in their lives. I just want to understand why.
Are you illiterate? I just told you in the post you quoted. It's about identity. Can you not comprehend the concept of self-determination of identity?

I can't, please explain to me why it's important.
K I'm starting to feel a little bamboozled here but I'll keep humoring you.

The Flood / Re: asexuality doesn't exist
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:13:05 PM »
I feel like so many of these arguments devolve into each side trying to one-up the other instead of truly debating the actual topic at hand.

As petty as that is, it's still pretty amusing.
lick my nuts
Is that the price of entertainment around here?
no thats still about tree fiddy

The Flood / Re: If I'm not back by Monday
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:10:02 PM »

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